plex 乱码_如何在Plex Media Server中存储和查看照片集

plex 乱码

plex 乱码

Plex Media Server isn’t just a great solution for organizing your movies and TV shows: it’s an all around personal media Swiss Army knife that includes solid support for storing and displaying your personal photos right alongside your other media.

Plex Media Server不仅仅是组织电影和电视节目的绝佳解决方案:它是一种全方位的个人媒体工具,瑞士军刀提供了与其他媒体一起存储和显示个人照片的可靠支持。

为什么要为照片使用Plex? (Why Use Plex for Your Photos?)

There’s no shortage of ways to store and display your family photos these days, but there’s a certain allure to using Plex Media Server to do so. And if you’re already using Plex for your other media organization needs, it’s trivial to set up.

这些天来,存储和显示家庭照片的方法并不缺乏,但是一定要使用Plex Media Server来做到这一点。 而且,如果您已经在使用Plex来满足其他媒体组织的需求,则进行设置很简单。

In addition to a solid stable of basic features like like support for multiple photo libraries and playlist building for custom slideshows, there are some fantastic premium features for Plex Pass subscribers, including timeline-based photo viewing (instead of simple file browsing), as well as automatic tag generation similar to the automatic tagging found in full fledged photo storage services like Amazon Prime Photos and Google Photos.

除了诸如对多个照片库的支持和自定义幻灯片的播放列表构建之类的基本功能的稳定之外,Plex Pass订户还具有一些出色的高级功能,包括基于时间轴的照片查看(而不是简单的文件浏览),以及作为自动标签生成的功能,与像Amazon Prime PhotosGoogle Photos这样的完整照片存储服务中的自动标签相似。

What really makes Plex stand out compared to the cloud-based services isn’t the tagging or timeline features, however, but the double whammy of local storage benefits. Not only does Plex give you the ability to keep everything right on your local network if you so desire, but in doing so, your photos won’t suffer any space saving compression tricks like they would if they were uploaded to, say, an unpaid Google Photos account. And, unlike many solutions for photo storage and display (like, say, uploading your photos to Google Photos and then browsing them on your TV using a Chromecast), Plex offers a similar smooth and well organized experience but without your photos leaving your local network and floating around in the cloud, if that’s something you wish to avoid.

与基于云的服务相比,真正使Plex脱颖而出的并不是标签或时间轴功能,而是本地存储优势的双重打击。 如果您愿意,Plex不仅使您能够将所有内容保留在本地网络中,而且在这样做时,您的照片将不会遭受任何节省空间的压缩技巧,就像将照片上传到未付款的情况一样。 Google相册帐户。 而且,与许多用于照片存储和显示的解决方案(例如,将照片上传到Google相册,然后使用Chromecast在电视上浏览它们)不同,Plex提供了类似的流畅且井井有条的体验,但照片不会离开本地网络并在云中浮动,如果您希望避免这种情况。

Setup is really simple (even more simple, believe it or not, than the already easy setup of Movie and TV libraries on account of there being no third party metadata to wrestle with), so let’s dive right in.


准备照片 (Preparing Your Photos)

Like other forms of media you add to Plex, there are two big things to keep in mind. First and foremost, Plex will never alter your actual files because all the data it uses is stored in your Plex Media Server’s database. Second, file organization matters (although, in the case of photos, not as much if you have a premium Plex Pass membership and prefer the timeline view).

像您添加到Plex的其他媒体形式一样,有两点需要牢记。 首先,Plex绝不会更改您的实际文件,因为它使用的所有数据都存储在Plex Media Server的数据库中。 其次,文件组织很重要(不过,对于照片而言,如果您具有高级Plex Pass会员资格并且更喜欢时间轴视图,则没有那么重要)。

With that in mind, the best thing you can do to prepare your photos for storage and display in Plex Media Server is to organize them in the fashion you wish to browse them. We have a strong preference for organizing our photos into folders with a YYYY-MM-DD [optional descriptive name] title format like 2015-12-15 Christmas at Grandma Fitzpatrick’s House—but you can use whatever organization format works best for your needs. In addition, we would encourage you to use a format that doesn’t nest lots of folders into each other (one folder for one date/event in a main directory is ideal). It makes browsing through the folder structure significantly cleaner in the Plex file browser.

