

The quick summary of this post is: I give talks. You might like them. Here are some details of talks I’ve done. Feel free to invite me to speak to your group – contact me at robin@rtwilson.com. Read on for more details.

这篇文章的简短摘要是:我进行演讲。 您可能会喜欢它们。 这是我已经完成的演讲的一些细节。 随时邀请我与您的小组讲话–请通过robin@rtwilson.com与我联系。 请阅读以获得更多详情。

I enjoy giving talks on a variety of subjects to a range of groups. I’ve mentioned some of my programming talks on my blog before, but I haven’t mentioned anything about my other talks so far. I’ve spoken at amateur science groups (Cafe Scientifique or U3A science groups and similar), programming conferences (EuroSciPy, PyCon UK etc), schools (mostly to sixth form students), unconferences (including short talks made up on the day) and at academic conferences.

我喜欢与许多团体就各种主题进行演讲。 我之前在博客上提到过一些编程演讲,但是到目前为止,我还没有提及其他演讲。 我曾在业余科学团体(Cafe Scientifique或U3A科学团体及类似组织),编程会议(EuroSciPy,PyCon UK等),学校(大部分为中六学生),非会议(包括当天的简短演讲)和在学术会议上。

Feedback from audiences has been very good. I’ve won the ‘best talk’ prize at a number of events including the Computational Modelling Group at the University of Southampton, the Student Conference on Complexity Science, and EuroSciPy. A local science group recently wrote:

观众的反馈非常好。 我在许多活动中都获得了“最佳演讲”奖,包括南安普敦大学的计算建模小组,复杂性科学学生会议和EuroSciPy。 一个当地的科学团体最近写道:

“The presentation that Dr Robin Wilson gave on Complex systems in the world around us to our Science group was excellent. The clever animated video clips, accompanied by a clear vocal description gave an easily understood picture of the underlining principles involved. The wide range of topics taken from situations familiar to everyone made the examples pertinent to all present and maintained their interest throughout. A thoroughly enjoyable and thought provoking talk.”

“罗宾·威尔逊博士向我们的科学小组介绍了我们周围世界的复杂系统的演讲非常出色。 巧妙的动画视频剪辑,加上清晰的人声描述,使您轻松理解了所涉及的基本原则。 从每个人都熟悉的情况中选取了广泛的主题,这些例子与所有人有关,并始终保持其兴趣。 一次彻底的愉快和令人发指的谈话。”

A list of talks I’ve done, with a brief summary for each talk, is at the end of this post. I would be happy to present any of these talks at your event – whether that is a science group, a school Geography class, a programming meet-up or something else appropriate. Just get in touch on robin@rtwilson.com.

我已完成的演讲列表,以及每个演讲的简短摘要,位于本文的结尾。 在您的活动中,无论是科学小组,学校地理课,编程聚会还是其他合适的活动,我都会很高兴地介绍这些演讲。 只需联系robin@rtwilson.com

科学讲座 (Science talks)

All of these are illustrated with lots of images and videos – and one even has live demonstrations of complex system models. They’re designed for people with an interest in science, but they don’t assume any specific knowledge – everything you need is covered from the ground up.

所有这些都通过大量图像和视频进行了说明-甚至还进行了复杂系统模型的现场演示。 它们是为对科学感兴趣的人而设计的,但是它们并不假设任何特定的知识-您所需要的一切都从头开始。

Monitoring the environment from space


Hundreds of satellites orbit the Earth every day, collecting data that is used for monitoring almost all aspects of the environment. This talk will introduce to you the world of satellite imaging, take you beyond the ‘pretty pictures’ to the scientific data behind them, and show you how the data can be applied to monitor plant growth, air pollution and more.

每天有数百颗卫星在地球上运行,收集用于监测环境几乎所有方面的数据。 本讲座将向您介绍卫星成像的世界,使您不仅了解“漂亮图片”,而且掌握背后的科学数据,并向您展示如何将这些数据应用于监视植物生长,空气污染等。

From segregation to sand dunes: complex systems in the world around us


‘Complex’ systems are all around us, and are often difficult to understand and control. In this talk you will be introduced to a range of complex systems including segregation in cities, sand dune development, traffic jams, weather forecasting, the cold war and more – and will show how looking at these systems in a decentralised way can be useful in understanding and controlling them. I’m also working on a talk for a local science and technology group on railway signalling, which should be fascinating. I’m happy to come up with new talks in areas that I know a lot about – just ask.

