接入amazon avs_每日新闻综述:亚马逊将互联网接入推向全球的宏伟计划

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Plus Snap’s big push to stay relevant, Amazon’s Alexa-powered AirPods alternatives, more Android Q news, and a lot more. It’s time to talk about the biggest, coolest, or generally most interesting stories from the last 24 hours.

加上Snap保持与时俱进的巨大推动力,亚马逊的Alexa支持的AirPods替代品,更多Android Q新闻以及更多内容。 现在该谈论过去24小时内最大,最酷或通常最有趣的故事。

亚马逊希望将3236颗卫星送入近地轨道以将互联网带入大众 (Amazon Wants to Send 3,236 Satellites into Low Earth Orbit to Bring Internet to the Masses)

Last September, there were murmurs of Amazon working on some sort of space project. More details recently arose, showing that the plan is to launch a bunch of satellites to trickle down internet access to underserved communities.

去年九月,有亚马逊在进行某种太空项目的杂音。 最近出现了更多细节,表明该计划是发射一堆卫星,以降低对服务欠缺社区的互联网访问。

Seriously though, how cool is that?


Amazon is calling this effort “Project Kuiper,” (named after astronomer Gerard Kuiper) and the details were recently uncovered by GeekWire in a series of three filings made by the FCC. The plan is to launch 3,236 satellites—784 at 367 miles, 1,296 at 379 miles, and 1,156 at 391 miles—to provide internet access in places around the Earth that are either totally unserved or generally underserved. Amazon wants to bring internet access to the globe.

亚马逊称这项工作为“库珀计划”(以天文学家杰拉德·库珀命名),最近,有关细节已由GeekWire在FCC提交的三份文件中揭示。 该计划计划发射3236颗卫星,其中367英里处为784颗,379英里处为1,296颗,391英里处为1,156颗,以在地球上完全没有服务或普遍服务不足的地方提供互联网访问。 亚马逊希望将互联网接入带到全球。

In response to the findings, GeekWire reached out to Amazon for a statement, at which time the project was confirmed:


Project Kuiper is a new initiative to launch a constellation of low Earth orbit satellites that will provide low-latency, high-speed broadband connectivity to unserved and underserved communities around the world. This is a long-term project that envisions serving tens of millions of people who lack basic access to broadband internet. We look forward to partnering on this initiative with companies that share this common vision.

Kuiper项目是一项新计划,旨在发射一个低地球轨道卫星群,该卫星群将为全球未服务和服务不足的社区提供低延迟,高速宽带连接。 这是一个长期项目,其设想是为数以千计无法基本访问宽带互联网的人们提供服务。 我们期待与拥有共同愿景的公司在这项计划上合作。

The report goes on to state that the satellites would provide coverage ranging from 56 degrees north to 56 degrees south latitude, and that “about 95 percent of the world’s population lives within that wide swath of the planet.” Sorry, other five percent.

该报告继续指出,这些卫星将提供从北纬56度到南纬56度的覆盖范围,并且“全世界约95%的人口生活在地球的广阔范围内”。 对不起,其他百分之五。

Unfortunately, Amazon didn’t provide a timeline for the launch of these satellites, nor did it speak about the logistics or economic aspect of the project.


There’s still a lot of work to be done here to make this project a reality, however, and these filings are just the beginning—mostly logistics. Amazon has to prove that its satellites won’t interfere with existing satellites (or, you know, anything else), for example. All the details will need to be finalized and approved before the project can begin to take a more realistic shape.

但是,要使这个项目成为现实,仍然有很多工作要做,这些文件只是开始,主要是物流。 例如,亚马逊必须证明其卫星不会干扰现有的卫星(或者您知道的其他任何东西)。 所有细节都需要定稿并获得批准,然后项目才能开始变得更现实。


[ GeekWire ]

苹果新闻:另一位AI专家从Google转到了Apple (Apple News: Another AI Expert Moves from Google to Apple)

Things have been quiet for Apple over the last day, with the biggest news being a move that aims to make the company’s AI tech better.


