npm 卸载全局安装_如何手动卸载全局安装的Firefox扩展

npm 卸载全局安装

npm 卸载全局安装


Firefox provides several ways for other programs on your computer to install Firefox extensions, sometimes without your explicit consent. While you can disable these extensions, you often can’t uninstall them via Firefox’s Add-ons screen.

Firefox为您计算机上的其他程序提供了几种安装Firefox扩展的方法,有时无需您的明确同意。 虽然可以禁用这些扩展名,但通常无法通过Firefox的“加载项”屏幕将其卸载。

Mozilla has become more vigilant in protecting users and now asks you whether you want to enable such extensions after they’re installed. However, a disabled extension continues to clutter your list of installed extensions.

Mozilla在保护用户方面变得更加警惕,现在询问您是否要在安装此类扩展名后启用它们。 但是,禁用的扩展程序继续使您安装的扩展程序列表混乱。

Windows控制面板 (Windows Control Panel)

If the globally installed extension is a well-behaved piece of software, you’ll probably be able to uninstall the extension from the Programs and Features window in the Windows Control Panel. Just perform a search for the name of the extension and uninstall it as if it were any other program.

如果全局安装的扩展程序是行为良好的软件,则可以从Windows“控制面板”的“程序和功能”窗口中卸载该扩展程序。 只需搜索扩展名,然后将其卸载即可,就像其他程序一样。


However, this won’t always work. In the example above, the extension can only be removed by uninstalling the complete Logitech SetPoint software package.

但是,这并不总是有效。 在上面的示例中,只能通过卸载完整的Logitech SetPoint软件包来删除扩展。

In some cases, an unscrupulous extension may not add any entry to Programs and Features at all, attempting to hide itself and prevent you from removing it from your system.


Firefox安装目录 (Firefox Installation Directory)

The first place to look when an extension can’t be uninstalled from within Firefox is in Firefox’s installation directory. By default, Firefox is installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox on 64-bit versions of Windows. On 32-bit versions of Windows, you will find it in C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox. If you installed Firefox to a custom directory on your system, you will find it there instead.

无法从Firefox卸载扩展程序时,首先要查看的是Firefox的安装目录。 默认情况下,在64位版本的Windows上,将Firefox安装到C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Mozilla Firefox 。 在Windows的32位版本上,您可以在C:\ Program Files \ Mozilla Firefox中找到它。 如果将Firefox安装到系统上的自定义目录中,则可以在其中找到它。

Look inside the extensions directory inside the Mozilla Firefox directory. Other applications can add their own extensions to this directory, where they will be picked up by all Firefox profiles on the system.

查看Mozilla Firefox目录内的extensions目录。 其他应用程序可以将自己的扩展名添加到此目录,系统上的所有Firefox配置文件都将在该目录中将其扩展。


Note: Leave the {972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd} directory alone! This directory contains Firefox’s default theme.

注意:请勿放置{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}目录! 该目录包含Firefox的默认主题。

Other directories contain globally installed Firefox extensions and themes. You can determine which extension resides in a directory by entering the directory and opening the install.rdf file inside it in a text editor. The install.rdf file will tell you what extension resides in a directory. For example, the default Firefox theme’s install.rdf file contains the line “The default theme.”

其他目录包含全局安装的Firefox扩展和主题。 通过输入目录并在文本编辑器中打开目录中的install.rdf文件,可以确定目录中驻留的扩展名。 install.rdf文件将告诉您目录中存在什么扩展名。 例如,默认的Firefox主题的install.rdf文件包含“默认主题”行。


To remove a globally installed extension, delete its folder from the extensions directory.


Windows注册表 (Windows Registry)

On Windows, extensions can also be installed and associated with Firefox via the Windows Registry. To open the registry editor, press the Windows key to open the Start menu, type regedit into the Start menu, and press Enter. (On Windows 8, press the Windows key to access the Start screen, type regedit at the Start screen, and press Enter.)

在Windows上,也可以通过Windows注册表安装扩展并将其与Firefox关联。 要打开注册表编辑器,请按Windows键打开“开始”菜单,在“开始”菜单中键入regedit ,然后按Enter。 (在Windows 8上,按Windows键访问“开始”屏幕,在“开始”屏幕上键入regedit ,然后按Enter。)


You will need to look under three different registry keys for globally installed Firefox extensions:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Mozilla\Firefox\Extensions (64-bit editions of Windows only.)

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Extensions \ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Extensions \ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Wow6432Node \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Extensions(仅Windows的64位版本。)

You will find the globally installed Firefox extension under one of these locations.



To manually remove the extension, delete its registry value. The extension’s files will still be on your system, but the extension itself won’t be picked up by Firefox.

要手动删除扩展名,请删除其注册表值。 该扩展程序的文件仍将保留在您的系统上,但Firefox不会选择该扩展程序本身。


To remove the extension’s files, look at the directory specified under the Data column. Locate the directory in Windows Explorer and delete the directory from your system.

要删除扩展文件,请查看“数据”列下指定的目录。 在Windows资源管理器中找到目录,然后从系统中删除该目录。

This step isn’t completely necessary, but it will remove the extension’s files from your computer.



After removing the value in the registry, the extension will vanish from your Firefox extensions list. (You will need to restart Firefox for your changes to take effect, no matter how you removed the globally installed extension.)

删除注册表中的值后,该扩展名将从Firefox扩展名列表中消失。 (无论如何删除全局安装的扩展,您都需要重新启动Firefox才能使更改生效。)

We don’t mean to single out the Logitech SetPoint extension here – it’s not adware or obnoxious software like the terrible Ask Toolbar. However, it’s a good example a globally installed Firefox extension that attaches itself to Firefox via the Windows Registry.

我们并不是要在这里单独选择Logitech SetPoint扩展-它不是广告软件或讨厌的Ask Toolbar之讨厌软件。 但是,这是一个很好的例子,它是一个全局安装的Firefox扩展,它通过Windows注册表附加到Firefox。


npm 卸载全局安装





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