


Windows 10’s Task Manager displays your PC’s “Last BIOS time” on its Startup tab. Here’s what that number means–and how to decrease it so your PC boots faster.

Windows 10的任务管理器在其“启动”选项卡上显示PC的“上次BIOS时间”。 这就是该数字的含义,以及如何降低此数字,以便您的PC更快地启动。

什么是“上次BIOS时间”? (What Is “Last BIOS Time”?)

The “Last BIOS time” figure is the amount of time it took for your computer’s BIOS (or, more accurately, your computer’s UEFI firmware) to initialize your hardware before it begins booting Windows when you start your computer.

“上次BIOS时间”数字是指计算机的BIOS (或更准确地说,计算机的UEFI固件)在启动计算机时开始启动Windows之前初始化硬件所花费的时间。

When your computer boots up, it loads the UEFI firmware (often still referred to as the “BIOS”) from a chip on the motherboard. The UEFI firmware is a small program that initializes your hardware, applies various hardware settings, and then hands off control to your operating system’s bootloader, which boots Windows or whatever other operating system your PC is using. Your UEFI firmware’s settings and the devices it tries to boot from can be customized on your computer’s UEFI firmware settings screen, which is often accessed by pressing a specific key–like the Del, Esc, F2, or F10 keys– at the start of the boot-up process.

计算机启动后,会从主板上的芯片加载UEFI固件(通常仍称为“ BIOS”)。 UEFI固件是一个小程序,用于初始化您的硬件,应用各种硬件设置,然后将控制权交给操作系统的引导程序,引导程序引导Windows或您的PC使用的任何其他操作系统。 您可以在计算机的UEFI固件设置屏幕上自定义UEFI固件的设置及其尝试从中启动的设备,通常可以通过在启动时按特定键(例如Del,Esc,F2或F10键)来访问该界面。启动过程。

The UEFI firmware may display a logo provided by your PC or motherboard manufacturer during this part of the boot-up process. It may also print messages about the boot-up process on screen or just show a black screen until Windows starts booting.

UEFI固件可能会在此启动过程中显示PC或主板制造商提供的徽标。 它还可能会在屏幕上显示有关启动过程的消息,或者仅显示黑屏,直到Windows开始启动为止。

In other words, the “last BIOS time” is how long it took for your PC to boot before it began booting Windows.


如何查看您的上次BIOS时间 (How to View Your Last BIOS Time)

You’ll find this information on the Startup tab in the Task Manager. To access it, open the Task Manager by right-clicking the taskbar and selecting “Task Manager” or pressing Ctrl+Shift+Escape and click the “Startup” tab. If you don’t see the Startup tab, click “More Details” at the bottom of the window.

您可以在“任务管理器”中的“启动”选项卡上找到此信息。 要访问它,请右键单击任务栏并选择“任务管理器”或按Ctrl + Shift + Escape并单击“启动”选项卡,以打开任务管理器。 如果您没有看到“启动”选项卡,请单击窗口底部的“更多详细信息”。

You won’t always see this information on every computer. Microsoft unfortunately provides no official documentation on this feature, but it appears that it only works if you’re using a computer with UEFI firmware. That PC must also be using UEFI boot mode rather than the legacy BIOS compatibility mode. On computers that don’t meet this requirement, the top right corner of the Startup tab will just be empty.

您不会总是在每台计算机上看到此信息。 遗憾的是,Microsoft并未提供有关此功能的任何官方文档,但似乎仅当您使用带有UEFI固件的计算机时,该功能才有效。 该PC还必须使用UEFI引导模式,而不是旧版BIOS兼容模式。 在不满足此要求的计算机上,“启动”选项卡的右上角将为空。

This feature was first introduced in Windows 8 as part of the new Task Manager, so you won’t see it–or the Startup tab–on Windows 7.

此功能最初在Windows 8中作为新任务管理器的一部分引入,因此在Windows 7上看不到它或“启动”选项卡。

如何减少上次BIOS时间 (How to Decrease Your Last BIOS Time)

You’ll never get this time down to 0.0 seconds. If you do, that’s a bug and your UEFI firmware isn’t reporting the time correctly. The UEFI firmware will always take some time to initialize your hardware on boot-up. If you want your computer to be ready faster when you need it, your best bet is to put it to sleep instead of shutting it down.

您将永远不会把时间缩短到0.0秒。 如果这样做,那就是一个错误,并且您的UEFI固件无法正确报告时间。 UEFI固件在启动时总是需要一些时间来初始化硬件。 如果您希望计算机在需要时能更快地准备就绪,那么最好的选择是使计算机进入睡眠状态,而不是将其关闭

The last BIOS time should be a fairly low number. On a modern PC, something around three seconds is often normal, and anything less than ten seconds probably isn’t a problem. If your computer takes a long time to boot and you see a high number–for example, any number over 30 seconds–that could indicate something is wrong in your UEFI firmware settings and your PC could boot faster.

上次BIOS时间应该是一个相当低的数字。 在现代PC上,通常三秒钟左右是正常现象,而少于十秒钟的问题则可能不是问题。 如果您的计算机启动时间很长,而您看到的数字很大(例如,超过30秒的数字),则可能表明UEFI固件设置有问题,并且PC可以更快地启动。

You can often shave off some time by tweaking the settings in your UEFI firmware, although the settings you have available depend on your PC’s hardware. For example, you might be able to stop your PC from displaying a logo at bootup, although that may only shave off 0.1 or 0.2 seconds. You may want to adjust the boot order–for example, if your UEFI firmware is waiting five seconds while it tries to boot from a network device at every boot, you could disable network boot and decrease the last BIOS time substantially.

尽管可以使用的设置取决于PC的硬件,但通常可以通过调整UEFI固件中的设置来节省一些时间。 例如,您可能能够阻止PC在启动时显示徽标,尽管这可能仅节省了0.1或0.2秒的时间。 您可能需要调整引导顺序,例如,如果UEFI固件在每次引导时尝试从网络设备引导时等待五秒钟,则可以禁用网络引导并显着减少上次BIOS时间。

Disabling other features can also help. If your computer appears to run a memory test or another type of power-on self test (POST) process at each boot, disabling that will decrease the last BIOS time. If your computer has hardware you don’t use–like a PS/2 port and FireWire controller when you only use USB devices–you can disable those hardware controllers in the BIOS and maybe shave off a second or two.

禁用其他功能也有帮助。 如果您的计算机在每次启动时似乎都在运行内存测试或其他类型的开机自检(POST)进程,则将其禁用将减少上次BIOS时间。 如果您的计算机具有不使用的硬件(例如,仅使用USB设备时不使用PS / 2端口和FireWire控制器),则可以在BIOS中禁用这些硬件控制器,甚至可以省掉一两秒钟。

Of course, if you have an older motherboard, it may just be slow, and upgrading it will be the only thing that decreases that Last BIOS Time.


Pay attention to the boot-up process, as it may give you some indication of what your UEFI firmware is doing instead of booting up promptly. You may want to examine your computer’s manual for more information about the options available in your UEFI firmware. Or, if you built your own PC, examine your motherboard’s manual.

请注意启动过程,因为它可能会提示您UEFI固件正在做什么,而不是立即启动。 您可能需要查看计算机手册,以获取有关UEFI固件中可用选项的更多信息。 或者,如果您构建了自己的PC,请检查主板的手册。







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