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翻译 了解SQL数据库的工作方式

MySQLis a relationaldatabaseoften used to store data forwebsitesworking in conjunction with PHP. Relational means that different tables of the database can becross-referencedto one another.S...

2020-09-15 17:01:54 793

翻译 为什么要使用 php反射_为什么要使用PHP?

Now that you are comfortable using HTML on your website, it is time to tackle PHP, a programming languageyou can use to enhance your HTML website.Why use PHP? Here are some great reasons. 现在您可以轻松...

2020-09-15 16:51:02 641

翻译 在PHP中使用$ _SERVER

$_SERVER is one of the PHP global variables—termed Superglobals—which contain information about server and execution environments. These are pre-defined variables so they are always accessible from a...

2020-09-15 16:40:58 555

翻译 会话保持 会话共享_了解PHP会话的工作方式

会话保持 会话共享01 01 of 03 共03 开始会议 ( Starting a Session )mmustafabozdemir/Getty Images mmustafabozdemir / Getty图片 In PHP, a session provides a way to store web page visitor preferences on a we...

2020-09-15 16:31:28 332

翻译 我有PHP吗?

Most web servers nowadays support PHP and MySQL, but if you are having trouble running PHP code, there's an outside chance your web server doesn't support it. To execute PHP scripts on your website, ...

2020-09-15 16:21:26 81

翻译 你好世界_你好,世界!

你好世界Every programming language has it—the basic Hello, World! script.PHP is no exception. It is a simple script that onlydisplays the words "Hello, World!"The phrase has become atradition for new...

2020-09-15 16:11:10 549

翻译 java 应用程序 gui_用于构建简单GUI应用程序的示例Java代码

java 应用程序 guiA GUI --Graphical User Interface-- of an application built usingJavais made up of layers of containers. The first layer is the window used to move the application around the screen ...

2020-09-15 16:01:30 841

翻译 php 随机_PHP随机报价

One way to add a random quote to your website is to use the PHP switch () statement. The switch statement compares one variable with many values and executes one piece of code depending on the value ...

2020-09-15 15:52:04 185

翻译 mac 上安装php扩展_如何在Mac上安装PHP

mac 上安装php扩展Many website owners use PHP with their websites to expand the capabilities of the sites. Before you can enable PHP on a Mac, you first have to enable Apache. Both PHP and Apache are free ...

2020-09-15 15:41:51 297

翻译 mysql 数据库备份还原_备份和还原MySQL数据库

mysql 数据库备份还原MySQL databases can be backed up from the Command Prompt or from phpMyAdmin. It is a good idea to back up your MySQL data occasionally as a precautionary measure. It is also a good idea ...

2020-09-15 15:31:51 444

翻译 hello world_Hello World CGI

hello worldA CGI script can be as simple or complex as you need it to be. It could be in Perl, Java, Python or any programming language. At its core, a CGI application simply takes a request via HTTP...

2020-09-15 15:21:41 112

翻译 Java事件代表Java的Swing GUI API中的GUI操作

An event in Java is an object that is created when something changes within a graphical user interface. If a user clicks on a button, clicks on a combo box, or types characters into a text field, etc...

2020-09-15 15:10:43 162

翻译 下载并安装Borland C ++ Compiler 5.5

01 01 of 08 共08 安装之前 ( Before you Install )You will need a PC running Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 or XP Service Pack 2. Windows Server 2003 may run it but it hasn't been tested. 您将需要一台运行W...

2020-09-15 15:00:46 2615

翻译 csdn ruby语言入门_Ruby编程语言入门指南

csdn ruby语言入门Ruby is unique among object-oriented scripting languages. In a sense, it's a purist's language for those who love object-oriented languages. Everything, without exception, is automatical...

2020-09-15 14:51:03 377

翻译 订购MySQL数据

When you query a MySQL database, you can sort the results by any field in an ascending or descending order just by adding ORDER BY at the end of your query. You use ORDER BY field_name ASC for an asc...

2020-09-15 14:41:31 88

翻译 虚空粒子_虚空关键字

虚空粒子The void keyword in Java denotes that a method does not have a return type. However, even though a constructor method can never have a return type, it does not have the void keyword in its declar...

2020-09-15 14:30:32 223

翻译 如何创建和使用外部JavaScript文件

Placing JavaScripts directly into the file containing the HTML for a web page is ideal for short scripts used while learning JavaScript. When you start creating scripts to provide significant functio...

2020-09-15 14:21:05 1949

翻译 范围分区_范围

范围分区Scope refers to the lifetime and accessibility of a variable. How large the scope is depends on where a variable is declared. For example, if a variable is declared at the top of a class then it ...

2020-09-15 14:11:22 226

翻译 eval php_Eval()PHP构造

eval phpThe PHP eval () construct is used to evaluate an input string as PHP and then process it as such. Eval() is not a function, but it works like one in the sense that it outputs everything—excep...

2020-09-15 14:01:30 277

翻译 鼠标宏编写脚本代码教程_PHP登录脚本代码和教程

鼠标宏编写脚本代码教程We are going to create a simple login system using PHP code on our pages, and a MySQL database to store our users' information. We will track the users who are logged in withcookies. 我...

2020-09-15 13:51:19 6927

翻译 学习php_学习PHP

学习phpPHP is a programming language used to enhance websites built with HTML. It is server-side code that can add a log-in screen, CAPTCHA code or survey to your website, redirect visitors to other pa...

