


Microsoft still hasn’t re-released Windows 10’s October 2018 Update. Now, PC manufacturers are shipping PCs with unsupported software, and Battlefield V is coming out next week with real-time ray-tracing technology that won’t work on NVIDIA’s RTX hardware.

微软仍然没有重新发布Windows 10的2018年10月更新。 现在,个人计算机制造商正在交付具有不受支持的软件的个人计算机,而《战地风云5》将在下周发布,其实时光线追踪技术不适用于NVIDIA的RTX硬件。

某些新PC正在运行不受支持的软件 (Some New PCs Are Running Unsupported Software)

The holiday shopping season is almost upon us. PC manufacturers have been working on new hardware and want to release it in time for Black Friday and the Christmas shopping season.

假日购物季快到了。 PC制造商一直在研究新硬件,并希望在黑色星期五和圣诞节购物季节及时发布。

As Brad Sams points out over at Petri, PC manufacturers were testing their new hardware on a pre-release version of the October 2018 Update, also known as Windows 10 version 1809.

正如Brad Sams在Petri指出的那样,PC制造商正在2018年10月更新的预发布版本(也称为Windows 10版本1809)上测试其新硬件。

According to Microsoft’s processor requirements, new devices with an Intel 9th generation or Qualcomm Snapdragon 850 processor are only officially supported on the October 2018 Update.

根据Microsoft的处理器要求,只有在2018年10月更新中才正式支持具有Intel第9代或Qualcomm Snapdragon 850处理器的新设备。

Update: After we wrote this article, Microsoft changed the web page to say that Windows 10 version 1803 does officially support Snapdragon 850 processors. Changing the website to say they’re officially supported is one way to fix the problem!

更新:撰写本文后,Microsoft更改了网页,以说Windows 10版本1803确实正式支持Snapdragon 850处理器。 更改网站以说它们得到官方支持是解决问题的一种方法!

But the holiday shopping season is nearly here, and these PC manufacturers have to release this hardware. So Microsoft has let them release it with the older version of Windows that isn’t officially supported and hasn’t been properly tested.

但是假期购物季将至,这些PC制造商必须发布此硬件。 因此,微软让他们使用未得到正式支持且未经适当测试的较旧版本的Windows来发布它。

Sams found a Lenovo ARM-based Windows 10 laptop with a Snapdragon 850 chip on it at Best Buy, and it was running that old version of Windows. That hardware may not work properly with its current operating system. That’s not all, though. As Sams puts it:

萨姆斯在百思买发现了一款基于Lenovo ARM的Windows 10笔记本电脑,上面装有Snapdragon 850芯片,并且正在运行该旧版本的Windows。 该硬件可能无法在其当前操作系统上正常工作。 但这还不是全部。 正如Sams所说:

Companies who created marketing material for their devices that highlighted features from 1809 can’t start using that material until this version of Windows 10 ships. Considering that we are about 7 weeks from Christmas, the clock is ticking louder and louder each day that passes.

为自己的设备创建了市场宣传资料以强调1809年功能的公司直到该版本的Windows 10发行后才开始使用该资料。 考虑到我们距圣诞节大约7周,时钟一天一天越来越响。

You wouldn’t want to use a PC with an Intel 9th-generation (Coffee Lake) processor without Windows 10’s October 2018 Update, either. As Microsoft’s documentation makes it clear, those CPUs are not officially supported on the April 2018 Update and may not work properly.

您也不想在没有Windows 10的2018年10月更新的情况下使用带有Intel第9代(Coffee Lake)处理器的PC。 正如Microsoft的文档明确指出的那样, 2018年4月更新未正式支持这些CPU,并且可能无法正常工作。

《战地风云5》发行时不支持光线追踪 (Battlefield V Won’t Support Ray-Tracing at Release)

Microsoft trumpeted real-time ray tracing technology earlier this year. NVIDIA’s RTX 20-series graphics cards support this fancy new graphics feature and were released a few months ago. But they can’t actually use DirectX Ray Tracing yet.

微软今年早些时候大肆宣传实时光线追踪技术NVIDIA的RTX 20系列图形卡支持这一新颖的图形功能,并于几个月前发布。 但是他们实际上还不能使用DirectX Ray Tracing。

That’s been okay because very few games are actually supporting this technology. Everyone could wait.

没关系,因为实际上很少有游戏支持该技术。 每个人都可以等待。

But EA will release Battlefield V on November 15, which is next week. Ray-tracing will be part of the day one patch. If you purchased an NVIDIA RTX graphics card and were excited to try out ray tracing at Battlefield V’s release—well, too bad. You’ll have to install the unstable build of Windows 10’s October 2018 Update if you want to do that. That’s what EA’s documentation says.

