


Since the game went online over a year ago, players of Niantic’s massively popular (and often frustrating) AR monster-catcher have wondered where all the legendary creatures are hiding in Pokémon Go. The original Game Boy title had massively powerful, interesting, and unique legendary Pokémon way back in the 90s, but the smartphone game launched without access to Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Mewtwo, despite a heavy feature in the original trailer.

自从游戏在一年前上线以来,Niantic广受欢迎(且经常令人沮丧)的AR怪物捕手的玩家一直想知道,所有传奇生物都藏在《PokémonGo》中。 最初的Game Boy标题早在90年代就具有强大,有趣且独特的神奇宝贝神奇宝贝,但尽管原始预告片具有很重的功能,但智能手机游戏仍无法访问Articuno,Zapdos,Moltres和Mewtwo。

Now, at least some of these critters are catchable in the game: the first two legendary Pokémon to appear are the flying-ice type bird Articuno and the flying-psychic type Lugia, with more monsters slated to hit the game later on. But be warned: catching them isn’t going to be a walk in the park. Unless you catch them by walking to the park. Like I did.

现在,这些生物中至少有一些可以在游戏中被捕捉到:出现的前两个传奇神奇宝贝是飞冰型鸟Articuno和飞行心理型卢吉亚,以及更多的怪物计划稍后登陆游戏。 但请注意:赶上他们不会在公园里散步。 除非您步行去公园捉住他们。 像我一样

突袭首领简介(An Introduction to Raid Bosses)

If you’ve played any massively multiplayer online RPGs, like World of Warcraft, you’ll be familiar with the concept of a raid boss. It’s a massively powerful enemy that’s more or less impossible for a single player to take down, requiring a coordinated team or a huge group of dozens or more players to defeat.

如果您玩过任何大型的多人在线RPG,例如《魔兽世界》 ,您就会熟悉团队突袭的概念。 这是一个强大的敌人,一个玩家几乎不可能消灭敌人,需要一支协作的团队或数十人或更多玩家的庞大团队来击败。

In Pokémon Go, the raid bosses introduced in the latest update are regular Pokémon. But instead of simply trying to capture them by throwing balls and lures, you’re first tasked with defeating them in a gym battle: the monster spawns at a gym for a set amount of time, during which groups of up to twenty Pokémon Go players can team up in groups to take it down. Once the boss Pokémon is dispatched, you’ll have a chance to catch a weaker version of the rare monster with a conventional ball throw, using the special Premier Balls you earned as a reward for battle.

在《PokémonGo》中,最新更新中引入的突袭老板是普通的Pokémon。 但是,您首先要做的是在体育馆之战中击败它们,而不是简单地试图通过扔球和引诱来捕获它们:怪物在健身房产生一定的时间,在此期间,最多有20名PokémonGo玩家组可以组队取下来。 一旦派遣了上司口袋妖怪,您将有机会使用您获得的特殊Premier球作为战斗奖励,通过常规的掷球动作来捕获较弱版本的稀有怪物。

This group of Pokémon Go players gathered at my local park to catch an Articuno.

While all the raid bosses in Pokémon Go will be powerful monsters, the legendary Pokémon will be even rarer, appearing exclusively in these community-focused battles. The mechanics for the bosses as outlined below won’t change, but in order to get a chance at catching one, you’ll want to go to a popular area or gather a team.

神奇宝贝围棋中所有的突袭首领都是强大的怪物,而传说中的神奇宝贝将更加罕见,只出现在这些以社区为中心的战斗中。 如下所述,老板的工作机制不会改变,但是为了有机会被老板抓住,您需要去一个受欢迎的地方或聚集一个团队。

第一步:找到团队通行证 (Step One: Find a Raid Pass)

You can’t just walk up to a raid boss and pile in—you’ll need a Raid Pass. These tokens are granted once a day by walking within range of a Pokémon Gym and spinning the circle, just like on a PokéStop. You can only get one Raid Pass per day, no matter how many gyms you go to, and you can’t hold on to more than one at a time—that means free players are limited to one raid boss battle per day, and they’ll have to spin the circle at a gym before going to a new raid battle the next day.

