angular-growl_如何使用Growl for Windows本地和远程监视系统通知




The Growl notification system is something that will be familiar to Mac users, but it is something that is also available for Windows. It is an incredibly versatile tool that can be used to monitor system and program notifications in a variety of ways, including remotely.

Mac用户会熟悉Growl通知系统,但Windows也可以使用。 它是一种用途广泛的工具,可用于以多种方式(包括远程)监视系统和程序通知。

Growl can be used in conjunction with various add-ons to field notifications for web sites, applications and events. There is a range of plugins available that can be used to add support for a number of different applications and utilities.

Growl可以与各种附件一起用于网站,应用程序和事件的现场通知。 有一系列可用的插件,可用于添加对许多不同应用程序和实用程序的支持。

The notifications that are generated by the programs you use are useful – you can disable any that are not – but Growl gives a way to manage them all from the same place and also establishes a more uniform look for messages.



Windows低吼 (Growl For Windows)

Download a free copy of Growl for Windows, and install the program. Launch the application and allow it through the Windows firewall. Double click the icon in the notification area of the system tray and tick the box labelled ‘Automatically start Growl at login’ so that it will start automatically with Windows.

下载适用于WindowsGrowl的免费副本,然后安装该程序。 启动应用程序,并使其通过Windows防火墙。 双击系统任务栏通知区域中的图标,然后选中标有“在登录时自动启动Growl”的框,以便它将随Windows自动启动。


There are some applications that are supported by Growl straight from the box, but there are other for which a plugin is required. Pay a visit to the application compatibility page to see just which of your programs can make use of Growl.

包装盒中直接提供了Growl支持的某些应用程序,但还有一些需要插件的应用程序。 访问应用程序兼容性页面,以查看您的哪些程序可以使用Growl。


There are plenty of applications for which Growl can be a great help, and one interesting plugin makes it possible to monitor for new messages in your Gmail inbox. If you have more than one account, different notifications can be configured for each.

Growl可以为很多应用程序提供很大的帮助,而一个有趣的插件使您可以监视Gmail收件箱中的新邮件。 如果您有多个帐户,则可以为每个帐户配置不同的通知。

Download the Gmail Growl plugin, run through the installation and select the option to launch it when this is done.  A notification will appear to the lower right of the desktop when Growl detects the installation.

下载Gmail Growl插件,完成安装过程,并选择完成后启动它的选项。 当Growl检测到安装后,通知会显示在桌面的右下角。

Double click the system tray icon and enter the login credentials for your Gmail account. Use the Drop down menu to choose which type of mail you’d like to monitor for – you may only want to be notified of important emails, for instance — and then enter a label that should be used as identification in popups.

双击系统任务栏图标,然后输入您的Gmail帐户的登录凭据。 使用下拉菜单选择您要监视的邮件类型(例如,您可能只希望收到重要的电子邮件通知),然后输入一个标签,该标签应在弹出窗口中用作标识。


If you want to check more than one account, or you would like to receive separate notifications for other types of email, click the green  button and add another (or the same) account and choose the settings you would like to use.


Moving to the Options tab, you can opt to have the plugin star automatically with Windows and specify how often email should be checked.



The appearance of notifications can be configured in the main Growl for Windows program. Head to the Applications section and select Gmail Growl to the left. Select one of your accounts from the central column, and then to the right use the Display drop down menu to choose how notifications should look.

可以在用于Windows的Growl主程序中配置通知的外观。 转到“应用程序”部分,然后选择左侧的Gmail Growl。 从中心列中选择一个帐户,然后在右侧使用“显示”下拉菜单选择通知的外观。


You can preview how the different styles of notifications look by moving to the Displays tab. There are a few built in options, but more styles can be downloaded by clicking the ‘Find & install additional displays’ link at the bottom of the dialog.

您可以通过移至“显示”选项卡来预览不同样式的通知外观。 有一些内置选项,但是可以通过单击对话框底部的“查找并安装其他显示”链接来下载更多样式。


Gmail Growl is just one of the many monitors available for Growl and there are plenty of others that you might want to test out – take a look at System Monitor for instance.

Gmail Growl只是可用于Growl的众多监视器之一,您可能还需要测试许多其他监视器-例如,看看System Monitor。

远程监控 (Remote Monitoring)

Depending on the monitors you have installed, you may want to view notifications remotely rather than locally. When you are using a computer on the same network as one you have configured with Growl monitoring, you can opt to have the notifications pushed to the second machine.

根据您安装的监视器,您可能希望远程查看通知,而不是本地查看。 当您使用与配置了Growl监视功能的计算机相同的网络时,可以选择将通知推送到第二台计算机。

Make sure you have the app installed and running on both computers and head to the Network section of program. You can enable the option to transfer notifications to another machine, and select which one, here.

确保已在两台计算机上安装并运行该应用程序,然后转到程序的“网络”部分。 您可以启用该选项以将通知转移到另一台计算机,然后在此处选择哪一台。

But there is also scope for using Growl in conjunction with mobile devices – which is useful if you want to be notified when a lengthy task has completed. When you click the + button to choose a device to forward notifications to, you can select to use Prowl for iOS or Toasty for Windows Phone.

但是,在与移动设备一起使用Growl方面也有一定的余地-如果您希望在完成冗长的任务时收到通知,则很有用。 单击+按钮以选择将通知转发到的设备时,可以选择使用Prowl(对于iOS)Toasty(对于Windows Phone)


Android users need not feel left out as there are also a couple more options for phones and tablets. Perhaps the most versatile is NMA (Notify My Android).

Android用户不必感到被排斥,因为手机和平板电脑还有更多选择。 也许功能最全的是NMA(通知我的Android)


You’ll also need to download the Windows plugin for NMA but you can then use the Android app to configure which notifications you are interested in receiving.


Experiment with Growl and its plugins and see what you can come up with. There’s great potential in this hugely flexible tool, so share your ideas below.

试用Growl及其插件,看看能做什么。 这种高度灵活的工具具有巨大的潜力,因此请在下面分享您的想法。







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