
Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite time tracking tips, tricks, and tools. Now we’re back to highlight the techniques HTG readers use to keep tabs on their time.

本周初,我们要求您分享您最喜欢的时间跟踪技巧,窍门和工具。 现在,我们将重点介绍HTG读者用来掌握时间的技术。

While more than one of you expressed confusion over the idea of tracking how you spend all your time, many of you were more than happy to share the reasons for and the methods you use to stay on top of your time expenditures.


Scott uses a fluid and flexible project management tool:


I use kanbanflow.com, with two boards to manage task prioritisation and backlog. One board called ‘Current Work’ has three columns ‘Do Today’, ‘In Progress’ and ‘Done’. The other is called ‘Backlog’, which splits tasks into priority groups – ‘Distractions (NU+NI)’, ‘Goals (NU+I)’, ‘Interruptions (U+NI)’, ‘Interruptions (U+NI)’ and ‘Critical (U+I)’, where U is Urgent and I is Important (and N is Not). At the end of each day, I move things from my Backlog to my ‘Current Work’ board, with the idea to keep complete Goals before they become Critical. That way I can focus on ‘Current Work’ Do Today so I don’t feel overwhelmed and can plan my day. As priorities change or interruptions pop up, it’s just a matter of moving tasks between boards. I have both tabs open in my browser all day – this is probably good for knowledge workers strapped to their desk, not so good for those in meetings all day. In that case, go with the calendar on your phone.

我使用kanbanflow.com和两个板来管理任务优先级和积压。 一个叫“当前工作”的委员会有三栏“今天做”,“进行中”和“完成”。 另一个称为“待办事项”,它将任务分为优先级组-“干扰(NU + NI)”,“目标(NU + I)”,“中断(U + NI)”,“中断(U + NI)”和“关键(U + I)”,其中U为紧急,I为重要(N为非)。 每天结束时,我都会将事情从待办事项移到我的“当前工作”董事会,以期在达到关键目标之前保持完整的目标。 这样,我可以专注于“今天的当前工作”,这样我就不会感到不知所措,可以计划自己的一天。 随着优先级的改变或中断的突然出现,这仅仅是在电路板之间移动任务的问题。 我一整天都在浏览器中打开了两个选项卡-这可能对绑在办公桌上的知识工作者很有用,而不是整日开会的人。 在这种情况下,请在手机上使用日历。

While the above description might make it sound really technical, we took the cloud-based app for a spin and found the interface to be very flexible and easy to use.


Samon53 offered up detailed explanation of how they’ve combated their procrastination tendencies:


I have recently identified myself as a Chronic Procrastinator, from reading the book ‘The Procrastination Equation’(An extremely good book backed up by many scientific studies http://procrastinus.com/). After doing the short survey in the book I rated in the top 10% of procrastinators and on the website I scored a worrying 100/100. While I’d tried strategies to manage time in the past I’d not stuck to them or had found them ineffective.

最近,通过阅读《拖延方程》(这本非常出色的书,得到了许多科学研究的支持,http://procrastinus.com/),我将自己确定为慢性拖延者。 在完成这本书的简短调查后,我将拖延症患者的前10%评为最高,在网站上,我的评分达到了令人担忧的100/100。 过去,我尝试过一些策略来管理时间,但我并没有坚持这些策略,也没有发现它们无效。

Having actually realised the extent of the problem I have started drawing up more charts and timetables and making the activities in them extremely specific so as to really prompt you to get on with them. If you put just a generic activity like work you are never going actually react to a notification about it I go. Start off by assigning work periods for different tasks, breaks etc. then add in further details when you break off working for next time. Try actually specifying the exact task you are going to do.

真正意识到问题的严重性之后,我开始制定更多的图表和时间表,并使其中的活动变得非常具体,以真正促使您继续进行下去。 如果您只进行诸如工作之类的一般性活动,那么您永远都不会对我要去的通知做出React。 首先为不同的任务,休息等分配工作时间,然后在下次中断工作时添加更多详细信息。 尝试实际指定要执行的确切任务。

I draw up charts for work to do lists and timetables for different time periods. One application I used was RescueTime which tracks all of your web use and categorises it. While useful for data it did not really help me in actually saving time, though it may be more effective for some and they do offer a pro service. I find it sometimes provides false reassurement as you tend to assign task that are still useful but not your main goal as productive.

