kindle 电子书阅读器_您的Kindle不仅仅是电子阅读器:5个隐藏的Kindle功能

kindle 电子书阅读器

kindle 电子书阅读器


It’s easy to think of a Kindle as just an eBook reader, but it’s so much more than that. It’s an MP3 player, portable web browser (with free Wikipedia access over 3G), gaming device, and image viewer.

可以将Kindle仅仅看作是电子书阅读器,这很容易,但是远远不止于此。 它是MP3播放器,便携式Web浏览器(可通过3G免费访问Wikipedia),游戏设备和图像查看器。

Some of these features only work on the Kindle Keyboard (also known as the Kindle 3G), while some also work on the Kindle Touch. Free 3G browsing is restricted to specific websites on the Kindle Touch.

其中一些功能仅可在Kindle键盘(也称为Kindle 3G)上使用,而另一些功能也可在Kindle Touch上使用。 免费3G浏览仅限于Kindle Touch上的特定网站。

Image Credit: kodomut on Flickr

图片来源: Flickr上的kodomut

音乐播放器 (Music Player)

Your Kindle includes sound capabilities (a headphone jack and speakers) for listening to audio books and using text-to-speech with eBooks. However, the Kindle also includes an MP3 player – you can copy MP3 files to your Kindle and use your Kindle to play music or podcasts. Music plays in the background while you read, so this feature can provide background music while reading.

Kindle具有声音功能(耳机插Kong和扬声器),可用于收听有声读物以及将文字转语音与eBooks结合使用。 但是,Kindle还包括一个MP3播放器-您可以将MP3文件复制到Kindle并使用Kindle播放音乐或播客。 阅读时音乐会在后台播放,因此此功能可以在阅读时提供背景音乐。

To copy MP3 files to your Kindle, connect it to your computer with its included USB cable. Access the Kindle in Windows Explorer and place MP3 files in the music folder.

要将MP3文件复制到Kindle,请使用随附的USB电缆将其连接到计算机。 在Windows资源管理器中访问Kindle,然后将MP3文件放在音乐文件夹中。


Eject (or Safely Remove) your Kindle afterwards. On your Kindle, press the Menu button on the home screen and select Experimental.

之后弹出(或安全删除)您的Kindle。 在Kindle上,按主屏幕上的菜单按钮,然后选择实验性。


Select the Play Music option next to Play MP3 on the Experimental page.



Press Alt+Space keys pause or resume MP3 playback. To skip to the next song, press Alt+F. On a Kindle Touch, a music player will appear at the bottom of your screen.

按Alt + Space键暂停或恢复MP3播放。 要跳到下一首歌曲,请按Alt + F。 在Kindle Touch上,音乐播放器将出现在屏幕底部。

附带的游戏 (Included Games)

Want to play some games on your Kindle? Kindle Keyboards include two hidden games: Mine Sweeper and GoMoku.

想在Kindle上玩一些游戏吗? Kindle键盘包括两个隐藏的游戏:《扫雷》和GoMoku。

To access Mine Sweeper, press Alt+Shift+M on the home screen.

要访问扫雷器,请在主屏幕上按Alt + Shift + M。


To access GoMoku, also known as “Five in a Row,” press the G key on the Mine Sweeper screen. You and your Kindle take turns placing X’s and O’s on a board — the goal is to place five marks in a row before your Kindle does!

要访问GoMoku(也称为“连续五个”),请在扫雷器屏幕上按G键。 您和您的Kindle轮流在板上放置X和O-目标是在Kindle之前连续放置五个标记!


免费的3G浏览 (Free 3G Browsing)

Your Kindle includes a web browser, so you can browse the web without switching devices. Of course, the black-and-white E-Ink screen doesn’t provide the ideal experience for web pages.

Kindle包含网络浏览器,因此您无需切换设备即可浏览网络。 当然,黑白电子墨水屏幕不能提供理想的网页体验。

If you have a 3G Kindle Keyboard, you can browse the web from anywhere over the 3G cellular network – free! Amazon has recently instituted a 50MB monthly limit, but you can continue to access Wikipedia and the Amazon Kindle store from everywhere after hitting this limit.

如果您拥有3G Kindle键盘,则可以免费通过3G蜂窝网络从任何地方浏览网络! 亚马逊最近制定了每月50MB的限制,但是您可以在达到该限制后从任何地方继续访问Wikipedia和Amazon Kindle商店。

The Kindle Touch can access Wikipedia and the Kindle store from anywhere over 3G, but must be on Wi-Fi to browse other websites.

Kindle Touch可以通过3G在任何地方访问Wikipedia和Kindle商店,但是必须使用Wi-Fi才能浏览其他网站。


To launch the Kindle’s browser, press the Menu button on the home screen, select Experimental, and select Launch Browser.



You can also select the Search option in the menu to search Wikipedia, Google, or the Kindle store.



图片库 (Image Gallery)

On a Kindle Keyboard, you can add image files to your Kindle’s storage and use your Kindle as an image viewer. The Kindle supports images in JPEG, GIF, and PNG formats. The images will be in black and white, so you can first convert them to black and white to shrink their file size, if you like.

在Kindle键盘上,您可以将图像文件添加到Kindle的存储设备中,并将Kindle用作图像查看器。 Kindle支持JPEG,GIF和PNG格式的图像。 图像将为黑白图像,因此您可以根据需要先将其转换为黑白图像以缩小文件大小。

The Kindle Touch doesn’t support this feature – on a Kindle Touch, image files you want to view must first be converted to eBook format.

Kindle Touch不支持此功能-在Kindle Touch上,要查看的图像文件必须首先转换为eBook格式。

Connect your Kindle to your computer and create a new folder named pictures in its root directory.



Inside the pictures folder, create one or more image gallery folders. Place your image files into these subfolders.

在图片文件夹中,创建一个或多个图片库文件夹。 将图像文件放入这些子文件夹。


After disconnecting your Kindle from your computer, press Alt+Z to rescan the files on your Kindle’s storage. You’ll see a new option in your library for each image gallery you created.

断开Kindle与计算机的连接后,按Alt + Z重新扫描Kindle存储设备上的文件。 您会在库中为创建的每个图像库看到一个新选项。


Open one of the image galleries and use these keyboard shortcuts:


  • f – Toggle Full-Screen Mode

    f –切换全屏模式
  • q – Zoom In

    q –放大
  • w – Zoom Out

    w –缩小
  • e – Default Zoom

    e –默认缩放
  • c – Actual Image Size

    c –实际图像大小
  • r – Rotate Image

    r –旋转图像
  • 5-way Directional Pad – Pan


截图(Take Screenshots)

Press Alt+Shift+G to take a screenshot of your Kindle’s screen. (The Shift key is the up arrow on your keyboard.) The screen will flash.

按Alt + Shift + G可以拍摄Kindle屏幕的屏幕截图。 (Shift键是键盘上的向上箭头。)屏幕将闪烁。

On a Kindle Touch without a keyboard, press the Home button and hold it down, tap the screen once without releasing the home button, wait a few more seconds, and then release the home button.

在没有键盘的Kindle Touch上,按住主页按钮不放,在不释放主页按钮的情况下轻按屏幕一次,再等待几秒钟,然后释放主页按钮。

The screenshots are saved in GIF format and appear in the documents folder on your Kindle.



Check out Get More From Your Kindle: Tips, Tricks, Hacks, and Free Books for more great Kindle tips!



kindle 电子书阅读器





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