您不能只是走到一个突袭首领那里而扎堆-您需要一个突袭通行证。 就像在PokéStop上一样,每天通过在PokémonGym范围内行走并旋转圆圈来授予这些令牌。 无论您去多少个体育馆,每天都只能获得一张Raid Pass,并且一次不能拥有多个体育馆,这意味着免费玩家每天只能参加一次Raid Boss战斗,而且在第二天参加新的突袭之前,必须在体育馆打个圈。

There’s an alternative if you want to attack multiple raid bosses in a single day: the Premium Raid Pass. This is an item bought in the Shop for 100 coins, and you can buy as many as you can afford in a day. But just like the regular Raid Pass, you’re limited to only a single Premium Raid Pass at a time. And of course, buying them with coins will quickly drain your supply, unless you have Pokémon at multiple gyms or you top it up with real money.

如果您想在一天内攻击多个突袭首领,则有另一种选择:高级突袭通行证。 这是在商店中以100个硬币购买的商品,一天之内您可以买得起。 但是,就像普通的Raid Pass一样,您一次只能使用一张Premium Raid Pass。 当然,用硬币购买它们会很快耗尽您的供应,除非您在多个体育馆里都有神奇宝贝,或者用真钱充值。

第二步:找到一个传奇的突袭老板 (Step Two: Find a Legendary Raid Boss)

Raid bosses appear exclusively at Pokémon Gyms. While the Raid Boss is active, the normal gym battles with Pokémon from other trainers won’t be available. The game will give you smartphone alerts for upcoming raid bosses, or you can find them in the new tab in the radar screen, or of course you can just look around the overworld until you find one.

突袭首领只出现在神奇宝贝体育馆。 当Raid Boss处于活动状态时,将无法与其他教练一起与Pokémon进行正常的健身房战斗。 该游戏将为您提供即将到来的突袭首领的智能手机警报,或者您可以在雷达屏幕的新标签中找到它们,或者当然,您可以环顾整个世界,直到找到一个。

Raids that are about to become active will appear above their corresponding Pokémon Gyms as an egg symbol: a pink striped egg for “Normal” monsters (difficulty level one and two), a white and yellow egg for “Rare” monsters (level three and four), and a blue and purple striped egg for “Legendary” monsters (exclusively level five). This is the one you want—if you’re limiting yourself to a single free Raid Pass per day, save it for the Legendary eggs. If you see a legendary Pokémon (Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, or Lugia in the initial batch) you can be sure it’s an active raid boss, since those Pokémon can’t be left in a normal gym.

即将进行的突袭将在其相应的PokémonGyms上方显示为鸡蛋符号:“普通”怪物(难度为1级和2级)的粉红色条纹鸡蛋,“稀有”怪物(级别为3级和2级)的白色和黄色鸡蛋。四个),以及一个蓝色和紫色的条纹蛋,用于“传奇”怪物(仅用于第5级)。 这就是您想要的-如果您每天限制自己使用一张免费的Raid Pass,请将其保存为Legendary蛋。 如果您看到传说中的神奇宝贝(首批中的Articuno,Zapdos,Moltres或Lugia),您可以肯定它是一个活跃的突袭首领,因为那些神奇宝贝不能留在普通体育馆里。

Eggs timers last around 30 minutes, after which the raid boss will stay available at its gym for a couple of hours. You have that long to gather a team, or team up with players who are already there, and defeat the boss.

鸡蛋计时器持续约30分钟,之后团队突袭老板将在其健身房呆上几个小时。 您有这么长的时间来组建一个团队,或者与已经在那里的球员组队,然后击败老板。

第三步:组队并选择您的神奇宝贝 (Step Three: Team Up and Choose Your Pokémon)

Once the egg timer reaches zero, you’ll be able to offer up your Raid Pass and join the raid boss battle. Whether you join a private group of your friends or the default raid group that forms up as players join the gym battle, you can use your Raid Pass over and over until you beat the boss, or until the boss time limit goes out. If you’re in a less populated area or you don’t have a group with you, wait a while at the raid boss location—more people might show up soon.

一旦egg timer达到零,您就可以提供Raid Pass并加入Raid Boss战斗。 无论您是加入朋友的私人小组,还是参加运动员参加健身房战斗时形成的默认团队,您都可以反复使用Raid Pass,直到击败老板或老板的时限为止。 如果您在人烟稀少的地区,或者没有人陪伴,请在突袭老板的位置稍等片刻,很快就会有更多人出现。

You might just be able to defeat a level one or two raid boss on your own, but for legendary Pokémon, you’ll want as many people as possible. Ten high-level players (30+) might be able to defeat the super-strong Pokémon, but twenty mid-level players will have an easier time of it. Twenty is the maximum party limit, either public or private, after which larger groups will be split up.

