


Windows displays “Low Disk Space” notifications whenever any partition on your computer has less than 200 MB of space remaining. Here’s how to get rid of the notifications, even if you can’t free up the space.

只要计算机上任何分区的剩余空间不足200 MB,Windows都会显示“磁盘空间不足”通知。 即使您无法释放空间,这也是摆脱通知的方法。

您需要知道的 (What You Need to Know)

If this warning is about your system drive, you should pay attention to it and free up some space. Windows doesn’t function well if your system drive is completely full. You need some free space, although no one can say exactly how much. Many applications won’t run properly and will crash if you have a completely full drive. At any rate, if you’re seeing the warning, you have almost no space left and should probably free some up.

如果此警告与您的系统驱动器有关,则应予以注意并释放一些空间。 如果系统驱动器已满,则Windows无法正常运行。 您需要一些可用空间,尽管没人能确切说出多少。 如果驱动器已满,许多应用程序将无法正常运行,并且将崩溃。 无论如何,如果您看到警告,则几乎没有剩余空间,应该释放一些空间。

However, in some cases, you may see this warning about other, non-system drives. For example, if a recovery partition has a drive letter assigned to it and is almost full, you may see this warning. We recommend hiding the recovery partition if it becomes visible.

但是,在某些情况下,您可能会看到有关其他非系统驱动器的警告。 例如,如果恢复分区已分配了驱动器号并且几乎已满,则可能会看到此警告。 我们建议隐藏恢复分区(如果可见)。

If you have a full data drive and you’re not worried about potential problems or you just don’t want to see this warning, you can disable these notifications.


通过编辑注册表禁用警告 (Disable the Warning by Editing the Registry)

You can only disable these low disk space messages by changing a setting in the Windows Registry. This is a system-wide change, so Windows won’t warn you about low disk space on any of your drives after you change it.

您只能通过更改Windows注册表中的设置来禁用这些磁盘空间不足的消息。 这是系统范围的更改,因此Windows更改后不会警告您任何驱动器上的磁盘空间不足。

The below registry hack works on Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.

以下注册表黑客可在Windows 7,Windows 8和Windows 10上运行。

Here’s our standard warning: The Registry Editor is a powerful tool and misusing it can render your system unstable or even inoperable. This is a pretty simple hack and, as long as you stick to the instructions, you shouldn’t have any problems. That said, if you’ve never worked with this tool before, consider reading about how to use the Registry Editor before you get started. And definitely back up the Registry (and your computer!) before making changes.

这是我们的标准警告:注册表编辑器是一个功能强大的工具,滥用它会使您的系统不稳定甚至无法运行。 这是一个非常简单的技巧,只要您按照说明进行操作,就不会有任何问题。 就是说,如果您以前从未使用过此工具,请在开始之前考虑阅读有关如何使用注册表编辑器的信息。 并在进行更改之前一定要备份注册表(和您的计算机!)。

To get started, launch the Registry Editor by opening the Start menu, typing “regedit” into the search box, and pressing Enter. Click the “Yes” button to give the Registry Editor permission to make changes to your PC.

首先,打开“开始”菜单,在搜索框中键入“ regedit”,然后按Enter,启动注册表编辑器。 单击“是”按钮,授予注册表编辑器权限以对您的PC进行更改。

Use the left sidebar in the Registry Editor window to navigate to the following key. You can also copy and paste the key into the Registry Editor’s address bar if you’re using Windows 10.

使用“注册表编辑器”窗口中的左侧边栏导航至以下键。 如果您使用的是Windows 10,也可以将密钥复制并粘贴到注册表编辑器的地址栏中。


With the Policies key selected in the left pane, right-click in the blank area of the right pane and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.

在左窗格中选择“ Policies键后,右键单击右窗格的空白区域,然后选择“新建”>“ DWORD(32位)值”。

Name the value NoLowDiscSpaceChecks.


(Yes, it should technically be spelled “Disk” instead of “Disc,” but that’s the spelling Microsoft requires for this Registry entry.)

(是的,从技术上讲,它应拼写为“ Disk”而不是“ Disc”,但这是Microsoft要求此注册表项的拼写。)

Double-click the NoLowDiscSpaceChecks value you just created. Type 1 into the Value Data box, and then click the “OK” button.

双击您刚刚创建的NoLowDiscSpaceChecks值。 在“数值数据”框中键入1 ,然后单击“确定”按钮。

You can now close the Registry Editor window. You’ll have to restart your computer before your changes take effect.

现在,您可以关闭“注册表编辑器”窗口。 您必须重新启动计算机才能使更改生效。

If you want to re-enable the low disk space warnings in the future, return to this location in the Registry, right-click the NoLowDiscSpaceChecks value and select “Delete” to remove it. Restart your PC afterwards.

如果以后希望重新启用磁盘空间不足的警告,请返回注册表中的此位置,右键单击NoLowDiscSpaceChecks值,然后选择“删除”将其删除。 之后重新启动计算机。

下载我们的一键式注册表黑客 (Download Our One-Click Registry Hack)

We’ve created some downloadable registry hacks you can use if you don’t want to edit the Registry yourself. One hack disables low disk space checks and the second hack enables them again. Both are included in the following file. Just double-click the one you want to use and agree to add the information to your registry.

我们已经创建了一些可下载的注册表黑客,如果您不想自己编辑注册表,可以使用它们。 一种黑客禁用磁盘空间不足的检查,另一种黑客再次启用磁盘空间检查。 两者都包含在以下文件中。 只需双击您要使用的那个,然后同意将信息添加到注册表中。

Disable Low Disk Space Checks Hacks


You will need to restart your PC for the change to take effect after running either of the above files.


These hacks just change the same value we covered above. The “Disable Low Disk Space Checks” file adds the NoLowDiscSpaceChecks value to the Registry and gives it a value of 1 . The “Enable Low Disc Space Checks” file deletes the value from your Registry.

这些hack只是改变了我们上面介绍的值。 “禁用磁盘空间不足检查”文件将NoLowDiscSpaceChecks值添加到注册表中,并将其值设置为1 。 “启用磁盘空间不足检查”文件从注册表中删除该值。

Files with the .reg file extension are just specially formatted text files. You can right-click any .reg file and select “Edit” to see exactly how it works, and anyone can make their own registry hack files.

具有.reg文件扩展名的文件只是特殊格式的文本文件。 您可以右键单击任何.reg文件,然后选择“编辑”以查看其工作原理,任何人都可以制作自己的注册表hack文件

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/349523/how-to-disable-the-low-disk-space-warning-on-windows/






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