微软word开机自启动_如何在Microsoft Word中创建自定义封面



A great cover page draws in readers. If you use Microsoft Word, you’re in luck, because Word has ready to use cover pages. But did you know that Word also lets you create custom cover pages? Here’s how to use both.

精美的封面吸引了读者。 如果您使用Microsoft Word,则很幸运,因为Word已准备好使用封面。 但是您知道Word还可以创建自定义封面吗? 这是同时使用两者的方法。

如何在Word文档中添加现成的封面 (How to Add a Ready-to-Use Cover Page to Your Word Document)

Word includes some cover page templates you can insert and then customize a bit if you need a quick cover page for your document.


To find them, switch over to the “Insert” tab on Word’s Ribbon and then click the “Cover Page” button. (If your window isn’t maximized, you might see a “Pages” button instead. Click that to show the “Cover Page” button.)

要找到它们,请切换到Word功能区上的“插入”选项卡,然后单击“封面”按钮。 (如果未将窗口最大化,则可能会看到“页面”按钮。单击该按钮将显示“封面”按钮。)

On the drop-down menu, click the cover page you want to use.


You can now add your document title, subtitle, date, and other information, as well as change the design up a bit if you want.


如何在Microsoft Word中创建自定义封面 (How to Create a Custom Cover Page in Microsoft Word)

Creating a cover page from a template is easy enough, but if you don’t like any of the built-in designs, you can create your own. You can do this on an existing document, but it’s easiest to start with a blank document. We’re going to be saving the custom cover page so that you can quickly insert it into an existing document anyway.

从模板创建封面很容易,但是如果您不喜欢任何内置设计,则可以创建自己的封面。 您可以在现有文档上执行此操作,但是最简单的方法是从空白文档开始。 我们将保存自定义封面,以便您可以将其快速插入到现有文档中。

You can create your cover page using pretty much any of Word’s tools. You can add a background color, picture, or texture. You can also position those elements how you want and even apply Word’s text wrapping tools to them.  Make it look however you want.

您几乎可以使用Word的任何工具来创建封面。 您可以添加背景色,图片或纹理。 您还可以根据需要放置这些元素,甚至可以将Word的文本环绕工具应用于它们。 使其外观随心所欲。

When it comes to content, you have a couple of options. You can just type the text you want, but that wouldn’t make it much of a template unless you want the same text on the cover page every time you use it.

在内容方面,您有两种选择。 您可以只键入所需的文本,但是除非您每次使用时都希望在封面上输入相同的文本,否则这不会成为模板的主要内容。

Instead, you can use Word’s Quick Parts feature to add document properties to the document. To do that, switch over to the “Insert” tab and then click the “Quick Parts” button.

而是可以使用Word的“快速零件”功能将文档属性添加到文档中。 为此,请切换到“插入”选项卡,然后单击“快速零件”按钮。

On the drop-down menu, point to the “Document Property” submenu, and you’ll see a bunch of different properties you can insert into your document: author, title, company, publish date, and so on. Go ahead and insert whichever properties you want to appear on your title page.

在下拉菜单上,指向“文档属性”子菜单,您会看到一堆可以插入文档中的不同属性:作者,标题,公司,发布日期等。 继续并插入要显示在标题页上的所有属性。

When you’re done, you’ll have several fields on your page. When you insert your cover page into a document later on, those fields are populated with the actual properties from the document (and you can also edit them on the fly if you want).

完成后,页面上将有几个字段。 稍后将封面插入文档中时,这些字段将填充有文档中的实际属性(如果需要,您也可以即时编辑它们)。

They’re super plain to start with, but you can treat them like any other text in Word by applying styles and formatting, centering them on the page—whatever. Here, we’ve centered them on the page, applied the Title style to the title, shifted things down on the page a bit, and inserted a filigree illustration for a little flair. It’s not the prettiest cover page around, but it’s a good working example.

它们一开始是非常简单的,但是您可以通过应用样式和格式并将它们居中放置在页面上,将它们像Word中的其他任何文本一样对待。 在这里,我们将它们放在页面上居中,将“标题”样式应用于标题,将内容在页面上向下移动一点,并插入了花丝插图以提高风格。 这不是最漂亮的封面,但这是一个很好的示例。

Now that we’ve got our cover page the way we want it, it’s time to create a cover page template out of it.


First, select everything in the document (that’s why we recommend starting this in a blank document) by pressing Ctrl+A. Next, head back to the “Insert” tab and then click that “Cover Page” button again.

首先,通过按Ctrl + A选择文档中的所有内容(这就是我们建议在空白文档中启动它的原因)。 接下来,返回“插入”标签,然后再次单击该“封面”按钮。

This time, choose the “Save Selection to Cover Page Gallery” command from the drop-down menu.


In the window that opens, give your cover page a name and fill out a brief description if you want. Click “OK” when you’re done.

在打开的窗口中,为封面命名,并根据需要填写简短说明。 完成后,单击“确定”。

Now when you open the “Cover Page” drop-down menu in the future, you’ll see your new cover page template in the “General” section. Click to insert it just like you would one of Word’s built-in cover pages.

现在,将来当您打开“封面”下拉菜单时,您将在“常规”部分中看到新的封面模板。 单击以将其插入,就像使用Word的内置封面之一一样。

And that’s it. Creating custom cover pages for your document is pretty easy once you know where to look.

就是这样。 一旦知道要查找的位置,为文档创建自定义封面非常容易。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/365128/how-to-create-custom-cover-pages-in-microsoft-word/


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