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翻译 m乳胶 入门_乳胶卡住了一个奇怪的问题,有关详细信息,请参见更多信息。

m乳胶 入门$ make pdflatex main.tex This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex) restricted write18 enabled. entering extended mode (./main.tex LaTeX2...

2020-07-29 07:46:55 630

翻译 smp架构与numa架构_NUMA架构和SMP架构之间有什么区别?

smp架构与numa架构NUMA Architecture: Non-Uniform Memory Access architecture. SMP: Symmetric Multiprocessing architecture. NUMA体系结构:非统一内存访问体系结构。 SMP:对称多处理体系结构。 In a Symmetric Multiprocessor, the arc...

2020-07-29 07:37:29 904

翻译 如何在bash shell命令行中非常有效地搜索历史命令?

How to search history commands very effectively in bash shell command line? 如何在bash shell 命令行中非常有效地搜索历史命令? Just enter CTRL+r 只需输入CTRL + r The function of above is: (reverse-i-search)`’: 上面的功能...

2020-07-29 07:27:45 793

翻译 iptables 打开端口_如何在iptables中打开端口?

iptables 打开端口How to open a port, say 3389, in iptables to allow incoming traffics to it? 如何在iptables中打开一个端口(例如3389),以允许传入流量到该端口? There are several cases for this question: ipv4 or ipv6 or both, ...

2020-07-29 07:18:16 3520

翻译 fat32分区删除文件恢复_解决FAT32文件系统分区中文文件名在Linux下显示乱码

fat32分区删除文件恢复升级到Fedora 11后,使用以前的fstab自动挂载我的fat32分区居然发现我的fat32文件系统中的中文文件名显示为乱码。 升级到Fedora 11后,使用以前的fstab自动挂载我的fat32分区居然发现我的fat32文件系统中的中文文件名显示为乱码。 找了下相关资料发现是iocharset的问题: 找了下相关资料发现是iocharset的问题: iocha...

2020-07-29 07:08:53 451

翻译 为VMware Workstation 6.5.2或VMware Player 2.5.2编译2.6.29内核模块

为VMware Workstation 6.5.2或VMware Player 2.5.2编译2.6.29内核模块 (为VMware Workstation 6.5.2 or VMware Player 2.5.2编译2.6.29内核模块)安装好Fedora 11后安装VMware Player 2.5.2时编译内核模块失败。查找了下相关资料,找到如下内容和解决方法。 安装好Fedora 11...

2020-07-29 06:59:41 186

翻译 bibtex_为什么我需要运行乳胶/ bibtex 3次才能使外观看起来更好?

bibtexWhy does latex need to be executed 3 times like following? 为什么乳胶需要像下面这样执行3次? pdflatex main.tex bibtex main pdflatex main.tex pdflatex main.tex pdflatex main.tex bibtex主 pdflatex main.tex pd...

2020-07-29 06:48:42 176

翻译 在Python中,使用0777模式的`os.makedirs()`不会给予其他人写入权限

In Python, os.makedirs() with 0777 mode can not give others write permission 在Python中 ,使用0777模式的os.makedirs()无法给予其他人写入权限 The code is as follows 代码如下 $ pythonPython 2.7.5 (default, Aug 4 2017, 00:3...

2020-07-29 06:39:10 3964

翻译 为什么在CentOS 6上的Python中出现“ ValueError:格式为零长度的字段名称”错误?...

The same Python program runs without any problem while it report 报告相同的Python程序时没有任何问题 ValueError: zero length field name in formaterror in Python on CentOS 6 CentOS 6上Python中的错误 The piece of code in...

2020-07-29 06:29:52 467

翻译 vim技巧_Vim的几个技巧

vim技巧 窗口模式操作 (窗口模式操作)CTRL-W CTRL-S 将当前窗口分割为两窗口 CTRL-W CTRL-S将当前窗口分割为两窗口 CTRL-W CTRL-W 切换窗口 CTRL-W CTRL-W切换窗口 CTRL-W j 切换到下一窗口 CTRL-W j切换到下一窗口 CTRL-W k 切换到上一窗口 CTRL-W k切换到上一窗口 CTRL-W CTRL-R 将窗口的...

2020-07-29 06:19:18 144

翻译 fedora 安装_已安装的Fedora 11

fedora 安装今天顺利安装好Fedora 11啦;) 今天顺利安装好Fedora 11啦;) Fedora 11的启动画面相当漂亮,Fedora 11中使用新的引导系统Plymouth,这里是在fedoraproject.org上的一个视频 – https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_tour : Fedora 11的启动画面相当漂亮,Fedora ...

2020-07-29 06:09:14 200

翻译 i/o调度_节省工作的I / O调度程序与不节省工作的I / O调度程序有什么区别?

i/o调度What is the difference between work conserving I/O scheduler and non-work conserving I/O scheduler? 节省工作的I / O调度程序与不节省工作的I / O调度程序有什么区别? In a work-conserving mode, the scheduler must choose one ...

