php迪士尼4_每日新闻摘要,19/4/12:迪士尼+将于11月12日登陆,每月$ 6.99



Plus Facebook might roll Messenger back into the main mobile apps, Acer announced a slew of new stuff, future Android updates might come from Google Play, Falcon Heavy’s successful landing, and a lot more.

加上Facebook可能会将Messenger推回到主要的移动应用程序中,宏cer宣布了一系列新功能,未来的Android更新可能来自Google Play,猎鹰重型公司的成功登陆等等。

迪士尼+详细信息显示:价格,发布和目录 (Disney+ Details Revealed: Price, Release, and Catalog)

Yesterday, Disney revealed all (or at least) most of the details we’ve all been wondering about its upcoming streaming service. First, the important stuff: It’s going to cost $6.99 a month and will be available starting November 12th. You can also opt to pay $69.99 per year, which basically gets you two months for free. Solid.

昨天,迪士尼揭露了我们一直在想知道即将推出的流媒体服务的所有(或至少)大多数细节。 首先,重要的东西:它将每月花费$ 6.99,并将于11月12日开始提供。 您还可以选择每年支付69.99美元,基本上可以免费获得两个月。 固体。

Pricing has been the biggest question, with speculation ranging across the board (and often on the high side), so to see it come in at seven bucks a month is a pleasant surprise. Disney’s Chairman of direct-to-consumer division also said that it’s “likely” Disney will offer a bundle with Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+ for a lower price. That price, however, wasn’t revealed.

定价一直是最大的问题,投机行为普遍存在(而且往往是偏高的),因此,看到它以每月7美元的价格入市是令人惊喜的。 迪士尼直接面向消费者部门的董事长也表示,迪士尼“有可能”以较低的价格提供与迪士尼+,Hulu和ESPN +的捆绑销售。 这个价格没有透露。

Now, let’s talk about content. As expected, you’ll get tons of content from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and NatGeo. There will be 100 theatrical Disney movies ready to stream on day one, along with over 7,500 episodes from current and past Disney Channel TV shows. 25 original series and ten original movies will also be available immediately. By year five, the content catalog is expected to grow to upwards of 10,000 episodes and over 500 theatrical movies. There was also a surprise tucked in there: all 30 seasons of The Simpsons will be available on Disney+, as well. That’s so much Simpsons.

现在,让我们谈谈内容。 正如预期的那样,您将从迪士尼,皮克斯,漫威,星球大战和NatGeo中获得大量内容。 在第一天,将准备播放100部迪士尼剧场电影,以及当前和过去的迪士尼频道电视节目中的超过7500集。 25个原始系列和10个原始电影也将立即可用。 到第五年,内容目录预计将增长到10,000集以上和500余部戏剧电影。 那里还藏着一个惊喜:《辛普森一家》的所有30个季节也将在迪士尼+上发售。 这是这么多的辛普森。

While we’re at it, it’s probably worth talking a bit more about the original content. For starters, we already know that Falcon and Winter Soldier are getting spinoff shows, and it’s rumored that Loki and Hawkeye will also be getting shows. It’s no surprise that Disney is going to go all-in on the Marvel stuff…especially after ripping it away from Netflix in a way that I’m still salty about. I already miss Punisher and Daredevil.

当我们讨论它时,可能值得对原始内容进行更多讨论。 首先,我们已经知道Falcon和Winter Soldier正在获得衍生节目,并且有传言称Loki和Hawkeye也将获得节目。 迪斯尼将全力投入到漫威游戏中也就不足为奇了,尤其是在我仍然以一种咸的方式将其从Netflix撕下之后。 我已经想念Punisher和Daredevil。

But I digress. There’s also another big moneymaker in the Disney portfolio: Star Wars. The Mandalorian will be available on a day one release on Disney+, and a new season of The Clone Wars is currently in production for the service. Beyond the Star Wars universe, a live-action version of Lady & the Tramp is coming to the service, along with lots of original NatGeo content.

但是我离题了。 迪士尼投资组合中还有另一个赚钱的大亨:《星球大战》。 曼达洛人将在迪士尼+上的第一天发布,该服务目前正在制作新一季的《克隆人战争》。 除了《星球大战》外,还将提供真人版《淑女与流浪汉》以及许多原始的NatGeo内容。

While price and content are the most important parts here, there’s also the question is where—as in which devices will get access to the platform. Disney briefly showed off all compatible: smart TVs, mobile devices (phones and tablets), Roku, Chromecast, Apple TV, PlayStation 4, Xbox, and of course, the web. According to 9to5Google, the service may also make its way to Android TV. That…pretty much covers the gamut.

