


It’s been over five years since The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim landed in gamers’ eager hands, and we don’t seem any closer to a true sequel than we were back then (no, The Elder Scrolls Online doesn’t count). Bethesda is content to port the old game to every new platform possible, but the modding community is picking up the slack, adding tons of new, professional-level content to the original version of the RPG.

自从《上古卷轴5 :天际》落入游戏玩家热切的手中已经过去了五年多,而且我们看上去比现在更接近真正的续集了(不, 《上古卷轴在线》不算在内)。 Bethesda乐于将旧游戏移植到所有可能的新平台上,但改装社区正在逐渐放松,在RPG的原始版本中增加了许多新的专业级内容

The most ambitious of these projects is Beyond Skyrim, which plans to eventually add all of the sprawling fantasy continent of Tamriel to the base game. The going is slow—this is a team of semi-professionals and volunteers, after all, not a company with hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue—but the first small slice of the project is now complete. Beyond Skyrim: Bruma adds the titular city from Cyrodiil, last seen in Oblivion, as a new and huge expansion for the standard in-game explorable area.

这些项目中最雄心勃勃的是《超越天际》 ,该公司计划最终将所有庞大的幻想大陆“泰姆瑞尔”添加到基础游戏中。 进展很缓慢-毕竟这是一个由半专业人士和志愿者组成的团队,毕竟这不是一个收入数亿美元的公司-但该项目的第一小部分现已完成。 超越天际:布鲁玛将从赛洛迪尔名义的城市,最后一次出现在遗忘,作为标准在游戏中探索的领域一个新的巨大的扩张。

Getting this massive mod installed and working is something of a chore, however, and it’s definitely more complicated than your average mod. Here’s how you do it.

但是,安装并运行这个庞大的Mod是一件繁琐的事情,而且绝对比您的普通Mod复杂。 这是您的操作方式。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

For this, you’ll need:


  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for PC: Only the PC version of the game is supported by the developers of Beyond Skyrim, at least at the moment. The Special Edition of Skyrim is supported, and the mod should be ported to the Xbox One at some point.

    上古卷轴5: PC版Skyrim :Beyond Skyrim的开发人员至少目前仅支持游戏的PC版本。 支持Skyrim特别版,并且该模块应在某个时候移植到Xbox One

  • A good Internet connection: …or a lot of time for the massive download. Either works.

    良好的Internet连接:…或花费大量时间进行大量下载。 无论哪种。

  • All three official expansions: the mod uses resource files from Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. If you don’t have all three expansions, you can’t use it. (The Special Edition includes the base game and all three official Bethesda add-ons.)

    所有这三个官方扩展:mod使用来自DawnguardHearthfireDragonborn的资源文件。 如果没有所有三个扩展,则无法使用。 (特别版包括基本游戏和所有三个Bethesda官方附加组件。)

  • Nexus Mod Manager: It’s possible to manually install Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, but there’s really no reason to do so. We recommend using Nexus Mod Manager, the de facto standard for third-party Skyrim mods. Install it now, because you’ll need it for this guide. You can check out our guide here to get acquainted if you aren’t already.

    Nexus Mod Manager :可以手动安装Beyond Skyrim:Bruma ,但实际上没有理由这样做。 我们建议使用Nexus Mod Manager ,这是第三方Skyrim mod的事实上的标准。 立即安装它,因为本指南将需要它。 如果您还不熟悉的话,可以在这里查看我们的指南

If you aren’t familiar with the process of installing Skyrim mods with Nexus Mod Manager, you might want to brush up with our guide before you get started on the process below. Installing mods can be tricky, and this one is extra tricky, so it helps to not go in blind!

如果您不熟悉使用Nexus Mod Manager安装Skyrim mod的过程,则可能需要先阅读我们的指南,然后再开始以下过程。 安装mod可能很棘手,而这个又很棘手,因此有助于避免盲目!

第一步:备份您的保存文件 (Step One: Back Up Your Save Files)

The creators of the Beyond Skyrim: Bruma mod have instructed users to back up their save files if they’re only trying out the new lands, because the mod saves new files in ways that may corrupt them after Bruma is uninstalled. Skyrim save files are located in your Documents folder by default: Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves or Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves or Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition. Simply copy and paste your save files to another folder to back them up, and restore them to this folder after uninstalling Bruma.

Beyond Skyrim:Bruma mod的创建者已指示用户仅在尝试新土地时备份其保存文件,因为该mod以卸载Bruma后可能损坏它们的方式保存新文件。 Skyrim保存文件默认情况下位于“文档”文件夹中:Documents \ My Games \ Skyrim \ Saves或Documents \ My Games \ Skyrim \ Saves或Documents \ My Games \ Skyrim特别版。 只需将您的保存文件复制并粘贴到另一个文件夹以进行备份,然后在卸载Bruma之后将它们恢复到该文件夹​​。

第二步:安装Skyrim Script Extender(特别版不需要) (Step Two: Install Skyrim Script Extender (Not Necessary for Special Edition))

The Skyrim Script Extender is a mod that allows quite a lot of other mods to function, including much of the content of the Bruma mod. You’ll need to download it and install it, either manually from the SKSE website, or via the handy Steam Workshop version (sadly, there’s no way to install this particular mod with Nexus Mod Manager). Using Steam is definitely the easiest way: just head to this page, log in with your Steam account, then click “Install now.”

