



In late 2014 Microsoft released the Band. It came out of left field. Rumors had been rolling around about Microsoft possibly doing a wearable, but details were non-existent. When it came out people were… well, confused. And rightly so. What is this thing? Is it a fitness tracker? Is it a smartwatch? Is it any good? The answer to all three questions is yes.

2014年底,Microsoft发布了Band 。 它从左场出来。 有传言称微软可能在做可穿戴设备,但细节不存在。 出来的时候,人们感到……好困惑。 是的。 这是什么? 它是健身追踪器吗? 它是智能手表吗? 有什么好处吗? 这三个问题的答案都是肯定的。

Fitness trackers are hot right now. The market is pretty saturated too. Head into a sporting goods store and you’ll likely be overwhelmed with the options. Fitbit is the current market leader, but companies like Jawbone, Garmin, Samsung, and Polar are making strong pushes for relevance.

健身追踪器现在很热。 市场也相当饱和。 进入体育用品商店,您可能会不知所措。 Fitbit是目前的市场领导者,但Jawbone,Garmin,三星和Polar等公司正在大力推动相关性。

Smart watches are also gaining in popularity. Things like the Pebble and various Android Wear devices have been around for a while, but the category didn’t really catch fire until the Apple Watch hit the market. Apple fans responded in typical fashion by going crazy for the thing. The tech press had a less typical, skeptical view of the device. We’re a few months in and the critics seem to have been quieted. User satisfaction reports are very high. Most importantly, though, Apple Watch has changed the perception of wearable technology.

智能手表也越来越受欢迎。 诸如Pebble和各种Android Wear设备之类的东西已经存在了一段时间,但是直到Apple Watch投放市场后,该类别才真正引起人们的注意。 苹果迷以疯狂的态度回应了典型的时尚。 科技媒体对该设备的看法不太典型,对此持怀疑态度。 我们已经几个月了,批评家们似乎已经安静了。 用户满意度报告非常高。 不过,最重要的是,Apple Watch改变了可穿戴技术的观念。

这是一个智能手表 (It’s a Smart Watch)

The Band definitely qualifies as a smart watch. It will show you your email, text messages, and app notifications. It will let you check your calendar and show you the weather. It integrates with Cortana for your digital assistant needs. If you want to channel Dick Tracy you can even use it to make a phone call. The Band holds its own against all comers in the battle of smart watch features.

乐队绝对有资格成为智能手表。 它将向您显示您的电子邮件,短信和应用程序通知。 它可以让您检查日历并显示天气。 它与Cortana集成,可满足您的数字助理需求。 如果您想引导Dick Tracy,您甚至可以使用它拨打电话。 在智能手表功能的争夺战中,乐队与所有对手一较高下。


It’s OS agnostic too. You don’t have to be part of the 2.5 percent of proud Windows Phone users to use Band. Android and iOS fans can take advantage of this device as well. You’ll want to have Microsoft Health installed, which is also available on all three platforms.

它也与操作系统无关。 使用Band无需成为2.5%自豪的Windows Phone用户的一部分。 Android和iOS粉丝也可以使用此设备。 您将需要安装Microsoft Health,这在所有三个平台上也都可用。

Where it misses is apps. Currently, you can’t write dedicated apps for the Band. You have to write a mobile app (Windows, iOS, or Android) first. As part of your app you can create a Band Tile. Users can add the tile to the band through the Microsoft Health app. There are a handful of apps available in the Windows store specifically for Band, but nothing like what’s available on the other devices. Microsoft did recently open up the Band a bit for developers, adding the ability to pump data from web apps directly onto the Band without a companion app. Applications have been limited so far, but the idea is promising.

它错过的地方是应用程序。 目前,您无法为Band编写专用的应用程序。 您必须先编写一个移动应用程序(Windows,iOS或Android)。 作为您的应用程序的一部分,您可以创建一个Band Tile。 用户可以通过Microsoft Health应用程序将图块添加到乐队中。 Windows商店中有一些专门用于Band的应用程序,但与其他设备上的应用程序不同。 微软最近确实为开发人员开放了Band,增加了将Web应用程序中的数据直接泵送到Band上而无需附带应用程序的功能。 到目前为止,应用程序受到限制,但是这个想法很有希望。

Fitness Tracker Graphs
Info from the Fitbit dashboard on the left, and Microsoft Health dashboard on the right.
左侧的Fitbit仪表板和右侧的Microsoft Health仪表板提供的信息。

这是健身追踪器 (It’s a Fitness Tracker)

When it comes to fitness trackers, there are only two things that really matter. What does it track and what does it do with the data? What your tracker tracks can be easily summarized with what sensors it has. You can’t track your heart rate without a heart rate monitor. On the sensor front, Band is second to none. It even surpasses market leader Fitbit’s high- end Surge device. The hardware is solid.

对于健身追踪器,只有两件事真正重要。 它跟踪什么,对数据有什么作用? 跟踪器所跟踪的内容可以轻松地归纳为它具有的传感器。 没有心率监测器,您将无法追踪心率。 在传感器的正面,带是首屈一指的。 它甚至超过了市场领导者Fitbit的高端Surge设备。 硬件坚固。

Report from the Band cycling tracker.

The software is pretty darn good too. Microsoft Health and the online Health Dashboard provide everything Fitbit’s dashboard does, except flights of stairs you’ve climbed during the day. Both services have very usable smartphone apps. Both services provide online dashboards that provide users the ability to do more in-depth analysis on their data. Both make it easy to look at fitness trends.

该软件也相当不错。 Microsoft Health和在线Health Dashboard提供Fitbit仪表板的所有功能,但您白天爬楼梯的行程除外。 两种服务都有非常实用的智能手机应用程序。 两种服务都提供在线仪表板,使用户能够对数据进行更深入的分析。 两者都使查看健身趋势变得容易。

Report from Band sleep tracker.