  • Apple hired Ian Goodfellow, a former top Google AI expert. Goodfellow was named the Director of Machine Learning last month. Interesting stuff. [Engadget]

    苹果公司聘请了前Google人工智能高级专家Ian Goodfellow。 Goodfellow上个月被任命为机器学习总监。 有趣的东西。 [ Engadget ]

  • MacWorld reviewed the 2019 iPad Mini, which is probably worth a read if you’re considering picking up this new pint-sized powerhouse. [MacWorld]

    MacWorld回顾了2019年的iPad Mini,如果您正在考虑购买这个新的品脱大小的强大设备,则可能值得一读。 [ MacWorld ]

While people frequently move from one company to another and it’s generally not a big enough deal to talk about, Goodfellow moving from Google to Apple is notable for a few reasons.


First off, this is the man who invented GAN, or Generative Adversarial Network; a specific type of machine learning that uses dueling neural networks to create realistic photos and videos. This is the type of technology that is used to create deepfakes.

首先,这是发明GAN或Generative Adversarial Network的人; 一种特殊的机器学习类型,它使用对决神经网络创建逼真的照片和视频。 这是用于创建深造假的技术类型。

While it’s still unknown exactly what Goodfellow’s role will be at Apple, it is known that he’ll be part of Apple’s Special Projects Group. This is the team within Apple responsible for designing the tech that powers future products and services.

尽管尚不清楚Goodfellow在苹果公司将扮演什么角色,但众所周知他将成为苹果公司特别项目组的成员。 这是Apple内部的团队,负责设计为未来的产品和服务提供支持的技术。

It’s also worth noting that this isn’t the first time Apple has taken a top AI expert from Google—former AI and Search Chief John Giannandrea joined Apple in December of last year and was quickly appointed to Senior VP of Machine Learning. It’s unclear if Goodfellow and Giannandrea will work together, but either way, it’s pretty clear that Apple is looking to take its AI tech to the next level.

值得注意的是,这并不是苹果公司首次聘用Google的顶级AI专家-前AI和搜索主管John Giannandrea于去年12月加入苹果公司,并很快被任命为机器学习高级副总裁。 目前尚不清楚Goodfellow和Giannandrea是否会合作,但是无论哪种方式,很明显,苹果公司正在寻求将其人工智能技术提升到一个新的水平。

Google新闻:出现更多Android Q详细信息 (Google News: More Android Q Details Emerge)

Plus, Smart Compose is coming to subject lines, the dates for the Android Dev Summit were revealed, and Google Arts & Culture explores Kansas City.

此外,Smart Compose即将成为主题,揭露了Android Dev Summit的日期,Google Arts&Culture探索了堪萨斯城。

  • If you’ve ever had a hard time writing the subject line of an email (which, let’s be real here, is often the hardest part), Google has your back. Smart Compose is coming to subject lines. This was announced specifically for G Suite, but like with other Gmail features, we’ll likely see it in the consumer version of Gmail soon as well. [G Suite Update]

    如果您在编写电子邮件的主题行时遇到困难(在这里确实是最困难的部分,这是我们最常遇到的问题),那么Google会为您提供支持。 Smart Compose即将成为主题。 这是专门针对G Suite宣布的,但与其他Gmail功能一样,我们很可能很快也会在Gmail的消费者版本中看到它。 [ G Suite更新]

  • The official Android Developers account sent out a tweet yesterday with a “Big Announcement” to “Save the date.” The thing is, it didn’t have a date. It was a fun little scavenger hunt that ultimately revealed the dates for the 2019 Android Dev Summit. It’s happening on October 23-24. [9to5Google]

    官方的Android开发者帐户昨天发送了一条推文,其中带有“大公告”以“保存日期”。 问题是,它没有约会。 这是一次有趣的小寻宝游戏,最终揭示了2019年Android开发者峰会的日期。 它发生在10月23日至24日。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • On to Android Q. In the latest beta, the “Install Unknown Apps” permission is disabled after every use. It’s unclear if this is a bug or intentional. Either would make sense. [9to5Google]