2020-09-15 13:41:24 137

翻译 JavaScript难学吗?

javascript难学吗The degree of difficulty in learning JavaScript depends on the level of knowledge you bring to it. Because themost common way to run JavaScript is as part of a web page,you must first ...

2020-09-15 13:30:35 3949

翻译 网页打印 浓度_将浓度记忆游戏添加到您的网页

网页打印 浓度Here is a version of the classic memory game that allows visitors to your web page to match images in a grid pattern using JavaScript. 这是经典记忆游戏的一个版本,允许您的网页访问者使用JavaScript匹配网格模式的图像。 提供图像 (...

2020-09-15 13:20:26 168

翻译 javascript运算符_JavaScript三元运算符作为If / Else语句的快捷方式

The conditional ternary operator in JavaScript assigns a value to a variable based on some condition and is the only JavaScript operator that takes three operands. JavaScript中的条件三元运算符会根据某些条件为变量分配值,...

2020-09-15 13:11:05 508

翻译 如何在JavaScript中创建连续文本字幕

This JavaScript code will move a single text string that contains any text you choose through a horizontal marquee space without breaks. It does this by adding a copy of the text string to the beginn...

2020-09-15 13:00:48 441

翻译 python日历_如何在Python中动态创建HTML日历

01 01 of 10 共10 介绍 ( Introduction )Python's calendar module is part of the standard library. It allows the output of a calendar by month or by year and also provides other, calendar-related ...

2020-09-15 12:49:49 645

翻译 如何使用JavaScript创建连续图像字幕

This JavaScript creates a scrolling marquee in which images area where images move horizontally through the display area. As each image disappears through one side of the display area, it is readded ...

2020-09-15 12:40:32 254

翻译 php日历签php日历签到_如何建立一个简单PHP日历

php日历签php日历签到01 01 of 05 共05 获取日历变量 ( Getting Calendar Variables )gilaxia/Getty Images 吉拉夏/盖蒂图片社 PHP calendars can be useful. You can do things as simple as showing the date, and as compl...

2020-09-15 12:29:55 665

翻译 php 文本格式化_格式化PHP文本

php 文本格式化So you've gone through the PHPtutorialsor are new to PHP in general, and you can make some nifty things in PHP, but they all look like plain text. How do you jazz them up? 因此,您已经遍历了PHP 教...

2020-09-15 12:20:40 888

翻译 使用PHP和MySQL的简单网页命中计数器代码

mysql计数器Website stats provide important information to a website owner about how the site is doing and how many people visit. A hit counter counts and displays how many people visita webpage. 网站统计...

2020-09-15 12:10:57 430

翻译 php+mysql投票_简单PHP和MySQL投票

This tutorial will demonstrate how to make a basic poll using ​PHPand store the results inMySQL. You will then display the results by making a pie chart with theGD Library. 本教程将演示如何使用做一个基本的民意调查P...

2020-09-15 12:00:27 355

翻译 使用PHP要做的6件事

使用php做图片服务器PHP is a server-side programming language that is used in conjunction with HTML to enhance the features of a website.So what can you do with PHP? Here are 10 fun and useful things you can...

2020-09-15 11:50:34 122

翻译 mac textedit_如何在Mac TextEdit中保存PHP文件

mac texteditTextEdit is a simple text editor that comes standard on every Apple Macintosh computer. By following a few simple steps, you can use the TextEdit program to create and save PHP files. PHP...

2020-09-15 11:41:22 299

翻译 Print_r()PHP函数

An array in PHP computer programming contains a group of similar objects that are the same type and size. The array can contain integers, characters, or anything else with a defined data type. PHP计...

2020-09-15 11:32:18 795

翻译 php数组中添加数组_了解PHP中的数组

php数组中添加数组An array is a systemic arrangement of objects. Hum, what does this mean? Well in programming an array is a type of data structure. Each array can hold several pieces of information. It’s so...

2020-09-15 11:21:54 395

翻译 hadoop机架是什么_什么是机架?

机架是什么There’s a lot of talk about Rack, but unless you’re a framework author yourself, you rarely see it. So what is Rack? And why, as an application developer, should you care about it? 关于Rack的讨论很多...

2020-09-15 11:12:06 3307

翻译 java中为啥要有抽象类_在Java中为main方法创建单独的类的原因

java中为啥要有抽象类All Java programs must have an entry point, which is always the main() method. Whenever the program is called, it automatically executes the main() method first. 所有Java程序都必须具有一个入口点,该入口点...

2020-09-15 11:01:36 370

翻译 循环群是什么_什么是循环?

什么是循环小数举例A loop is a way of repeating lines of code more than once. The block of code contained within the loop will be executed again and again until the condition required by the loop is met. For e...

2020-09-15 10:51:31 2639

翻译 php循环套循环_PHP循环简介

php循环套循环01 01 of 03 共03 While循环 ( While Loops )In PHP, there are several different types of loops. Basically, a loop evaluates a statement as true or false. If it is true, the loop executes ...

2020-09-15 10:40:32 250

翻译 json内嵌json_JSON宝石

json内嵌jsonIt's easy to jump into parsing and generating JSON in Ruby with the json gem. It provides an API for parsing JSON from text as well as generating JSON text from arbitrary Ruby objects. It's...

2020-09-15 10:30:13 218



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