什么是Windows 10最佳防病毒软件? (Windows Defender是否足够好?)

Windows 10 won’t hassle you to install an antivirus like Windows 7 did. Since Windows 8, Windows now includes a built-in free antivirus called Windows Defender. But is it really the best for protecting your PC–or even just good enough?

Windows 10不会像Windows 7那样麻烦您安装防病毒软件。 从Windows 8开始,Windows现在包含称为Windows Defender的内置免费防病毒软件。 但是,这真的是保护您的PC的最佳选择吗?

Windows Defender was originally known as Microsoft Security Essentials back in the Windows 7 days when it was offered as a separate download, but now it’s built right into Windows and it’s enabled by default. Many people have been trained to believe that you should always install a third-party antivirus, but that isn’t the best solution for today’s security problems, like ransomware.

Windows Defender最初在Windows 7天内以单独下载的形式提供,最初被称为Microsoft Security Essentials,但现在它已内置在Windows中,并且默认情况下已启用。 许多人已经接受培训,认为您应该始终安装第三方防病毒软件,但这并不是当今勒索软件等安全问题的最佳解决方案。

那么什么是最好的防病毒软件? 请不要让我读所有这一切 (So What’s the Best Antivirus? Please Don’t Make Me Read All This)

What you need is a great team: Malwarebytes + Windows Defender
您需要一个强大的团队:Malwarebytes + Windows Defender

We definitely recommend you read the entire article so you fully understand why we recommend a combination of Windows Defender and Malwarebytes, but since we know that tons of people will just scroll down and skim, here is our TL;DR recommendation for how to keep your system secure:

我们绝对建议您阅读整篇文章,以便您完全理解为什么我们建议结合使用Windows DefenderMalwarebytes ,但是由于我们知道很多人只会向下滚动和浏览,因此这是我们的TL; DR建议,可帮助您保护自己的计算机。系统安全:

  • Use the Built-in Windows Defender for traditional antivirus – the criminals have moved on from regular viruses to focus on Ransomware, zero-day attacks, and even worse malware that traditional antivirus just can’t handle. Windows Defender is built right in, blazing fast, doesn’t annoy you, and does its job cleaning old-school viruses.

    使用内置Windows Defender进行传统防病毒-犯罪分子已经从常规病毒转移到了勒索软件,零日攻击以及什至是传统防病毒无法处理的更恶劣的恶意软件上。 Windows Defender内置在其中,运行Swift,不会惹恼您,并且可以清除老式病毒。

  • Use Malwarebytes for Anti-Malware and Anti-Exploit – all of the huge malware outbreaks these days are using zero-day flaws in your browser to install ransomware to take over your PC, and only Malwarebytes provides really excellent protection against this with their unique anti-exploit system. There’s no bloatware and it won’t slow you down.

    使用Malwarebytes进行反恶意软件和反利用–这些天的所有大型恶意软件爆发都使用浏览器中的零日漏洞安装勒索软件来接管您的PC,只有Malwarebytes才凭借其独特的反病毒功能提供了出色的保护-利用系统。 没有膨胀软件,它不会使您放慢速度。

Editor’s Note: This doesn’t even mention the fact that Malwarebytes, the company, is staffed by some really great people that we really respect. Every time we talk to them, they are excited about the mission of cleaning up the internet. It’s not often that we give an official How-To Geek recommendation, but this is our favorite product by far, and something we use ourselves.

编者注:这甚至都没有提到Malwarebytes (该公司)由一些我们非常尊重的非常出色的员工组成的事实。 每次我们与他们交谈时,他们都会为清理互联网的使命感到兴奋。 我们很少给出官方的How-To Geek建议,但这是迄今为止我们最喜欢的产品,也是我们自己使用的东西。

一劳永逸:防病毒和反恶意软件 (A One-Two Punch: Antivirus and Anti-Malware)

You need antivirus software on your computer, no matter how “carefully” you browse. Being smart isn’t enough to protect you from threats, and security software can help act as another line of defense.

无论您多么“仔细”地浏览,您都需要在计算机上安装防病毒软件。 聪明不足以保护您免受威胁,安全软件可以帮助您充当另一道防线。

However, antivirus itself is no longer adequate security on its own. We recommend you use a good antivirus program and a good anti-malware program. Together, they will protect you from most of the biggest threats on the internet today: viruses, spyware, ransomware, and even potentially unwanted programs (PUPs)—among many others.

但是,防病毒本身不再具有足够的安全性。 我们建议您使用良好的防病毒程序良好的反恶意软件程序。 它们将共同保护您免受当今互联网上大多数最大的威胁:病毒,间谍软件,勒索软件,甚至还有潜在有害程序(PUP)等等

So which ones should you use, and do you need to pay money for them? Let’s start with the first part of that combo: antivirus.

那么,您应该使用哪个呢?您需要为它们付钱吗? 让我们从该组合的第一部分开始:防病毒。

Windows Defender足够好吗? (Is Windows Defender Good Enough?)