Skyrim Script Extender是一个Mod,它允许许多其他Mod起作用,包括Bruma Mod的许多内容。 您需要从SKSE网站手动下载或通过方便的Steam Workshop版本下载并安装(遗憾的是,无法通过Nexus Mod Manager安装此特定Mod)。 使用Steam绝对是最简单的方法:只需转到此页面,使用您的Steam帐户登录,然后单击“立即安装”。

If you prefer a manual installation, go to this link, click “installer” to download it, then double-click the installation file and follow the on-screen instructions.


第二步:安装Skyrim启动内存编辑器(特别版不需要) (Step Two: Install Skyrim Startup Memory Editor (Not Necessary For Special Edition))

This is an easy patch that will force Skyrim to load up more system memory at startup, preventing some common causes of crashes as the game goes on. Though the patch is hosted on the Nexus Mods website, it’s a manual installation only. Go to this page and click “Download (Manual).” Then click the first link in the “Files” list—it should be labelled “SSME – Skyrim Startup Memory Editor.”

这是一个简单的补丁程序,它将迫使Skyrim在启动时加载更多的系统内存,从而防止游戏继续进行时导致崩溃的一些常见原因。 尽管该修补程序托管在Nexus Mods网站上,但仅是手动安装。 转到此页面,然后单击“下载(手册)”。 然后单击“文件”列表中的第一个链接,该链接应标记为“ SSME – Skyrim Startup Memory Editor”。

Inside the ZIP folder are two files: ssme.ini and d3xd9_42.dll. Copy both of those files into your main Skyrim game folder; the default Steam installation location is at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim. Replace files in the folder if Windows warns you of duplicates.

ZIP文件夹中有两个文件:ssme.ini和d3xd9_42.dll。 将这两个文件都复制到您的主要Skyrim游戏文件夹中; Steam的默认安装位置为C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Skyrim。 如果Windows警告您重复文件,请替换文件夹中的文件。

第三步:下载Skyrim Unlimited:Bruma (Step Three: Download Skyrim Unlimited: Bruma)

Now you’re finally ready to install the mod itself. Head to this link for the standard version of Skyrim, or this link for the Special Edition. Click “Download (NMM)” to download and install the mod through Nexus Mod Manager.

现在您终于准备好安装mod本身。 请访问此链接以获取Skyrim的标准版本,或链接至特别版。 点击“下载(NMM)”以通过Nexus Mod Manager下载并安装该Mod。

The mod is huge—around 2.5GB—and the Nexus servers aren’t exactly lightning fast, so feel free to go and do something else while the Nexus Mod Manager fetches the files.

该Mod容量巨大(约2.5 GB),并且Nexus服务器的运行速度并不快,因此,在Nexus Mod Manager提取文件时,可以随意进行其他操作。

Once the download is finished, click on the “Mods” tab at the top of the window, then click the folder expansion button under “New lands” to see the Beyond Skyrim expansion. Right-click the entry, then click “Install and activate.”

下载完成后,单击窗口顶部的“ Mods”选项卡,然后单击“ New lands”下的文件夹扩展按钮以查看Beyond Skyrim扩展。 右键单击该条目,然后单击“安装并激活”。

第四步:设置加载顺序 (Step Four: Set the Load Order)

In Nexus Mod Manager, click the Plugins tab and look at the list on the left of the window. You want to find the following entries:

在Nexus Mod Manager中,点击插件标签,然后查看窗口左侧的列表。 您要查找以下条目:

  • BSAssets.esm

  • BSHeartland.esm


Make sure both of them are checked, and that they load in the above order. You can adjust the load order by clicking one of the entries and then the green up or down arrow to the left.

确保它们都被选中,并且它们以上述顺序加载。 您可以通过单击以下一项来调整加载顺序,然后单击左侧的绿色向上或向下箭头。

第五步:进入布鲁玛! (Step Five: Enter Bruma!)

Start Skyrim via Steam in the usual way, and load up your current game save or start a new one. You can enter the region of Bruma one of two ways. You can go through the official Cyrodiil gate, the Pale Pass, at this location:

以通常的方式通过Steam启动Skyrim,然后加载您当前保存的游戏或开始新的游戏。 您可以通过以下两种方式之一进入布鲁玛地区。 您可以在以下位置通过官方的西罗迪尔大门Pale Pass:

Or try to smuggle your way into the country via a hidden dungeon, the Serpent’s Trail, at this location:


Getting through the gate is straightforward enough, but the Imperial guards won’t let just anyone through—you’ll have to be a VIP in the land of Skyrim before they’ll allow you to pass. Serpent’s Trail doesn’t have any customs to deal with, but you might find that the bandits infesting the place aren’t too keen on you using their back door to Cyrodiil. Either way, if you can get through by various means you’ll find yourself in a new land (or a familiar one, if you’ve played Oblivion) with lots of new stuff to explore.

穿过大门很简单,但是帝国卫队不会让任何人通过-您必须在天际的土地上成为VIP,然后他们才能通过。 Serpent's Trail没有任何需要处理的风俗习惯,但是您可能会发现,出没于这个地方的土匪们对他们使用Cyrodiil的后门并不热衷。 无论哪种方式,如果您可以通过各种方式获得成功,您将发现自己在新的土地上(或者,如果您曾玩过《遗忘战记》,则是一个熟悉的土地),其中有很多新事物可供探索。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/318544/how-to-install-the-beyond-skyrim-bruma-mod/


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