



You’re not a Jolly Roger flying pirate, you’re just somebody that wants to backup the ebooks they paid for and read them on the devices they want to read them on. Follow along as we show you how to liberate your Kindle books.

您不是海盗船上的海盗,您只是想备份他们所购买的电子书并在想要阅读的设备上阅读的人。 跟随我们向您展示如何解放Kindle电子书。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

Most media these days, from purchased TV show episodes to ebooks to physical media like DVDS, are loaded with Digital Rights Management (DRM) schemes. The DRM schemes are put in place by the publishers as a safeguard against piracy and to control how the consumer uses the media they’ve purchased (e.g. you can watch this movie or read this book on our device, but not on our competitor’s device).

如今,从购买的电视节目剧集到电子书再到DVDS等物理媒体,大多数媒体都装有数字版权管理(DRM)方案。 DRM计划由发布者实施,以防止盗版并控制消费者如何使用购买的媒体(例如,您可以在我们的设备上观看这部电影或阅读这本书,但不能在竞争对手的设备上观看) 。

We don’t know about you, but we don’t particularly care to be told how we can enjoy the media we’ve paid good money for. In fact, we opted not to put DRM on our book The How-To Geek Guide to Windows 8 specifically for that reason. We respect you as a reader of this site, a consumer, and a person far too much to restrict how you can enjoy a book you purchase from us. After you buy it, you can read it however you want to read it on whatever device you want to read it on.

我们不了解您,但是我们并不特别在乎告诉我们如何享受我们为此付出高昂代价的媒体。 实际上,出于这个原因,我们选择不将DRM放在我们的《 Windows 8入门指南》一书中。 我们非常尊重您(本站点的读者,消费者和个人),以至于无法限制您如何享受从我们这里购买的书籍。 购买后,您可以在任何想要读取的设备上阅读它。

As for preventing piracy, DRM’s value in doing so is dubious at best; why would anyone go to the hassle of stripping DRM if they intended to pirate the material anyway (as DRM-free pirated copies of just about everything already exist all over the Internet). In other words, DRM poses a fairly large inconvenience to the paying customers and no inconvenience at all to the pirates.

至于防止盗版,DRM这样做的价值充其量是可疑的。 如果有人打算无论如何都要盗版该材料,为什么还要去剥离DRM的麻烦(因为Internet上几乎所有东西都已经存在无DRM的盗版副本)。 换句话说,DRM给付费客户带来了相当大的不便,而对于盗版者则根本没有任何不便。

With that in mind, read on to see how you can be an upstanding citizen that supports the people who create the content you love, but with the freedom to enjoy that content on your devices as you see fit.


Note: This tutorial will only help you strip the DRM from books you have actually purchased. The tools used herein will not work to strip the DRM from library ebooks, loaned ebooks, or other ebooks of which you are not the original purchaser.

注意:本教程只会帮助您从实际购买的书中删除DRM。 本文中使用的工具将无法从图书馆电子书,借用电子书或您不是原始购买者的其他电子书中删除DRM。

我需要什么? (What Do I Need?)


For this tutorial, you’ll need three things:


You’ll absolutely need Calibre and Apprentice Alf’s excellent DRM-stripping plugins. The Kindle for PC application is entirely optional, but it does make it way easier to get to all your Kindle books at one time instead of manually transferring/downloading each book one by one.

您绝对需要Calibre和Apprentice Alf出色的DRM剥离插件。 Kindle for PC应用程序是完全可选的,但它确实使一次访问所有Kindle图书的方式变得更容易,而无需手动地手动传输/下载每本书。

We won’t be covering how to install and use Calibre in this tutorial. If you’re new to using Calibre we highly recommend checking out our guide: How To Organize Your Ebook Collection with Calibre.

在本教程中,我们不会介绍如何安装和使用Caliber。 如果您不熟悉Calibre,我们强烈建议您查阅我们的指南:如何使用Caliber组织电子书收藏

There are a few noteworthy things before we continue. First, although we’re using Windows 7, you could follow along and use the same techniques on OS X using the OS X version of Calibre.

在继续之前,有一些值得注意的事情。 首先,尽管我们使用的是Windows 7,但是您可以在OS X上使用Calibre的OS X版本继续使用并使用相同的技术。

Second, included in the Apprentice Alf DRM removal pack are stand alone tools for both Windows and OS X. Because these tools require additional configuration including the installation of Python and various dependencies, we’ve opted to focus on the Calibre-based workflow, which is much faster (should you wish to use the stand alone tools, we would recommend reading the readme.txt included with the bundle). Further, since you’ll need an ebook management tool to organize and transfer your new DRM-free book collection, you might as well use the best one in town.

