黑客初学者刷屏技巧_初学者极客:减少Windows 7中磁盘使用率的简单技巧




If you’re wondering what have been taking up space on your hard disk, then you have come to the right place. In today’s article, we’ll show you how to get rid of unneeded files from your computer.

如果您想知道硬盘上已经占用了什么空间,那么您来对地方了。 在今天的文章中,我们将向您展示如何从计算机中删除不需要的文件。

First of all let’s find out what’s hogging your hard disk. We recommend that you download SpaceSniffer. Once you start it up, it will map your hard drive,  and shows big files and folder in your system. SpaceSniffer comes with a user manual that shows you every neat stuff that you can do with SpaceSniffer.

首先,让我们找出造成硬盘损坏的原因。 我们建议您下载SpaceSniffer 。 一旦启动,它将映射您的硬盘驱动器,并在系统中显示大文件和文件夹。 SpaceSniffer附带有一个用户手册,向您展示了您可以使用SpaceSniffer进行的所有整洁的工作。


some of our favourite ones are: filtering temporary files …



… or finding files that we have not touched for more than a year; they are usually good candidates for removal.

…或查找我们一年多没有碰过的文件; 他们通常是被撤职的好人选。


Among all the files,  Pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys stood out in SpaceSniffer; They occupied six GB of our hard disk.

在所有文件中,Pagefile.sys和hiberfil.sys在SpaceSniffer中脱颖而出。 他们占用了我们硬盘的6 GB。


In a default installation, Windows creates a page file (pagefile.sys) that Windows uses to hold part of a program or memory that does not fit the memory. Microsoft recommends us not to remove this file – even when you have lots of memory. However, we can remove hiberfil.sys from our system, and we wrote an instruction on how to do it.

在默认安装中,Windows将创建一个页面文件(pagefile.sys),Windows会使用该文件来保存部分程序或不适合该内存的内存。 Microsoft建议我们不要删除此文件,即使您有很多内存也是如此。 但是,我们可以从系统中删除hiberfil.sys,并编写了有关操作的说明。

清洁还原点 (Cleaning Restore Points)

Installing programs or drivers can make Windows run slowly or unpredictably. Windows maintain restore points, and use them to return your PC’s system files and programs to a time when everything works fine. However, restore points do take up a lot of space in our hard disk. We can use disk clean up to remove restore points, but if you decide to do this you won’t be able to roll back your system. Look up Disk Clean up from your start menu and run it as administrator.

安装程序或驱动程序会使Windows运行缓慢或无法预期。 Windows维护还原点,并使用它们将PC的系统文件和程序返回到一切正常的时间。 但是,还原点确实会占用我们硬盘上的大量空间。 我们可以使用磁盘清理来删除还原点,但是如果您决定执行此操作,则将无法回滚系统。 从开始菜单中查找“磁盘清理”,然后以管理员身份运行它。


Disk Cleanup reduces the number of unnecessary files. It allows you to remove temporary files, empties your recycle bin, and remove a variety of system files and other items that you no longer need.

磁盘清理减少了不必要的文件数量。 它允许您删除临时文件,清空回收站,以及删除各种不再需要的系统文件和其他项目。


Open the “More Options” tab and click the clean up button.



You might want to consider scheduling disk clean up to remove old and temporary files from your PC from time to time.


使用CCleaner获得更多空间 (Use CCleaner to Get More Space)

While Disk Cleanup is a great tool to delete junk files, CCleaner gives you more options to clean your computer. CCleaner default setting lets you clean IE Junk files, Windows Explorer cache, and system dumps.

磁盘清理是删除垃圾文件的好工具,而CCleaner为您提供了更多清理计算机的选项。 CCleaner默认设置使您可以清除IE垃圾文件,Windows资源管理器缓存和系统转储。


Head over to the applications tab and  you will find that you can remove unneeded files from each application selectively. For example, you can choose to clean Firefox cookies, but not Chrome’s.

转到“应用程序”选项卡,您会发现可以有选择地从每个应用程序中删除不需要的文件。 例如,您可以选择清除Firefox Cookie,但不清除Chrome。


Windows maintain a set of registry files that stores settings for your PC, for instance, what background that you use for your desktop. Whenever we uninstall program, some unused file association may remain dangling in the registry, and overtime your registry may become bloated and slows down your PC. CCleaner gives you an easy way to clean your registry. Click the registry icon, perform a scan for issues, and click the “fix selected issues button” to clean your registry.

Windows维护一组注册表文件,这些注册表文件存储PC的设置,例如,您在台式机上使用的背景。 每当我们卸载程序时,某些未使用的文件关联都可能在注册表中保持悬而未决,并且超时的注册表可能会变得肿并降低PC的速度。 CCleaner为您提供了一种清除注册表的简便方法。 单击注册表图标,扫描问题,然后单击“修复选定的问题按钮”以清理注册表。


CCleaner gives you a set of tools to remove unneeded files. It’s uninstall loads up files way faster than Windows uninstall “add remove programs”.

CCleaner为您提供了一组删除不需要的文件的工具。 它的卸载比Windows卸载“添加删除程序”更快地加载文件。


System Restore in CCleaner gives more option to remove system restore points than Disk Cleanup. It greys out your  last system restore point, so that you can’t remove it, for safety reason.

与磁盘清理相比,CCleaner中的系统还原提供了更多的选项来删除系统还原点。 为了安全起见,它会将您的最后一个系统还原点显示为灰色,以便您无法删除它。


Windows will not delete the actual data that you deleted, it simply remove there reference to that file, and overwrite it when you save new data. This pose a risk; some clever geek may sneak into your computer, and reconstruct your data before Windows over write it. If you’re worried, you can instruct CCleaner to clean these kind of data using the “Drive Wiper”.

Windows不会删除您删除的实际数据,它只会删除该文件的引用,并在保存新数据时将其覆盖。 这带来了风险; 一些聪明的怪胎可能会潜入您的计算机,并在Windows将其覆盖之前重建您的数据。 如果您担心,可以指示CCleaner使用“ Drive Wiper”清除此类数据。


There are two type of wipe, free space and entire drive. You should select free space only, unless you want to erase every file in the drive.

有两种擦拭类型,可用空间和整个驱动器。 除非要擦除驱动器中的每个文件,否则应该只选择可用空间。


CCleaner gives you some security options, but simple overwrite will be enough for most occasions.



Head over to the options’ Advance settings and make sure that you select “Save all settings to INI File”. You can also  schedule it to clean your computer on a regular basis. 

转到选项的“高级设置”,并确保选择“将所有设置保存到INI文件”。 您还可以安排它定期清洁计算机。


We hope that our tips help you get back your hard disk space. Feel free to share any other tips with the other fellow readers in the comments section.

我们希望我们的技巧可以帮助您取回硬盘空间。 随时在评论部分与其他读者分享任何其他技巧。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/62946/beginner-geek-simple-tips-to-reduce-disk-usage-in-windows-7/






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