



Spelling auto-correction can be a very handy feature, whether it is for tricky words (“emmitted” vs. “emitted”), typical typos (“desing” vs. “design”) or other common errors. Microsoft Word has it, but why not implement it across your system using a free, customizable and easy-to-use AutoHotkey script? Read on to see how.

拼写自动更正可能是非常方便的功能,无论是难懂的单词(“犯错”还是“冒犯”),典型的拼写错误(“设计”还是“设计”)还是其他常见错误。 Microsoft Word拥有它,但是为什么不使用免费的,可自定义的且易于使用的AutoHotkey脚本在整个系统中实现它呢? 继续阅读以了解操作方法。

The script we’re going to be using goes by the shockingly original name AutoCorrect. For starters, simply click the link and save it somewhere handy. It’s a vintage script, last updated on 2007, but it still works very well – we’ve been using it daily for months.

我们将要使用的脚本具有令人震惊的原始名称AutoCorrect 。 对于初学者,只需单击链接并将其保存在方便的位置。 这是一个老式脚本,最近一次更新是在2007年,但是仍然可以很好地工作-我们每天都在使用它几个月。

使用脚本 (Using the Script)

If you want, you can now just double-click the script (assuming you have AutoHotkey installed) and go back to whatever it is you were doing before. That’s all the setup you need. From now on, whenever you type a common typo (such as “whenver” instead of “whenever”) the script will automatically correct it. If you watch closely, you’ll see the computer deleting the word you just typed and very quickly typing the corrected version. This will work across all applications in your system — browsers, games, what have you.

如果需要,您现在可以双击脚本(假设您已安装AutoHotkey ),然后返回到之前的操作。 这就是您所需的全部设置。 从现在开始,每当您键入一个常见的错字(例如“ whenver”而不是“ whenever”),脚本都会自动更正它。 如果你仔细观察,你会看到计算机中删除您刚才输入的单词,并很快键入正确的版本。 这将适用于系统中的所有应用程序-浏览器,游戏以及所拥有的功能。

Note: If you downloaded AutoHotkey_L, you’re going to need a Unicode version of the script. One is included in the ZIP at the end of this post. (Thanks, Eliza, for this tip!)

注意:如果您下载了AutoHotkey_L,则将需要脚本的Unicode版本。 文章末尾的ZIP中包含一个。 (感谢Eliza,给您提示!)

自定义脚本并了解它 (Customizing the Script and Getting to Know It)

If you’re the curious type, you can make the script your own by tweaking it a little and becoming familiar with it. Open the AHK file in your favorite text editor; what you see in the screenshot is VIM, but even Notepad would do the job (albeit less elegantly).

如果您是好奇的类型,可以通过稍微调整一下并熟悉它来制作自己的脚本。 在您喜欢的文本编辑器中打开AHK文件; 您在屏幕快照中看到的是VIM,但即使是记事本也可以做到(尽管不太优雅)。

By default, the script lets you press Win+H in any application to add a new autocorrect entry to the dictionary.  You can change this key binding, or disable it entirely, in line 87.

默认情况下,该脚本使您可以在任何应用程序中按Win + H,以将新的自动更正条目添加到字典中。 您可以在第87行中更改此键绑定或完全禁用它。

On line 135 you’ll find a list of words that end with “ign”. This is used to keep the script from flipping “ign” into “ing” for these particular words, because by default it corrects this typical typo across all words. You can browse this list and add any words you think you might not want the script to change.

在第135行,您会找到以“ ign”结尾的单词的列表。 这用于防止脚本将这些特定单词的“ ign”转换为“ ing”,因为默认情况下,它会纠正所有单词的典型拼写错误。 您可以浏览此列表并添加您认为不想更改脚本的任何单词。

There are a couple of other lists along the way, but the “meat” of the script starts at line 594. This is where the main list starts, and it just goes on and on for around 4,400 lines, each line being one word. That’s a whole lot of typos you won’t be having to manually correct anymore. You can browse the list just to get an idea of the type of words it catches.

沿途还有其他几个列表,但是脚本的“肉”从594行开始。这是主列表的开始位置,它不断地在大约4,400行中连续出现,每一行是一个单词。 您不必再手动纠正很多打字错误。 您可以浏览列表,以了解其捕获的单词类型。

On line 4999 there’s a list of words that is commented out. These are words that are ambiguous – you might want to have the script correct them, but you need to select how you want them corrected based on your typical usage. For example, when you mistype “achive”, did you actually mean “archive” or “achieve”? The same with “woulf” – did you mean “would” or “wolf”?

在4999行上,有一个被注释掉的单词列表 这些词含糊不清–您可能希望脚本纠正它们,但是您需要根据典型用法选择如何纠正它们。 例如,当您输入错误的“实现”时,您实际上是指“归档”还是“实现”? 与“ woulf”相同-您是说“ would”还是“ wolf”?

While you don’t need to manually go through each and every one of the words on this list, you might find a few of your typical typos there. If you do, just move them to the main list and they’ll be auto-corrected.

尽管您无需手动遍历此列表中的每个单词,但您可能会在其中找到一些典型的错别字。 如果这样做,只需将它们移到主列表中,它们就会被自动更正。

Remember, if you want to add anything to the dictionary, you simply have to hit Win+H (or whatever combination you set).

请记住,如果要向字典添加任何内容,只需单击Win + H(或您设置的任何组合)即可。

That’s it! You now have auto-correction across your system, and typos should be much less of an issue.  Enjoy!

而已! 现在,您可以在整个系统上进行自动更正,而错别字应该不是问题。 请享用!

Download the AutoCorrect AutoHotkey Script File (2 versions, including Unicode for AHK_L)


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/45068/how-to-get-spelling-autocorrect-across-all-applications-on-your-system/






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