其次,包含在Apprentice Alf DRM删除包中的是适用于Windows和OS X的独立工具。由于这些工具需要额外的配置,包括安装Python和各种依赖项,因此我们选择专注于基于Calibre的工作流程,速度要快得多(如果您希望使用独立工具,我们建议您阅读捆绑包随附的readme.txt)。 此外,由于您将需要一个电子书管理工具来组织和传输新的无DRM图书集,因此您最好使用镇上最好的书集。

安装Apprentice Alf的DRM删除插件 (Installing Apprentice Alf’s DRM Removal Plugins)


The removal plugins are really fantastic in that not only do they work well, but for as long as you keep them installed they will automatically strip the DRM from any future DRM-laden books you add to Calibre.


Visit Apprentice Alf’s DRM removal page and grab the current release of the DRM removal tools–as of this writing it is v6.05 available here.

访问Apprentice Alf的DRM删除页面,获取DRM删除工具的当前版本-撰写本文时,此处提供v6.05

Extract the contents of the zip file to a temporary location. There are several sub-folders within the pack, but the one we’re interested in is \DeDRM_calibre_plugin\; located in that folder is After confirming you have properly extracted the archive and the zip file in question is accounted for, fire up Calibre.

将zip文件的内容提取到一个临时位置。 包装中有几个子文件夹,但我们感兴趣的是\ DeDRM_calibre_plugin \;。 该文件夹中的文件是。 确认您已正确提取存档并解决了该zip文件后,启动Calibre。


Click on Preferences on the toolbar and select “Change calibre behavior” (or, alternatively, press CTRL+P). Don’t select “Get plugins to enhance calibre” as that only gives you access to the official Calibre plugin repository and won’t allow you to add your own third-party plugins.

单击工具栏上的首选项,然后选择“更改口径行为”(或者,按CTRL + P)。 不要选择“获取插件以增强口径”,因为那样只会使您访问官方的Calibre插件存储库,而不能添加自己的第三方插件。

Scroll down to the Advanced section and click on Plugins.



Within the Plugins menu, click on the “Load plugin from file” button in the lower right hand corner:



Browse to the location of the, select and add it. You will receive a warning about the dangers of installing third-party plugins. Go ahead and click OK. You will see a dialog box indicating a successful installation:

浏览到DeDRM_plugin.zip的位置,选择并添加它。 您将收到有关安装第三方插件的危险的警告。 继续,然后单击确定。 您将看到一个对话框,指示安装成功:


Click OK and confirm that DeDRM is found in the “File type plugins” list. After confirming, click Apply in the upper left corner, close the Preferences pane, and restart Calibre.

单击确定,并确认在“文件类型插件”列表中找到DeDRM。 确认后,单击左上角的“应用”,关闭“首选项”窗格,然后重新启动Calibre。

使用Apprentice Alf的DRM删除插件 (Using Apprentice Alf’s DRM Removal Plugins)

At this point, we’re ready to start stripping the DRM from our books. The DRM-removal plugins automatically strip the DRM from the books on import. If you’ve previously imported books to Calibre that have DRM, you’ll need to export them and import them again to initiate the DRM-removal process.

此时,我们准备开始从我们的书中剥离DRM。 删除DRM插件会自动从导入的书籍中删除DRM。 如果您先前已将具有DRM的图书导入到Calibre,则需要将其导出并再次导入以启动DRM删除过程。

For books that are not currently in Calibre, all you need to do to strip the DRM from the book is to simply drag and drop the book into Calibre (or use the Import file function).


There are several ways to go about getting your DRM-loaded Kindle books. You can:

有几种方法可以获取装有DRM的Kindle电子书。 您可以:

  1. Mount your Kindle as a USB device and pull them off.

  2. Download them via the Actions menu in the Manage My Kindle section of your Amazon account.

  3. Download them using the Kindle for PC app.

    使用Kindle for PC应用程序下载它们。

Let’s look at each technique in order to highlight the benefits/shortcomings and what you need to do.


Copying the Books from Your Kindle: If you’re going to rip the book directly from your Kindle device (or use the download and transfer technique), you need to manually enter the serial number of your Kindle into the DeDRM removal plugin. Do so by navigating back to Preferences -> Advanced -> Plugins -> File type plugins and double clicking on the entry for DeDRM. You’ll see a box like so:

从Kindle复制书籍:如果您要直接从Kindle设备翻录书籍(或使用下载和传输技术),则需要在DeDRM删除插件中手动输入Kindle的序列号。 为此,请导航回首选项->高级->插件->文件类型插件,然后双击DeDRM条目。 您会看到一个类似这样的框:


Click on the first entry “eInk Kindle ebooks” and, in the resulting dialog box, click the + sign and enter the serial number off the back of your Kindle.

单击第一个条目“ eInk Kindle电子书”,然后在出现的对话框中,单击+号,然后在Kindle背面输入序列号。


Double check the serial number; any discrepancy between the serial number in the book file and the plugin will lead to decryption failure.

仔细检查序列号; 书籍文件中的序列号与插件之间的任何差异都将导致解密失败。

Grabbing Copies of Your Books via the Download & Transfer Technique: The second method you can use is to download the book directly from your Manage My Kindle page within your Amazon account. There’s a little “Actions” pull down menu located on the right hand side next to each book’s entry.