价格和内容是这里最重要的部分,但问题还在于哪里-哪些设备可以访问该平台。 迪士尼简要展示了所有兼容产品:智能电视,移动设备(电话和平板电脑),Roku,Chromecast,Apple TV,PlayStation 4,Xbox,当然还有网络。 据9to5Google称,该服务也可能进入Android TV。 那...几乎覆盖了整个色域。

So there you are, and there you go: everything we know so far about Disney+, which is pretty much everything. It’s coming in at a great price out of the gate, though I fully expect the price to inflate as the catalog grows. Still, $6.99 is pretty much couch money, especially for the amount (and quality) of the content you’ll end up with.

因此,您到了那里,然后走了:到目前为止,我们对Disney +所了解的一切几乎全部。 它以高昂的价格进入市场,尽管我完全希望价格会随着目录的增长而膨胀。 尽管如此,6.99美元还是一笔可观的钱,尤其是对于最终要获得的内容的数量(和质量)而言。

苹果新闻:您现在必须确认应用程序订阅 (Apple News: You Now Have to Confirm App Subscriptions)

It’s long been too easy to accidentally subscribe to recurring subscriptions on Apple devices—especially if you use TouchID or FaceID to do. Now, the company is adding a sort of “failsafe” confirmation—you know, just to make sure you want to subscribe to the thing you’re about to subscribe to. I’m honestly shocked that this isn’t something that wasn’t already in place. [via Engadget]

长期以来,意外地订阅Apple设备上的定期订阅一直太容易了,尤其是如果您使用TouchID或FaceID进行订阅。 现在,该公司正在添加某种“故障保护”确认,您要知道,只是要确保您要订阅要订阅的内容。 老实说,这不是尚未到位的事情,我感到震惊。 [通过Engadget ]

微软新闻:屏幕共享进入Skype Mobile (Microsoft News: Screen Sharing Comes to Skype Mobile)

Announced yesterday for Insiders, the latest beta build of Skype for Android and iOS offers a quick way to share what’s on your screen. That’s a pretty sweet deal. [Microsoft]

昨日针对Insiders宣布的最新版本的Skype(Android和iOS版)提供了一种共享屏幕上内容的快速方法。 那是一笔非常可观的交易。 [微软]

Google和Android新闻:未来的操作系统更新可能来自Play商店 (Google and Android News: Future OS Updates Might Come from the Play Store)

Plus the Galaxy S10’s ultrasonic fingerprint scanner gets faster, Home speakers get a little more control of your phone, Google and Huawei have to pay up for Nexus 6P issues, and more.

再加上Galaxy S10的超声波指纹扫描仪变得更快,家庭扬声器可以更好地控制您的手机,Google和华为必须为Nexus 6P问题付费,等等。

  • In its latest “APK Insight,” where Android Package Kits are torn down to reveal the code, 9to5Google found suggestions that future Android OS updates may come from the Google Play Store. Interesting. [9to5Google]

    9to5Google在其最新的“ APK Insight”中将Android Package Kit拆下以显示代码,并发现有关未来Android OS更新的建议可能来自Google Play商店。 有趣。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • Samsung is updating its biometric apps on the S10 family to improve the speed of its ultrasonic fingerprint scanner. Now if it could only make it more secure, too. [XDA Developers]

    三星正在S10系列上更新其生物识别应用程序,以提高其超声波指纹扫描仪的速度。 现在,如果它也只能使其更安全。 [ XDA开发人员]

  • You can now ask your Google Home to put your phone in Do Not Disturb mode. Very good. [XDA Developers]

    现在,您可以要求Google Home将手机置于“请勿打扰”模式。 很好。 [ XDA开发人员]

  • Google and Huawei agreed to settle a class action lawsuit and will have to pay Nexus 6P owners up to $400, depending on the issues they experience and proof they can provide. Hit the link for all the details. [Android Police]

    谷歌和华为同意和解集体诉讼,并将根据他们遇到的问题和提供的证据向Nexus 6P所有者支付最高400美元的赔偿。 点击链接获取所有详细信息。 [ Android警察]

  • We’re still a good several months away from the Pixel 3 successors, but that’s not stopping those sweet leaks from breaking cover. The codenames for the Pixel 4 and 4 XL recently showed up in AOSP: say hello to Coral and Flame. [9to5Google]

