



Every so often, you may need to record multiple things simultaneously for your audio projects. Without the right equipment, this can be a daunting task, but with the right software tricks, you can get back on track quickly.

每隔一段时间,您可能需要为音频项目同时录制多件事。 如果没有合适的设备,这可能是一个艰巨的任务,但是有了合适的软件技巧,您就可以快速回到正轨。

单轨与多轨 (Single-track vs. Multitrack)

Single-track recording is essentially recording all of your inputs into a one mixed track. This can be really handy in a pinch, and works fine for most home projects. The important thing to note is that you have to adjust your levels and everything before you record, otherwise you may be sacrificing some quality.

单轨录音实际上就是将所有输入都记录到一个混合轨道中。 这可能非常方便,并且对于大多数家庭项目都可以正常工作。 需要注意的重要一点是,在录制之前,您必须调整电平和所有内容,否则可能会牺牲一些质量。

03 - select one channel

Multitrack recording takes each input device and records it to a separate track. This is more of a pro-level method and is really useful because you can add effects and Unless you have a nice sound chipset (most likely a dedicated sound card) or an external audio mixer/preamp, this isn’t going to be possible. This is usually because of shoddy or feature-incomplete drivers on lower-end and integrated sound chipsets. Dedicated sound cards usually have an excellent set of drivers, so if you have something like a Sound Blaster X-Fi, you’re covered. External mixers are something else entirely, and most decent audio programs will interface with these properly on their own. However, if you don’t have something that supports multitrack recording, single-track is still possible and you can make it work.

多轨录音采用每个输入设备并将其记录到单独的轨道。 这更像是一种专业级别的方法,它真的很有用,因为您可以添加效果,并且除非您有一个不错的声音芯片组(很可能是专用声卡)或外部音频混音器/前置放大器,否则这将是不可能的。 这通常是由于低端和集成声音芯片组上的劣质驱动程序或功能不完整造成的。 专用声卡通常具有一组出色的驱动程序,因此,如果您有Sound Blaster X-Fi之类的东西,那就可以了。 外部混音器完全是另外一回事,大多数体面的音频程序将自行与这些接口正确连接。 但是,如果您没有支持多轨录音的设备,则仍然可以使用单轨,并且可以使其工作。

要求 (Requirements)

Ultimately how well you can do this depends on a few things. First, you need to have a sound card that’s capable of having multiple inputs simultaneously available for input. You should also have access to stereo mix in your recording properties. If you don’t, check out How To Enable Stereo Mix in Windows 7 (to Record Audio). Of course, you’ll need multiple audio devices to record from. This can be something you’re playing back on your computer (which will be played by your stereo mix), an external mic, or something else you’ve got. If you’re trying to use two microphones, this works best if you have one that works via USB as well as a standard mic. As stated above, the better your soundcard, the better your drivers, and both of these will help things work along. And finally, have a set of headphones handy, so you can listen to the whole process and not worry about any feedback.

最终,您能否做到这一点取决于几件事。 首先,您需要具有一个声卡,该声卡能够同时具有多个输入。 您还应该可以在录制属性中访问立体声混音。 如果不这样做,请查看如何在Windows 7中启用立体声混音(以录制音频) 。 当然,您将需要多个音频设备进行录制。 这可能是您正在计算机上播放的东西(将由立体声混音播放),外接麦克风或其他东西。 如果您尝试使用两个麦克风,那么如果您有一个可以通过USB以及标准麦克风使用的麦克风,则效果最好。 如上所述,您的声卡越好,您的驱动程序就越好,这两者都将帮助事情顺利进行。 最后,请携带一副耳机,这样您就可以收听整个过程,而不必担心任何反馈。

使用Audacity (Using Audacity)

Before we fire up Audacity, we have some quick prep work to take care of. Go down to your system tray and right-click your sound icon.

在启动Auda​​city之前,我们需要做一些快速的准备工作。 进入系统托盘,然后右键单击声音图标。

recording devices

Go to “Recording devices” to see what’s plugged in and available.


properties window

Select one of your inputs and click on the Properties button, then choose the Listen tab.


listen to this device

Be sure your headphones are plugged in, and then click the checkbox next to “Listen to this device.” The headphones will prevent any feedback you’d get from the speakers and mic together. Next, go to the Levels tab.

确保已插入耳机,然后单击“收听此设备”旁边的复选框。 耳机将阻止您从扬声器和麦克风获得的任何反馈。 接下来,转到“级别”选项卡。

ext mic properties

Here’s where you’ll need to adjust the volume on your input device, as Audacity won’t be able to change them for individual devices. Next, go to the Advanced tab.

您需要在这里调整输入设备上的音量,因为Audacity无法为单个设备更改音量。 接下来,转到“高级”选项卡。

default sample rate properties

Adjust your default format. For most things, 16 bit 44.1 kHz should be fine, and if you want to drop down to mono, here’s where you need to do it. These settings will have to match Audacity’s defaults later on.

调整默认格式。 对于大多数事情,16位44.1 kHz应该没问题,如果您想下降到单声道,则需要在此处进行。 这些设置必须稍后与Audacity的默认值匹配。

Once you’re set, hit OK and then do the same for your other audio input. At the end, if Stereo Mix is unavailable, all you have to do is set it as your default device and you should be okay to go!

