windows命令指示符_如何添加指示器以查看Windows 10中使用的虚拟桌面




The ability to have multiple desktops was missing for a long time in Windows, until Windows 10 finally added it. We’ve covered how to use virtual desktops in Windows 10, but there’s at least one missing feature that we’ll show you how to add.

Windows中很久以来一直缺少具有多个桌面的功能,直到Windows 10最终将其添加。 我们已经介绍了如何在Windows 10中使用虚拟桌面,但是至少有一项缺少的功能将向您展示如何添加。

Virtual desktops allow you to separate your open programs into categories, such as for work, gaming, checking social media, or web surfing. However, once you have several virtual desktops set up, there is no indication anywhere showing which desktop is currently active. VirtualDesktopManager is a small Windows program that adds an icon to the system tray that indicates which virtual desktop you are currently on, as well as some other useful features.

虚拟桌面允许您将打开的程序分为几类,例如工作,游戏,检查社交媒体或网上冲浪。 但是,一旦设置了多个虚拟桌面,就不会在任何地方显示当前哪个桌面处于活动状态的指示。 VirtualDesktopManager是一个小型Windows程序,在系统托盘中添加了一个图标,该图标指示您当前正在使用的虚拟桌面以及其他一些有用的功能。

Download VirtualDesktopManager from the Releases page and extract the zip file wherever you choose–the program is portable, so it does not need to be installed. Simply double-click on the VirtualManagerDesktop.exe file to run the program.

从“发行”页面下载VirtualDesktopManager,然后将zip文件解压缩到您选择的任何位置-该程序是可移植的,因此不需要安装。 只需双击VirtualManagerDesktop.exe文件即可运行该程序。


The VirtualDesktopManager icon is added to the system tray and shows you the number of the currently active virtual desktop (even if you only have one desktop). If you want to see the current desktop number at a glance, you can move the VirtualDesktopManager icon from the system tray to the Taskbar, so you don’t have to open the system tray to see it.

VirtualDesktopManager图标将添加到系统托盘中,并向您显示当前活动的虚拟桌面的数量(即使您只有一个桌面)。 如果您希望一目了然地查看当前的桌面编号,可以将VirtualDesktopManager图标从系统托盘移至“任务栏” ,因此无需打开系统托盘即可查看。

The default hotkeys for switching desktops in Microsoft’s Virtual Desktops are Ctrl+Win+Left and Ctrl+Win+Right. You can still use these hotkey after installing VirtualDesktopManager, but you won’t get the full benefit of the program.

Microsoft虚拟桌面中用于切换桌面的默认热键为Ctrl + Win + Left和Ctrl + Win + Right。 在安装VirtualDesktopManager之后,您仍然可以使用这些热键,但是您将无法获得该程序的全部好处。

By default, VirtualDesktopManager uses Ctrl+Alt+Left and Ctrl+Alt+Right instead. However, if you have an Intel chip in your PC, there’s a good possibility this won’t work, because that hotkey is assigned to an Intel utility. VirtualDesktopManager will let you know if their default hotkey cannot be set with a notification that displays when you run VirtualDesktopManager. There is an alternate hotkey and we’ll show you how to switch to this.

默认情况下,VirtualDesktopManager使用Ctrl + Alt + Left和Ctrl + Alt + Right代替。 但是,如果您的PC中装有Intel芯片,则很有可能无法正常工作,因为该热键已分配给Intel实用程序。 VirtualDesktopManager会通知您是否无法使用运行VirtualDesktopManager时显示的通知来设置其默认热键。 还有一个备用热键,我们将向您展示如何切换至此。


To change the hotkey used in VirtualDesktopManager, right-click on the icon in the system tray or on the Taskbar and select “Settings” from the popup menu.



On the Settings dialog box, select the “Use alternate key combination (Shift+Alt+Left/Right)” checkbox. Then, click “Save”. Note that when you click Save, it will seem like nothing happens, but the change will indeed be saved. To close the dialog box, click the “X” in the upper-right corner.

在“设置”对话框上,选中“使用备用键组合(Shift + Alt +左​​/右)”复选框。 然后,单击“保存”。 请注意,当您单击“保存”时,似乎没有任何React,但是更改确实会被保存。 要关闭对话框,请单击右上角的“ X”。


A notification displays telling you that VirtualDesktopManager is still running and how to exit the program, if you choose to.



There are some limitations of VirtualDesktopManager. You will notice one of these limitations when you try to switch among the desktops too quickly. This causes program windows on different desktops to try to gain focus and you will see them on the Taskbar even if you’re not currently on that desktop. The icons for programs trying to gain focus turn a blinking orange. When you click on one of those icons, you will be automatically switched to that program and to the desktop containing that program.

VirtualDesktopManager有一些限制。 当您尝试在桌面之间快速切换时,您会注意到这些限制之一。 这将导致不同桌面上的程序窗口试图获得焦点,即使您当前不在该桌面上,您也会在任务栏上看到它们。 试图获得焦点的程序的图标变为闪烁的橙色。 当您单击这些图标之一时,您将自动切换到该程序以及包含该程序的桌面。

The author of the program also says that VirtualDesktopManager needs more testing to see how well it behaves if you suspend or hibernate your PC. One more thing to note is that if explorer.exe crashes and has to be restarted, you will also have to restart VirtualDesktopManager.

该程序的作者还说,VirtualDesktopManager需要更多测试,以查看在挂起或HibernatePC时其表现如何。 需要注意的另一件事是,如果explorer.exe崩溃并必须重新启动,则还必须重新启动VirtualDesktopManager。


VirtualDesktopManager may have a few limitations, but, in addition to displaying the current desktop number, it adds another very useful feature: the ability to cycle through all your desktops. For example, say you have ten virtual desktops. You’re currently on desktop #10 and you want to go to desktop #1. Instead of pressing Shift+Alt+Left nine times, you can use Shift+Alt+Right to go directly from desktop #10 to desktop #1.

VirtualDesktopManager可能有一些限制,但是,除了显示当前的桌面编号外,它还增加了另一个非常有用的功能:可以循环浏览所有桌面。 例如,假设您有十个虚拟桌面。 您当前在10号桌面上,并且想要转到1号桌面。 无需按Shift + Alt + Left九次,您可以使用Shift + Alt + Right直接从台式机#10转到台式机#1。

If you want VirtualDesktopManager enabled every time you start Windows, you can use Task Scheduler to automatically run VirtualManagerDesktop.exe every time you log in.

如果希望每次启动Windows时都启用VirtualDesktopManager,则可以使用Task Scheduler在每次登录时自动运行VirtualManagerDesktop.exe。



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