    在Android Q上。在最新的Beta中,每次使用后都会禁用“安装未知应用”权限。 目前尚不清楚这是错误还是故意的。 两者都有意义。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • There’s a “Notification Assistant” option buried in Android Q Beta 2’s settings, which is pretty interesting. We’ll talk more about it below. [Android Police]

    Android Q Beta 2的设置中包含一个“ Notification Assistant”选项,这很有趣。 我们将在下面详细讨论。 [ Android警察]

  • A few days ago, users started seeing ads on the home screen of their Android TV. There are more details available now, and apparently, it’s intentional. [Ars Technica]

    几天前,用户开始在Android TV的主屏幕上看到广告。 现在有更多详细信息,显然这是有意的。 [ Ars Technica ]

  • Go exploring the finer things in Kansas City in the Google Arts & Culture app. [Google Blog]

    在Google艺术与文化应用程序中探索堪萨斯城的美好事物。 [ Google博客]

So this Notification Assistant thing. This is a new feature that does exactly what the name suggests: it allows an app to manage your notifications. Right now there’s only one option (the stock Notification Assistant), but the existence of the setting in its current form suggests that third-party apps will also be able to function as the Notification Assistant.

所以这个通知助手的事。 这是一项新功能,其功能恰如其名:允许应用程序管理您的通知。 现在只有一个选项(股票Notification Assistant),但是以当前形式存在的设置表明第三方应用程序也可以充当Notification Assistant。

But as Android Police’s Rita El Khoury points out, when you disable and re-enable the Notification Assistant, you get a clear picture of how powerful this feature really is by way of all the permissions and access it requires:

但是正如Android Police的Rita El Khoury指出的那样,当您禁用并重新启用Notification Assistant时,您会清楚地了解到此功能通过所有权限和访问所需的功能的强大程度:

The only option available is Android’s default Notification Assistant. That’s all good and redundant, until you try disabling then re-enabling it. You get the pop-up shown below that explains the powers that it has: read your notifications, modify or dismiss them, trigger action buttons in them, and turn Do Not Disturb on or off. That is a lot of control given to one app.

唯一可用的选项是Android的默认Notification Assistant。 这一切都是好事和多余的,直到您尝试禁用然后重新启用它为止。 您将看到下面显示的弹出窗口,其中说明了它的功能:阅读通知,修改或关闭通知,触发通知中的操作按钮以及打开或关闭“请勿打扰”。 一个应用程序拥有很多控制权。

That really is a lot of control for one app to have, and I’m honestly not sure if I’d trust anything outside of the stock Notification Assistant with that much access. We’ll have to wait and see how the details for this interesting new feature unfold, but for now, it’s at least intriguing if not a bit unsettling to consider how it could be easily abused.

对于一个应用程序来说,这确实具有很多控制权,老实说,我不确定是否可以信任股票通知助手之外的任何东西。 我们将不得不拭目以待,看看这个有趣的新功能的细节是如何展现出来的,但是就目前而言,考虑如何轻松使用它至少令人着迷。

微软新闻:游戏栏中的更多集成 (Microsoft News: More Integrations in the Game Bar)

Plus Xbox Live Gold is getting a price bump, at least in the UK.

再加上Xbox Live Gold的价格上涨,至少在英国是这样。

  • The Game Bar in Windows 10 is getting a pretty decent update that brings Spotify and chat integration. [Thurrott]

    Windows 10中的游戏栏正在得到相当不错的更新,带来了Spotify和聊天集成。 [瑟罗特]

  • Xbox Live Gold is getting a price increase in the UK, bringing it up to the same amount as the rest of Europe. [TechRadar]

    Xbox Live Gold在英国的价格上涨,使其涨幅与欧洲其他地区相同。 [ TechRadar ]

  • It looks like Microsoft may be working on something called Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, according to Windows leaker WalkingCat on Twitter. This will reportedly combine Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass for $14.99 a month. Interesting indeed. [WalkingCat]