通过下载和传输技术获取书籍副本:您可以使用的第二种方法是直接从Amazon帐户中的“管理我的Kindle”页面下载书籍。 每本书条目旁边的右侧都有一个“动作”下拉菜单。


We found this technique to be lacking in several ways. You have to select a physical Kindle as the destination device and you have to enter the serial number of the device into DeDRM (just like in the previous step). On top of that, this was the only technique that didn’t yield consistent 100% success in our testing. If you absolutely must use this approach, give it a shot, but we can’t recommend it in light of how well the other two methods work.

我们发现该技术在几种方面都缺乏。 您必须选择一个物理Kindle作为目标设备,并且必须在DeDRM中输入设备的序列号(就像在上一步中一样)。 最重要的是,这是唯一无法在我们的测试中始终获得100%成功的技术。 如果您绝对必须使用此方法,请尝试一下,但是鉴于其他两种方法的效果如何,我们不建议您这样做。

Downloading Your Books via the Kindle for PC App: If instead you have sent your Kindle books to Kindle for PC, and we strongly recommend this method because it’s so easy, you can find the locally stored books in the following directory:

通过Kindle for PC应用程序下载您的图书:相反,如果您将Kindle图书发送到Kindle for PC,并且我们强烈建议您使用此方法,因为它非常简单,您可以在以下目录中找到本地存储的图书:

C:\Users\[Your Windows Username]\Documents\My Kindle Content

C:\ Users \ [您的Windows用户名] \ Documents \ My Kindle Content

Each Kindle book you import to Kindle for PC will have two companion files (.MBP and .PHL files); you can ignore the extraneous file types. Books will also have odd names, like “B001QTXLQ4_EBOK”. Don’t worry the proper name and author data are stored in the files. This technique is nice because you can snatch all your books in one swoop and dump them into Calibre. Simply select all the actual book files (all the .AZW, .TPZ, and .MOBI files) and dump them right into Calibre to import them.

您导入到PC版Kindle的每本Kindle书籍都会有两个伴随文件(.MBP和.PHL文件); 您可以忽略无关的文件类型。 书籍也将使用奇数名称,例如“ B001QTXLQ4_EBOK”。 不要担心专有名称和作者数据会存储在文件中。 这项技术很不错,因为您可以一口气抢走所有书籍,然后将它们倒入Calibre。 只需选择所有实际的书本文件(所有.AZW,.TPZ和.MOBI文件),然后将其直接转储到Calibre中即可导入。

Now, Calibre will import any ebook file (DRM-laden or DRM-free) without a hiccup. The real test of whether or not the import-and-strip process has worked properly is to try and convert the book into a new format. Right click on the entry for the new book and select Convert Books -> Convert Individually. This will pull up the conversion menu. Convert it to any other format, it doesn’t matter which.

现在,Caliber可以毫不打扰地导入任何电子书文件(装有DRM或无DRM)。 导入和剥离过程是否正常工作的真正测试是尝试将书籍转换为新格式。 右键单击新书的条目,然后选择转换书->单独转换。 这将拉起转换菜单。 将其转换为其他任何格式都没关系。


If the book’s DRM hasn’t been properly removed, you’ll get an error like this:


Now, this error does not necessarily mean that the DeDRM plugin isn’t working properly. If you’re loading books off your physical Kindle and you entered the serial number wrong in the DeDRM configuration, the process would fail like this. If you tried to add Kindle books that you’re not the actual owner of, it will also fail.

现在,此错误并不一定意味着DeDRM插件无法正常工作。 如果您是从物理Kindle上卸下书,并且在DeDRM配置中输入了错误的序列号,则此过程将失败。 如果您尝试添加并非真正拥有者的Kindle电子书,它也会失败。

Load the books from the proper source, however, and the process starts successfully. You’ll see the little “Jobs” marker in the lower right hand corner twirling away. Click on it and you will see your conversion process (note the Error entries, those were books that we knew didn’t meet the criteria for the DRM-removal process and we threw at the system anyway, all in the name of thoroughness).

但是,从正确的来源加载书籍,该过程将成功启动。 您会在右下角看到旋转的小“作业”标记。 单击它,您将看到您的转换过程(请注意错误条目,这些是我们知道不符合DRM删除过程标准的书,无论如何,我们都以彻底性的名义扔给了系统)。


The end result of the process was a DRM-free book that had been successfully converted to a generic MOBI file–ready to transfer to any device we wished, or to be converted into a new format.


That’s all there is to it! Rinse and repeat with any Kindle book you wish to liberate and use on the device of your choice, or that you would like to back up independently of the Amazon ecosystem.

这里的所有都是它的! 漂洗并重复您想要在自己选择的设备上使用或希望独立于Amazon生态系统备份的所有Kindle书。



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