


Your computer consumes a large amount of power just idling there awaiting your command, so does charging a smartphone or tablet off one of the USB ports impose much of a demand on it?


Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

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问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader Arnehehe is curious if charging a USB device imposes an additional load on his computer:


Something I’ve always wondered. If I constantly hook up cellphones, hard drives and the like via USB to my computer, will it eat up more on the electricity bill? Or are the USB ports using up electricity by just being enabled anyway, thus not affecting the power usage?

我一直想知道的事情。 如果我通过USB不断将手机,硬盘驱动器等连接到我的计算机上,它会消耗更多的电费吗? 还是只是通过启用USB端口就耗尽了电量,从而不影响电源使用?

So what’s the story? How much energy is used when you charge up your phone via your computer?

那是什么故事? 通过计算机为手机充电时会消耗多少能量?

答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributor Zakinster offers some great insight into how charging from your computer differs from charging from a wall-charger, and the efficiency of both:


Short answer: Probably, but not necessarily; it won’t be free power, but it might be obtained more efficiently. It really depends on the particular power supply’s efficiency curve, and the point at which you are operating it at (and power consumption is affected by software).

简短答案:可能,但不一定; 它不会是自由力量,但它可能会更有效地获得。 这真的取决于特定的电源的效率曲线,在你所运行它在(和功耗由受影响的软件)的点上。

Long answer:


A USB port can output maximums of 500mA (USB1&2) and 950mA (USB3) at 5V which gives maximums of 2.5W (USB1&2) and 4.75W (USB3).

USB端口在5V时最大可输出500mA ( USB1&2 )和950mA ( USB3 ),从而最大可提供2.5W ( USB1&2 )和4.75W ( USB3 )。

USB ports don’t consume power by themselves. Without anything plugged, they are just open-circuits.

USB端口本身不会消耗功率。 没有任何插入,它们只是开路。

Now, if you get 1A (5W) out a USB3 port, it will usually increase the global power consumption by ~6W (depending on your power supply efficiency) which would be an increase of 2% to 5% of your computer power consumption.

现在,如果您从USB3端口获得1A ( 5W ),通常会将全球功耗增加约6W(取决于电源效率),这将使计算机功耗增加2%至5%。

But, in some cases, it may be different.


If you take a look at some PSU efficiency curve (from AnandTech) :

如果您查看一些PSU效率曲线(来自AnandTech ):

You’ll see the efficiency is not a constant value, it varies a lot depending on the load applied to the PSU. You’ll see on that 900W PSU that at low power (50W to 200W), the curve is so steep that an increase in the load will entail a substantial increase in efficiency.

您会看到效率不是一个恒定值,它会根据施加到PSU的负载而变化很大。 您将在900W PSU上看到,在低功率( 50W200W )下,曲线是如此陡峭,以至于负载增加将带来效率的大幅提高。

If the increase in efficiency is high enough, it would mean that in some cases, your computer may not need to actually draw an extra 5W from the wall socket when you’re drawing an extra 5W from a USB port.


Let’s take an example of a computer drawing 200W on a PSU with an actual efficiency of 80% at 200W :


Computer power consumption : 200W
USB device power consumption : 5W
PSU efficiency at 200W  : 80.0%
Wall power consumption without USB : 200W / 80,0% = 250.00W
Computer power consumption : 200W
USB device power consumption : 5W
PSU efficiency at 200W  : 80.0%
Wall power consumption without USB : 200W / 80,0% = 250.00W

Now, depending on the efficiency curve of the PSU between 200W and 205W, the relative power consumption of the USB device may be completely different :


<Case 1>
PSU efficiency at 205W  : 80.0%
Wall power consumption with USB : 205W / 80.0% = 256,25W
Wall power consumption of the USB device : 6.25W

This is the usual simplified case, where the efficiency is the same, hence the power consumption of the USB device is equivalent to 5W / 80.0% = 6.25W

这是效率相同的通常简化情况,因此USB设备的功耗相当于5W / 80.0% = 6.25W

<Case 2>
PSU efficiency at 205W  : 80,5%
Wall power consumption with USB : 205W / 80,5% = 254,66W
Wall power consumption of the USB device : 4.66W
<Case 2>
PSU efficiency at 205W  : 80,5%
Wall power consumption with USB : 205W / 80,5% = 254,66W
Wall power consumption of the USB device : 4.66W

In this case, the PSU efficiency is increasing between 200W and 205W, thus you can’t deduce the relative power consumption of the USB device without taking into account the whole computer power consumption, and you’ll see the relative increase at the wall socket may actually be lower than 5W.


This behavior only happens because, in that case, the PSU is under-loaded, so it’s not the usual case, but it’s still a practical possibility.


<Case 3>
PSU efficiency at 205W : 82%
Wall power consumption with USB : 205W / 82% = 250,00W
Wall power consumption of the USB device : 0W

In this case, the PSU draws the same power from the wall socket, whatever the load it receives. This is the behavior of a zener regulator where all unnecessary power are dissipated into heat. It’s a behavior that can be observed in some kind of low-end PSU at very small load.

在这种情况下,无论电源接收到何种负载,PSU都会从墙上插座汲取相同的功率。 这是齐纳稳压器的行为,其中所有不必要的功率都会散发到热量中。 在某些低端PSU中,这种情况在很小的负载下就可以观察到。

<Case 4>
PSU efficiency at 205W : 84%
Wall power consumption with USB : 205W / 84% = 244,00W
Wall power consumption of the USB device : -6W
<Case 4>
PSU efficiency at 205W : 84%
Wall power consumption with USB : 205W / 84% = 244,00W
Wall power consumption of the USB device : -6W

That last case, is a purely hypothetical case where the PSU would actually consume less power at higher load. As @Marcks Thomas said, this is not something you can observe from a practical power-supply, but it’s still theoretically possible and proves that the instinctive TANSTAAFL rule cannot always be applied that easily.

最后一种情况是纯粹假设的情况,其中PSU在较高的负载下实际上会消耗较少的功率。 正如@Marcks Thomas所说,这不是从实际电源中可以观察到的东西,但是从理论上讲还是有可能的,并且证明了本能的TANSTAAFL规则不能总是那么容易地应用。

In other words: if you’re absolutely concerned about efficiency, use your computer to charge as many USB devices as you can (while you’re there using the computer) as opposed to plugging in a unique wall-wart for each device. Realistically, however, the loss and gain is minimal and you should charge your devices in the way that is most convenient.

换句话说:如果您绝对在乎效率,请使用计算机为尽可能多的USB设备充电(当您在那里使用计算机时),而不是为每个设备插入唯一的墙式充电器。 但是,实际上,损耗是最小的,您应该以最方便的方式为设备充电。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不对。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/165093/does-my-computer-use-more-electricity-when-charging-usb-devices/






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