When you install Windows 10, you’ll have an antivirus program already running. Windows Defender comes built-in to Windows 10, and automatically scans programs you open, downloads new definitions from Windows Update, and provides an interface you can use for in-depth scans. Best of all, it doesn’t slow down your system, and mostly stays out of your way—which we can’t say about most other antivirus programs.

安装Windows 10时,您已经有一个防病毒程序正在运行。 Windows Defender内置于Windows 10中,并自动扫描您打开的程序,从Windows Update下载新定义,并提供可用于深度扫描的界面。 最棒的是,它不会降低您的系统速度,并且大多数情况下不会影响您的工作-对于大多数其他防病毒程序,我们无法说清楚。

For a short while, Microsoft’s antivirus fell behind the others when it came to comparative antivirus software tests—way behind. It was bad enough that we recommended something else, but it’s since bounced back, and now provides very good protection.


So in short, yes: Windows Defender is good enough (as long as you couple it with a good anti-malware program, as we mentioned above—more on that in a minute).

简而言之,是的:Windows Defender足够好(只要您将它与一个良好的反恶意软件程序相结合,就像我们上面提到的那样,在几分钟之内就可以了)。

但是Windows Defender是最好的防病毒软件吗? 那其他程序呢? (But Is Windows Defender the Best Antivirus? What About Other Programs?)

If you look at that antivirus comparison we linked to above, you’ll notice that Windows Defender, while good, does not get the highest ranks in terms of raw protection scores. So why not use something else?

如果您看一下我们上面链接的防病毒比较,您会发现Windows Defender虽然不错,但在原始保护得分方面并没有获得最高的排名。 那么为什么不使用其他东西呢?

First, let’s look at those scores. AV-TEST found that it still caught 99.9% of the “widespread and prevalent malware” in April 2017, along with 98.8% percent of the zero-day attacks. Avira, one of AV-TEST’s top rated antivirus programs, has the exact same scores for April—but slightly higher scores in past months, so its overall rating is (for some reason) much higher. But Windows Defender isn’t nearly as crippled as AV-TEST’s 4.5-out-of-6 rating would have you believe.

首先,让我们看一下这些分数。 AV-TEST发现,截至2017年4月,它仍然捕获了99.9%的“广泛流行的恶意软件”,以及98.8%的零日攻击。 Avira是AV-TEST评分最高的防病毒程序之一,其4月份的评分完全相同,但过去几个月的评分略高,因此(出于某种原因)其总体评分要高得多。 但是Windows Defender并没有让您相信AV-TEST的4.5满分6评级那样糟糕。

Furthermore, security is about more than raw protection scores. Other antivirus programs may occasionally do a bit better in monthly tests, but they also come with a lot of bloat, like browser extensions that actually make you less saferegistry cleaners that are terrible and unnecesaryloads of unsafe junkware, and even the ability to track your browsing habits so they can make money. Furthermore, the way they hook themselves into your browser and operating system often causes more problems than it solves. Something that protects you against viruses but opens you up to other vectors of attack is not good security.

此外,安全性远不止原始保护分数。 其他防病毒程序有时在每月测试中可能会做得更好,但是它们也会带来很多膨胀,例如实际上使您不安全的浏览器扩展,可怕且不必要的注册表清理程序大量不安全的垃圾软件甚至是功能跟踪您的浏览习惯,以便他们可以赚钱。 此外,他们将自己连接到浏览器和操作系统的方式通常会导致更多问题,而不是解决的问题。 保护您免受病毒侵扰但使您容易遭受其他攻击手段的东西并不是好的安全性。

Just look at all the extra garbage Avast tries to install alongside its antivirus.

Windows Defender does not do any of these things—it does one thing well, for free, and without getting in your way. Plus, Windows 10 already includes the various other protections introduced in Windows 8, like the SmartScreen filter that should prevent you from downloading and running malware, whatever antivirus you use. Chrome and Firefox, similarly, include Google’s Safe Browsing, which blocks many malware downloads.

Windows Defender不执行任何这些操作,而是免费,不妨碍您地完成一项操作。 另外,Windows 10已经包括Windows 8中引入的各种其他保护,例如SmartScreen筛选器该筛选器应阻止您下载和运行恶意软件,无论使用何种防病毒软件。 Chrome和Firefox同样包含Google的安全浏览功能,可阻止许多恶意软件下载。

If you hate Windows Defender for some reason and want to use another antivirus, you can use Avira. It has a free version that works fairly well, a pro version with a few extra features, and it provides great protection scores and only has the occasional popup ad (but it does have popup ads, which are annoying). The biggest problem is that you need to be sure to uninstall the browser extension it tries to force on you, which makes it hard to recommend to non-technical people.

如果出于某种原因而讨厌Windows Defender,并且想要使用其他防病毒软件,则可以使用Avira 。 它具有一个运行良好的免费版本一个具有一些额外功能的专业版,并且提供了出色的保护得分,并且仅偶尔出现弹出广告(但确实有弹出广告,这很烦人)。 最大的问题是,您需要确保卸载它试图强加给您的浏览器扩展,这使得向非技术人员推荐是很难的。

防病毒不够:太使用恶意软件字节 (Antivirus Isn’t Enough: Use Malwarebytes, Too)


Antivirus is important, but these days, it’s more important that you use a good anti-exploit program to protect your web browser and plug-ins, which are the most targeted by attackers. Malwarebytes is the program we recommend here.