考虑到这一点,准备将照片存储和显示在Plex Media Server中的最佳方法是按照希望浏览的方式组织它们。 我们非常希望将照片整理成带有YYYY-MM-DD [可选描述性名称]标题格式的文件夹,例如2015-12-15圣诞节在Fitzpatrick奶奶家中,但是您可以使用最适合您需要的任何组织格式。 此外,我们鼓励您使用一种不会将大量文件夹相互嵌套的格式(理想的是在主目录中为一个日期/事件使用一个文件夹)。 它使在Plex文件浏览器中浏览文件夹结构变得更加整洁。

If you really want to get right to using Plex for your photos but you’re not too keen on investing a lot of energy, you’re a great candidate for a Plex Pass. Among the many other features you get with the Plex Pass, you get the “photo timeline” and automated photo tagging. The photo timeline siphons up all your photos and displays them organized by date in an easy to browse timeline (very similar to the timeline/collections feature in the Photos app on the iPhone). The automated photo tagging adds tags to your photos so you can easily browse automatically curated tag groups like all your photos of dogs, kids, and so on.

如果您真的想正确使用Plex拍摄照片,但又不太热衷于投入大量精力,那么您很适合使用Plex Pass。 通过Plex Pass获得的许多其他功能中,您可以获得“照片时间表”和自动照片标记。 照片时间轴会虹吸所有照片,并在易于浏览的时间轴中按日期显示它们(非常类似于iPhone上“照片”应用程序中的时间轴/收藏功能)。 自动照片标记为您的照片添加了标记,因此您可以轻松浏览自动编排的标记组,例如您的狗,小孩等所有照片。

创建您的第一个照片库 (Creating Your First Photo Library)

With your photos in hand and stored somewhere your Plex Media Server software can see them, it’s time to create your first photo library (which, if you just want to use one master directory, will also be the last photo library you create).

将照片放在手中并存储在Plex Media Server软件可以看到的地方,是时候创建第一个照片库了(如果您只想使用一个主目录,那么它也是您创建的最后一个照片库)。

To do so, log into the web dashboard of your Plex Media Server and click on the + symbol next to the “Libraries” entry in the left hand navigation column.

为此,请登录Plex Media Server的Web仪表板,然后单击左侧导航栏中“库”条目旁边的+符号。

The first step of the process is to select your library type, name it, and select a language. Select “Photos”, name it “Photos” (or, if you plan on making multiple libraries, a more descriptive name like “Family Photos”), and set the language to your primary language. (If you’re taking advantage of the Plex Pass photo tagging feature, the tags will be added in whatever the library’s language is set to.)

该过程的第一步是选择库类型,为其命名并选择一种语言。 选择“照片”,将其命名为“照片”(或者,如果您打算建立多个图书馆,请使用更具描述性的名称,例如“家庭照片”),然后将语言设置为您的主要语言。 (如果您利用Plex Pass照片标记功能,则将以库的语言设置添加标记。)

Next, select the folders you wish to add to the library.


Plex Pass subscribers will see the “Options” section that allows them to enable or disable tagging. If you enable tagging, small thumbnails of your photos will be uploaded, temporarily, to a third-party image tagging service. You can read more about it here.

Plex Pass订户将看到“选项”部分,该部分允许他们启用或禁用标记。 如果启用标记,则照片的小缩略图将临时上传到第三方图像标记服务。 您可以在此处了解更多信息

Finally, in the Advanced option, you’ll be prompted as to whether or not you want your photo library included in the main dashboard of your Plex server and if you want video thumbnails. The first option simply puts new photos on the main page of your Plex interface just like it puts new TV shows and Movies (and if the whole reason you’re doing this Plex library thing is so family members can browse through new photos, then it makes sense to check this). The second option enables previews for any home videos that also appear in your photo library.

最后,在“高级”选项中,将提示您是否要在Plex服务器的主仪表板中包含照片库,以及是否需要视频缩略图。 第一个选项只是将新照片放到Plex界面的主页上,就像将新照片放到新电视节目和电影中一样(如果您这样做的全部原因是为了让家人可以浏览新照片,那么它就会对此进行检查很有意义)。 第二个选项可以预览也出现在照片库中的任何家庭视频。

When you’re done setting all the options, check “Add Library” to create the library.


