
Getting bored with your desktop wallpaper or the wallpaper on your mobile device? Because we use our PCs and mobile devices so much, it’s nice to have a choice of cool backgrounds to look at.

厌倦了您的桌面墙纸或移动设备上的墙纸? 由于我们经常使用PC和移动设备,因此可以选择很酷的背景来进行浏览很不错。

We’ve collected links to some sites where you can download wallpapers for your PC or your phone. Not all the wallpapers are free, but there are plenty of free ones to provide a variety of cool backgrounds.

我们已经收集了指向某些网站的链接,您可以在其中下载PC或手机的壁纸。 并非所有壁纸都是免费的,但是有很多免费的壁纸可以提供各种炫酷的背景。

台式机Nexus (Desktop Nexus)

Desktop Nexus is a community for high-quality wallpapers that allows members to interact, sharing real-time feedback with artists or photographers. You can subscribe to their RSS feeds to get notified when a new wallpaper is uploaded to one of your favorite categories. Every wallpaper uploaded by the members is automatically cropped, stretched, resized, and re-mastered to fit your screen size.

Desktop Nexus是提供高品质壁纸的社区,允许成员进行互动,并与艺术家或摄影师共享实时反馈。 您可以订阅他们的RSS feed,以便在将新墙纸上传到您喜欢的类别之一时得到通知。 成员上传的每张壁纸都会自动裁剪,拉伸,调整大小和重新制作,以适合您的屏幕尺寸。


墙基 (Wallbase)

Wallbase is a searchable wallpaper database with content uploaded by users.



InterfaceLIFT (InterfaceLIFT)

InterfaceLIFT offers more than 2500 free smartphone, tablet, and computer wallpapers. You can also download wallpapers in bulk for a penny per image.

InterfaceLIFT提供了2500多种免费的智能手机,平板电脑和计算机壁纸。 您还可以批量下载墙纸,每张图片仅需几分钱。


deviantART (deviantART)

deviantART is an online social network for artists that allows emerging and established artists to exhibit, promote, and share their works within a peer community dedicated to the arts. Over 100,000 original works of art are uploaded daily, ranging from traditional media, such as painting and sculptures, to digital art, pixel art films and anime.

deviantART是面向艺术家的在线社交网络,允许新兴和知名艺术家在致力于艺术的同伴社区中展示,宣传和分享他们的作品。 每天上传超过100,000种原创艺术品,从绘画和雕塑等传统媒体到数字艺术,像素艺术电影和动漫,一应俱全。


网络快照 (Webshots)

Webshots is one of the largest photo- and video-sharing websites that provides a variety of ways to enjoy photos and videos. They offer free and premium memberships with large amounts of storage. You can share photos, videos, and slideshows on Webshots and on your personal website.

Webshots是最大的照片和视频共享网站之一,它提供了多种欣赏照片和视频的方式。 他们提供具有大量存储空间的免费和高级会员资格。 您可以在Webshot和您的个人网站上共享照片,视频和幻灯片。


数字亵渎 (Digital Blasphemy)

Digital Blasphemy offers over 700 images, including images for multiple monitors and animated versions of some wallpapers. Some wallpapers are free for you to sample. However, paying members have access to the entire gallery and can download wallpapers individually or in bulk archives. Members can also download widescreen resolutions up to 2560 x 1600, and 16:9 HDTV resolutions up to 2560 x 1440, tablet and smartphone versions.

Digital Blasphemy提供了700多种图像,包括多台显示器的图像和某些墙纸的动画版本。 一些壁纸可供您免费试用。 但是,付费会员可以访问整个画廊,并可以单独下载墙纸或批量下载档案。 成员还可以下载高达2560 x 1600的宽屏分辨率和高达2560 x 1440的16:9 HDTV分辨率,以及平板电脑和智能手机版本。


天文档案图片 (Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive)

The NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive offers a different image or photograph each day of the universe, along with a brief explanation of the image written by a professional astronomer.



