如何在Windows 10中获取“所有最近的文件”列表?


When you frequently use a long-standing and convenient feature in Windows, then suddenly see it removed from the latest version, it can be very frustrating. How do you get the missing feature back? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post has some helpful solutions to a reader’s “recent file” woes.

当您经常在Windows中使用一个长期且方便的功能时,突然发现它已从最新版本中删除,这可能会非常令人沮丧。 您如何找回缺少的功能? 今天的“超级用户问答”帖子为读者的“最新文件”问题提供了一些有用的解决方案。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader Mr. Boy wants to know how to get the “All Recent Files” list back in Windows 10:

超级用户读者Boy Boy先生想知道如何在Windows 10中获取“所有最近的文件”列表:

I can find the listings for recent items, but these only seem to let me see recent items opened by a particular app. For example, I can look at Microsoft Word’s icon and see the documents recently opened in it.

我可以找到最新商品的列表,但是这些似乎只能让我看到特定应用打开的最新商品。 例如,我可以查看Microsoft Word的图标,并查看其中最近打开的文档。

I am unable to find a simple “these are the last ten documents/files opened with any application”, which is very useful if I have not pinned the apps in question to my taskbar. This feature used to exist in Windows XP as “My Recent Documents”:

我找不到简单的“这些是使用任何应用程序打开的最后十个文档/文件”,如果我没有将有问题的应用程序固定在任务栏上,这将非常有用。 此功能以前在Windows XP中作为“我的最新文档”存在:


Is there a way to get this functionality back in Windows 10? For example, I open doc.docx, sheet.xlsl, options.txt, picture.bmp, etc. with different apps and then see these items all listed in one place indicating the files that I have most recently accessed?

有没有办法在Windows 10中重新获得此功能? 例如,我使用不同的应用程序打开doc.docx,sheet.xlsl,options.txt,picture.bmp等,然后看到所有这些项目都列在一个位置,指示我最近访问的文件?

How do you get the “All Recent Files” list functionality back in Windows 10?

您如何在Windows 10中重新获得“所有最近的文件”列表功能?

答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributors Techie007 and thilina R have the answer for us. First up, Techie007:

超级用户贡献者Techie007和thilina R为我们找到了答案。 首先,Techie007:

I believe that the new way of thinking at Microsoft during the Start Menu’s redesign process was that if you want to access “files”, then you should open the File Explorer to access them instead of the Start Menu.


To that end, when you open the File Explorer, it will default to Quick Access, which includes a list of Recent Files like the example shown here:

为此,当您打开“文件资源管理器”时,它将默认为“快速访问” ,其中包括“最新文件”列表,如下所示:


Followed by the answer from thilina R:

随后是thilina R的回答:

Method 1: Use the Run Dialog Box


  • Open the Run Dialog Box with the keyboard shortcut Windows Key+R

    使用键盘快捷键Windows Key + R打开“运行”对话框

  • Enter shell:recent


This will open the folder listing all of your recent items. The list can be quite long and may contain items that are not as recent, and you may even want to delete some of them.

这将打开列出所有近期项目的文件夹。 该列表可能很长,可能包含的项目不是最近的,您甚至可能希望删除其中的一些项目。

Note: The contents of the Recent Items folder is different from the contents of the File Explorer entry Recent Places, which contains folders that have been recently visited rather than files. They often have quite different contents.

注意:“最近的项目”文件夹的内容与“文件资源管理器”条目“最近的位置”的内容不同,后者包含最近访问过的文件夹而不是文件。 它们通常具有完全不同的内容。

Method 2: Make a Desktop Shortcut to the Recent Items Folder


If you like (or need) to look at the contents of the Recent Items folder on a frequent basis, you may want to create a shortcut on your desktop:


  • Right-click on the desktop

  • In the Context Menu, choose New


  • Select Shortcut


  • In the box, “type the location of the item”, enter %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\

    在“键入项目的位置”框中,输入%AppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ Recent \

  • Click Next


  • Name the shortcut Recent Items or a different name if desired


  • Click Finish


You can also pin this shortcut to the taskbar or place it in another convenient location.


Method 3: Add Recent Items to the Quick Access Menu


The Quick Access Menu (also called the Power User’s Menu) is another possible place to add an entry for Recent Items. This is the menu opened by the keyboard shortcut Windows Key+X. Use the path:

快速访问菜单(也称为高级用户菜单)是为“最近的项目”添加条目的另一个可能位置。 这是通过键盘快捷键Windows Key + X打开的菜单。 使用路径:

  • %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\

    %AppData%\ Microsoft \ Windows \ Recent \

Contrary to what some articles on the Internet say, you cannot simply add shortcuts to the folder that is used by the Quick Access Menu. For security reasons, Windows will not allow additions unless the shortcuts contain certain code. The utility Windows Key+X menu editor takes care of that problem.

与Internet上的某些文章相反,您不能简单地将快捷方式添加到“快速访问菜单”所使用的文件夹中。 出于安全原因,除非快捷方式包含某些代码,否则Windows将不允许添加。 实用程序Windows Key + X菜单编辑器可以解决此问题。

Source: Three Ways to Easily Access Your Most Recent Documents and Files in Windows 8.x [Gizmo’s Freeware] Note: The original article was for Windows 8.1, but this works on Windows 10 at the time of writing this.

来源:在Windows 8.x中轻松访问最新文档和文件的三种方法[Gizmo的免费软件]注意:原始文章适用于Windows 8.1,但在撰写本文时适用于Windows 10。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

Image/Screenshot Credit: Techie007 (SuperUser)

图片/截图来源: Techie007(超级用户)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/274573/how-do-you-get-the-all-recent-files-list-back-in-windows-10/





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