2020-07-29 05:59:42 260

翻译 mplayer怎么使用_MPlayer使用中文字幕

mplayer怎么使用mplayer 使用中文字幕文件时经常会出现乱码问题. 以下是解决办法: mplayer使用中文字幕文件时经常会出现乱码问题。 以下是解决方法: 1.外挂字体方法 (1. 外挂字体方法)比如当前目录下有文件为Gone with the Wind.avi, 字幕文件为: Gone.With.the.Wind.1939.Bluray.720p.DTS.2Audio.x264...

2020-07-29 05:49:17 2840

翻译 如何检测Linux中是否有其他进程正在写入文件?

How to detect whether a file is being written by any other process in Linux? 如何检测Linux中是否有其他进程正在写入文件? Before a program open a file to processes it, it wants to ensure no other processes are writing t...

2020-07-29 05:40:06 3789

翻译 sql 替换数据库字符串_如何编写SQL替换MySQL数据库表中的列中的字符串?

sql 替换数据库字符串How to replace strings in a column in a MySQL database table? For example, I would like to replace http://www.systutorials.com with https://www.systutorials.com in a content column of a ta...

2020-07-29 05:30:08 199

翻译 如何在Linux上的Bash shell脚本的每一行的开头添加前缀字符串?

How to add a prefix string at the beginning of each line in Bash shell script on Linux? 如何在Linux上的Bash shell脚本的每一行的开头添加前缀字符串 ? For example, assume we have a file a.txt: 例如,假设我们有一个文件a.txt: line 1lin...

2020-07-29 05:20:15 2086

翻译 如何在CentOS 7 Linux上重新启动时使iptables / ip6tables配置永久化?

How to make iptables/ip6tables configurations permanent across reboot on CentOS 7 Linux? 如何在CentOS 7 Linux上重新启动时使iptables / ip6tables配置永久化? CentOS 7 uses FirewallD by default. If you would like to ma...

2020-07-29 05:11:00 1532

翻译 fedora上yum失败_Fedora上的融合

fedora上yum失败 1.安装相关的软件包 (1. Install relevant packages)#yum install ccsm emerald-themes compizconfig-backend-gconf fusion-icon-gtk emerald compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-gnome libcompizconfig compiz-gno...

2020-07-29 05:01:07 172

翻译 服务器上运行远程命令_如何在没有密码的情况下登录并在本地计算机上的服务器上远程运行命令?...

服务器上运行远程命令Login without PWD is fast and efficient. Running commands in server from local machine also have these benefits. 没有PWD的登录快速高效。 从本地计算机在服务器中运行命令也有这些好处。 login without PWD: add PC A’s public ke...

2020-07-29 04:52:06 322

翻译 linux查看服务器温度_如何从Linux上的服务器中的所有传感器获得最高温度?

linux查看服务器温度It is useful to monitor a server node’s temporary. Among all the sensors’ temperatures, the higher one may be a very important one. How to get the highest temperature from all sensors in a...

2020-07-29 04:41:31 2232

翻译 hadoop基准测试_Hadoop TeraSort基准测试

hadoop基准测试TeraSort is one of Hadoop’s widely used benchmarks. Hadoop’s distribution contains both the input generator and sorting implementations: the TeraGen generates the input and TeraSort conducts...

2020-07-29 04:31:40 661

翻译 微软 微服务_微软宇宙服务

微软 微服务Cosmos is “Microsoft’s internal data storage/query system for analyzing enormous amounts (as in petabytes) of data”. Cosmos是“ Microsoft的内部数据存储/查询系统,用于分析大量数据(以PB为单位)”。 There is no paper/technica...

2020-07-29 04:21:31 303

翻译 xen i/o 共享环_回送支持和blktap支持Xen文件支持的VBD之间的I / O性能比较

xen i/o 共享环I have done some I/O performance benchmark test of Xen DomU. For easier management, some of our DomU VMs are using file-backed VBDs. Previously, our VMs are using Loopback-mounted file-back...

2020-07-29 04:12:29 221

翻译 在Fedora上设置Xen Dom0:在Fedora 12上使用Linux Kernel 2.6.29实现Xen 3.4.1

Please refer to Xen Solutions for the latest stable Xen Dom0 solution. 有关最新的稳定Xen Dom0解决方案 ,请参考Xen Solutions 。 In this post, the detailed tutorial for setting up Xen 3.4.1 dom0 on top of Fedora 12 ...

2020-07-29 04:01:56 164

翻译 在Fedora Linux(Fedora 12)上设置Xen DomU

Creating file-backed virtual block device (VBD) for Xen virtual machines and installing Fedora 12 in Xen DomU via internet will be introduced. Note that this tutorial is based on a pretty old OS (Fedo...

2020-07-29 03:52:04 162

翻译 xen 全虚拟方案_Xen解决方案

xen 全虚拟方案The Xen solutions including installing and configuring Dom0 and DomU are summarized here. This post will be updated when our solution changes. Only the latest tested stable solutions are list...