    Windows泄密者WalkerCat在Twitter上称,微软似乎正在开发Xbox Game Pass Ultimate。 据报道,这将结合Xbox Live Gold和Xbox Game Pass,每月14.99美元。 确实很有趣。 [ WalkingCat ]

The Game Bar update is a pretty sizable one—it doesn’t just bring Spotify and chat integration with Xbox Social, but also the ability to customize the overlay to hide specific widgets. Beyond that, the capture feature is getting the option to overlay text on capture images, which can only mean one thing: prepare for an onslaught of homebrewed memes (which, I guess all memes are homebrewed at some point) coming from game screenshots. I’m not sure how to feel about that.

Game Bar更新是一个相当大的更新-它不仅使Spotify和聊天功能与Xbox Social集成在一起,而且还具有自定义覆盖层以隐藏特定小部件的功能。 除此之外,捕获功能还提供了将文本覆盖在捕获图像上的选项,这仅意味着一件事:准备从游戏屏幕截图中突袭自酿的模因(我猜所有模因在某些时候都是自酿的)。 我不确定该如何感受。

But perhaps the bigger news here is the pairing of Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass. For $14.99 a month, it makes a lot of sense, especially for users who already subscribe to both services. It’s unclear when this will officially be available for everyone, but apparently, Insiders will be able to get access for $1 a month until that day comes. That’s really cool.

但也许更大的新闻是Xbox Live Gold和Xbox Game Pass的组合。 对于$ 14.99个月,这让很多的意义,尤其是对谁已订阅了这两种服务的用户。 目前尚不清楚何时正式向所有人开放,但是显然,在这一天到来之前,Insiders将能够以每月1美元的价格获得访问权限。 这太酷了。

其他新闻:Snap反击,亚马逊成为AirPod的竞争对手 (Other News: Snap Fights Back, and Amazon is Making AirPod Competitors)

Plus Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild in VR, Jim Henson shows hit Prime Video (sort of), Twitter is making conversations easy to parse, and more.

再加上Mario Odyssey和VR的《狂野呼吸》,Jim Henson展示了热门的Prime Video(类似),Twitter使对话易于解析,等等。

  • Snap announced a bunch of new stuff yesterday, starting with Landmarkers. This new feature uses Snap’s AR overlays to add corny effects to famous landmarks. Okay! [The Verge]

    Snap昨天宣布了一系列新东西,从Landmarkers开始。 这项新功能使用Snap的AR叠加层为著名的地标添加老套效果。 好的! [边缘]

  • Snap games are coming! Ad-supported games will be baked into Snapchat soon, allowing users to play in realtime with their friends. [TechRadar]

    快照游戏即将到来! 广告支持的游戏将很快加入Snapchat,允许用户与朋友实时玩。 [ TechRadar ]

  • Snapchat Stories are coming to third-party apps, starting with Tinder and Houseparty. [The Verge]

    Snapchat Stories正在从Tinder和Houseparty开始进入第三方应用程序。 [边缘]

  • Man, you guys remember Pokemon Go? I miss playing it. But apparently, it’s still big enough for Pokemon Go Fest to not only happen but become a four-day event. That honestly sounds like a lot of fun. That could be considered a business trip, right? [CNET]

    伙计们,你们还记得神奇宝贝Go吗? 我想念它。 但是显然,Pokemon Go Fest不仅足够发生而且还可以进行为期四天的活动,仍然足够。 老实说,这听起来很有趣。 那可以算是商务旅行吧? [ CNET ]

  • If you have a Fitbit and also love Bitmoji, you can use your little cartoon caricature as a watch face. Fitbitmoji. Heh. [Fitbit Blog]

    如果您有Fitbit并且也喜欢Bitmoji,则可以使用卡通漫画作为表盘。 Fitbitmoji。 嘿。 [ Fitbit博客]

  • Super Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild will work with Nintendo’s Labo VR kit. But that also means the Joycons will be next to your ears, which can’t be a comfortable way to play. Like, at all. ;[The Verge]