Both regular Plex users and Plex Premium users will see this default view immediately after creating their first photo library, with photo directories (and any photos in the root directories) displayed as thumbnails according to their filenames.

普通的Plex用户和Plex Premium用户在创建他们的第一个照片库后都将立即看到此默认视图,其中照片目录(以及根目录中的所有照片)根据文件名显示为缩略图。

Plex Premium users can click the toggle in the upper right corner of the photo library viewing pane to switch over to “timeline” view, which will arrange all the photos in groups based on dates (regardless of what directories they are in).

Plex Premium用户可以单击照片库查看窗格右上角的切换按钮以切换到“时间轴”视图,该视图将根据日期将所有照片按组排列(无论它们位于哪个目录中)。

You can now interact with your photos much like you’d interact with other media on your Plex Media Server. Select photos for a closer view where you can not only see the photo full screen, but you can also see additional information about the photo, including metadata (like the file size, shutter speed, and camera model) but, for Plex Premium users, also the tags automatically signed to the photos (which you can then click on to browse other photos based on those categories).

现在,您可以与照片进行交互,就像与Plex Media Server上的其他介质进行交互一样。 选择要更近看的照片,您不仅可以全屏查看照片,还可以查看有关照片的其他信息,包括元数据(例如文件大小,快门速度和相机型号),但对于Plex Premium用户,标签也会自动对照片签名(您可以单击这些标签然后根据这些类别浏览其他照片)。

Finally, again just like other media, you can build playlists. While viewing photos in the thumbnail view, simply select multiple photos and then click on the playlist icon, as seen below.

最后,就像其他媒体一样,您可以构建播放列表。 在缩略图视图中查看照片时,只需选择多张照片,然后单击播放列表图标,如下所示。

The playlist function makes it dead simply to create (and grow) curated lists for your family to enjoy like, for example, a playlist of the top family photos from each month or a playlist charting the growth of a child over the years. Playlists are also great for family gatherings where you can have a greatest-hits type list of photos running in the background.

播放列表功能使仅创建(并增长)精选列表供您的家人欣赏就变得无济于事,例如,每个月最重要的家庭照片的播放列表或显示孩子多年来的成长的播放列表。 播放列表也非常适合家庭聚会,您可以在列表中找到最流行的背景照片列表。

That’s all there is to it: with a tiny bit of setup work that same easy-peasy Plex experience you get with your personal movie collection now works with your personal photo collection.



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对于在Ubuntu上运行媒体服务器,有几种选择。以下是一些常见的选项: 1. Plex Media Server:Plex是一款功能强大的媒体服务器软件,可以让您将媒体文件流式传输到各种设备上。您可以通过以下步骤在Ubuntu上安装Plex Media Server: - 打开终端并运行以下命令: ``` echo "deb public main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/plexmediaserver.list curl | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt update sudo apt install plexmediaserver ``` - 安装完成后,您可以通过浏览器访问 http://localhost:32400/web 来配置和管理Plex Media Server。 2. Emby Media Server:Emby是另一款受欢迎的媒体服务器软件,它具有类似于Plex的功能。您可以通过以下步骤在Ubuntu上安装Emby Media Server: - 打开终端并运行以下命令: ``` wget sudo dpkg -i emby-server-deb_4.6.4.0_amd64.deb sudo apt --fix-broken install ``` - 安装完成后,您可以通过浏览器访问 http://localhost:8096 来配置和管理Emby Media Server。 3. Jellyfin Media Server:Jellyfin是一个免费的媒体服务器软件,它是Emby的一个分支。您可以通过以下步骤在Ubuntu上安装Jellyfin Media Server: - 打开终端并运行以下命令: ``` sudo apt install apt-transport-https wget -O - | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb [arch=$( dpkg --print-architecture )] $( lsb_release -c -s ) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jellyfin.list sudo apt update sudo apt install jellyfin ``` - 安装完成后,您可以通过浏览器访问 http://localhost:8096 来配置和管理Jellyfin Media Server。 这些是在Ubuntu上运行媒体服务器的一些选择,您可以根据自己的喜好和需求选择适合您的软件。


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