


Photo by H is for Home


Email can make communication easier, but it can also drain your time. Learn how to process incoming email and write outgoing email in order to save time.

电子邮件可以使通信更轻松,但也可能会浪费您的时间。 了解如何处理传入电子邮件和编写传出电子邮件以节省时间。

According to a survey from 2005, employee interviews revealed that time wasted on email caused an enterprise with 10,000 employees to lose an estimated $152 million in wages per year.


Email clearly has its downsides. Unclear emails distract employees from important work-related tasks, cloud communication channels, and often create extra work. Avoid the pitfalls of email by following the suggestions below.

电子邮件显然有其缺点。 不清楚的电子邮件会分散员工的注意力,使其无法从事与工作相关的重要任务,云通信渠道,并经常创造额外的工作。 按照以下建议避免电子邮件的陷阱。

传入电子邮件如何浪费您的时间 (How Incoming Email Can Waste Your Time)

Photo by Dvortygirl


There are many types of email messages that can waste your time. Those that:

有许多类型的电子邮件会浪费您的时间。 那些:

  • Could be cut down from multiple messages and condensed into comprehensive one

  • Don’t directly relate to you

  • Do relate to you but not in a direct way, which leaves you unsure of how or if you should respond (and eats up time)

  • Do not direct you to take some action (which is unproductive)

  • Distract and/or encourage you to waste time on the web

  • Aren’t suitable for the email, and make more sense through a dynamic communication channel such as a business meeting or some format that’s more suitable for the content (like an information-rich stand alone document)


如何有效处理传入电子邮件 (How to Process Incoming Email Efficiently)

In order to read and process emails efficiently, you need to focus on two things — figuring out the message of the email (or lack of) and deciding on what action to take in response.


Step 1: Figure Out the Message (Or Lack Of)


Whenever you read a new email, take as little time as possible to figure out:


  • Whether the speaker is addressing you directly or indirectly

  • Whether the speaker has told you what they expect of you

  • Whether that’s done in a clear manner

  • Whether the overall message is relevant to you

  • Whether the overall message seems appropriate, given the context of your relationship to the sender (or lack of, if they are trying to initiate a business relationship for instance)


This will help you ascertain what the message of the email is, and how you want to respond. That is, if you intend to respond in the first place.

这将帮助您确定电子邮件的内容以及您希望如何回复。 也就是说,如果您打算首先做出回应。

It’s especially important to note if the speaker is doing one or more things that can lure you into wasting precious time, such as:


  • Being unclear about what they are trying to say

  • Using language in a confusing or euphemistic manner to avoid speaking in concrete terms (e.g. “I think we need to have a heart to heart at some point” versus “Can you call me this week so we can talk on the phone about something important?”)

    以一种令人困惑或委婉的方式使用语言来避免用具体的语言说话(例如,“我认为我们需要在某个时候保持内心诚恳”与“您能在本周给我打电话以便我们可以在电话上谈论一些重要的事情吗? ”)
  • Rambling or going off topic

  • Including information that is none of your business, inappropriate, offensive, or incoherent

  • Cc or bcc’ing you on messages that aren’t relevant to you

  • Repeating the same message through various emails, or repeating what’s already been covered in previous communications other than email

  • Writing about something that you have already discussed and resolved — in a forgetful or careless manner


In these types of situations, be especially careful to respond in an effective way that minimizes how much time you spend on the communication. Because it’s easy to let the above ambiguous email scenarios drain your time.

在这种情况下,请特别小心以有效的方式进行响应,以最大程度地减少您在通信上花费的时间。 因为很容易让上述模棱两可的电子邮件方案耗尽您的时间。

Step 2: Decide on What Action to Take


After you know what the message is about, figure out the most productive way to respond. Here are some typical responses:

在知道消息的含义之后,找出最有效的响应方式。 以下是一些典型的响应:

  • Shifting the conversation to a better communication medium such as telephone and conference calls

  • Responding to a recurring question asked by multiple people — not through email — but through a more information-rich medium that can be shared, such as a Google Doc

  • Not responding to messages that don’t make it clear what the speaker expects from you (even if it feels a bit impolite)

  • Addressing unclear messages with direct and brief concrete questions, such as, “When you would like to have the report completed by?” or “How would you like me to contribute to this project?”