防病毒很重要,但是如今,使用一个好的反利用程序来保护您的Web浏览器和插件(这是攻击者最有针对性的)更加重要。 Malwarebytes是我们在这里推荐的程序。

Unlike traditional antivirus programs, Malwarebytes is good at finding “potentially unwanted programs” (PUPs) and other junkware. As of version 3.0, it also contains an anti-exploit feature, which aims to block common exploits in programs, even if they are zero-day attacks that have never seen before—like those nasty Flash zero-day attacks. It also contains anti-ransomware, to block extortion attacks like CryptoLocker. The latest version of Malwarebytes combines these three tools into one easy-to-use package for $40 per year.

与传统的防病毒程序不同,Malwarebytes擅长查找“潜在有害程序”(PUP)和其他垃圾软件。 从3.0版开始,它还包含一个反漏洞利用功能,旨在阻止程序中的常见漏洞利用,即使它们是以前从未见过的零日攻击,例如那些讨厌的Flash零日攻击。 它还包含反勒索软件,以阻止诸如CryptoLocker的勒索攻击。 Malwarebytes的最新版本将这三个工具合并为一个易于使用的软件包,每年收费40美元

Malwarebytes claims to be able to replace your traditional antivirus entirely, but we disagree with this. It uses completely different strategies for protecting you: antivirus will block or quarantine harmful programs that find their way to your computer, while Malwarebytes attempts to stop harmful software from ever reaching your computer in the first place. Since it doesn’t interfere with traditional antivirus programs, we recommend you run both programs for the best protection.

Malwarebytes声称能够完全取代您的传统防病毒软件,但是我们对此并不认同。 它使用完全不同的策略来保护您:防病毒软件将阻止或隔离可能进入您计算机的有害程序,而Malwarebytes首先试图阻止有害软件进入您的计算机。 由于它不会干扰传统的防病毒程序,因此我们建议您同时运行这两个程序以获得最佳保护。

Update: Starting with Malwarebytes 4, the Premium version of Malwarebytes now registers itself as the system’s security program by default. In other words, it will handle all your anti-malware scanning and Windows Defender won’t run in the background. You can still run both at once if you like. Here’s how: In Malwarebytes, open Settings, click the “Security” tab, and disable the “Always register Malwarebytes in the Windows Security Center” option. With this option disabled, Malwarebytes won’t register itself as the system’s security application and both Malwarebytes and Windows Defender will run at the same time.

更新:从Malwarebytes 4开始,Malwarebytes的高级版现在默认将自己注册为系统的安全程序。 换句话说,它将处理您所有的反恶意软件扫描,并且Windows Defender不会在后台运行。 如果愿意,您仍然可以同时运行两者。 操作方法如下:在“恶意软件字节”中,打开“设置”,单击“安全”选项卡,然后禁用“始终在Windows安全中心注册恶意软件字节”选项。 禁用此选项后,Malwarebytes不会将其自身注册为系统的安全应用程序,并且Malwarebytes和Windows Defender将同时运行。

Note that you can get some of Malwarebytes’ features for free, but with caveats. For example, the free version of Malwarebytes program will only scan for malware and PUPs on-demand—it won’t scan in the background like the premium version does. In addition, it doesn’t contain the anti-exploit or anti-ransomware features of the premium version.

请注意,您可以免费获得Malwarebytes的某些功能,但有一些警告。 例如,免费版本的Malwarebytes程序将仅按需扫描恶意软件和PUP,而不会像高级版本那样在后台进行扫描。 此外,它不包含高级版本的反利用或反勒索软件功能。

You can only get all three features in the full $40 version of Malwarebytes, which we recommend. But if you’re willing to forego anti-ransomware and always-on malware scanning, the free versions of Malwarebytes and Anti-Exploit are better than nothing, and you should definitely use them.

我们只能在40美元的完整版Malwarebytes中获得所有这三个功能。 但是,如果您愿意放弃反勒索软件和始终在线的恶意软件扫描,则免费版本的Malwarebytes和Anti-Exploit总比没有好,并且您绝对应该使用它们。

There you have it: with a combination of a good antivirus program, Malwarebytes, and some common sense, you’ll be pretty well protected. Just remember that antivirus is only one of the standard computer security practices you should be following. Good digital hygiene isn’t a replacement for antivirus, but it is essential to making sure your antivirus can do its job.

有了它:结合了良好的防病毒程序,Malwarebytes和一些常识,您将得到很好的保护。 请记住,防病毒只是您应遵循的标准计算机安全实践之一。 良好的数字卫生状况不能替代防病毒软件,但对于确保您的防病毒软件能够发挥作用至关重要

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/225385/what’s-the-best-antivirus-for-windows-10-is-windows-defender-good-enough/

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