
When it comes to getting things done quickly, automation is the name of the game. We’ve looked at IFTTT before, and a new batch of updates has introduced a number of options that can be used to automatically do things with files that are sent to your Gmail address.
当需要快速完成工作时,自动化就是游戏的名称。 之前,我们已经看过IFTTT ,并且进行了一系列新的更新,其中引入了许多选项,这些选项可用于自动处理发送到您的Gmail地址的文件。
What could this be used for? Well, the most obvious starting point is to simply create a backup of any files that you receive via email. This is useful if you find that you often reach the size limit for your inbox as it enables you to delete emails without having to worry about losing the associated files.
这可以用来做什么? 好吧,最明显的起点是简单地创建您通过电子邮件收到的任何文件的备份。 如果您发现经常达到收件箱的大小限制,这将很有用,因为它使您可以删除电子邮件而不必担心丢失关联文件。
Start by paying a visit to the IFTTT website and then either sign into an existing account or create a new one.

Click the Create link at the very top of the page followed by ‘this’. From the list of available Trigger Channels, select Gmail. As I’ve already been using IFTTT to automate various aspects of my Google activity, my accounts are already linked; you may find that you have to do so.
点击页面顶部的创建链接,然后点击“此”。 从可用的触发通道列表中,选择Gmail。 由于我已经在使用IFTTT来自动执行Google活动的各个方面,因此我的帐户已经建立了关联; 您可能会发现您必须这样做。

As with other IFTTT channels, there are various Gmail triggers. As we’re interested in working with attachments, click the ‘Any new attachment’ box.
与其他IFTTT频道一样,Gmail触发器也多种多样。 由于我们对使用附件感兴趣,因此请单击“任何新附件”框。

Click Create Trigger followed by the That link. You can then choose what you would like to happen when you receive an email that has an attachment.
单击创建触发器,然后单击该链接。 然后,您可以选择在收到带有附件的电子邮件时想要发生的情况。
There are lots of possibilities here, but for the purposes of this article, we’re interested in creating a backup of files that are received. Attachments can be automatically sent to any of a number of cloud storage services; I’m opting to use Dropbox to house all of my attachments.
这里有很多可能性,但是出于本文的目的,我们感兴趣的是创建接收到的文件的备份。 附件可以自动发送到许多云存储服务中的任何一个; 我选择使用Dropbox存放所有附件。
After selecting the Dropbox option, click ‘Add file from URL’.
选择“ Dropbox”选项后,单击“从URL添加文件”。

When email attachments are backed up, it is a good idea to ensure that they are named in a way that makes sense. Click the + button in the ‘File name’ section and use the drop down menu to choose how files should be titled.
备份电子邮件附件时,最好确保以合理的方式命名它们。 单击“文件名”部分中的+按钮,然后使用下拉菜单选择文件的标题。
It is possible to use several components to build up a meaningful name, such as the name of the file along with the email subject line, or the name of the sender.
You can use a similar method to choose where files should be saved. You can enter the path of a Dropbox folder, or have one created based on who the file has come from, the date it was received, and various other elements.
您可以使用类似的方法来选择文件的保存位置。 您可以输入Dropbox文件夹的路径,也可以根据文件的来源,接收日期和其他各种方式创建一个文件夹。

When you’re done, click Create Action, enter a description for your newly created recipe and click Create Recipe
Of course, there is room for a great deal of flexibility here, including backing up files to different services, but the very process of backing up attachments could be used as a trigger in its own right. You could, for instance, have IFTTT monitor your Dropbox account and upload image files to Flickr.
当然,这里有很大的灵活性,包括将文件备份到不同的服务,但是备份附件的过程本身就可以用作触发条件。 例如,您可以让IFTTT监视您的Dropbox帐户并将图像文件上传到Flickr。
Share your ideas and experiences below.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/166172/how-to-automatically-backup-your-gmail-attachments-with-ifttt/