设置完成后,点击确定,然后对其他音频输入执行相同的操作。 最后,如果“立体声混音”不可用,您只需将其设置为默认设备,就可以了!

Now, fire up Audacity and go to Edit > Preferences > Devices.


devices stereo mix audacity

Under Recoding, choose Stereo Mix as the device. If you decided to go Mono, you can adjust the Channels down to 1 here, too. Lastly, click on Quality in the left pane.

在“重新编码”下,选择“立体声混音”作为设备。 如果您决定使用Mono,也可以在此处将Channels调低至1。 最后,在左窗格中单击“质量”。

default sample rate audacity

The Default Sample Rate must match or exceed your settings from Windows sound properties.


Click OK and then record away!


This process essentially lets all of the devices you want to record play through your Stereo Mix channel, which then gets recorded into a single track. If you get an error about making sure your recoding device is properly configured, make sure Stereo Mix isn’t listed as “unavailable” under your Windows’ Recording Devices above and your sample rates match.

实际上,此过程使您要录制的所有设备都通过“立体声混音”通道播放,然后将其录制到单个轨道中。 如果您在确定正确配置记录设备方面遇到错误,请确保在上方Windows的“记录设备”下“立体声混音”未列为“不可用”,并且采样率匹配。

使用Multitrack Studio (Using Multitrack Studio)

If you don’t have stereo mix available, but you do have your OS recognizing multiple inputs, you may want to give Multitrack Studio a try. There’s a free demo available which limits you to three simultaneous tracks, but it works really well. If you’re on Linux, Audacity should work better natively with multiple inputs, so long as you’re using ALSA. You can also give Jokosher a try, as well as Muse. If Audacity isn’t cutting it on your OS X rig, your best bet is probably GarageBand.

如果没有可用的立体声混音,但是您的操作系统可以识别多个输入,则可以尝试Multitrack Studio 。 有一个免费的演示程序,将您限制为同时播放三个曲目,但是效果很好。 如果您使用的是Linux,则只要您使用ALSA,Audacity就可以更好地在本地使用多个输入。 您也可以尝试Jokosher以及Muse 。 如果Audacity没有在您的OS X平台上削减它,那么最好的选择可能是GarageBand。

Download the Multitrack Studio demo, install it, and start it up. Click the Add Track button and select Audio Track…

下载Multitrack Studio演示,安装并启动。 单击添加轨道按钮,然后选择音频轨道…

mts add track

You’ll see a properties pane pop up.


mts name it

Give the track a name and switch the settings to Stereo and MP3 if necessary. Repeat the process, so that you have two tracks in the main window. Then, click on Studio > Devices…

给曲目命名,必要时将设置切换为“立体声”和“ MP3”。 重复此过程,以便在主窗口中有两个轨道。 然后,点击Studio>设备...

mts devices

Here, you need to choose a proper driver set.


mts devices dialog

Stick with the default VistaSound and click Properties.


mts device properties

Here, you should be able to choose the proper Audio In devices. On my particular setup, it would only allow me to choose one at a time, but if you’re using a USB device as well, you should be able to choose two.

在这里,您应该能够选择合适的音频输入设备。 在我的特定设置中,它一次只能选择一个,但是如果您也使用USB设备,则应该可以选择两个。

When you’re done, click OK twice to get back to the main screen. In order to record, you’ll have to flip each track’s record button on.

完成后,单击“确定”两次以返回主屏幕。 为了进行录制,您必须打开每个曲目的“录制”按钮。

mts switch to record mode

When they’re both red, you’re good to go. You’ll now be able to see the levels for each track move in response to the audio. In the upper-right corner, click the red Play button to record.

当它们都变红时,您就很好。 现在,您将能够查看每个轨道响应于音频而移动的电平。 在右上角,单击红色的“播放”按钮进行录制。

mts recording

You can click the EDIT button on the right side of each track panel to bring down the waveform and make edits if you need after you’re done. You can also just export the audio files to Audacity and edit them there.

您可以单击每个跟踪面板右侧的“编辑”按钮来调低波形并在完成后根据需要进行编辑。 您也可以将音频文件导出到Audacity并在其中进行编辑。

mts show waveform

Everybody doesn’t have fancy audio equipment, but with some luck and tweaking your configurations a bit, you’ll be able to record better from your existing rig. This is also a great way to record cheaply if you run your own podcast, without having to spend a lot of money on a separate mixer/preamp.

每个人都没有花哨的音频设备,但是如果有一些运气和对配置的调整,您将能够从现有设备中录制更好的声音。 如果您自己运行播客,这也是一种廉价录制的好方法,而无需在单独的调音台/前置放大器上花费很多钱。

Know a better way to record from multiple sources? Used nicer multitrack recording software? Share your know-how in the comments!

知道从多个来源进行记录的更好方法吗? 使用更好的多轨录音软件? 在评论中分享您的专业知识!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/61037/how-to-record-from-multiple-audio-devices-simultaneously/






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