delphi xml解析_使用Delphi创建,解析和处理XML文档

delphi xml解析

什么是XML? ( What is XML? )

Extensible Markup Language is a universal language for data on the Web. XML gives developers the power to deliver structured data from a variety of applications to the desktop for local computation and presentation. XML is also an ideal format for server-to-server transfer of structured data. Using an XML parser, software evaluates the hierarchy of the document, extracting the structure of the document, its content, or both. XML is in no way limited to Internet use. In fact, XML's main strength -- organizing information -- makes it perfect for exchanging data between different systems.

可扩展标记语言是Web数据的通用语言。 XML使开发人员能够将各种应用程序中的结构化数据传递到桌面,以进行本地计算和表示。 XML也是服务器到服务器之间传输结构化数据的理想格式。 使用XML解析器,软件可以评估文档的层次结构,提取文档的结构,内容或两者。 XML绝不限于Internet使用。 实际上,XML的主要优势(组织信息)使其非常适合在不同系统之间交换数据。

XML looks much like HTML. However, whereas HTML describes the layout of content on a webpage, XML defines and communicates data, it describes the type of content. Hence, "extensible," because it is not a fixed format like HTML.

XML看起来很像HTML。 但是,尽管HTML描述了网页上内容的布局,而XML定义并传达了数据,但它描述了内容的类型 。 因此,“可扩展”是因为它不是HTML之类的固定格式。

Think of each XML file as a self-contained database. Tags -- the markup in an XML document, offset by angle brackets -- delineate the records and fields. The text between the tags is the data. Users perform operations like retrieving, updating and inserting data with XML using a parser and a set of objects exposed by the parser.

将每个XML文件视为一个独立的数据库。 标记-XML文档中的标记,用尖括号偏移-描绘记录和字段。 标签之间的文本是数据。 用户使用解析器解析器公开的一组对象来执行诸如使用XML检索,更新和插入数据之类的操作。

As a Delphi programmer, you should know how to work with XML documents.


使用Delphi的XML ( XML with Delphi )

For more information about pairing Delphi and XML, read:


Learn how to store TTreeView component items to XML -- preserving the Text and other properties of a tree node -- and how to populate a TreeView from an XML file.


Simple Reading and manipulating RSS feeds files with DelphiExplore how to read and manipulate XML documents with Delphi using the TXMLDocument component. See how to extract the most current "In The Spotlight" blog entries (RSS feed) from the About Delphi Programming content environment, as an example.

使用Delphi轻松读取和处理RSS feed文件探索使用TXMLDocument组件使用Delphi读取和处理XML文档的方法。 作为示例,请参见如何从About Delphi Programming内容环境中提取最新的“ In the Spotlight”博客条目( RSS feed )。

Create XML files from Paradox (or any DB) tables using Delphi. See how to export the data from a table to an XML file and how to import that data back to the table.

使用Delphi从Paradox(或任何DB)表创建XML文件。 了解如何将数据从表导出到XML文件以及如何将数据导回到表中。

If you need to work with dynamically created TXMLDocument component, you might get access violations after you try to free the object. This article offers a solution to this error message.

如果需要使用动态创建的TXMLDocument组件,则在尝试释放对象后可能会遇到访问冲突。 本文提供了此错误消息的解决方案。

Delphi's implementation of the TXMLDocument component, which uses Microsoft XML parser by default, does not provide a way to add a node of the "ntDocType" (TNodeType type). This article provides a solution to this problem.

Delphi对TXMLDocument组件的实现(默认情况下使用Microsoft XML解析器)没有提供添加“ ntDocType”(TNodeType类型)节点的方法。 本文提供了此问题的解决方案。

详细XML ( XML in Detail )

XML @ W3CPeruse the full XML standard and syntax at the W3C site.

XML @ W3C在W3C站点上使用完整的XML标准和语法。

XML.comA community website where XML developers share resources and solutions. The site includes timely news, opinions, features and tutorials.

XML.com一个社区网站,XML开发人员在此共享资源和解决方案。 该站点包括及时的新闻,观点,功能和教程。


delphi xml解析





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