2020-07-29 03:43:01 187

翻译 fedora的软件包地址_从软件包和软件包中查询已安装的文件,以查找Fedora中的已安装文件...

fedora的软件包地址How to query installed files from a package and query which package one installed file is in will be introduced. 将介绍如何从软件包中查询已安装的文件以及如何查询一个已安装文件位于哪个软件包中。 查询软件包中已安装的文件 (Query installed fi...

2020-07-29 03:33:42 970

翻译 lftp ssl_lftp禁用SSL

lftp ssllftp some times stalls with message “Making data connection” when “ls” the directory after logged in the ftp site. The message may appear like this: 登录FTP站点后,当“ ls”目录时,lftp有时会停顿并显示消息“正在建立数据连接”...

2020-07-29 03:24:23 1291

翻译 latex 用于word_用于Latex的简单Makefile

latex 用于wordCompiling a latex documents may take several steps when bibtex is used with latex. However, this latex compilation process is the same for most documents. We can make it a template with Ma...

2020-07-29 03:04:16 591

翻译 如何在Android中使用encfs?

Is encfs available in an Android phone? encfs在Android 手机中可用吗? You may try Encdroid a piece of free software released under the GNU General Public License. 您可以尝试Encdroid一个根据GNU通用公共许可证发行的免费软件 。 It is ...

2020-07-29 02:53:27 479

翻译 通用类型 vc++_C ++中的对象列表的标准或通用数据结构是什么?

通用类型 vc++In C++, what’s the standard or common data structure for a list of objects? 在C ++中,对象列表的标准或通用数据结构是什么? In C++, the common data structure for a sequence (“list”) of objects may be std::vector....

2020-07-29 02:43:14 204

翻译 sql中日期的比较_如何在SQL中比较日期?

sql中日期的比较How to compare date in SQL? For example, the ‘users’ table has a column ‘loggin’ which is the date and time. How to find out the ‘users’ whose ‘loggin’ date is later than Jan 10, 2017? 如何在SQL...

2020-07-29 02:34:00 14705

翻译 通用程序算法和数据结构_C中的对象列表的标准或通用数据结构是什么?

通用程序算法和数据结构In C, what’s the standard or common data structure for a list of objects? 在C中 ,对象列表的标准或通用数据结构是什么? In C, one common way to store a list/collection of objects of the same type is to use one-...

2020-07-29 02:23:50 117

翻译 sh脚本和bash脚本_如何调试Bash脚本?

sh脚本和bash脚本How to debug a Bash script if it has some bugs? Common techniques like printing varibles out for checking apply for bash too. For bash, I also use 2 bash-specific techniques. 如果Bash脚本有一些错误,...

2020-07-29 02:14:10 413

翻译 linux中下载火狐浏览器_在Linux中加速Firefox

linux中下载火狐浏览器Firefox can be much faster on Linux! Let’s speed up Firefox on Linux system. Part 1 and 2 only config firefox, so it can also be used on other platform such as Windows. Firefox在Linux上可以更快...

2020-07-29 02:04:05 1575

翻译 linux 多线程 死循环_在Linux中添加更多循环设备

linux 多线程 死循环We need more loop devices on Linux than the default number (most commonly 8) some time, such as we are building 12 or more virtual machines on top of xen using loop device backed VBD. In ...

2020-07-29 01:53:57 373

翻译 shell脚本字符串删除_如何从Shell脚本中的字符串中删除或获取尾数?

shell脚本字符串删除How to delete or get the number in the tail from a string in shell script (bash script)? Okay to call other tools. 如何从shell脚本(bash脚本)的字符串中删除或获取尾部的数字? 可以调用其他工具 。 For example, from “/dev/sd...

2020-07-29 01:43:55 2463

翻译 安装fedora在u盘_如何在Fedora上安装MPlayer和MEncoder

安装fedora在u盘Fedora does not include MPlayer or MEncoder for some reasons in its official repositories. But RPMfusion does it for us. Let’s install mplayer and mencoder and learn some tricks to play rmv...

2020-07-29 01:34:50 178

翻译 encfs_如何在Windows 10上使用encfs?

encfsI am happy using encfs on Linux. But how to use encfs on Windows 10? 我很高兴在Linux上使用encfs 。 但是如何在Windows 10上使用encfs ? I would suggest EncFS MP. It support Encfs on Windows. 我建议EncFS MP 。 它在Windows...

2020-07-29 01:24:34 1057

翻译 zimbra web 版本_如何获得Zimbra的版本?

zimbra web 版本How to get the version of Zimbra I am using in a Zimbra server? 如何获得版本的Zimbra我使用的Zimbra的服务器 ? In Zimbra, to get the version of Zimbra you are using, you can call zmcontrol -v: 在Zimbra中,要...

2020-07-29 01:13:58 1408



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