
Looking for a single-file, single-user database for your next Delphi application? Need to store some application specific data but don't want to use the Registry / INI / or something else?

在为下一个Delphi应用程序寻找单文件,单用户数据库? 是否需要存储一些特定于应用程序的数据,但又不想使用Registry / INI /或其他方式?

Delphi offers a native solution: The TClientDataSet component -- located on the "Data Access" tab of the component palette -- represents an in-memory database-independent dataset. Whether you use client datasets for file-based data, caching updates, data from an external provider (such as working with an XML document or in a multi-tiered application), or a combination of these approaches in a "briefcase model" application, take advantage of the broad range of features that client datasets support.

Delphi提供了本机解决方案:TClientDataSet组件-位于组件面板的“数据访问”选项卡上-表示内存数据库独立的数据集。 无论您是将客户端数据集用于基于文件的数据,缓存更新,来自外部提供程序的数据(例如, 使用XML文档或在多层应用程序中),还是在“公文包模型”应用程序中结合使用这些方法,利用客户端数据集支持的广泛功能。

德尔菲数据集 ( Delphi Datasets )

A ClientDataSet in Every Database ApplicationLearn the basic behavior of the ClientDataSet, and encounter an argument for the extensive use of ClientDataSets in most database applications.


Defining a ClientDataSet's Structure Using FieldDefsWhen creating a ClientDataSet's memory store on-the-fly, you must explicitly define the structure of your table. This article shows you how to do it at both runtime and design-time using FieldDefs.

使用FieldDefs定义ClientDataSet的结构动态创建ClientDataSet的内存存储时,必须显式定义表的结构。 本文向您展示如何使用FieldDefs在运行时和设计时执行此操作。

Defining a ClientDataSet's Structure Using TFieldsThis article demonstrates how to define a ClientDataSet's structure at both design-time and runtime using TFields. Methods to create virtual and nested dataset fields are also demonstrated.

使用TFields定义ClientDataSet的结构本文演示了如何在设计时和运行时使用TFields定义ClientDataSet的结构。 还演示了创建虚拟和嵌套数据集字段的方法。

Understanding ClientDataSet IndexesA ClientDataSet does not obtain its indexes from the data it loads. Indexes, if you want them, must be explicitly defined. This article shows you how to do this at design-time or runtime.

了解ClientDataSet索引 ClientDataSet不会从其加载的数据中获取其索引。 如果需要索引,则必须明确定义。 本文向您展示了如何在设计时或运行时执行此操作。

Navigating and Editing a ClientDataSetYou navigate and edit a ClientDataSet in a manner similar to how you navigate and edit almost any other dataset. This article provides an introductory look at basic ClientDataSet navigation and editing.

导航和编辑ClientDataSet您以类似于导航和编辑几乎所有其他数据集的方式导航和编辑ClientDataSet。 本文介绍了基本的ClientDataSet导航和编辑。

Searching a ClientDataSetClientDataSets provide several different mechanisms for searching for data in its columns. These techniques are covered in this continuation of the discussion of basic ClientDataSet manipulation.

搜索ClientDataSet ClientDataSet提供了几种不同的机制来搜索其列中的数据。 在基本ClientDataSet操作的后续讨论中涵盖了这些技术。

Filtering ClientDataSetsWhen applied to a dataset, a filter limits the records that are accessible. This article explores the ins-and-outs of filtering ClientDataSets.

筛选ClientDataSets当应用于数据集时,筛选器将限制可访问的记录。 本文探讨了过滤ClientDataSet的来龙去脉。

ClientDataSet Aggregates and GroupStateThis article describes how to use aggregates to calculate simple statistics, as well as how to use group state to improve your user interfaces.


Nesting DataSets in ClientDataSetsA nested dataset is a dataset within a dataset. By nesting one dataset inside another, you can reduce your overall storage needs, increase the efficiency of network communications and simplify data operations.

在ClientDataSets中嵌套数据集嵌套数据集是数据集中的一个数据集。 通过将一个数据集嵌套在另一个数据集中,可以减少总体存储需求,提高网络通信效率并简化数据操作。

Cloning ClientDatSet CursorsWhen you clone a ClientDataSet's cursor, you create not only an additional pointer to a shared memory store but also an independent view of the data. This article shows you how to use this important capability

克隆ClientDatSet游标克隆ClientDataSet的游标时,不仅会创建指向共享内存存储的附加指针,而且还会创建数据的独立视图。 本文向您展示了如何使用此重要功能

Deploying Applications that use ClientDataSetsIf you use one or more ClientDataSets you may need to deploy one or more libraries, in addition to your application's executable. This article describes when and how to deploy them.

部署使用ClientDataSet的应用程序如果您使用一个或多个ClientDataSet,则除了应用程序的可执行文件之外,您可能还需要部署一个或多个库。 本文介绍了何时以及如何部署它们。

Creative Solutions Using ClientDataSetsClientDataSets can be used for much more than displaying rows and columns from a database. See how they solve application problems including selecting options to process, displaying progress messages and creating audit trails for data changes.

使用ClientDataSets的创意解决方案 ClientDataSets不仅可以用于显示数据库中的行和列,还可以用于更多用途。 了解他们如何解决应用程序问题,包括选择要处理的选项,显示进度消息以及为数据更改创建审核跟踪。

翻译自: https://www.thoughtco.com/using-the-tclientdataset-in-delphi-applications-1058369





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