但是,EA将于下周的11月15日发布《战地风云5》。 光线追踪将是第一天补丁的一部分。 如果您购买了NVIDIA RTX显卡,并且兴奋地尝试在《战地风云5》的发行版中进行光线追踪,那就太糟糕了。 如果要执行此操作,则必须安装Windows 10 October 2018 Update的不稳定版本。 这就是EA的文档所说的。

Not only are new PCs shipping with an unsupported version of Windows, Microsoft is also holding back the PC gaming industry. Gamers who purchased an NVIDIA RTX card will be disappointed, and both NVIDIA and EA won’t be able to trumpet and advertise this new technology at the game’s launch.

不仅新的PC附带了不受支持的Windows版本,而且Microsoft也在阻碍PC游戏行业。 购买了NVIDIA RTX卡的游戏玩家将感到失望,并且NVIDIA和EA将无法在游戏发布时大肆宣传这项新技术。

Thanks to Thinus Swart for pointing out this issue on Twitter.

感谢Thinus Swart在Twitter上指出了这个问题。

微软的Windows开发过程被打破 (Microsoft’s Windows Development Process Is Broken)

Windows 10’s October 2018 Update was originally released on October 2, but it was pulled a few days later because it was deleting some people’s files. Even after that bug was released, Microsoft found another bug that could result in data loss while using .zip files.

Windows 10的2018年10月更新最初于10月2日发布,但由于几天后删除了某些人的文件而被撤消。 即使在发布该错误之后,Microsoft也发现了另一个错误,当使用.zip文件时,该错误可能导致数据丢失

It’s now a month later and Microsoft hasn’t said anything about when we should expect the update. Both the big show-stopping data loss bugs have been fixed, so perhaps Microsoft found another huge bug we don’t know about.

现在已经过了一个月,微软没有透露我们何时应该进行更新。 这两个令人大跌眼镜的数据丢失错误均已修复,因此也许微软发现了另一个我们不知道的巨大错误。

As Peter Bright eloquently explained at Ars Technica, Microsoft’s Windows 10 development process is clearly broken. Windows developers integrate buggy code early in the development cycle and then scramble to fix it:

正如Peter Bright在Ars Technica上雄辩地解释的那样,微软的Windows 10开发过程显然已中断。 Windows开发人员在开发周期的早期就集成了错误代码,然后争先恐慌地对其进行修复:

Either tests do not exist at all for this code (and I’ve been told that yes, it’s permitted to integrate code without tests, though I would hope this isn’t the norm), or test failures are being regarded as acceptable, non-blocking issues, and developers are being allowed to integrate code that they know doesn’t work properly. From outside we can’t tell exactly which situation is in play—it could even be a mix of both—but neither is good.

该代码根本不存在任何测试(而且我被告知是的,允许不进行测试就集成代码,尽管我希望这不是正常的做法),或者测试失败被认为是可以接受的,不是阻止问题,并且允许开发人员集成他们知道无法正常工作的代码。 从外部,我们无法确切判断出正在发生什么情况(甚至可能是两者兼而有之),但两者都不是一件好事。

Is it any surprise that, sometimes, the bugs aren’t all found and fixed in time?


As Mary Jo Foley puts it at ZDNet, Microsoft needs to focus on fundamentals rather than new features. In the past few days alone, we’ve reported on problems with file associations not working properly and Microsoft accidentally deactivating some PCs. Worse yet, both of those problems are on the current stable version of Windows 10!

正如Mary Jo Foley在ZDNet上所说的那样,微软需要专注于基础知识而不是新功能。 仅在过去的几天中,我们就报告了文件关联无法正常工作以及Microsoft意外停用某些PC的问题。 更糟糕的是,这两个问题都在Windows 10的当前稳定版本上!

This broken development process is hurting the entire PC industry. With the constant storm of Windows 10 bugs, people are much more likely to consider Chromebooks, MacBooks, and maybe even iPads. Who wants to deal with all these problems unless they have to?

这种中断的开发过程正在损害整个PC行业。 随着Windows 10 bug的不断涌现,人们更有可能考虑使用ChromebookMacBookiPad 。 除非有必要,谁愿意处理所有这些问题?

Image Credit: D-Krab/Shutterstock.com, EA

图片来源: d-KRAB /Shutterstock.com, EA

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/microsoft’s-october-update-failure-is-holding-the-whole-pc-industry-back/






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