exploit-db:_每日新闻摘要:未经您允许,Mac Exploit会激活网络摄像头



The Zoom video conferencing app for Mac has serious flaws left unaddressed despite disclosures. When visiting a malicious website, bad actors can activate your camera without permission. If you uninstalled Zoom, the malicious site can reinstall without your interaction.

尽管有披露,但适用于Mac的Zoom视频会议应用程序存在严重缺陷,但仍未解决。 当访问恶意网站时,不良行为者可能会未经许可激活您的相机。 如果您卸载了Zoom,则恶意站点可以在没有您交互的情况下重新安装。

Security researcher Jonathan Leitschuh noticed that Zoom has the capability to auto-join and start a video session just by visiting a link. He wondered how the company securely accomplished the feat and investigated. He quickly found out that that Zoom’s methods weren’t secure at all.

安全研究员Jonathan Leitschuh注意到Zoom只需访问链接即可自动加入并启动视频会话。 他想知道公司如何安全完成这项壮举并进行调查。 他很快发现Zoom的方法根本不安全。

When you install Zoom on a Mac, it creates a web server on your machine. The web server is problematic on multiple levels. With just a few options, Leitschuh put together a proof of concept website. If you have Zoom installed and visit that website, you will be auto-joined to a call, and your webcam activated without any interaction on your part—even if you closed Zoom before clicking the link.

在Mac上安装Zoom时,它将在您的计算机上创建一个Web服务器。 Web服务器在多个级别上都有问题。 仅有几个选择,Leitschuh组成了概念证明网站。 如果您安装了Zoom并访问了该网站,您将自动加入通话,并且网络摄像头将被激活而不会发生任何交互-即使在单击链接之前关闭了Zoom。

Worse yet, uninstalling Zoom doesn’t remove the web server. The web server can reinstall Zoom on its own as well. So if you visit a malicious link, it can reinstall Zoom, join you to a call, and start your webcam, all without any interaction from you.

更糟糕的是,卸载Zoom不会删除Web服务器。 Web服务器也可以自行重新安装Zoom。 因此,如果您访问了恶意链接,它可以重新安装Zoom,将您加入通话和启动网络摄像头,而无需您进行任何交互。

You can test this at Leitschuh’s proof of concept, but be advised if you have Zoom installed your camera will start, and you’ll find yourself joined to a call with other people testing the site. Leitschuh notified Zoom of his findings along with a 90-day disclosure grace period. Unfortunately, the company didn’t do much to fix the problem.

您可以在Leitschuh的概念验证中对此进行测试,但会被告知是否安装了Zoom,这将启动相机,并且您会发现自己加入了与测试该网站的其他人的通话。 莱茨丘(Leitschuh)将其调查结果以及90天的披露宽限期通知了Zoom。 不幸的是,该公司没有为解决该问题做很多事情。

Initially, the company brushed the whole thing off as part of the features it supports. Zoom eventually implemented a mild fix that prevents the camera from turning on, but malicious actors can still force users to join a call and reinstall Zoom. [Medium]

最初,该公司将整个过程作为其支持的功能的一部分。 Zoom最终实施了一个温和的修复程序,以防止相机开机,但是恶意行为者仍然可以迫使用户加入通话并重新安装Zoom。 []

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Touchscreens, with their virtual buttons that reconfigure based on your needs, are a fantastic technology that transformed the way we live. That is unless you are blind. Touchscreens are an obtuse technology for anyone without sight to use—the buttons lack tactile sensation, which is necessary to find them and determine their use.

触摸屏及其虚拟按钮可根据您的需求进行重新配置,是一种神奇的技术,它改变了我们的生活方式。 那是除非你是盲人。 对于没有视力的人来说,触摸屏是一种钝器技术,因为按钮缺乏触觉,这对于找到它们并确定其用途是必不可少的。

Researches want to solve that and other problems. They’re working on electronic skin which could interact with touchscreens to provide tactile sensations. Think of it like your cell phone vibrations, but on a smaller scale that gives you a sense of which direction to move your finger, or how hard to push.

研究希望解决该问题和其他问题。 他们正在研究可以与触摸屏互动以提供触感的电子皮肤。 可以将其像手机振动一样,但是在较小的范围内可以使您感觉到手指移动的方向或推动的难度。

The idea is to keep the tech thin enough you can feel through it with your finger, yet to still embed circuits that can interact with other technology and you. Scientists hope that one-day electronic skin could add the feeling of sensation and touch to a prosthetic hand as well. There’s still a long way to go before this happens, but now it truly seems possible and not just something in the realm of science fiction. That’s true progress. [Phys.org]

这个想法是要使技术保持足够薄,以使您可以用手指感觉到它,但仍要嵌入可以与其他技术和您交互的电路。 科学家希望,一天的电子皮肤也可以为假手增加感觉和触觉。 在此之前,还有很长的路要走,但现在看来确实是有可能的,而不仅仅是科幻小说领域中的某些事情。 那是真正的进步。 [ Phys.org ]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-mac-exploit-activates-webcams-without-your-permission/


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