
Color is one of the most important aspects of photography. It can make or break your images. It’s great when nature gives you great color to work with, but you also need to deliberately manipulate colors in your photos, both while you’re shooting and in post-processing.
色彩是摄影最重要的方面之一。 它可以制作或破坏您的图像。 当大自然为您提供出色的色彩时,这很棒,但在拍摄和后期处理时,您还需要在照片中故意操纵色彩。
One of the best ways to start experimenting with colors in your image is to use a limited color palette. In other words, to try and take images where there are only one or two dominant colors. When you’ve loads of different colors things look chaotic, like in this image.
开始尝试使用图像中的颜色的最佳方法之一是使用有限的调色板。 换句话说,尝试在只有一种或两种主色的情况下拍摄图像。 当您加载不同颜色的东西时,看起来就像是这张图片一样混乱。

Whereas when you’ve got a photo with just a few colors that work well together, in this case browns and greys, they look a lot better.

Let’s talk a bit about how to work with a limited palette.
最简单的受限调色板:黑白 (The Simplest Limited Color Palette: Black and White)
When people start deliberately trying to take good photos, one of the first things they do is convert absolutely everything to black and white. Why? Because as long as the photo is well composed and technically okay, it will normally look good in black and white. By reducing everything to greyscale, you remove any distracting colors and pull everything together.
当人们开始刻意拍摄优质照片时,他们要做的第一件事就是绝对将所有内容转换为黑白图像。 为什么? 因为只要这张照片构图好并且在技术上还可以,它通常会在黑白下看起来不错。 通过将所有内容降低为灰度,可以消除所有分散注意力的颜色并将所有内容组合在一起。
Let’s look go back to that chaotic photo from earlier. It’s well composed, and there’s nothing technically wrong with it. The issue is that the colors are all over the place. There are greens, reds, yellows, and browns all competing for your attention. The focal point of the image should be the guy in the bar window, but your eyes are drawn everywhere.
让我们回头看看那张混乱的照片。 它结构合理,从技术上来说没有任何问题。 问题是颜色到处都是。 有绿色,红色,黄色和棕色争夺您的注意力。 图像的焦点应该是条形窗口中的那个家伙,但是您的眼睛无处不在。

Now let’s convert it to black and white and… boom! It looks a lot better. Rather than a chaotic mess of colors, it’s an interesting street scene.
现在,让我们将其转换为黑白,然后……繁荣! 看起来好多了。 而不是混乱的颜色混乱,它是一个有趣的街道场景。

Converting images to black and white is all well and good, but it has one major problem: color is a really important part of photography. No one wants to look at a sunset in black and white.
将图像转换为黑白是很好的方法,但是它有一个主要问题:色彩是摄影的重要组成部分。 没有人愿意看黑白日落。
在现实世界中探索有限的调色板 (Exploring Limited Color Palettes in the Real World)
To start exploring limited color palettes, you need to do two things: play around with limited colors in the real world, and post-process your images. Let’s start with looking at limited colors in the real world.
要开始探索有限的调色板,您需要做两件事:在现实世界中尝试有限的颜色,并对图像进行后处理。 让我们从查看现实世界中有限的颜色开始。
Here’s the before and after of an image with a model named Ali. She’s wearing a purple top and yellow jacket and she’s sitting in a field of yellow grass with some purple flowers. The straight-out-of-camera image already has a limited color palette, and I’ve just amplified it in the edit.
这是带有Ali模型的图像的前后。 她穿着紫色的上衣和黄色外套,坐在黄色的草丛中,开着紫色的花。 摄像机的图像已经具有有限的调色板,我只是在编辑中对其进行了放大。

This is a landscape example that I shot in Santa Monica at sunset. Blue and gold are two of my favorite colors to use together. It’s very easy to do if you take photos by the sea at sunrise or sunset.
这是我在日落时在圣塔莫尼卡拍摄的风景示例。 蓝色和金色是我最喜欢使用的两种颜色。 如果您在日出或日落时在海边拍照非常容易。

I love that shot, but lets look at the straight out of camera image.

The gold is a little less pronounced, but the original colors are for the most part still the ones I used in the final image.
The trick to playing around with limited color palettes in the real world is to start consciously looking at colors. The day I took the photo of Ali, she just happened to be wearing yellow and purple, so when we found a field with those colors too, we took a photo. The image below was much the same. Louie was wearing blue, so when we found a blue wall, it was a perfect backdrop.
在现实世界中尝试使用有限的调色板的技巧是开始自觉地观察颜色。 我拍了阿里的照片的那天,她恰好穿着黄色和紫色,所以当我们发现一个也有这些颜色的领域时,我们就拍了照片。 下图几乎相同。 路易(Louie)穿着蓝色,所以当我们发现一堵蓝色墙壁时,那是一个完美的背景。

You can also start shooting during the hour or two around sunrise and sunset. These times of the day automatically limit the colors you have to work with. At sunrise and sunset you’re going to see blues, purples, golds, oranges, and yellows. If you can create an image with two of the colors, great, but if there’s only one, that works too. Just check out this sunset shot below that’s almost entirely orange. These were just the colors I had to work with.
您也可以在日出和日落前后的一两个小时内开始拍摄。 一天中的这些时间会自动限制您必须使用的颜色。 在日出和日落时,您会看到蓝色,紫色,金色,橙色和黄色。 如果可以用两种颜色创建图像,那很好,但是如果只有一种,那么也可以。 只需查看下面的日落照片即可,几乎完全是橙色。 这些只是我必须使用的颜色。