    超级马里奥奥德赛和狂野的呼吸将与任天堂的Labo VR套件一起使用。 但这也意味着Joycons会紧贴您的耳朵,这不是一种舒适的播放方式。 都一样; [濒临]

  • Twitter is testing labels on threads to make it easier to break down conversations when they involve multiple people. [Engadget]

    Twitter正在测试线程上的标签,以使涉及多个人的对话更容易分解。 [ Engadget ]

  • Jim Henson shows are coming to Prime Vidoe! Yay! But not for users in the US. Boo! [Engadget]

    Jim Henson的节目即将来到Prime Vidoe! 好极了! 但不适用于美国用户。 ! [ Engadget ]

  • Amazon not only wants to send satellites into space for internet rain, but it’s also working on an Alexa-powered AirPods alternative. [Bloomberg]

    亚马逊不仅希望将卫星发送到太空中以防雨淋,而且还致力于开发由Alexa驱动的AirPods替代产品。 [彭博]

Truly wireless earbuds are the new thing, and every company on the planet—both those that are known for making headphones and those that aren’t—are looking to get in on the action. Apple truly innovated the earbuds scene with the AirPods, so it’s understandable that everyone wants to get in on that. That’s how innovation works!

真正的无线耳塞是新生事物,地球上的每家公司(无论是制造耳机的公司还是非制造耳机的公司)都希望参与其中。 Apple借助AirPods真正地革新了耳塞领域,因此每个人都想参与其中是可以理解的。 这就是创新的原理!

And with the rise of digital assistants, the two are a match made to be together: your sleek, svelte wireless earbuds and your favorite digital assistant were made to be together. At least it makes sense to Amazon, who is always looking for new places to add Alexa. The interesting thing here, however, is that Alexa isn’t baked into a phone’s OS the way Siri and Google Assistant are, so Amazon’s upcoming earbuds will require a third-party app to activate Alexa.

随着数字助理的兴起,两者之间的匹配变得密不可分:时尚,纤巧的无线耳塞和您最喜欢的数字助理已经融合在一起。 至少这对一直在寻找新地方添加Alexa的亚马逊有意义。 但是,这里有趣的是,Alexa并未像Siri和Google Assistant那样嵌入到手机的操作系统中,因此亚马逊即将推出的耳塞将需要第三方应用程序来激活Alexa。

That will surely prove to be a problem at some point, as these types of integrations often are. With third-party apps try to replicate or replace native functions—especially over a Bluetooth connection—things can get weird. Or just, like, not work at all.

在某些时候,这肯定会成为问题,因为这些类型的集成通常是这样。 使用第三方应用程序尝试复制或替换本机功能(尤其是通过蓝牙连接)可能会变得很奇怪。 或者只是,根本不工作。

Of course, the big question here is how much these will cost. Amazon is known for dramatically slashing prices over competing products, and with AirPods ranging from $159-199, that probably won’t be too hard to do. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of info about that yet, so we’ll have to wait for an official announcement to get those details.

当然,这里最大的问题是这些将花费多少。 亚马逊以大幅降低竞争产品的价格而闻名,而AirPods的价格在159-199美元之间,这可能并不难做到。 不幸的是,目前还没有很多信息,因此我们必须等待正式的公告才能获得这些细节。

Meta News:我们正在寻找一个Android Writer (Meta News: We’re Looking for an Android Writer)

In a bit of site-related news, we’re looking for an Android writer. We want someone who knows Android inside and out, can explain things in a clear and concise manner, and generally just loves to talk tech. If that sounds like you, you can find all the details here.

在一些与网站相关的新闻中,我们正在寻找一名Android作家。 我们希望一个内外都懂Android的人,能够以简洁明了的方式说明问题,并且通常只喜欢谈论技术。 如果听起来像您,您可以在这里找到所有详细信息

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/410302/daily-news-roundup-amazons-big-plan-to-bring-internet-access-to-the-globe/

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