

If you want to have a wordpress blog for FREE co.cc + x10hosting is the best choice. I will introduce both in this post.

如果您想免费获得一个wordpress博客,最好选择co.cc + x10hosting。 我将在这篇文章中同时介绍两者。

I will briefly introduce how to set up a wordpress blog like my blog. The overall that I paid for this blog is only $0.89. I can say that it is nearly free. And the 5G traffic is enough for my blog. There are many free blog service providers such as wordpress.com and blogger. But I prefer to set up it by myself because I can control the domain name, the program and the content of my site and I can bakup the site very easily.

我将简要介绍如何像我的博客一样建立wordpress博客。 我为此博客支付的总价仅为0.89美元。 我可以说它几乎是免费的。 5G流量足以满足我的博客需求。 有许多免费的博客服务提供商,例如wordpress.com和blogger。 但是我宁愿自己设置它,因为我可以控制域名,程序和网站内容,并且可以很轻松地创建网站。

1. Domain registration:


Ff you do not want to pay for the domain you can also get a CO.CC domain for FREE from www.co.cc. You will have full dns or forwarding control of the co.cc domain you have. Dns server, CNAME, MX record, forwarding are all available. They provides an easy configuration choice for google application.

如果您不想为该域名付费,还可以从www.co.cc免费获得一个CO.CC域名。 您将拥有您所拥有的co.cc域的完整dns或转发控制权。 Dns服务器,CNAME,MX记录,转发均可用。 他们为Google应用程序提供了简单的配置选择。

I register my domain at the low price of $0.89 from GoDaddy.com .info domain is very cheap for registration. And the annual renew fee is $7.9. If the .com domain is more convenient, you can register one at the price about $10/year.

我从GoDaddy.com以$ 0.89的低价注册了我的域名.info域名的注册非常便宜。 每年的续订费用为7.9美元。 如果.com域名更方便,您可以按每年$ 10的价格注册一个。

2. Hosting service:


I am now using hostso’s HK$48/y plan. I decide to pay for a good hosting service to host my blog. With a hosting service that I pay I can get a better service.

我现在使用的是hosto的每年HK $ 48计划。 我决定支付优质的托管服务来托管我的博客。 使用我付的托管服务,我可以获得更好的服务。

If a free hosting service is needed, I still give my recommendations:


When considering the free hosting service, I have several rules:
* It should have some way for earning money. I don’t like to see that my site disappear because the site runs out of their money.
* It should provides PHP + MySQL solution. I mainly using WordPress.
* It should allow ad-free. I don’t like to have a big banner on top or at the bottom of my site.
* It should have a good availability rate and performance.
* It will be better if my friends in China can also browse the site on there servers.

*应该有一些赚钱的方法。 我不希望看到我的网站消失,因为该网站用光了他们的钱。
*它应提供PHP + MySQL解决方案。 我主要使用WordPress。
*应允许无广告。 我不喜欢在网站的顶部或底部放置大横幅。

x10Hosting.com is the best free hosting service I have ever found. My blog is was running on their servers now. Their service can fulfil all my requirements listed above ;) . They provides 500MB disk space 10G bandwidth and 3 MySQL database, which is far enough for my personal blog. They provides .htaccess support and FTP account. And what’s best is that my friends in China can also browse my blog directly now. Their control panel and web design are much professional, I like it very much. Compared to the other free hosting service, I highly recommend x10hosting. But if you think you are going to need much more disk space and bandwidth, I suggest getting at least a shared hosting or better yet a dedicated server.

x10Hosting.com是我找到的最好的免费托管服务。 我的博客 在他们的服务器上运行 现在 。 他们的服务可以满足我上面列出的所有要求;)。 他们提供500MB磁盘空间, 10G带宽和3个MySQL数据库,这对于我的个人博客来说已经足够了。 他们提供.htaccess支持和FTP帐户。 最好的是,我在中国的朋友现在也可以直接浏览我的博客。 他们的控制面板和网页设计非常专业,我非常喜欢。 与其他免费托管服务相比,我强烈建议您使用x10hosting。 但是,如果您认为需要更多的磁盘空间和带宽,我建议至少获得一个共享主机或更好的专用服务器

Before x10hosting, I used the free hosting plan of freehostia.com. I don’t recommend the service of 000webhost.com now even they offer a “1500 MB Disk Space, 100 GB Data Transfer” plan at the price of $0.00. I like the 000webhost’s service plan and the user interface better. But it seems they don’t accept new application now. I thought I wouldn’t spend time on transferring my site because their free 5G traffic plan is enough for me. If more disk space or traffic is needed for your site, you can consider the paid service plan. But the x10hosting’s service is good enough for persuading me to transfer ;)

在x10hosting之前,我使用过freehostia.com的免费托管计划。 我不推荐000webhost.com的服务,即使他们以$ 0.00的价格提供“ 1500 MB磁盘空间,100 GB数据传输”计划。 我更喜欢000webhost的服务计划和更好的用户界面。 但似乎他们现在不接受新的申请。 我以为我不会花时间转移我的网站,因为他们的免费5G流量计划对我来说足够了。 如果您的站点需要更多的磁盘空间或流量,则可以考虑付费服务计划。 但是x10hosting的服务足以说服我转移;)

So, with overall fee of $0.89, I get a personal blog. And I thank the guys that make wordpress and it’s useful plugins available to us for free! WordPress is my favourite blog. I can choose any theme that I like and the most beautiful thing is that there are all kinds of plugins ready for using!

因此,以0.89美元的总费用,我得到了一个个人博客。 我感谢制作wordpress的人,它是免费提供给我们的有用的插件! WordPress是我最喜欢的博客。 我可以选择自己喜欢的任何主题 ,最美丽的是可以使用各种插件!

The theme and plugins I ever used are:
Theme: iBlog2 (A MacOS X style theme)
Plugins: Akismet (Anti spam), All in One SEO Pack (SEO plugin), KB Robots.txt (Edit robots.txt file), Sociable (Add share and enjoy), WP Super Cache (Save CPU usage of the server), Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (Recommend related posts).

主题:iBlog2(MacOS X风格的主题)
插件:Akismet(反垃圾邮件),多合一SEO包(SEO插件),KB Robots.txt(编辑robots.txt文件),可社交(添加共享并享受),WP Super Cache (节省服务器的CPU使用率),另一个相关帖子插件(推荐相关帖子)。

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/a-free-personal-wordpress-blog-solution/






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