


Back button focus is just what it sounds like. Instead of using a half-press of the shutter button to activate autofocus, you hold down a dedicated button on the back of your camera instead. When you let go, the focus stays locked. Here’s why you might want to use it.

后退按钮的焦点恰恰是听起来的样子。 不用半按快门按钮即可激活自动对焦,而只需按住相机背面的专用按钮即可。 放开时,焦点保持锁定。 这就是您可能要使用它的原因。

后退按钮聚焦的优点 (The Advantages of Back Button Focus)

The big advantage of back button focus is that it separates the act of focusing from taking photos. The default camera setup where the shutter button controls both actions makes certain things awkward, like trying to focus on a part of the scene that doesn’t fall nicely under an autofocus point. It can also slow down your camera’s burst mode while the autofocus hunts, stopping you from taking pictures.

后退按钮对焦的最大优点是它将对焦与拍照分开。 快门按钮同时控制这两个动作的默认相机设置会使某些事情变得尴尬,例如试图聚焦在自动对焦点以下的场景中。 在搜寻自动对焦时,它还会减慢相机的连拍模式,使您无法拍照。

With back button autofocus, you’re able to focus easily on any subject you want in the scene and then recompose your shot without having to worry about using any sort of AF-lock. And since your focus will stay locked until you change it, you can keep shooting without worrying about autofocus trying to refocus on something else. This is super handy when your subject isn’t moving too much.

使用后退按钮自动对焦,您可以轻松对焦于场景中所需的任何物体,然后重新构图,而不必担心使用任何类型的自动对焦锁。 而且由于您的焦点将一直保持锁定直到您更改它,因此您可以继续拍摄而不必担心自动对焦会尝试重新聚焦于其他东西。 当您的主体移动不太多时,这非常方便。

Another nice feature is that you don’t have to choose between manual focus or single and continuous autofocus modes. If you enable back button focus and set your camera to continuous autofocus:

另一个不错的功能是,您不必在手动对焦或单次和连续自动对焦模式之间进行选择。 如果启用后退按钮对焦并将相机设置为连续自动对焦:

  • To manually focus, don’t press the focus button, but manually focus using the lens rings instead. Most prosumer and professional lenses will let you manually focus even if the lens is set to autofocus.

    要手动对焦,请不要按对焦按钮,而应使用镜头环手动对焦。 即使将专业镜头和专业镜头设置为自动对焦,也可以让您手动对焦。

  • To single focus, hold the focus button down until focus acquires a lock. Then release it and shoot away.

    要进行单点聚焦,请按住聚焦按钮直至聚焦获得锁定。 然后释放它,然后射击。
  • To continuously focus, hold the focus button down and keep shooting.


As you can imagine, once you’ve got the hang of things, this makes it much faster for you to react to different situations. And as I’ve said time and time again, it’s not about not using your camera’s automatic features; it’s about using them in such a way that you control how they work. Back button autofocus is one of those ways.

可以想象,一旦掌握了一切,就可以更快地对不同的情况做出React。 正如我一次又一次地说过,这与不使用相机的自动功能无关。 这是关于使用它们的方式,您可以控制它们的工作方式。 后退按钮自动对焦是其中一种方法。

设置后退按钮焦点 (Setting Up Back Button Focus)

To set up back button focus, you’ll need to dig into your camera’s menus. You’ll normally need to do two things:

要设置后退按钮焦点,您需要深入了解相机的菜单。 通常,您需要做两件事:

  • Remove autofocus from the shutter button.

  • Set the AF-ON button—or if your camera doesn’t have one, the AE-L (* on Canon cameras)—to activate autofocus.


For Canon cameras, dig into the menu until you find Custom Functions. On consumer cameras, look for the option that sets the shutter button to AE Lock and the AE lock button to AF. On more advanced cameras, you’ll have more control over what buttons do which functions so play around until you have a set up you like.

对于佳能相机,请进入菜单,直到找到“自定义功能”。 在消费类相机上,寻找将快门按钮设置为AE锁定并将AE锁定按钮设置为AF的选项。 在更高级的相机上,您将可以更好地控制哪些按钮可以执行哪些功能,因此可以随意播放,直到完成所需的设置为止。

For Nikon cameras, find the Custom Settings menu (it’s the pencil icon) and go to Controls. Select Assign AE-L/AF-L button and choose AF-ON. Next, go to the Autofocus option and choose AF Activation. Select AF-ON only, and you’re good to go.

对于尼康相机,找到“自定义设置”菜单(这是铅笔图标),然后进入“控件”。 选择分配AE-L / AF-L按钮,然后选择AF-ON。 接下来,转到自动对焦选项,然后选择自动对焦激活。 仅选择AF-ON,就可以了。

If you’re having any difficulties or your camera isn’t from one of those manufacturers, Google your camera’s model and “back button autofocus.” Someone will almost certainly have a specific guide.

如果您遇到任何困难,或者您的相机不是来自这些制造商之一,请使用Google的相机型号和“后退按钮自动对焦”。 几乎可以肯定会有特定的指南。

Back button focus is much more flexible. Once you start to get the hang of controlling the basic exposure settings, it’s worth playing around with it and seeing if it’s for you.

后退按钮焦点更加灵活。 一旦掌握了基本的曝光设置控制,就值得尝试一下,看看是否适合您。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/396874/what-is-back-button-focus/






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