    用直接和简短的具体问题解决不清楚的信息,例如“何时填写报告?” 或“您希望我如何为这个项目做出贡献?”
  • Picking up the phone and calling the person anytime drama or communication breakdown starts to occur — drawing it out through email will only take longer and may intensify the conflict


Step 3: Get Back on Task


Most importantly, after you respond to an email (which may consist of not responding and instead deleting the message), you need to get back on task. Move on to the next email waiting in your inbox, or switch gears and get back to actually doing work rather than responding to other people’s requests.

最重要的是,在回复电子邮件(可能包括不响应并删除消息)之后,您需要重新开始工作。 移至收件箱中正在等待的下一封电子邮件,或者切换齿轮以重新开始实际工作,而不用响应其他人的请求。

发送电子邮件如何浪费您的时间 (How Sending Email Can Waste Your Time)

Photo by Adikos

摄影: Adikos

Additionally, there are many types of email message you send that can waste your time. Those that:

此外,您发送的电子邮件种类很多,可能会浪费您的时间。 那些:

  • Are strung out unnecessarily into several messages, each of which takes time and thought to tailor, instead of one comprehensive one

  • Don’t directly relate to the recipient, which is a waste of effort on your part

  • Aren’t clear enough, and draw out into long email conversations and/or misunderstandings, or no productive action at all (which means you’ll have to spend time initiating the conversation again later)

  • Do not direct the recipient to take some action, which is unproductive

  • Distract and encourage the recipient to waste time on the web — which means it encourages the same of you

  • Aren’t suitable for the email format, but better communicated through real-time conversation or through an instructional or information-rich document such as a manual, blog article, FAQ page, company report, or PowerPoint presentation


如何有效地发送电子邮件(How to Send Email Efficiently)

In order to write emails that don’t waste your time in the long run (not to mention your recipient’s time), you need to focus on five things: communicating a clear message, requesting your recipient take actionable steps, using good structure, editing before you hit send, and following up effectively.


Step 1: Get Clear on Your Message


Before you even draft an email, you need to get crystal clear on the message. Determine:

在起草电子邮件之前,您需要弄清楚邮件中的内容。 确定:

  • What you want to communicate

  • Why you want to communicate it

  • What action you want your recipient to take

  • How you can best persuade them to take such action


Here are some common reasons to send email:


  • To remind someone of a deadline

  • To give someone written instructions on a task

  • To ask a quick question that can be answered adequately through writing

  • To answer a quick question that can be answered adequately through writing

  • To pass along time-sensitive information

  • To offer available dates for scheduling a meeting

  • To follow up after a meeting and show appreciation


In all of these examples, except for the last one, you want your recipient to take some action (even if that’s just replying to you).


Sometimes the action doesn’t seem like an action. Maybe you want to:

有时,该动作似乎不像是一个动作。 也许您想:

  • Pass along a tip for your co-worker

  • Let your friends know you landed safely at your travel destination

  • Give a brief update on how you are doing at your new destination and how you can be reached in the next several weeks


In each of these situations, you’re not telling your recipient to take a certain action. However, it is implied that they are not expected to take any action, as long as you give the email proper closure, or at least by signing your name. They understand that the communication can easily end with your email; that they don’t need to respond.

在每种情况下,您都不会告诉收件人采取某些措施。 但是,这暗示着,只要您正确关闭电子邮件或至少通过签名即可,不要期望他们采取任何措施。 他们知道沟通可以轻松地以您的电子邮件结尾; 他们不需要回应。

Step 2: Request Your Recipient Take Actionable Steps


To write effective emails that save you time, you need to make them actionable. And you need to make sure that your recipient is clear on what action is expected of them.