Night is also a great time to explore a limited color palette. The starry sky generally looks pretty blue, like in this image below.
夜晚也是探索有限的调色板的绝佳时机。 繁星点点的天空通常看起来很蓝,就像下面的这张图一样。

There’s almost no way to get the chaotic mishmash of colors that you find in the first image.
有限调色板的后处理 (Post-Processing for Limited Color Palettes)
While it’s not impossible to limit the color palette of any image in post, things will always look better if you’re using it to improve an already limited color palette. I’m going to demo the effect using Photoshop, but you can do similar things in every good image editor.
虽然限制发布中任何图像的调色板并不是没有可能,但是如果您使用它来改善已经有限的调色板,情况总会看起来更好。 我将使用Photoshop演示效果,但是您可以在每个好的图像编辑器中执行类似的操作。
Let’s use this image.

It’s nice, but I want to amplify the blues and yellows. If you’re following along with your own image, open it in Photoshop and pick the colors you want to amplify.
很好,但是我想放大蓝色和黄色。 如果要跟随自己的图像,请在Photoshop中将其打开,然后选择要放大的颜色。
The first step is to increase the saturation. To do that, go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation.
第一步是增加饱和度。 为此,请转到“图层”>“新调整图层”>“色相/饱和度” 。

Drag the Saturation slider as far to the right as it will go without the image looking bad. For me, it’s about +34 in this image.
将“饱和度”滑块拖动到最右边,而图像看起来不会变差。 对我来说,这张图片大约是+34。

If you want, you can go in and edit the Saturation of each color individually or play around with the Hues, but to me, things look good.

Next, I’m going to use a Gradient Map layer to limit the colors even more. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Gradient Map and click on the gradient.
接下来,我将使用“渐变贴图”图层进一步限制颜色。 转到图层>新调整图层>渐变贴图,然后单击渐变。

Double-click on the small square on the bottom left of the gradient, then select the color you want for the shadows and click OK. For this image, I’m going with a deep blue.
双击渐变左下角的小方块,然后选择所需的阴影颜色,然后单击“确定”。 对于此图像,我要使用深蓝色。

Next, double-click on the small square to the right of the gradient, select the color you want for the highlights and click OK. I’ve gone with a gold/orange.
接下来,双击渐变右侧的小方块,选择要突出显示的颜色,然后单击“确定”。 我已经带着金/橙了。

If you want to adjust the balance of where the shadow color transitions to the highlight color, drag the little diamond in the center to the left or right.

When you’re happy with how the gradient looks, click OK. Here’s where we’re at now.
当您对渐变的外观感到满意时,请单击“确定”。 这就是我们现在的位置。

While this looks kind of cool, the effect is totally over the top. The final step is to reduce the Opacity and change the Blend Mode of the Gradient Map layer.
虽然这看起来很酷,但效果完全是一流的。 最后一步是减少不透明度并更改渐变贴图图层的混合模式。
In the Layers panel with the Gradient Map selected, click on the dropdown where it says “Normal”, and change it to “Color”.

Finally, enter in a value somewhere between 10% and 50% for the Opacity.

I think around 30% looks best for this image.

And that’s it, we’re done. Here’s a before and after. As you can see, I haven’t really changed the colors, just made them more dominant and interesting.
就是这样,我们完成了。 这是之前和之后。 如您所见,我并没有真正改变颜色,只是使它们更具支配性和趣味性。

如何知道要使用哪种颜色 (How to Know Which Colors to Use)
One of the biggest things you need to develop when working with colors in photography is a sense of which colors will work, and which will won’t. That comes with time, but here’s a quick guide.
在摄影中使用颜色时,需要开发的最大的东西之一就是可以确定哪些颜色可以工作,哪些不可以。 这是随时间而来的,但是这里有个快速指南。
任何单色 (Any Single color)
A single color almost always works as a color palette, and it doesn’t matter at all what color it is. Black and white images are the most obvious example, but I’ve seen images where the whole thing is shades of orange, brown, green, pink, yellow, and pretty much every other color imaginable work. If you really want to keep things simple, just work in monochrome.
单一颜色几乎总是可以用作调色板,而它到底是什么颜色都没有关系。 黑白图像是最明显的例子,但是我看过的图像中整个都是橙色,棕色,绿色,粉红色,黄色以及几乎所有其他可以想象的颜色。 如果您真的想使事情简单,则只需单色即可。
某些对颜色 (Certain Pairs of colors)
Some pairs of colors work really well together, especially complementary colors. Here are some of the main ones that you’ll see used in photography:
某些颜色对确实可以很好地协同工作,尤其是互补色。 以下是一些您将在摄影中使用的主要功能:
- Blue and gold 蓝色和金色
- Blue and orange蓝色和橙色
- Teal and orange蓝绿色和橙色
- Green and magenta绿色和洋红色
- Yellow and purple黄色和紫色
If you see an opportunity to use any of these combinations—say, because your model is wearing orange and there’s a blue wall—take it.
Color work is one of the things that separates good technical photographers from great artistic ones. It’s one of the most important tools in making people feel an emotional connection to your images. While there’s a huge amount more to working with colors, the best way to get started is just to limit the color palettes of your images.
色彩工作是将优秀的技术摄影师与出色的艺术摄影师区分开的一件事。 它是使人们感觉到与您的图像有情感联系的最重要工具之一。 尽管处理色彩还有很多,但是最好的入门方法就是限制图像的调色板。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/328994/how-to-use-a-limited-color-palette-for-better-photos/