音速索尼克 怪人_最奇妙的刺猬索尼克粉丝游戏

音速索尼克 怪人

音速索尼克 怪人

Sonic is hilarious. Maybe it’s the decades of bad games. Maybe it’s the Extreme Attitude™, a 90s marketing gimmick that feels dated now. Or maybe it’s just that he’s a weird looking dude.

索尼克很搞笑。 也许这是数十年来糟糕的比赛。 也许是Extreme Attitude™,一种90年代的营销marketing头,现在看来已经过时了。 也许仅仅是他是一个看起来很奇怪的家伙。

Whatever the reason, it’s really easy to make fun of Sonic, so the Internet provides a never-ending collection of hilarious Sonic pictures, GIFs and videos.


But some fans go further. Not content with making images and animations, these fans make entire games serving as one giant Sonic joke. Here are a few you can download right now.

但是有些粉丝走得更远。 这些粉丝不满足于制作图像和动画,因此将整个游戏当作一个巨大的Sonic笑话来担任。 这里有一些您可以立即下载。

Sanicball:得快 (Sanicball: Gotta Go Fast)

Sanicball is pure condensed stupid. It’s glorious.

Sanicball是纯粹的浓缩愚蠢。 这是光荣的。

Think of it as Mario Kart with with poorly sketched Sonic faces on balls instead of karts. Seriously you guys: it’s amazing.

可以将其想象为Mario卡丁车,其球面上的Sonic素描面较差,而不是卡丁车。 说真的,你们:太神奇了。

Sanic, Knackles, Taels, and the rest of the misspelt gang hurtle through courses that vaguely resemble retro Sonic levels, with controls that are barely manageable. I won’t spoil anything, but needless to say, more dumb memes await you within.

Sanic,Knackles,Taels和其他拼字游戏团伙在模糊地类似于复古Sonic级别的课程中穿梭,几乎无法控制。 我不会破坏任何东西,但是不用说,里面还有更多愚蠢的模因在等着你。

And I’m not being mean, by the way: the game’s creator basically says as much on the game’s home page:


Sanicball is a stupid, silly game that throws away complex gameplay mechanics, character progression, and microtransactions in favor of pure fast. It features the all the latest dumb internet memes thrown together in a blender to form a truly europhoic circlejerking experience. This wasn’t the original intention but it ended up happening anyway.

Sanicball是一款愚蠢而愚蠢的游戏,它抛弃了复杂的游戏机制,角色升级和微交易,转而使用纯快。 它具有将所有最新的哑巴网络模因放入搅拌机中的功能,从而形成了真正的恐怖的催人泪下的体验。 这不是最初的意图,但最终还是发生了。

So yeah, you know what to expect here: fast. Lots and lots of fast. Get started.

是的,您知道这里的期望:快速。 很多很多的快速。 开始吧

索尼克的梦想:我们甚至无法开始描述的超现实主义胡话(Sonic Dreams: Surrealist Nonsense We Can’t Even Begin to Describe)

The Sonic Dreams homepage presents this game as a leak: a collection of titles Sega made in the 90s but never released. I can only imagine what playing these games would be like if you actually believed that.

Sonic Dreams主页将此游戏介绍为一个漏洞:世嘉在90年代制造但从未发行过的游戏。 我只能想象如果您真的相信这些玩这些游戏会是什么样子。

Because man, this thing is weird, and 100 percent not safe for work. The first game, make my Sonic, is innocent enough: click some buttons, warp Sonic’s body, see a randomly generated name.

因为人,这东西很奇怪,而且100%不能安全地工作。 第一个游戏,使我的Sonic足够纯真:单击一些按钮,扭曲Sonic的身体,看到一个随机生成的名称。

But this is only the beginning. There’s Sonic Movie Maker, where you carry around a camera and throw inanimate Sonic models into all sorts of situations, some too explicit to outline here. And then there’s My Roommate Sonic, a first person game where you sit beside Sonic on the couch watching TV, and then try to seduce him by tickling.

但这只是开始。 有Sonic Movie Maker,您可以在其中携带相机,将无生命的Sonic模型放入各种情况下,其中有些太明显了,在此不做概述。 然后是My Roommate Sonic,这是一款第一人称游戏,您可以坐在沙发上Sonic的旁边看电视,然后尝试通过挠痒痒来勾引他。

Yes, you read that correctly. And it gets weirder: Eggman, who apparently lives across the street, texts you tips the entire time.

是的,你没看错。 而且很奇怪:显然住在街对面的埃格曼(Eggman)总是发短信给您小费。

Oh, and this one is Oculus Rift compatible, just in case you want every part of your soul to feel dirty.

哦,这是与Oculus Rift兼容的,以防万一您希望灵魂的各个部分感到肮脏。

时空陶笛和马里奥中的音速64 (Sonic in Ocarina of Time and Mario 64)

Try as Sega does, Sonic never really seems to fully work in 3D. Link and Mario made the transition fairly well, but something about Sonic’s style of platforming seems predestined to be a mess once you add the third dimension. So why not just throw Sonic into those games?

像Sega那样尝试,Sonic似乎从未真正在3D模式下完全工作。 Link和Mario很好地完成了过渡,但是一旦添加了第三维,Sonic平台化样式的注定就一团糟。 那么,为什么不将Sonic投入那些游戏呢?

As with most things, ROM hackers have gotten there first, unnecessarily inserting Sonic into two of the most beloved games of the early 3D era. First there’s Sonic in Ocarina of Time, which allows the Blue Blur to dash across Hyrule Field. It’s exactly as broken as you think.

与大多数事情一样,ROM黑客最先进入那里,不必要地将Sonic插入早期3D时代的两个最受欢迎的游戏中。 首先是《时之笛》中Sonic ,它可以使“蓝色迷离”在Hyrule Field上飞奔。 完全像您想像的那样破裂。

And then there’s Sonic in Mario 64, which lets you collect stars with more speed than usual.

然后是Mario 64中Sonic ,它可以让您以比平常更快的速度收集星星。

Neither of these offer a particularly great gameplay experience, but that’s kind of the point. Enjoy!

这些都不能提供特别出色的游戏体验,但这就是重点。 请享用!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/325625/the-most-wonderfully-stupid-sonic-the-hedgehog-fan-games/

音速索尼克 怪人

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