要编写有效的电子邮件以节省您的时间,您需要使它们可操作。 而且,您需要确保收件人清楚他们期望他们采取什么措施。

If you’re not aiming for this, but are trying to spell out your life story or explain why you’re holding out for the next iPhone model instead of getting the latest one, you can forget about saving time because pen pal writing takes a lot of thought and time.


Focus on the following when making email actionable:


  • Setting deadlines

  • Outlining contingency plans

  • Offering potential options for the next course of action (e.g. times you are available for an in-person meeting, locations you’re available to meet at)

  • Providing an opinion when asked for one

  • Making a request that’s suitable for writing and is actually more convenient that using another mode of communication

  • Providing a set of directions for a task that your recipient has agreed to carry out


Be proactive and assertive when outlining actionable steps. Avoid asking open-ended questions unless there’s no other option. Because open-ended questions are the opposite of actionable content.

在概述可行步骤时要积极主动。 除非没有其他选择,否则请避免提出开放性问题。 因为开放式问题与可行内容相反。

Here are some examples:


  • Instead of asking your recipient to give you their schedule (and wasting an email in the process) — start out by sending them your available meeting times.

  • Instead of asking your recipient what they think about a certain business decision, outline the potential decision and request construct feedback; that way they won’t have to come up with something on their own and will instead have something to work with

    与其问您的接收者对某个商业决策的想法,不如概述潜在的决策并请求构建反馈。 这样,他们将不必自己想出什么,而可以与之合作

You keep email actionable by providing clear instructions to the reader and keeping the content actionable rather than open-ended.


Most importantly, you need to make sure that whatever action you expect from your reader is clearly communicated. Don’t assume they know that you want to set up a meeting this week just you offer your available times. Don’t assume they know what job task your set of instructions applies to. State it out explicitly and kindly let them know what you want them to do.

最重要的是,您需要确保清楚传达您希望读者采取的任何行动。 不要以为他们知道您想在本周召开会议,只要您提供空闲时间即可。 不要以为他们知道您的说明适用于什么工作任务。 明确指出,并让他们知道您想让他们做什么。

Step 3: Create Good Structure


One you have your message clearly defined and you’ve made it actionable, it’s time to organize it such a way to convey that clarity and your actionable requests.


Paragraphs: A general rule to follow is keeping paragraphs under five sentences. It’s not only difficult to focus on long paragraphs while web reading, but clunky paragraphs give the recipient opportunity to lose focus and perhaps miss out on the most important points. This then leads to sloppy or redundant responses, which clouds the communication channel.

段落:遵循的一般规则是将段落保持在五个句子以下。 在阅读网页时,不仅很难专注于较长的段落,而且笨拙的段落使收件人有机会失去注意力,甚至错过最重要的要点。 然后,这将导致草率或冗余的响应,从而使通信通道变得模糊。

Sentences: Use the active voice when writing sentences. Keep sentences short and to the point. Avoid going off on tangents or unnecessarily explaining your reasoning or feelings about things. Instead, stick to the facts and what action you request that your recipient take.

句子:在写句子时使用主动语态。 使句子简短明了。 避免过分切线或不必要地解释您对事物的推理或感受。 相反,请坚持事实,并要求接收者采取什么行动。

Words: Try not to use big words or slang, unless you know your audience will understand them. Avoid jokes and cultural references that might be misunderstood, because anything that can be easily misinterpreted is a potential barrier to effective communication.

字词:除非您知道听众会理解,否则请尽量不要使用大字或语。 避免可能被误解的笑话和文化参考,因为任何容易被误解的内容都可能成为有效沟通的潜在障碍。

Avoid extra words and qualifying phrases. “Given the current situation in which this is currently happening, I think that it might be wise to…” is a qualifying statement that not only wastes words and time, but distracts from the real message. Instead, just state your recommendation without having to qualify it.