您也许可以独自击败一个或两个级别的突袭首领,但是对于传奇的神奇宝贝而言,您将需要尽可能多的人。 十个高级玩家(30岁以上)也许可以击败超强的神奇宝贝,但二十个中级玩家将拥有更轻松的时间。 二十方是最大的公共或私人聚会限制,之后将分成更大的组。

As you form up with other players, you’ll be given the opportunity to select up to six of your strongest Pokémon for the fight. Pure strength (CP) is important here, but type advantage is even more critical for getting those big hits. You’ll also want big, beefy Pokémon that have a lot of hit points, because the raid boss hits hard and can often take out even high-level smaller Pokémon with a single attack. Make your selections wisely.

与其他玩家结盟时,您将有机会从战斗中选择最强的神奇宝贝中的六个。 纯粹的力量(CP)在这里很重要,但是类型优势对于获得巨大成功至关重要。 您还将需要具有很多生命值的大型,强壮的神奇宝贝,因为突袭首领会受到重击,并且通常一次攻击就可以消灭甚至更高等级的小神奇宝贝。 明智地进行选择。

第四步:放下老板 (Step Four: Take Down the Boss)

When the countdown reaches zero, you’ll enter into a battle with your first Pokémon. The battle interface is just like a gym battle, with fast and strong attacks and swiping to dodge. But instead of a one-on-one fight with a trainer’s Pokémon, all of the people in your team will attack simultaneously, whittling down the boss’s hit points until it reaches zero. This is why it’s so important to have a large group: the boss can only attack one Pokémon/trainer combo at a time, while everyone can attack it during the entire battle.

倒数到零时,您将与第一只神奇宝贝展开战斗。 战斗界面就像体育馆战斗一样,具有快速而强大的攻击力和轻击力。 但是,与其与教练的神奇宝贝进行一对一的战斗,您的团队中的所有人将同时发动进攻,降低老板的生命值,直到达到零。 这就是为什么拥有如此庞大的团队如此重要的原因:老板一次只能攻击一个神奇宝贝/教练组合,而每个人在整个战斗中都可以攻击它。

You can swap out and heal Pokémon if necessary, but keep an eye on the timer: if the boss still has hit points when it reaches zero, the entire group loses the fight. If you do manage to beat the raid boss, you’ll be showered with experience and rare items like Rare Candies and Golden Razz Berries. You’ll also receive a number of Premier PokéBalls: the better you, your local team, and game team (Mystic/Instinct/Valor) do, the more Premier Balls you’ll receive.

您可以换掉并在必要时治愈神奇宝贝,但请注意计时器:如果老板在零时仍然有生命值,则整个团队都会输掉这场战斗。 如果您确实击败了突袭首领,您将获得丰富的经验和稀有物品,例如稀有糖果和金色Razz浆果。 您还将收到许多PremierPokéBalls:您,您的本地团队和游戏团队(神秘/本能/英勇)做得越好,您收到的Premier Ball越多。

第四步:赶上传说中的神奇宝贝 (Step Four: Catch the Legendary Pokémon)

Here’s what it’s all come down to: can you catch a legendary Pokémon? Immediately after the raid boss is defeated, you’ll be given a chance to catch a randomized version of that Pokémon in the standard Pokémon Go ball-throwing interface. The Pokémon won’t be able to run away from you, but you can only use the Premier balls you received from the raid boss to catch it! That means you’ll be extremely limited in your number of throws, since this is a high-level Pokémon with major evasive powers and a smaller area to throw at.

这就是全部内容:您可以抓住传说中的神奇宝贝吗? 在突袭首领被击败后,您将有机会在标准PokémonGo掷球界面中捕捉该Pokémon的随机版本。 神奇宝贝将无法逃离您,但您只能使用从突袭首领那里获得的Premier球来接住它! 这意味着您的投掷次数将受到极大限制,因为这是具有主要回避能力和较小投掷区的高水平神奇宝贝。

It’s possible—perhaps even likely—that you won’t catch a legendary Pokémon on your first raid boss victory. Be patient, wait for an ideal shot, and use any berries you have available with every throw. Good luck!

您有可能(甚至有可能)在您的首次突袭首领胜利中不会抓住传说中的神奇宝贝。 要有耐心,等待理想的击球,并在每次掷球时都使用可用的浆果。 祝好运!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/319537/how-to-catch-legendary-pokemon-in-pokemon-go/






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