windows自动登录锁定_如何使用动态锁定自动锁定Windows 10 PC



Windows 10’s Creators Update adds Dynamic Lock, which tries to automatically lock your PC when you step away. Dynamic Lock uses Bluetooth to check the signal strength of your smartphone. If the signal drops to a certain level, Windows assumes you’ve walked away with your smartphone and locks your PC.

Windows 10的创作者更新添加了动态锁定,该功能会在您离开时尝试自动锁定您的PC。 Dynamic Lock使用蓝牙检查智能手机的信号强度。 如果信号下降到一定水平,则Windows会假定您已经离开智能手机并锁定了PC。

Where Windows Hello allows you to automatically unlock your PC with a , Dynamic Lock allows you to automatically lock your PC. This feature is reportedly known as “Windows Goodbye” internally at Microsoft. Once you’ve paired your phone with your PC using Bluetooth and enabled Dynamic Lock, all you have to do to lock your PC is walk away. Here’s how to get it set up.

Windows Hello允许您使用来自动解锁PC,而Dynamic Lock可以使您自动锁定PC。 据报道,此功能在Microsoft内部被称为“ Windows再见”。 使用蓝牙将手机与PC配对并启用了动态锁定后,锁定PC所要做的就是走开。 这是设置方法。

将智能手机与PC配对 (Pair Your Smartphone With Your PC)

Before you can enable Dynamic Lock, you’ll need to pair your smartphone with your PC using Bluetooth. Dynamic Lock can’t connect to your phone and check its Bluetooth signal strength unless you do.

在启用动态锁定之前,您需要使用Bluetooth将智能手机与PC配对。 除非您这样做,否则Dynamic Lock无法连接到您的手机并检查其蓝牙信号强度。

Start by putting your smartphone into pairing mode. On an iPhone or Android, you can do this by heading to Settings > Bluetooth. While at this screen, if Bluetooth is on, your phone will be discoverable.

首先将智能手机置于配对模式。 在iPhone或Android上,您可以转到设置>蓝牙来执行此操作。 在此屏幕上,如果打开了蓝牙,则可以发现您的手机。

Next, start the pairing process on your Windows 10 PC. Head to Settings > Devices > Bluetooth & other devices, click “Add Bluetooth or other device”, and then click “Bluetooth” to pair a Bluetooth device with your PC. You’ll see your phone in the list if it’s discoverable, although it may take a few moments to appear. Click your phone and confirm that the PIN matches on both your phone and PC when prompted. You’ll be informed the pairing process is complete.

接下来,在Windows 10 PC上开始配对过程。 前往“设置”>“设备”>“蓝牙和其他设备”,单击“添加蓝牙或其他设备”,然后单击“蓝牙”以将蓝牙设备与PC配对。 如果可以发现手机,您会在列表中看到它,尽管可能需要一些时间才能出现。 单击您的电话,并在出现提示时确认PIN在电话和PC上均匹配。 您将被告知配对过程已完成。

启用动态锁定 (Enable Dynamic Lock)

To enable Dynamic Lock, head to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options, scroll down to the “Dynamic Lock” section, and check the “Allow Windows to detect when you’re away and automatically lock the device” option.


If you can’t check the box, you probably haven’t paired your smartphone with your Windows 10 PC using Bluetooth yet.

如果无法选中该框,则可能您尚未通过蓝牙将智能手机与Windows 10 PC配对。

If you don’t see this option here at all, your Windows 10 PC probably hasn’t upgraded to the Creators Update yet.

如果您根本没有在此处看到此选项,则您的Windows 10 PC可能尚未升级到Creators Update

Windows 10 doesn’t provide any other options for configuring dynamic lock here. There’s no way to choose which Bluetooth device Dynamic Lock relies on, although it should use your smartphone. Microsoft’s official documentation says that Dynamic Lock requires a paired smartphone, although the Settings app refers vaguely to “devices that are paired to your PC”.

Windows 10此处未提供用于配置动态锁定的任何其他选项。 尽管应使用您的智能手机,但无法选择Dynamic Lock所依赖的蓝牙设备。 微软的官方文档说,动态锁定需要配对的智能手机,尽管“设置”应用模糊地指“配对到您的PC的设备”。

Dynamic Lock may also work with other devices like smartwatches, but don’t count on it. Microsoft doesn’t want Dynamic Lock to use Bluetooth devices you may leave near your PC at all times, like mice and keyboards.

Dynamic Lock也可以与其他设备(例如智能手表)一起使用,但不要指望它。 微软不希望Dynamic Lock使用您可能始终留在PC附近的蓝牙设备,例如鼠标和键盘。

使用动态锁定 (Use Dynamic Lock)

Take your phone with you, step away from your computer, and it will automatically lock about a minute after you step out of range. Note that different devices have different signal strengths, so the exact distance you need to travel before your PC locks will vary.

随身携带手机,离开计算机,离开范围后约一分钟,它将自动锁定。 请注意,不同的设备具有不同的信号强度,因此PC锁锁定之前需要经过的确切距离会有所不同。

Your PC will also lock itself a minute after you turn off Bluetooth on your phone. That’s because Windows can no longer see your phone is nearby. Fortunately, waiting for a minute also helps prevent your PC from locking when you don’t want it to just because Bluetooth looses its signal for a few moments.

关闭手机上的蓝牙一分钟后,您的电脑也会自行锁定。 这是因为Windows无法再看到您的手机在附近。 幸运的是,等待一分钟还有助于防止您的PC在您不希望因为蓝牙失去信号一会儿而被锁定时锁定。

When you come back to your PC, you’ll have to sign into your PC manually—either by entering a password, providing a PIN, or using a Windows Hello sign-in method. Dynamic Lock doesn’t automatically unlock your PC when the Bluetooth device comes back within range.

返回PC时,您必须手动登录PC,方法是输入密码,提供PIN或使用Windows Hello登录方法。 当蓝牙设备恢复到正常范围内时,动态锁定不会自动为您的PC解锁。







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