There is one difference maker here. Well, there could be. Microsoft Health is powered by Microsoft’s Azure cloud service and all the tools it has to offer. While this doesn’t mean much today, the ground is fertile for expansion of what Microsoft Health, and potentially other services, could do with any data you decide to provide them.

这里有一个差异制造者。 好吧,可能有。 Microsoft Health由Microsoft的Azure云服务及其必须提供的所有工具提供支持。 尽管今天这并不意味着什么,但扩大Microsoft Health以及可能的其他服务可以处理您决定提供的任何数据的基础是肥沃的。

两全其美的? (The Best of Both Worlds?)

When it comes to wearable tech, personally style and preferences play a huge part in the purchase decision. The devices aren’t all monolithic blocks like smartphones have become. They’re very different. Plus, they’re displayed out on your wrist, not hiding in your pocket under a case. The Band’s design is… ummm… unique. It’s definitely utilitarian and kind of industrial feeling. No one has waxed on about the beauty of the Band like they have Apple Watch. People aren’t getting this thing gold plated. That said, it’s unique and kind of cool and will definitely appeal to a segment of the market.

在可穿戴技术方面,个人风格和喜好在购买决定中起着重要作用。 这些设备并非像智能手机一样成为一体。 他们有很大的不同。 此外,它们还显示在您的手腕上,而不是藏在箱子下的口袋里。 乐队的设计是……嗯……很独特。 这绝对是一种功利主义和一种工业感觉。 没有人像他们拥有Apple Watch那样关注Band的美丽。 人们没有把这东西镀金。 就是说,它的独特性和酷性一定会吸引一部分市场。

Band does a lot of things that other smart watches do. It’s got a microphone you can use to issue voice commands to your phone’s digital assistant (Cortana, Siri, Goole Now). It will vibrate to alert you to things happening on your phone. It does the basics and does them well. It even features an on-screen QWERTY keyboard. That seems absurd given the size of the screen, but it works. It works well. And not just well considering the limitations, but genuinely well.

带做了很多其他智能手表可以做的事情。 它有一个麦克风,可用于向手机的数字助理(Cortana,Siri,Goole Now)发出语音命令。 它会振动,提醒您手机上发生的事情。 它会做基础并做好。 它甚至还具有屏幕上的QWERTY键盘。 考虑到屏幕的大小,这似乎很荒谬,但它可以工作。 效果很好。 考虑到局限性不仅要好,而且要真正好。


The Band does have its shortcomings too. For example, a lot of these devices will turn the screen on when you bring your wrist up to look at it. Band forces you to push a button to get the screen to activate. This is something the device has the hardware to accommodate, but doesn’t. It also lacks in the apps department. It doesn’t have a speaker, altimeter, or compass either. The last two are handled via GPS (when it’s enabled for specific activities), but there is no supplementing a non-existent speaker. These aren’t big detractors, but will be a turn off for some. In a crowded market every little bit matters.

乐队确实也有缺点。 例如,当您抬起手腕看屏幕时,其中许多设备都会打开屏幕。 带强制您按下按钮以激活屏幕。 这是设备可以容纳但不能容纳的硬件。 应用程序部门也缺乏此功能。 它也没有扬声器,高度计或指南针。 最后两个是通过GPS处理的(当针对特定活动启用时),但是没有补充不存在的讲话者。 这些并不是大的破坏者,但对于某些人来说却是一个关闭。 在拥挤的市场中,每一点都很重要。

未来 (The Future)

We have no idea how well Band has sold. Stock has been limited, but it is unclear if that’s due to high demand (unlikely) or low production levels (likely). Either way, indicators are there aren’t a lot of Band users in the wild. Much like Windows Phone, this gives developers little incentive to focus their time and effort on Band.

我们不知道Band的销售情况。 库存受到限制,但是目前尚不清楚这是由于需求高(不太可能)还是产量低(可能)造成的。 无论哪种方式,指标都没有很多Band用户在野外。 与Windows Phone一样,这几乎没有激励开发人员将时间和精力集中在Band上。

Microsoft is rumored to be having a large event in October to make multiple big announcements. Among those is expected to be the successor to Band. What Band mk2 will be is anyone’s guess at this point. Given the solid hardware they already have, some added fit and finish combined with a solid plan for apps (and maybe some developer partnerships) could be huge.

有传言称微软将在10月举行一次大型活动来发布多个重大公告。 其中有望成为Band的继任者。 在这一点上,任何人都可以猜测Band mk2是什么。 考虑到他们已经拥有的坚实硬件,一些增加的功能和完善性以及针对应用程序的可靠计划(可能还有一些开发者合作伙伴关系)可能是巨大的。


As it sits, Band checks a lot of the boxes for smart watch and fitness tracker users. It could easily be anyone’s all-in-one wearable. Its robust sensor set and interoperability with all the major smartphone platforms make it a viable option for all comers. However, the odd design and some minor, but not insignificant, feature gaps could put people off. Perhaps the second version of Band will fix those issues and this could become a highly attractive option in two very crowded markets.

在坐着的时候,Band会检查很多盒子供智能手表和健身追踪器用户使用。 它很容易成为任何人的多合一可穿戴设备。 其强大的传感器组以及与所有主要智能手机平台的互操作性使其成为所有用户的可行选择。 但是,奇怪的设计和一些次要但并非无关紧要的功能差距可能会使人们失望。 Band的第二个版本可能会解决这些问题,这可能会在两个非常拥挤的市场中成为极具吸引力的选择。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/227405/the-microsoft-band-is-a-great-smart-watch-and-fitness-tracker-youve-probably-never-heard-of/






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