    与Pixel 3的后续产品相比,我们还有几个月的路程,但这并不能阻止那些鲜为人知的漏洞。 Pixel 4和4 XL的代号最近出现在AOSP中:向Coral和Flame打招呼。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • Nova Launcher 6.1 stable was released, which brings a handful of new features and bug fixes. [TeslaCoil Apps]

    Nova Launcher 6.1稳定版已发布,其中带来了一些新功能和错误修复。 [ TeslaCoil应用]

  • Good news: Samsung can’t seem to get S10 trade-ins right, and people are getting upset. Wait, that’s not good news. [Android Police]

    好消息:三星似乎无法正确实现S10折价,人们对此感到不安。 等等,这不是个好消息。 [ Android警察]

  • A new app will let you change media tracks using the volume buttons—no root required. Neat. [XDA Developers]

    一个新的应用程序将使您可以使用音量按钮更改媒体轨道,而无需root用户。 整齐。 [ XDA开发人员]

The idea of Google moving system updates into the Play Store is an interesting one. This could potentially be a more significant step for Project Treble and timelier updates across all devices—but it’s also unclear if the feature would even be available on devices outside of Pixel and Android One, as that’s what hinted at in the code.

Google将系统更新移至Play商店的想法很有趣。 对于Project Treble和所有设备的及时更新而言,这可能是更重要的一步-但尚不清楚该功能是否甚至可以在Pixel和Android One之外的设备上使用,因为这正是代码中所暗示的。

At the moment, details are naturally light on this particular subject, as they often are when only tidbits of code show potentially upcoming new features. Still, it’s an interesting one to consider and something we’ll be keeping a close on moving forward.

目前,在这个特定主题上自然而然地会出现细节,就像只有代码的小窍门显示出潜在的即将到来的新功能时的情况一样。 尽管如此,这仍是一个值得考虑的有趣问题,我们将继续前进。

其他新闻:宏cer展示了各种各样的新东西 (Other News: Acer Showed Off All Sorts of New Stuff)

Plus Facebook may be looking to step back in time and fold Messenger back into its main apps, NVIDIA showed off ray tracing on older GPUs, the Pinkerton lawsuit against Rockstar Games was dropped, and more.

另外,Facebook可能希望时光倒流,将Messenger重新整合到其主要应用程序中,NVIDIA展示了在较旧GPU上的光线追踪,Pinkerton对Rockstar Games的诉讼被撤销,等等。

  • Acer announced a bunch of new stuff at its Next@Acer event yesterday. Here’s the breakdown:

    宏cer昨日在其Next @ Acer活动中宣布了一系列新产品。 细目如下:

    • ConceptD, a new pro-grade PC lineup. [Engadget]

      ConceptD,一个新的专业级PC系列。 [ Engadget ]

    • A closer look at the ConceptD 500 PC. [The Verge]

      仔细看一下ConceptD 500 PC。 [边缘]

    • And the ConceptD laptops. [The Verge]

      还有ConceptD笔记本电脑。 [边缘]

    • The Predator Helios 700 gaming laptop with a wild sliding keyboard and trackpad. [The Verge]

      Predator Helios 700游戏笔记本电脑带有百搭的滑动键盘和触控板。 [边缘]

    • The all-aluminum Chromebook 714 and 715. [Android Police]

      全铝制Chromebook 714和715。[ Android Police ]

    • massive 43-inch gaming monitor with a 144 Hz variable refresh rate. [Engadget]

      大型43英寸游戏监视器具有144 Hz可变刷新率。 [ Engadget ]

  • NVIDIA showed off ray tracing on older GTX cards, and it…doesn’t look great. [Engadget]

    NVIDIA在较老的GTX卡上展示了光线追踪功能,但看起来并不好。 [ Engadget ]

  • Years ago, Facebook removed Messenger conversations from the main Facebook app. Now, it may be looking to merge the two back together in its first efforts to unify messaging across all of its networks (Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp). I’m not into this idea at all. I like the standalone messenger. [The Verge]

    多年前,Facebook从主要的Facebook应用程序中删除了Messenger对话。 现在,它可能希望在将其所有网络(Facebook,Instagram和WhatsApp)上的消息传递统一起来的首次尝试中将两者合并在一起。 我完全不喜欢这个想法。 我喜欢独立的Messenger。 [边缘]