NASA每日图片库 (NASA Image of the Day Gallery)

The NASA Image of the Day Gallery offers downloadable images in different sizes that you can download, each with a description. You can also sign up for their RSS feed to receive a .jpg file of the new image each day.

NASA的“每日图库”图像提供了可下载的大小不同的可下载图像,每个图像都有说明。 您也可以注册他们的RSS feed,以每天接收新图像的.jpg文件。


国家地理壁纸 (National Geographic Wallpapers)

The National Geographic Society is one of the largest nonprofit, scientific, and educational institutions in the world and they offer free wallpapers and daily photos you can download.



免费世界野生动物基金会(WWF)野生动物壁纸 (Free World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Wildlife Wallpaper)

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) offers free wallpapers for download in different resolutions: Full screen (1024×768 and 1280×1024), Widescreen (1280×800 and 1440×900) and Netbook (1366×768). They are always adding new wildlife and nature photos.

世界野生动物基金会(WWF)提供不同分辨率的免费壁纸供下载:全屏(1024×768和1280×1024),宽屏(1280×800和1440×900)和上网本(1366×768)。 他们总是在添加新的野生动植物和大自然的照片。


纸墙 (The Paper Wall)

The Paper Wall offers wallpapers for download in various categories and resolutions. You can also view recently added and popular wallpapers and display random wallpapers, one at a time.

Paper Wall提供了各种类别和分辨率的壁纸供下载。 您还可以查看最近添加和流行的壁纸,并一次显示一个随机壁纸。


简单桌面 (Simple Desktops)

Simple Desktops offers very simple but nice wallpapers for your desktop which provide enough eye candy to not get bored or distracted.



简陋 (Shorpy)

Shorpy offers historical photos extracted from reference images from the Library of Congress research archive. They are available for download in jpeg format.

Shorpy提供从国会图书馆研究档案中的参考图像中提取的历史照片。 它们可以jpeg格式下载。


Wallpapers.com (Wallpapers.com)

Wallpapers.com offers wallpaper-related content for free and is supported by ads. You can search the content, and comment and rate wallpapers, and view wallpapers in different categories.

Wallpapers.com免费提供与壁纸相关的内容,并受广告支持。 您可以搜索内容,并对壁纸进行评论和评分,以及查看不同类别的壁纸。

There are three different types of wallpapers available on Wallpapers.com. Static wallpaper images do not move. Animated wallpapers are like screensavers. Wallery is a special product that rotates through multiple static wallpaper images.

Wallpapers.com上提供三种不同类型的壁纸。 静态墙纸图像不会移动。 动画墙纸就像屏保。 Wallery是一种特殊产品,可以旋转多个静态墙纸图像。


美国问候壁纸 (American Greetings Wallpapers)

American Greetings offers hundreds of free desktop designs and images as wallpapers you can download.

American Greetings提供数百种免费的桌面设计和图像,您可以下载它们作为墙纸。


Dream-Wallpaper.com (Dream-Wallpaper.com)

Dream Wallpaper offers free, easy-to-use software that allows you to get over 80,000 high quality free wallpapers from their site in many categories. The software cycles through the wallpaper images, and you can download widescreen wallpapers as well as regular wallpapers.

Dream Wallpaper提供了免费,易于使用的软件,可让您从其网站上的许多类别中获取超过80,000张高质量的免费壁纸。 该软件会循环浏览墙纸图像,您可以下载宽屏墙纸和常规墙纸。


宽墙纸 (Wallpapers Wide)

Wallpapers Wide offers wallpapers in many different resolutions and allows you to submit wallpapers as well. The site also detects the current aspect ratio and resolution of your current display. You can view wallpapers in many categories, the latest wallpapers, and the top wallpapers.

Wallpapers Wide可提供多种不同分辨率的壁纸,并允许您提交壁纸。 该站点还可以检测当前屏幕的当前纵横比和分辨率。 您可以查看许多类别的壁纸,最新壁纸和热门壁纸。


GoodFon.com (GoodFon.com)

GoodFon.com offers free desktop, laptop, HDTV, and mobile wallpapers you can download, and the site is updated daily.