避免使用多余的单词和限定词组。 “考虑到当前正在发生的现状,我认为……是明智的选择。”这是一个有资格的声明,不仅浪费了言语和时间,而且分散了真实信息的注意力。 相反,只需陈述您的建议而不必限定它。

Another example: “I was wondering if I could ask you…” Cut this phrase out and simply ask the question. It will also increase your confidence, because you won’t subconsciously seek permission to communicate proactively.

另一个例子:“我想知道是否可以问你……”,把这句话删掉,简单地问一个问题。 这也将增加您的信心,因为您不会在潜意识里寻求主动沟通的许可。

Punctuation: Keep punctuation simple. Qualifying words and phrases are only efficient when used to establish courtesy upon initiating communication with someone you’d like to have a business or personal relationship with. In such cases, you don’t necessarily want to be to forthcoming, but use some polite phrases to show respect for their time.

标点:保持标点简单。 合格的单词和短语仅在用于与您想要与其建立业务或个人关系的人进行交流时建立礼貌时才有效。 在这种情况下,您不一定想要成为一名即将到来的人,而要使用一些礼貌的短语来表示对他们时间的尊重。

Minimize commas use — this naturally helps you keep sentences short. Avoid lazy text-inspired speak, with overuse of dot-dot-dot’s and consecutive commas. Instead, punctuate your sentences with proper English and utilize contractions when it makes sense, because they make reading flow better.

尽量减少逗号的使用-这自然可以帮助您使句子简短。 避免使用懒散的文字启发说话,不要过多使用点对点和连续逗号。 取而代之的是,用适当的英语标点句子,并在有意义的情况下利用收缩,因为它们可以使阅读流畅。

Additionally, consider punctuating lists with bullet-points, and using a line of dashes to break up major sections (which may include one or more paragraphs).


Bullet-points and section breaks enhance web readability, as well as help you organize your message more clearly.


Step 4: Edit Before Sending


Before you send an email, take 1-2 minutes to read it out loud. This will help you catch mistakes or notice awkward parts that you wouldn’t normally say in-person. Strip away those extra words and simplify punctuation. Bullet out lists and cut down on your paragraphs.

发送电子邮件之前,请花1-2分钟才能大声朗读。 这将帮助您发现错误或发现您通常不会亲自面对的尴尬部分。 删除多余的单词并简化标点符号。 列出项目清单,并减少您的段落。

When you can answer the following questions with a “yes,” then you’re ready to hit “send”:


  • Is the message clear?

  • Are expectations actionable and clearly stated?

  • Will my recipient be able to successfully receive my message? Success means that they know what response is expected of them.

    我的收件人能够成功接收我的消息吗? 成功意味着他们知道对他们的期望是什么。
  • If the roles were reversed, would I be able to successfully receive this message?


Step 5: Follow Up Effectively


Additionally, be proactive in following up with your emails. If someone doesn’t respond to a direct request, don’t waste time wondering what happened. Instead, send a polite but direct follow-up email to check in with them. Apply the principles listed above. And don’t waste too much time trying to get a response; if the recipient isn’t communicating with you, know when to move on or approach them in-person instead.

此外,请积极跟进您的电子邮件。 如果有人不响应直接的请求,请不要浪费时间想知道发生了什么。 相反,请发送礼貌但直接的后续电子邮件以进行检查。 应用上面列出的原则。 并且不要浪费太多时间来试图获得回应。 如果收件人没有与您交流,请知道什么时候该继续前进或亲自面对他们。

使用电子邮件节省时间 (Use Email to Save Time)

Email can save you a lot of time if you know how to use it efficiently. And this goes for both sending and receiving messages.

如果您知道如何有效地使用电子邮件,则电子邮件可以节省大量时间。 这适用于发送和接收消息。

Email is best used to deliver actionable messages that are adequately communicated via writing. If you take advantage of the benefits of email and avoid the many time-wasting pitfalls, it serves as powerful tool.

电子邮件最适合用来传递可操作的消息,并通过书面形式进行充分传达。 如果您利用电子邮件的优势并避免了很多浪费时间的陷阱,则它可以作为强大的工具。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/54118/cut-back-on-time-spent-sending-and-receiving-email/


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