


A Samsung Galaxy S8 with touchscreen on
Pakfones/Pixabay Pakfones / Pixabay

Over time, the touchscreen on your Android device might start to falter. Before you consider replacing your device, you should see if touchscreen calibration can fix any issues. Here’s how to recalibrate your Android smartphone or tablet.

随着时间的流逝,Android设备上的触摸屏可能会开始动摇。 在考虑更换设备之前,您应该查看触摸屏校准是否可以解决任何问题。 这是重新校准Android智能手机或平板电脑的方法。

您的触摸屏需要校准吗? (Does Your Touchscreen Need Calibration?)

As Android has advanced and developed over the years, so too has the hardware it runs on. Android hardware today is far better and more capable than earlier generations.

随着Android多年来的发展进步,其运行的硬件也是如此。 如今的Android硬件要比前几代产品更好,更强大。

Modern Android touchscreens rarely require the user to calibrate or otherwise configure it. Touchscreen faults are more likely to be caused by hardware issues that cannot be fixed than any particular configuration problem.

现代的Android触摸屏很少需要用户进行校准或配置。 触摸屏故障很可能是由硬件问题引起的,这些硬件问题比任何特定的配置问题都无法解决。

That said, calibration shouldn’t be ruled out completely, as it can be useful in some circumstances.


For instance, it can be a good way to adjust the sensitivity of your touchscreen, especially if there’s something else impacting it. Certain types of screen protectors, for instance, might affect your touchscreen performance. This is an issue a calibration can sometimes improve.

例如,这可能是调整触摸屏灵敏度的好方法,特别是在有其他影响的情况下。 例如,某些类型的屏幕保护膜可能会影响您的触摸屏性能。 这是校准有时可以改善的问题。

It’s also good to try this on older devices where the technology wasn’t as advanced and calibration can have a greater and more noticeable impact. There’s no harm in performing a touchscreen calibration, regardless of its age, but older devices are likely to benefit more from it.

在技​​术不那么先进的较旧设备上尝试此操作也很好,并且校准会产生更大,更明显的影响。 不论触摸屏的使用年限如何,执行触摸屏校准都没有害处,但是较旧的设备可能会从中受益更多。

测试屏幕 (Testing Your Screen)

Before you begin, you need to see whether the touchscreen on your Android device is in full working order.


Older versions of Android included secret menus and developer options that allowed you to test and calibrate your touchscreen. This was important on older Android devices, when modern touchscreens were still in their infancy.

较旧的Android版本包括秘密菜单和开发人员选项,可让您测试和校准触摸屏。 当现代触摸屏仍处于起步阶段时,这在较旧的Android设备上非常重要。

If you have an older Android phone, you can attempt to access this secret touchscreen menu by dialing *#*#2664#*#*. This option won’t work on Android devices from Android 5 Lollipop onwards.

如果您使用的是较旧的Android手机,则可以拨打*#*#2664#*#*尝试访问此秘密的触摸屏菜单。 从Android 5 Lollipop开始,此选项在Android设备上将不起作用。

For modern Android devices, apps are available in the Google Play Store that will allow you to test the touchscreen instead. These will show you the responses to your touch on the screen, helping you to judge whether the screen is calibrated correctly or not. A good option to try is Touch Screen Test.

对于现代Android设备, Google Play商店中提供了可用的应用,这些应用可让您测试触摸屏。 这些将在屏幕上显示您对触摸的响应,帮助您判断屏幕是否已正确校准。 触摸屏测试是一个不错的选择。

It’s simple to use. Install it and touch the screen wherever you like.

使用简单。 安装它,然后在任何需要的地方触摸屏幕。

Test your Android touchscreen with Touch Screen Test

The app will, like a paintbrush, record white dots where your fingers are pressed. If the responses are laggy or otherwise out of sync, that would indicate a problem with your screen that calibration could fix as a first resort.

该应用程序将像画笔一样,记录手指按下时的白点。 如果响应迟缓或不同步,则表明屏幕出现问题,校准可能会作为首选方法解决。

校准触摸屏 (Calibrating Your Touchscreen)

As we’ve mentioned, older versions of Android included built-in calibration testing. These tools allowed you to test and calibrate your touchscreen to determine whether it was functioning properly.

如前所述,较旧的Android版本包含内置的校准测试。 这些工具使您可以测试和校准触摸屏,以确定其是否正常运行。

This feature has been removed in more recent Android versions. For most modern Android devices, the only option to calibrate your touchscreen is to revert to a calibration app from the Google Play Store.

此功能已在较新的Android版本中删除。 对于大多数现代的Android设备,校准触摸屏的唯一选择是从Google Play商店恢复为校准应用程序。

A good app to try is the appropriately named Touchscreen Calibration. To begin, install the app from the Google Play Store. Next, open the app and tap the “Calibrate” button in the center to begin.

可以尝试使用的好应用程序是适当命名的触摸屏校准。 首先,请从Google Play商店安装该应用。 接下来,打开应用程序,然后点击中间的“校准”按钮开始。

Open the Touchscreen Calibration app and tap Calibrate

There are six touch tests for you to complete from single tapping to pinching. Follow the onscreen instructions and complete each test. When the test is complete, you’ll see a confirmation message.

从单击到捏合,共有六种触摸测试供您完成。 按照屏幕上的说明完成每个测试。 测试完成后,您会看到一条确认消息。

Once calibration is complete, restart your device

Restart your device and use an app like Touch Screen Test to see if there are any improvements.


如果其他所有方法均失败,请恢复出厂设置 (If All Else Fails, Perform a Factory Reset)

If the touchscreen still isn’t working correctly after calibration, there could be underlying issues with Android that only a factory reset can resolve. A factory reset is the nuclear option and has no guarantees that it will resolve any issues with your touchscreen.

如果校准后触摸屏仍无法正常工作,则可能是Android存在潜在的问题,只有工厂重置才能解决。 恢复出厂设置是核选项,并且不能保证它将解决触摸屏的任何问题。

Resetting your Android device will remove all existing apps and clear any caches or settings that might be affecting your device’s touchscreen configuration. It might resolve any touchscreen delays that are a symptom of a wider problem. A device with heavy lag issues, for instance, might be caused by a lack of available resources, which a reset might fix.

重置您的Android设备将删除所有现有应用,并清除所有可能影响设备触摸屏配置的缓存或设置。 它可以解决任何触摸屏延迟问题,这是更广泛问题的征兆。 例如,具有严重滞后问题的设备可能是由于缺少可用资源而导致的,此问题可能会通过重置来解决。

What it won’t do is fix hardware problems. If your touchscreen is faulty, even a factory reset won’t fix the problem.

它不会做的是解决硬件问题。 如果触摸屏出现故障,即使恢复出厂设置也无法解决问题。

Performing a factory reset differs between handsets and manufacturers, but you should find the option by going to Settings > System > Reset. Make sure you perform a backup of your device first so you don’t permanently lose your data.

手机和制造商之间执行恢复出厂设置的操作有所不同,但是应该通过转到设置>系统>重置来找到该选项。 确保首先执行设备备份,以免永久丢失数据。







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