FunUtilities.com (FunUtilities.com)

FunUtilites.com offers many utilities including a collection of over 4,500 free desktop wallpapers.



Jpegwallpapers.com (Jpegwallpapers.com)

Jpegwallpapers.com offers a large collection of free desktop wallpapers in many categories. You can browse the categories, view the most recent free wallpapers on the main page, or search for specific topics.

Jpegwallpapers.com提供了许多类别的大量免费桌面壁纸。 您可以浏览类别,在主页上查看最新的免费壁纸,或搜索特定主题。


Fonditos (Fonditos)

Fonditos offers wallpapers you can download for free without having to register for an account. Most of the wallpapers do not have any publicity inscriptions on them. The minimum size for a wallpaper image to be published on their site is 1024×768. New wallpapers are added to the site each day.

Fonditos提供了壁纸,您无需注册即可免费下载。 大多数壁纸上都没有任何宣传铭文。 要在其网站上发布的墙纸图像的最小尺寸为1024×768。 每天都有新壁纸添加到该网站。


万能 (Magentic)

Magentic is free software you download that provides access to thousands of professional photo-wallpapers (and a large selection of screensavers). It also allows you to create personal wallpapers and screensavers from your own photos. New collections are constantly added.

Magentic是您下载的免费软件,可访问成千上万的专业照片墙纸(以及多种屏幕保护程序)。 它还允许您根据自己的照片创建个人墙纸和屏保。 新的收藏不断增加。


WallpaperStock (WallpaperStock)

WallpaperStock offers free wallpapers and stock photos in a range of resolutions including widescreen and HD. You can view the wallpapers and photos in many categories, view the top wallpapers, or choose to have a random wallpaper displayed.

WallpaperStock提供各种分辨率的免费壁纸和股票照片,包括宽屏和HD。 您可以查看许多类别的壁纸和照片,查看排名靠前的壁纸,或选择显示随机壁纸。


FreeWallpapers.pro (FreeWallpapers.pro)

FreeWallpapers.Pro offers a collection of high quality, free wallpapers in several resolutions and in many categories.



Zedge (Zedge)

Zedge offers wallpapers for mobile devices, as well as ringtones and prewritten texts. There is also an Android app you can use to easily add items to your Android phone or tablet.

Zedge提供了用于移动设备的壁纸,以及铃声和预写文字。 还有一个Android应用程序,可用于轻松将项目添加到Android手机或平板电脑。


Cellsea (Cellsea)

Cellsea is a web community that allows you to create, share, and download wallpapers, ringtones, games, videos, and more for free.



LiveWallpapers.org (LiveWallpapers.org)

LiveWallpapers.org offers wallpapers for many Android phones that are animated and interactive. Most of the wallpapers are free, but some are not.

LiveWallpapers.org提供了许多具有动画效果和互动性的Android手机壁纸。 大多数壁纸是免费的,但有些不是。


AndroidCentral免费壁纸库 (AndroidCentral Free Wallpaper Gallery)

AndroidCentral also offers a Free Wallpaper Gallery, but you must register to download the wallpapers. Registration is free and also allows you to rate the wallpapers.

AndroidCentral还提供了免费壁纸库,但您必须注册才能下载壁纸。 注册是免费的,还可以为壁纸评分。


Finally, if you’re a Doctor Who fan, we posted a cool collage of all 11 doctors you can download and use as your desktop wallpaper. Let us know if you’ve found any websites you like offering cool wallpapers.

最后,如果您是Who Doctor的粉丝,我们会发布所有11位医生的精彩拼贴图,您可以下载它们并将其用作桌面墙纸。 让我们知道您是否找到了喜欢的酷壁纸网站。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/126393/the-best-websites-for-downloading-cool-wallpapers/

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