我为工作绘制图表,以列出不同时间段的清单和时间表。 我使用的一个应用程序是RescueTime,它可以跟踪您的所有网络使用情况并对其进行分类。 虽然对数据很有用,但它实际上并没有真正帮助我节省时间,尽管它对某些人可能更有效,而且他们确实提供了专业服务。 我发现它有时会提供错误的保证,因为您倾向于分配仍然有用的任务,但主要目标不是生产性的。

I use Google Calendar with notification on both my phone and PC (Checker Plus for Chrome is extremely Good for this.

我在手机和PC上都使用带有通知功能的Google日历( Checker Plus for Chrome对此非常有用。

I have an extremely reliable watch with both analogue and digital displays with all the bells and whistles but for -when I got it at least- a very reasonable price £22.


I have set-up two computers next to each other one for work one for play the work one with multiple monitors (I’m thinking of trying RescueTime again and setting it up to only allow work). Context for Chrome is great for setting choosing just the applications that you need so as not be distracted by new emails feeds or add-ons etc.

我已经将两台计算机彼此相邻地设置为工作一台,以便使用多台显示器播放工作一台(我正在考虑再次尝试RescueTime并将其设置为仅允许工作)。 Chrome的上下文非常适合设置选择所需的应用程序,以免被新的电子邮件供稿或附件等分散注意力。

I also multi-task a lot washing up or cleaning why not watch a TV program or radio that you were planning on watching show on-demand so as not to be distracted by watching it later when working. Try not to do thinking work (for me Games Design) and entertainment at the same time it just makes you less productive and more distracted.

我还经常洗碗或打扫工作,为什么不收看您打算点播的电视节目或广播,以免日后上班时分心。 尽量不要同时进行思考工作(对我来说是游戏设计)和娱乐,这只会使您的工作效率降低,注意力分散。

I’m a heavy sleeper myself so have three different alarm clocks letup- a Teas-made, Dawn light, and maths puzzle. If you can limit your sleep to the minimum your body will allow without feeling tired you can save a lot of time. I have recently embarked on a new fitness regime to help reduce my sleep time.

我自己是一个沉睡的人,所以有三种不同的闹钟铃声-茶具,曙光和数学难题。 如果您可以将睡眠时间限制在最低限度,那么您的身体将不会感到疲倦就可以节省很多时间。 我最近开始采用新的健身方式,以减少睡眠时间。

Finally working as a group can really benefit some people I find myself a lot less distracted if everyone one around me is working. Procrastinators Anonymous is a good group for support which I’m just starting to use.

最后,作为一个小组的工作真的可以使某些人受益,如果我周围的每个人都在工作,我发现自己的注意力要分散很多。 拖延者匿名组织是一个很好的支持小组,我刚刚开始使用。

In conclusion there are loads of ways to improve your productivity even if like me you find procrastination the Bane of your life. I’m still only part way through The Procrastination Equation so still have not found all the ways that can help me improve, I have only recently started to really fight my procrastination (and am currently still unproductive) and expect to learn more ways to win, so watch this space.

总而言之,即使像我一样,发现拖延是人生的祸根,也有很多方法可以提高您的生产力。 我仍然只是通过拖延方程式的一部分,所以仍然没有找到可以帮助我改善的所有方法,我只是最近才开始真正地对抗拖延症(并且目前仍然无能为力),并希望学习更多的取胜方法,因此请注意此空间。

Chester H was one of several readers who used Time Tracker:

切斯特·H(Chester H)是使用时间追踪器的几位读者之一:

I use a program called Time Tracker. This records all programs by actual time used. If I use Microsoft Word I can classify this as work Item with Time Tracker. Most Items come preclassified, however you can reclassify them yourself. You can also define your own categories. The program provides a pie chart for your time usage to the screen by percentage. You can export your results to a CSV file for later analysis. The program is still freeware. It supports Windows 98 to Windows 7.

我使用一个名为Time Tracker的程序。 这将按实际使用时间记录所有程序。 如果使用Microsoft Word,则可以使用Time Tracker将其分类为工作项。 大多数项目都是预先分类的,但是您可以自己重新分类。 您还可以定义自己的类别。 该程序提供一个饼图,以百分比形式显示您在屏幕上的时间使用情况。 您可以将结果导出到CSV文件,以供以后分析。 该程序仍然是免费软件。 它支持Windows 98到Windows 7。

For more time tracking tips and application suggestions, hit up the full comment thread here.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/127032/what-you-said-how-you-track-your-time/





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