


Android Remove Google Gmail Account
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

The only way to remove a Gmail account from your Android device is by removing its associated Google account. You can stop Gmail from syncing new emails, but if you want to get rid of a certain Google account from your phone or tablet, here’s how.

从您的Android设备中删除Gmail帐户的唯一方法是删除其关联的Google帐户。 您可以阻止Gmail同步新电子邮件,但是,如果您想摆脱手机或平板电脑中的某个Google帐户,请按以下步骤操作。

Removing your Google account means services like Google Maps, Google Play Store, and other apps will become unavailable. It’ll require you to add another Google account to your Android device or have a second Google account already signed in to keep uninterrupted access to these apps.

删除您的Google帐户意味着Google地图,Google Play商店和其他应用程序之类的服务将不可用。 它要求您将另一个Google帐户添加到您的Android设备,或者已经登录了另一个Google帐户,以保持对这些应用程序的不间断访问。

As mentioned, you can turn off Gmail syncing instead. This will stop Gmail from updating your inbox on your device and leave your account available for you to use elsewhere.

如前所述,您可以改为关闭Gmail同步。 这将阻止Gmail更新您设备上的收件箱,并使您的帐户可以在其他地方使用。

If you’ve decided to remove your Gmail account, you’ll need to have your device handy, although you can sign out of your account remotely if needed.


关闭Gmail同步 (Turning Off Gmail Syncing)

Before we begin, it’s important to point out that the steps to access your device’s Settings menu may be slightly different, depending on the version of Android you have. The steps below should work from Android 9 Pie onwards.

在开始之前,重要的是要指出,访问设备的“设置”菜单的步骤可能会略有不同,具体取决于您使用的Android版本。 以下步骤应从Android 9 Pie开始运行。

Head into your device’s “Settings” menu either by clicking on the app in the app drawer or by swiping down the notification shade and tapping on the gear icon.


The Notifications Area for Android Phones

In your device settings, locate and press “Accounts” or “Accounts and Backup,” depending on what it’s named on your device.


Note: On some devices, you’ll need to tap an additional “Accounts” menu to locate and manage your various accounts.


Android Settings Area With Accounts Highlighted

Find your Google account and tap it to access your individual account settings. Click “Sync Account” or “Account Sync.”

找到您的Google帐户,然后点击它以访问您的个人帐户设置。 点击“同步帐户”或“帐户同步”。

Sync account button in the Android account settings area

Find the setting for Gmail syncing and tap the toggle to turn it off.


Google Account Sync Settings on Android Device

静音Gmail通知 (Muting Gmail Notifications)

You also have the option to disable notifications for your account on Gmail, leaving it logged in and synced, but with notifications muted.


Open up the Gmail app, tap the hamburger menu icon in the top-left corner to access the side menu, scroll to the bottom, and tap “Settings.”


Settings button in Gmail menu

Find and tap on your account and, in the settings area for your account, tap “Notifications.”


Account settings in Gmail with notifications highlighted

Change the notifications intensity for your account from “All” to “None.” Alternatively, you can choose “High Priority Only” if you want to allow notifications for your most important emails.

将帐户的通知强度从“全部”更改为“无”。 或者,如果您想允许最重要的电子邮件通知,则可以选择“仅高优先级”。

Notifications settings for Gmail account

If you choose “None,” the notifications for your Gmail account will be muted; you’ll still receive emails silently, should you need to check them in the future.

如果您选择“无”,则Gmail帐户的通知将被静音; 您仍然会静默收到电子邮件,以备日后检查时使用。

删除您的Gmail帐户 (Removing Your Gmail Account)

If you’re determined to remove your Gmail account from your device, you can do so in a few simple steps. You should consider it if you’re switching to an entirely new Gmail account or if you’re transferring your device to somebody else.

如果确定要从设备中删除Gmail帐户,则可以通过几个简单的步骤删除。 如果您要切换到全新的Gmail帐户,或者要将设备转移给其他人,则应考虑使用此方法。

To begin, open your device’s “Settings” menu by swiping down the notification shade and tapping the gear icon.


The Notifications Area for Android Phones

In the “Settings” menu, find and tap “Accounts.” This section may be labeled “Accounts and Backup” or something similar depending on what device you own.

在“设置”菜单中,找到并点击“帐户”。 根据您拥有的设备,此部分可能会标记为“帐户和备份”或类似名称。

Android Settings Area With Accounts Highlighted

Locate your Google account and press it to open up your account settings. Tap “Remove Account” to begin the process.

找到您的Google帐户,然后按它打开您的帐户设置。 点击“删除帐户”开始该过程。

The Remove Account Button in Google Account Settings

You’ll be asked to confirm the removal by clicking “Remove Account” one final time.


The Final Confirmation to Remove a Google Account

Once you tap this, your Gmail account will be removed from your device. You’ll no longer be able to access it in Gmail or any other Google services.

点击此按钮后,您的Gmail帐户将从您的设备中删除。 您将不再能够在Gmail或任何其他Google服务中访问它。

远程删除您的Gmail帐户 (Remotely Removing Your Gmail Account)

If you’ve lost your Android device, or if it’s been stolen, you’ll be able to remove your account remotely from within your Google account settings online. You’ll need another device such as a computer to be able to do this.

如果您丢失了Android设备,或者该设备被盗了,则可以从在线Google帐户设置中远程删除您的帐户。 您将需要其他设备(例如计算机)才能执行此操作。

Sign in to your Google account on the web from another device. Click “Security” in the left-hand menu.

从另一台设备登录网络上的Google帐户。 点击左侧菜单中的“安全性”。

Google Account Online Menu

Scroll down to “Your Devices” and click “Manage Devices.”


Devices listed in Google Account settings

You’ll see the list of devices your Google account is signed in to. Click on your missing device, and under “Account Access,” click the “Remove” button.

您会看到您的Google帐户已登录的设备列表。 单击丢失的设备,然后在“帐户访问权限”下,单击“删除”按钮。

Confirmation to Remove a Google Account Remotely

You’ll receive a warning, asking you to confirm that you do want to remove your account. Click “Remove” to confirm.

您会收到警告,要求您确认您确实要删除帐户。 单击“删除”进行确认。

Confirmation window for remote Google Account removal

Once that’s done, you’ll receive confirmation that your account access has been removed from your device.


Confirmation of account removal in Google Account Settings

Technically, while this does log you out on your device, it doesn’t remove it completely. You’ll receive an alert on your device to take account action, where you’ll be asked to type your password again to restore access.

从技术上讲,虽然这确实使您注销了设备,但并没有将其完全删除。 您会在设备上收到一条警报,以采取帐户操作,系统将要求您再次输入密码以恢复访问权限。

To completely remove any trace of your account from your device at this point, then as above, head to your Android settings, go to Settings > Accounts and locate your Google account. Click “Remove Account” and confirm to fully remove it.

要完全从设备中删除帐户的任何痕迹,请按照上述步骤转到Android设置,转到“设置”>“帐户”并找到您的Google帐户。 点击“删除帐户”,然后确认将其完全删除。

The Final Confirmation to Remove a Google Account

Once this is done, the last trace of your Gmail account will be fully removed from your device.


Doing this is important if you’ve lost your Android device or if you’re planning to sell it. You don’t have to remove your Gmail account if you want to add a second—you can be signed in to as many accounts as you like.

如果您丢失了Android设备或打算出售它,那么这样做很重要。 如果要添加第二个Gmail帐户,则不必删除它-您可以登录任意数量的帐户。

If you do need to remove your Gmail account, however, it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes from start to finish.








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