“复杂的”系统无处不在,通常很难理解和控制。 在本讲座中,您将了解一系列复杂的系统,包括城市隔离,沙丘开发,交通拥堵,天气预报,冷战等,并且将展示以分散方式查看这些系统如何在以下方面有用:了解和控制它们。 我还在为当地的一个科学技术小组进行有关铁路信号的演讲,这应该很有趣。 我很高兴在我很了解的领域提​​出新的话题-随便问一下。

编程讲座 (Programming talks)

These are illustrated with code examples, and can be made suitable for a range of events including local programming meet-ups, conferences, keynotes, schools and more.


在一个周末内编写Python来处理数百万行的移动数据 (Writing Python to process millions of row of mobile data – in a weekend)

In April 2105 there was a devastating earthquake in Nepal, killing thousands and displacing hundreds of thousands more. Robin Wilson was working for the Flowminder Foundation at the time, and was given the task of processing millions of rows of mobile phone call records to try and extract useful information on population displacement due to the disaster. The aid agencies wanted this information as quickly as possible – so he was given the unenviable task of trying to produce preliminary outputs in one bank-holiday weekend… This talk is the story of how he wrote code in Python to do this, and what can be learnt from his experience. Along the way he’ll show how Python enables rapid development, introduce some lesser-used built-in data structures, explain how strings and dictionaries work, and show a slightly different approach to data processing.

2105年4月,尼泊尔发生了毁灭性地震,造成数千人死亡,数十万人流离失所。 罗宾·威尔逊(Robin Wilson)当时在Flowminder Foundation工作,其任务是处理数百万行手机通话记录,以尝试提取有关灾难造成的人口迁移的有用信息。 援助机构希望尽快获得这些信息-因此,他被赋予了一项令人羡慕的任务:在一个银行假期的周末尝试产生初步输出结果。这个演讲的故事就是他如何用Python编写代码来做到这一点,以及从他的经验中学到。 他将沿途展示Python如何实现快速开发,介绍一些较少使用的内置数据结构,解释字符串和字典的工作方式以及显示稍有不同的数据处理方法。

xarray: the power of pandas for multidimensional arrays


“I wish there was a way to easily manipulate this huge multi-dimensional array in Python…”, I thought, as I stared at a huge chunk of satellite data on my laptop. The data was from a satellite measuring air quality – and I wanted to slice and dice the data in some supposedly simple ways. Using pure numpy was just such a pain. What I wished for was something like pandas – with datetime indexes, fancy ways of selecting subsets, group-by operations and so on – but something that would work with my huge multi-dimensional array.

当我盯着笔记本电脑上的大量卫星数据时,我想:“我希望有一种方法可以轻松地在Python中操纵这个庞大的多维数组……”。 数据来自于测量空气质量的卫星-我想以一些简单的方式将数据切片和切块。 使用纯粹的numpy真是太痛苦了。 我想要的是类似pandas的东西-具有日期时间索引,选择子集的理想方式,分组操作等-但某些东西可以与我的大型多维数组一起使用。

The solution: xarray – a wonderful library which provides the power of pandas for multi-dimensional data. In this talk I will introduce the xarray library by showing how just a few lines of code can answer questions about my data that would take a lot of complex code to answer with pure numpy – questions like ‘What is the average air quality in March?’, ‘What is the time series of air quality in Southampton?’ and ‘What is the seasonal average air quality for each census output area?’.

解决方案:xarray –一个出色的库,可为多维数据提供熊猫功能。 在本次演讲中,我将通过展示仅几行代码如何回答有关我的数据的问题来介绍xarray库,这些问题将需要很多复杂的代码才能用纯numpy来回答-诸如“三月份的平均空气质量是多少? ','南安普敦空气质量的时间序列是多少? 和“每个普查输出区域的季节性平均空气质量是多少?”。

After demonstrating how these questions can be answered easily with xarray, I will introduce the fundamental xarray data types, and show how indexes can be added to raw arrays to fully utilise the power of xarray. I will discuss how to get data in and out of xarray, and how xarray can use dask for high-performance data processing on multiple cores, or distributed across multiple machines. Finally I will leave you with a taster of some of the advanced features of xarray – including seamless access to data via the internet using OpenDAP, complex apply functions, and xarray extension libraries.

