从“提示”框中:使Windows 7中的应用程序静音,iOS设备上的数据隐私,以及无杂乱的YouTube和Amazon浏览...


Once a week we round up some of the great reader tips that flood into our inbox and share them with everyone. This week we’re looking at muting individual apps in Windows 7, controlling the flow of personal data in iOS applications, and clutter free YouTube and Amazon browsing.

每周一次,我们收集一些很棒的读者技巧,这些技巧会塞入我们的收件箱,并与所有人分享。 本周,我们将探讨使Windows 7中的各个应用程序静音,控制iOS应用程序中的个人数据流,以及使YouTube和Amazon浏览更加整洁。

使Windows 7中的单个应用程序静音 (Mute Individual Applications in Windows 7)


Dana writes in with the following Windows 7 tip:

Dana使用以下Windows 7技巧进行了编写:

I don’t know about you, but it’s been ages since I opened up Window’s “Volume Mixer”. Last time I opened it, circa some time when Windowx XP was new, it wasn’t particularly useful (filled with individual volume controls for obscure audio components on my computer I didn’t even use). In Windows 7 it’s actually useful! You can pick the individual device and then pick the applications piping sound through. How is this useful? When I listen to Pandora I use it to mute the system sounds and my IM client’s alerts. It’s way easier than going into the individual apps and toggling the sound settings! Maybe this is common knowledge but I figured there had to be a lot of people like me that never bothered to look at the Volume Mixer.

我不认识你,但是自从我打开Window的“音量混合器”以来已经很久了。 上次我打开它的时间大约是在Windowx XP刚发布时,它并不是特别有用(充满了单独的音量控件,用于我什至没有使用过的计算机上模糊的音频组件)。 在Windows 7中,它实际上很有用! 您可以选择单个设备,然后选择应用程序传递声音。 这有什么用? 当我收听Pandora时,可以使用它来静音系统声音和IM客户端的警报。 比进入各个应用程序和切换声音设置要容易得多! 也许这是常识,但我认为必须有很多像我这样的人,他们从来不愿意去看音量混合器。

Oh there are plenty of people who never look, Dana. We used Windows 7 for two years before we stumbled upon the selective-mute function. It’s totally at tip worth sharing!

哦,有很多人从来没有看过,达娜。 在偶然发现选择性静音功能之前,我们使用Windows 7已有两年。 完全值得分享的提示!

通过保护我的隐私控制iOS设备共享数据的方式 (Control How Your iOS Device Shares Data with Protect My Privacy)

Steve writes in with a pro-privacy tip for jailbroken iOS device:


I’m sure you guys have heard about how leaky iOS apps can be with your private data. I found a great iPhone application in the Cydia store (so you’ll need a jailbroken iPhone). The app, Protect My Privacy, does two awesome things. First, it tells you whenever an app wants to share your data. That alone is pretty useful. But here’s where it gets even better, you can set up a “fake” data profile and opt to send that instead. So if the app must share the data to function, you can tell the app that you’re Abraham Lincoln or whatever you feel like. With this app you get the best of both worlds, notifications and the ability to share a fake profile.

我敢肯定,你们已经听说过iOS应用程序如何处理您的私人数据。 我在Cydia商店中找到了一个很棒的iPhone应用程序(因此您需要越狱的iPhone)。 该应用程序“保护我的隐私”具有两项出色的功能。 首先,它告诉您应用程序何时想要共享您的数据。 仅此一点就很有用。 但是在这里情况变得更好,您可以设置“伪造”数据配置文件,然后选择发送它。 因此,如果该应用程序必须共享数据才能正常运行,则可以告诉该应用程序您是亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)或您的感觉。 有了这个程序,您将获得两全其美的体验:通知和共享虚假个人资料的能力。

Clever app, Steve. Definitely worth downloading if you want to keep a close eye on the data your apps are sharing (or just feel like telling everyone you’re Johnny Mnemonic.

聪明的应用程式,史蒂夫。 如果您想密切关注应用共享的数据(或者只是想告诉所有人您是Johnny Mnemonic),绝对值得下载。

使用最小的界面浏览Youtube和Amazon (Browse Youtube and Amazon with a Minimal Interface)


Antonio writes in with the following tip for decluttering YouTube and Amazon:


I saw the post you guys did about BookFlavor to make Amazon less cluttered. There’s a browser plugin (available for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari) called Clea.nr that strips away all the clutter on Amazon and YouTube automatically. I don’t know about you guys but I find the stripped down versions much more enjoyable to use.

我看过你们关于BookFlavor的帖子,目的是使亚马逊变得不那么混乱。 有一个名为Clea.nr的浏览器插件(适用于Chrome,Firefox和Safari),可自动清除Amazon和YouTube上的所有混乱情况。 我不了解你们,但我发现精简版的使用起来更有趣。

Nice find Antonio, the two-for one effect on Amazon and YouTube is a nice feature—hopefully they’ll start adding in more sites soon!


Have a tip to share? Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com and look for your tip on the front page!

有小费分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件,网址tips@howtogeek.com,并在首页上找到您的提示!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/106713/from-the-tips-box-muting-apps-in-windows-7-data-privacy-on-ios-devices-and-clutter-free-youtube-and-amazon-browsing/





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