


If you paid any attention to the launch of Canon and Nikon’s first full frame mirrorless cameras—the EOS R, Z6, and Z7— you’d have noticed that some people were pretty unhappy that they only came with a single card slot—an SD slot for the Canon and an XQD slot for the Nikons—instead of dual storage card slots. So, let’s find out what the big deal was.

如果您关注佳能和尼康首款全画幅无反光镜相机EOS R,Z6和Z7的发布,您会注意到有些人很不满意它们只带有一个卡槽-SD佳能的插槽和尼康的XQD插槽-而不是双存储卡插槽。 因此,让我们找出有什么大不了的。

传统上,专业相机和专业相机带有两个卡槽 (Professional and Prosumer Cameras Traditionally Come With Two Card Slots)

Canon and Nikon have traditionally included dual card slots in their prosumer and professional offerings. Typically, it was one SD card slot and one CF or other faster card slot but, as SD card speeds have picked up, that’s changed a bit. Sony’s top-end mirrorless cameras all use dual regular SD card slots.

佳能和尼康传统上在其专业消费产品中包括双卡插槽。 通常,它是一个SD卡插槽和一个CF或其他更快的卡插槽,但是,随着SD卡速度的提高,情况有所改变。 索尼的高端无反光镜相机均使用两个常规SD卡插槽。

You can use dual slots in a few ways:


  • You can shoot RAW files to one card and JPEGs to another. That way, you have all the data, but you also have smaller photos you can quickly process on the go.

    可以将RAW文件拍摄到一张卡上,将JPEG拍摄到另一张卡上。 这样,您就拥有了所有数据,但是还拥有较小的照片,可以随时随地快速处理。

  • You can shoot RAW files to both cards, giving you a perfect backup should anything happen to one card. This is the most popular use.

    您可以将RAW文件拍摄到两张卡上,如果一张卡上发生任何事情,则可以为您提供完美的备份。 这是最流行的用法。
  • You can shoot first to one card and then to the next which gives you more storage space. Since SD card prices have dropped, this is nowhere near as popular. Now, if people want more storage, they go with bigger cards.

    您可以先拍摄一张卡,然后拍摄下一张,从而为您提供更多的存储空间。 由于SD卡的价格下降,因此普及程度不远。 现在,如果人们想要更多的存储空间,他们会选择更大的存储卡。

Shooting to dual card slots, however, has never been without its downsides. Since the camera had to write to two cards at the same time (and one was often slower), it could slow down the speed at which your camera could take multiple photos. It was wedding and landscape photographers for whom data integrity was more important than burst speed that used them; sports or wildlife photographers often couldn’t.

但是,向双卡插槽射击从来没有缺点。 由于相机必须同时写入两张卡(并且通常要慢一些),因此可能会减慢相机拍摄多张照片的速度。 对于婚礼和风景摄影师来说,数据完整性比使用突发速度更为重要。 体育或野生动物摄影师通常无法做到。

Nikon has seemingly addressed this with the Z6 and Z7: they’ve used a single XQD slot which is a faster standard than SD cards. This means the cameras can—at least theoretically for now—shoot faster bursts for longer and higher definition (and bit-depth) video. Canon’s decision to go with a single SD card slot is a little more questionable and was probably just motivated by wanting to save space inside their smaller camera body.

尼康似乎已经用Z6和Z7解决了这一问题:他们使用了单个XQD插槽,这是比SD卡更快的标准。 这意味着,至少从理论上讲,摄像机可以为更快,更清晰(和位深度)的视频拍摄更快的连拍。 佳能选择使用单个SD卡插槽的决定有些疑问,这可能只是出于节省其较小的相机机身内空间的目的。

只有一个不安全的卡槽吗? (Is Having Only One Card Slot That Unsafe?)

All the uproar is predicated on two things:


  • That lots of people relied on dual card slots.

  • That a single card slot is that much more unsafe than two.


I suspect Canon and Nikon did their research and found that the vast majority of people buying their top end cameras weren’t using dual card slots, or at least weren’t relying on them. The amateur photography market dwarfs the professional market.

我怀疑佳能和尼康做了研究,发现绝大多数购买高端相机的人没有使用双卡插槽,或者至少不依赖它们。 业余摄影市场使专业市场相形见war。

The second issue is a little more thorny. Storage cards can and do fail. It’s easy to find horror stories of photographers losing amazing images that took a lot of time and money to create. It’s foolish to think SD cards are 100% reliable. However, the odds of you having a problem with your SD cards if you use high-quality cards and treat them well are tiny. It’s like a reverse lottery: someone will lose data but the odds of it being you are next to nothing.

第二个问题比较棘手。 存储卡可能会也确实会失败。 人们很容易发现恐怖的故事,即摄影师丢失了花费大量时间和金钱来制作的惊人图像。 认为SD卡100%可靠是愚蠢的。 但是,如果您使用高质量的卡并妥善处理,则SD卡出现问题的几率很小。 这就像是反向抽奖:有人会丢失数据,但有可能您几乎没有钱。

For people who need data security—wedding photographers are by far the biggest one since they’re paid thousands of dollars to capture someone’s big day—then dual card slots are a must and Canon, and Nikon’s decision is a nightmare. After all, wedding photographers are one of the biggest groups of professionals.

对于需要数据安全的人来说,婚礼摄影师是迄今为止最大的摄影师,因为他们付了数千美元来捕捉某人的大日子,那么双卡插槽是必须的,佳能也是,尼康的决定是一场噩梦。 毕竟,婚礼摄影师是最大的专业人士群体之一。

For everyone else though, it’s probably not that big a deal. I shoot to dual card slots because it’s a good idea, but it’s not crucial to my workflow. With a single card slot I’d be running a bit more risk, but realistically, I’m more likely to lose images because my camera gets stolen than because an SD card fails.

对于其他所有人,这可能没什么大不了的。 我拍摄双卡插槽是因为这是个好主意,但这对我的工作流程并不重要。 如果使用单个卡插槽,则可能会冒更大的风险,但是实际上,我的相机丢失的原因可能是图像丢失,而不是因为SD卡出现故障而丢失图像。

And really, that’s the decision that everyone’s facing now. Canon and Nikon have decided that a single card slot is good enough and, for most people, it probably is. A few more photographers will lose images if they decide to go mirrorless but the vast majority won’t notice the change. Plus, Sony is still making cameras with dual card slots—and who knows, the uproar might be enough to get Canon and Nikon to add them back in the second generations.

实际上,这就是每个人现在面临的决定。 佳能和尼康已经决定,一个卡槽就足够了,对大多数人来说可能就足够了。 如果再决定不使用反光镜,还会有几位摄影师丢失图像,但是绝大多数摄影师不会注意到这种变化。 此外,索尼仍在制造具有双卡槽的相机-谁知道,这场骚动可能足以让佳能和尼康在第二代产品中重新添加它们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/392378/what’s-the-big-deal-about-dual-storage-card-slots-for-cameras/






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