在演示了如何使用xarray轻松回答这些问题之后,我将介绍基本的xarray数据类型,并展示如何将索引添加到原始数组中以充分利用xarray的功能。 我将讨论如何将数据放入xarray和从xarray取出数据,以及xarray如何使用dask在多个内核上或在多台计算机上进行高性能数据处理。 最后,我将向您介绍xarray的一些高级功能–包括使用OpenDAP通过Internet无缝访问数据,复杂的应用功能和xarray扩展库。

recipy: effortless provenance in Python


Imagine the situation: You’ve written some wonderful Python code which produces a beautiful output: a graph, some wonderful data, a lovely musical composition, or whatever. You save that output, naturally enough, as awesome_output.png. You run the code a couple of times, each time making minor modifications. You come back to it the next week/month/year. Do you know how you created that output? What input data? What version of your code? If you’re anything like me then the answer will often, frustratingly, be “no”.

想象一下情况:您已经编写了一些很棒的Python代码,它们产生了漂亮的输出:一个图形,一些很棒的数据,一个漂亮的音乐作品或任何东西。 您自然而然地将该输出另存为awesome_output.png。 您运行了几次代码,每次都进行一些小的修改。 下周/月/年,您将重新使用它。 您知道如何创建该输出吗? 什么输入数据? 您的代码是哪个版本? 如果您像我一样,那么令人沮丧的答案通常是“不”。

This talk will introduce recipy, a Python module that will save you from this situation! With the addition of a single line of code to the top of your Python files, recipy will log each run of your code to a database, keeping track of all of your input files, output files and the code that was used – as well as a lot of other useful information. You can then query this easily and find out exactly how that output was created.

本讲座将介绍recipy,这是一个Python模块,可以使您摆脱这种情况! 通过在Python文件的顶部添加一行代码,recipy将把每次运行的代码记录到数据库中,跟踪所有输入文件,输出文件和所使用的代码-以及许多其他有用的信息。 然后,您可以轻松地对此进行查询,并确切地找到该输出是如何创建的。

In this talk you will hear how to install and use recipy and how it will help you, how it hooks into Python and how you can help with further development.



学校讲座/课程 (School talks/lessons)

Decentralised systems, complexity theory, self-organisation and more


This talk/lesson is very similar to my complex systems talk described above, but is altered to make it more suitable for use in schools. So far I have run this as a lesson in the International Baccalaureate Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course, but it would also be suitable for A-Level students studying a wide range of subjects.

本讲座/课程与上述我的复杂系统讲座非常相似,但已进行了更改,使其更适合在学校中使用。 到目前为止,我已经将此课程作为国际学士学位知识理论(TOK)课程的一门课,但它也适合学习各种学科的A Level学生。

GIS/Remote sensing for geographers

GIS /地理学家的遥感

I’ve run a number of lessons for sixth form geographers introducing them to the basics of GIS and remote sensing. These topics are often included in the curriculum for A-Level or equivalent qualifications, but it’s often difficult to teach them without help from outside experts. In this lesson I provide an easily-understood introduction to GIS and remote sensing, taking the students from no knowledge at all to a basic understanding of the methods involved, and then run a discussion session looking at potential uses of GIS/RS in topics they have recently covered. This discussion session really helps the content stick in their minds and relates it to the rest of their course.

我为第六级地理学家提供了许多课程,向他们介绍GIS和遥感的基础知识。 这些主题通常包含在A级或同等学历的课程中,但是如果没有外部专家的帮助,通常很难教授这些主题。 在本课程中,我提供了有关GIS和遥感的易于理解的介绍,使学生从根本不了解的知识到对所用方法的基本了解,然后进行了讨论会,探讨了GIS / RS在他们所研究的主题中的潜在用途最近有报道。 这次讨论会确实有助于将内容牢记在心,并将其与课程的其余部分相关联。

翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2018/10/i-give-talks-on-science-programming-and-more/


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