android 音视频同步_如何轻松地将音乐,视频和照片与Android同步

android 音视频同步

android 音视频同步

Apple users have iTunes to synchronize their media libraries back and forth, but what do Android users have? Google doesn’t provide any official method of synchronization. Enter Synx, a simple, open-source tool for synchronizing your media files and your Android.

苹果用户有iTunes来回同步他们的媒体库,但是Android用户有什么? Google不提供任何正式的同步方法。 输入Synx,这是一个简单的开源工具,用于同步您的媒体文件和Android。

Synx synchronizes media folders on your computer with the equivalent media folders on your Android. You can also use your Android’s storage like a USB flash drive if you’d rather copy files back and forth manually.

Synx会将计算机上的媒体文件夹与Android上的等效媒体文件夹同步。 如果您想手动来回复制文件,还可以将Android的存储设备用作USB闪存驱动器。

获得Synx (Getting Synx)

You can download Synx for free. It’s only for Windows at the moment, but the developers promise a Linux version in the future.

您可以免费下载Synx 。 目前仅适用于Windows,但开发人员承诺将来会提供Linux版本。

They only offer Synx in .zip file form at the moment, so you’ll probably want to dump the contents of the zip file into another folder.


安装设备 (Mounting Your Device)

You’ll have to mount your device’s storage before Synx or any other program on your computer can access it.


First, connect your Android phone or tablet to your computer using its included USB cable. After it’s connected, drag the notification bar at the top of the screen down to reveal the notification area.

首先,使用随附的USB电缆将Android手机或平板电脑连接到计算机。 连接后,向下拖动屏幕顶部的通知栏以显示通知区域。

Tap the “USB connected” option in the notification list.

在通知列表中点击“ USB连接”选项。

Tap the “Connect storage to PC” button

点击“将存储连接到PC ”按钮

使用Synx(Using Synx)

You’ll have to tell Synx the drive letter of your Android device. You can find this under Devices with Removable Storage in your Computer window.

您必须告诉Synx您的Android设备的驱动器号。 您可以在“计算机”窗口中的“带有可移动存储的设备”下找到此文件。

On my computer, it’s drive F:, so I typed F:\ into the Android Device Drive box.

在我的计算机上,它的驱动器为F :,所以我在Android设备驱动器框中输入了F:\

By default, Synx uses the default Windows media folders as your music, video and pictures folders. If you have your media files in custom folders, you can enter their paths manually.

默认情况下,Synx使用默认的Windows媒体文件夹作为您的音乐,视频和图片文件夹。 如果您的媒体文件位于自定义文件夹中,则可以手动输入它们的路径。

If you’re an iTunes user, you can use the “Find iTunes Content” button to point Synx at your iTunes media library folders.


Click the Synx check box under every type of media you want to sync. If you want to back up your device’s photos to your computer, enable the “Back Up DCIM” check box under Pictures. Synx puts the photos into your computer’s Pictures directory.

单击要同步的每种媒体类型下的Synx复选框。 如果要将设备的照片备份到计算机,请启用“图片”下的“备份DCIM ”复选框。 Synx将照片放入计算机的图片目录。

Click the massive “SYNX!” button when you want to perform a sync.

点击巨大的“ SYNX!” 您想要执行同步时的按钮。

手动管理文件 (Manually Managing Files)

Double-click your Android device’s storage in the Computer window if you want to browse it manually.


You can place files anywhere in here, but you should probably use the default folders for better organization. You’ll find music in the Music folder and videos in the Video folder. You can create subfolders in here to better organize your files, if you want.

您可以将文件放置在此处的任何位置,但是您可能应该使用默认文件夹来更好地组织。 您会在“音乐”文件夹中找到音乐,在“视频”文件夹中找到视频。 您可以根据需要在此处创建子文件夹,以更好地组织文件。

If you’ve taken photos with your device’s camera, you’ll find them in the Camera folder inside the DCIM folder on your device’s storage.


You can copy files back and forth to your computer using drag and drop or copy and paste.


断开设备 (Disconnecting Your Device)

When you’re done using your device’s storage, tap the “Disconnect storage from PC” button before unplugging your device.


If you don’t see the USB Mass Storage screen, pull down the notification bar and tap the “Turn off USB Storage” option to bring it up.

如果没有看到USB Mass Storage屏幕,请拉下通知栏,然后点击“关闭USB Storage ”选项以将其调出。

Synx doesn’t have a lot of advanced features for controlling the sync process — the ability to exclude files would be nice — but it gets the job done with just a few clicks.



android 音视频同步





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