
While streaming music seems to be the most popular choice nowadays, there’s still a large subset of people who prefer music stored locally. If you’re into local music, here are the best players for Android.

虽然流音乐似乎是当今最受欢迎的选择,但仍有很多人喜欢本地存储的音乐。 如果您喜欢本地音乐,这里是适用于Android的最佳播放器。

最适合大多数人: Google Play音乐(免费) (The Best for Most People: Google Play Music (Free))

You know how they say the best camera is the one you have with you? Well in this case, the same applies to music players—Google Play Music ships on pretty much every Android phone out there, and it turns out that it’s also a damn solid choice for playing your local music.

您知道他们怎么说最好的相机吗? 好了,在这种情况下,音乐播放器也是如此-几乎每台Android手机都附带有Google Play音乐,事实证明,这也是播放本地音乐的可靠选择。

It offers an intuitive interface, library support, playlists, and even an EQ to get your tunes sounding the way you. As an added bonus, if you’re into podcasts, Google Play Music has a built-in podcatcher so you can handle all your music and podcast needs from the same app. That’s pretty convenient.

它提供了直观的界面,库支持,播放列表,甚至还有一个EQ,可让您的音乐听起来像您一样。 另外,如果您喜欢Podcast ,则Google Play音乐具有内置的Podcatcher,因此您可以从同一应用程序处理所有音乐和Podcast需求。 那很方便。

Plus, if you ever do decide to make the switch over to a streaming package, you can just go with Play Music All Access and have your local and streamed music in the same place. It’s a win-win.

另外,如果你的决定要到一个流封装的开关,你可以去Google Play音乐无限,让你的地方,并在同一个地方流式音乐。 这是双赢。

最适合本地播放的影片: Pulsar (免费/ $ 2.99 )或BlackPlayer (免费/ $ 3.29 ) (The Best for Local-Only Playback: Pulsar (Free/$2.99) or BlackPlayer (Free/$3.29))

If something about using Play Music rubs you the wrong way or it just feel too “cluttery” with the podcast support and all that, then you’ll love Pulsar and BlackPlayer. We typically try to pick one app per category, but both of these are awesome apps. It was too hard to pick just one.

如果使用Play音乐的方式使您感到错误,或者在播客支持等方面感觉太“杂乱”,那么您会喜欢Pulsar和BlackPlayer。 我们通常会尝试为每个类别选择一个应用程序,但这两个都是很棒的应用程序。 很难只选一个。



The look and feel of each app is pretty similar, with each offering Album, Artist, Track, and Genre view in a swipeable interface. Pulsar also has a Folders view, so you can see exactly how your music is stored on the device.

每个应用程序的外观都非常相似,每个应用程序都在可滑动界面中提供专辑,艺术家,曲目和流派视图。 Pulsar还具有“文件夹”视图,因此您可以准确查看音乐在设备上的存储方式。

Both apps also feature an onboard EQ, as well as various playback features—like gapless and crossfading. You’ll find theme support in both apps, but BlackPlayer does offer more customization options. If that’s something you’re after, then you may want to take a closer look at BlackPlayer first.

这两个应用程序还具有板载均衡器以及各种播放功能,例如无间隙和交叉渐变。 在这两个应用程序中都可以找到主题支持,但是BlackPlayer确实提供了更多自定义选项。 如果您要这样做,那么您可能想先仔细看看BlackPlayer。



Both apps offer free ((Pulsar/BlackPlayer) and paid versions. For the paid versions, Pulsar Pro comes in at $2.99, and BlackPlayer EX at $3.29. The paid versions offer things like more themes, better equalization, and some additional customization options.

两种应用程序都提供免费(( Pulsar / BlackPlayer )和付费版本。付费版本的Pulsar Pro价格为2.99美元, BlackPlayer EX价格为3.29美元。付费版本提供了更多主题,更好的均衡性以及一些其他自定义选项。

最适合云端存储的音乐: CloudPlayer (免费/ $ 7.99 ) (The Best for Cloud-Stored Music: CloudPlayer (Free/$7.99))

Okay, this one may be stretching the “local music” thing just a bit, but if you prefer to keep your music stored in Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to stream it directly from those places. That’s sort of the best of both worlds: you can define the format and bitrate of your tunes, keep the storage on your device from getting filled too quickly, and not have to spend the cash on a streaming music package.

好的,这可能只是在扩展“本地音乐”内容,但是,如果您希望将音乐存储在Dropbox,Google Drive或OneDrive中,则没有理由不应该直接从那些音乐中流式传输音乐。的地方。 这是两全其美的选择:您可以定义音乐的格式和比特率,避免设备上的存储空间过快地被占用,也不必花钱购买流音乐包。

If that’s what you’re after, then CloudPlayer is the music player for you. Not only does it offer access to your Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive catalogs, it doesn’t skimp on the features you expect from a music player. You’ll find gapless playback, volume normalization, Last.fm scrobbling, EQ, and more along for the ride. CloudPlater supports themes, as well as a handful of other interface-based tweaks—like custom navigation views and lock screen views.

如果您要这样做,则CloudPlayer是适合您音乐播放器。 它不仅可以访问您的Drive,Dropbox或OneDrive目录,而且不会跳过音乐播放器所期望的功能。 您会发现无缝播放,音量标准化,Last.fm打扰,EQ等。 CloudPlater支持主题以及其他一些基于界面的调整,例如自定义导航视图和锁定屏幕视图。

The toughest hurdle to jump when it comes to CloudPlayer is the price: to get the full set of features, you’ll have to shell out $7.99, which is pretty costly for an app. At least you can try it out for 30 days before you make the decision. And it is less than a month of a typical music streaming subscription.

就CloudPlayer而言,最难克服的障碍是价格:要获得全部功能,您必须支付$ 7.99 ,对于应用程序而言,这是相当昂贵的。 做出决定之前,至少可以试用30天。 不到一个典型的音乐流媒体订阅的一个月。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/350364/the-best-local-music-players-for-android/





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