  • The modern-day Pinkerton agency filed a cease-and-desist against Rockstar Games and RDR2 publisher Take-Two for the use of the Pinkerton name. Take-Two and Rockstar then filed a fair use suit in retaliation, which has now been dropped. No one is suing anyone, and I guess all is cool again. Pretty anticlimactic to be honest. [The Verge]

    现代化的Pinkerton代理机构对使用Rockerton名称的Rockstar Games和RDR2发行商Take-Two施加了制止令。 然后,Take-Two和Rockstar提出了合理使用的诉讼,以进行报复,但现在已被撤销。 没有人在起诉任何人,我想一切都很棒。 说实话,很滑稽。 [边缘]

  • LinkedIn just got reactions. Wow. [Digital Trends]

    LinkedIn刚收到React。 哇。 [数字趋势]

  • While Falcon Heavy had some issues landing the center core in its demo flight last year, the side boosters and center core all stuck the landing in its most recent flight. That’s a win. [Wired]

    去年,猎鹰重型飞机在试飞中降落中枢时遇到了一些问题,而侧面助推器和中枢都在最近一次飞行中停住了降落。 那是胜利。 [有线]

  • In science-related news, a discovery in Peru suggests whales used to have four legs and split time between land and see. Can you imagine a whale just walking around on a beach somewhere? Wild, man. [The Next Web]

    在与科学有关的新闻中,秘鲁的一项发现表明,鲸鱼过去有四只脚,在陆地和看台之间分配时间。 您能想象鲸鱼在海滩上的某个地方走来走去吗? 野人。 [下一个网站]

Acer is such an exciting brand to me because while it’s often thought of as a “budget” PC maker, it also often comes with truly innovative experimental designs. Over the years as a tech journalist, I’ve often covered Acer’s wacky designs—like its Predator gaming tablet or the insane 21-inch Predator gaming laptop—but that’s the thing I love most about the brand. While a lot of manufacturers like to keep things simple, Acer isn’t afraid to take some chances to see what happens. It’s great!

宏cer对我来说是一个令人兴奋的品牌,因为尽管它经常被认为是“预算” PC制造商,但它也经常带有真正创新的实验设计。 多年来,作为一名技术记者,我经常报道宏cer的古怪设计(例如其Predator游戏平板电脑或疯狂的21英寸Predator游戏笔记本电脑) ,但这就是我最喜欢该品牌的东西。 尽管许多制造商都喜欢保持简单,但Acer并不惧怕抓住一些机会来看看会发生什么。 这很棒!

The new ConceptD line of computers proves that, but it’s also most interesting because trying to new and unique designs isn’t something we often think about when it comes to devices built for creators. The wacky designs are usually reserved for gamers (which there was plenty of that at Acer’s event, too), so to see Acer stepping outside of the box with ConceptD is fantastic. Well, everything except for that silly name.

新的ConceptD系列计算机证明了这一点,但也最有趣,因为在为创作者构建的设备上,尝试新颖独特的设计并不是我们经常想到的事情。 古怪的设计通常是留给游戏玩家使用的(在Acer的活动中也有很多这样的设计),因此看到Acer借助ConceptD跳出框框是很奇妙的。 好吧,除了那个愚蠢的名字以外的所有东西。

Of all the things announced yesterday, however, the Predator Helios 700 is by far the coolest—the “HyperDrift Keyboard,” as Acer calls it, is just downright sweet. While in the “normal” position, it just looks like a standard laptop with a traditional keyboard and trackpad. But sliding it forward reveals the fans hidden beneath, which in turn improves cooling and performance—two things that have long been issues for gaming laptops. The Verge has excellent images that show it off.

然而,在昨天宣布的所有产品中,Predator Helios 700迄今为止最酷的是-宏calls称之为“ HyperDrift键盘”,简直就是甜蜜。 处于“正常”位置时,它看起来就像是带有传统键盘和触控板的标准笔记本电脑。 但是向前滑动会发现隐藏在下方的风扇,从而改善了散热和性能,这是游戏笔记本电脑长期以来一直面临的两件事。 边缘具有出色的图像,足以显示出来。

Even if Acer doesn’t sell a ton of these units (which, let’s be honest here, it probably won’t with a starting price of $2700), it’s still a very fresh, unique, and practical design. Good on you for always breaking out of the norms, Acer.

即使Acer不出售大量此类产品(老实说,起价为2700美元),它仍然是非常新颖,独特且实用的设计。 宏cer总是对您有所突破,对您有好处。



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