
iPhone iOS Flashlight Icon

Tired of fumbling around in the dark? With iOS 14 or later on an iPhone 8 or newer, you can quickly turn on and off your flashlight with two or three taps on the back of your iPhone using a feature called Back Tap. Here’s how to set it up.

厌倦了在黑暗中摸索? 在iPhone 8或更高版本的iOS 14或更高版本上,您可以使用称为Back Tap的功能通过在iPhone背面轻按两三个来快速打开和关闭手电筒。 设置方法如下。

Back Tap如何工作? (How Does Back Tap Work?)

Back Tap is an iOS accessibility feature that detects physical finger taps on the back of your iPhone using your phone’s built-in accelerometer. It works on the iPhone 8 and newer iPhones. When configured in Settings, you can use two or three taps to launch many different actions on your phone, including shortcuts, which is what we’ll use here to turn on the flashlight.

Back Tap是iOS的辅助功能,可使用手机的内置加速度计检测iPhone背面的实际手指敲击。 它适用于iPhone 8和更新的iPhone。 在“设置”中配置后,您可以使用两下三个水龙头在手机上启动许多不同的操作,包括快捷方式,这是我们在这里用来打开手电筒的功能。

创建手电筒切换快捷方式 (Creating the Flashlight Toggle Shortcut)

To turn the flashlight on and off, we’ll need to create a custom shortcut using the built-in Shortcuts app. To do that, open “Shortcuts.” If you can’t find it, try a Spotlight search: With one finger, swipe down from the middle of your Home screen. Type “shortcuts” in the search bar, then tap the “Shortcuts” icon.

要打开和关闭手电筒,我们需要使用内置的快捷方式应用程序创建自定义快捷方式。 为此,请打开“快捷方式”。 如果找不到,请尝试Spotlight搜索:用一根手指从主屏幕中间向下滑动。 在搜索栏中输入“快捷方式”,然后点击“快捷方式”图标。

Type "shortcuts" in Spotlight search then tap the Shortcuts icon.

If you see the “Shortcuts” overview screen when the app opens, tap the “My Shortcuts” tab and then select “All Shortcuts.”


Tap "My Shorcuts" and "All Shortcuts" on iPhone.

On the “All Shortcuts” screen, tap the plus (“+”) button.

在“所有快捷方式”屏幕上,点击加号(“ +”)按钮。

Tap the plus (+) button.

Next, you’ll see a “New Shortcut” page where you add the steps (called “actions”) to the shortcut. First, let’s rename the shortcut. Tap the “ellipses” button (three dots).

接下来,您将看到“新建快捷方式”页面,在其中向快捷方式添加步骤(称为“操作”)。 首先,让我们重命名快捷方式。 点击“椭圆”按钮(三个点)。

In Shortcuts on iPhone, tap the ellipses button to rename the shortcut.

Tap the “Shortcut Name” text area and rename the shortcut to “Flashlight Toggle,” then tap “Done.”

点击“快捷方式名称”文本区域,并将快捷方式重命名为“ Flashlight Toggle”,然后点击“完成”。

Rename the shortcut "Flashlight Toggle," then tap "Done."

When you’re back on the shortcut screen, tap “Add Action.”


Tap "Add Action."

When the “Actions” panel appears, search for “flashlight.” Tap “Set Flashlight” in the results.

当“动作”面板出现时,搜索“手电筒”。 在结果中点击“设置手电筒”。

In Shortcuts, search "flashlight," then tap "Set Flashlight."

The “Set Flashlight” action will appear in the actions list. By default, it is only set to turn the flashlight on when the shortcut is run. What we want it to do is toggle the flashlight to either turn on or off when the shortcut runs. To do that, tap the word “Turn” within the “Turn flashlight on” phrase.

“设置手电筒”操作将出现在操作列表中。 默认情况下,仅将其设置为在运行快捷方式时打开手电筒。 我们想要做的是在运行快捷方式时将手电筒切换为打开或关闭。 为此,请在“打开手电筒”短语中点按“打开”一词。

In the action list, tap "Turn."

When the “Operation” menu pops up, select “Toggle.”


In the Operation list, select "Toggle."

Back in the actions list, the “Flashlight” action should now read “Toggle flashlight.” That means if you run the shortcut and the flashlight is off, the flashlight will turn on. If you run the shortcut while the flashlight is on, the flashlight will turn off. You’re programming!

返回动作列表,“手电筒”动作现在应显示为“切换手电筒”。 这意味着,如果您运行快捷方式并且手电筒关闭,则手电筒将打开。 如果在手电筒打开时运行快捷方式,手电筒将关闭。 您正在编程!

Tap “Done” to finalize the shortcut.


Tap "Done."

After that, you’ll see your “Flashlight Toggle” shortcut in your list. You can test it now by tapping the shortcut’s button. If the flashlight turns on, tap the shortcut button again to turn it off.

之后,您会在列表中看到“手电筒切换”快捷方式。 您现在可以通过点击快捷方式的按钮对其进行测试。 如果手电筒打开,请再次点击快捷按钮将其关闭。

The Flashlight Toggle shortcut seen in Shortcuts on iPhone.

Now you’re ready to go to the next step: linking the shortcut to Back Tap.

现在,您准备好进行下一步:将快捷方式链接到Back Tap。

配置向后点击以运行手电筒快捷方式 (Configuring Back Tap to Run the Flashlight Shortcut)

Now that we’ve set up the shortcut that will toggle the flashlight on and off, we’ll need to configure how we activate it with Back Tap. To do so, open “Settings.”

现在,我们已经设置了用于打开和关闭手电筒的快捷方式,我们需要配置如何使用Back Tap激活它。 为此,请打开“设置”。

Tap the "Settings" icon on iPhone

In Settings, navigate to Accessibility > Touch.


Tap Touch in Settings on iPhone or iPad

In “Touch Settings,” select “Back Tap.”


In Accessibility Touch settings on iPhone, select "Back Tap."

In “Back Tap” settings, choose whether you’d like to activate your flashlight using two taps (“Double Tap”) or three taps (“Triple Tap”) on the back of your phone, then select the matching option.


In Back Tap settings, select "Double Tap" or "Triple Tap."

Next, scroll down through the actions list until you see the “Shortcuts” section. Select the “Flashlight Toggle” shortcut we just created.

接下来,向下滚动操作列表,直到看到“快捷方式”部分。 选择我们刚刚创建的“ Flashlight Toggle”快捷方式。

In Back Tap settings, select the "Flashlight Toggle" shortcut.

Press back once to make sure the change is registered, then exit Settings. The next time you double or triple tap the back of your iPhone (depending on how you set it up), your iPhone flashlight will turn on. Tap the back two or three times again to turn it off. Have fun illuminating dark spaces!

按一次返回以确保更改已被注册,然后退出“设置”。 下次您双击iPhone的背面时(取决于您的设置方式),您的iPhone手电筒将打开。 再次点按背面两三遍以将其关闭。 享受照亮黑暗空间的乐趣!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/692273/how-to-turn-on-the-flashlight-by-tapping-your-iphones-back/





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