peterson算法_Python社区专访Brian Peterson


To date, I’ve interviewed people you’ve likely heard of before from the Python community. But this column isn’t just about interviewing the rock stars and core devs. It’s also a means to shine light on the huge contributions to the community that can often go unthanked and overlooked. As such, I present to you Brian Peterson.

到目前为止,我已经采访了您以前可能从Python社区听说过的人。 但是,本专栏不仅仅涉及采访摇滚明星和核心开发人员。 这也是一种照亮社区的巨大贡献的方法,这些贡献常常是不容忽视和忽视的。 因此,我向您介绍Brian Peterson。

Brian is a project manager by day, and by night he’s one of the moderators of the Pythonista Café, a peer-to-peer learning community for Pythonistas. In our interview, we talk about how Python helps him in his role as a project manager, and how moderating a large forum for Python enthusiasts has impacted his coding chops. Let’s dig in!

Brian白天是项目经理,晚上则是PythonistaCafé(Pythonistas的对等学习社区)的主持人之一。 在我们的采访中,我们讨论了Python如何帮助他担任项目经理,以及为Python爱好者主持大型论坛如何影响了他的编码工作。 让我们开始吧!

Ricky: Welcome to Real Python! Let’s get started with the question I ask everyone. How did you get into programming, and when did you start using Python?

Ricky:欢迎使用Real Python! 让我们开始回答我问大家的问题。 您是如何开始编程的?何时开始使用Python?

Brian: Well… thinking back, my first real exposure to programming was testing near object detection system prototypes using an old HP-87. The program was used to move and change target and rotating antenna positions along test tracks inside an automotive laboratory anechoic chamber, all while collecting and processing data from a spectrum analyzer. Seeing the code translate into motion did it for me—something real, and tangible. I was hooked on using programming as an R&D tool to make things come alive.

Brian:好吧……回想起来,我第一次真正接触编程是使用旧的HP-87在物体检测系统原型附近进行测试。 该程序用于在汽车实验室消声室内的测试轨道上移动和改变目标天线位置和旋转天线位置,同时还从频谱分析仪收集和处理数据。 看到代码转化为运动,这对我来说是实实在在的事。 我迷上使用编程作为研发工具来使事情变得生动起来。

Brian Peterson

Over the years, I started spending more time with Linux automation, control systems, data collection and analysis, which naturally led to spending more time writing C code, and then it was like, “Hey, Python is already on the system. Why not take it for a spin?”

多年来,我开始花更多的时间在Linux自动化,控制系统,数据收集和分析上,这自然导致花更多的时间来编写C代码,然后就像:“嘿,Python已经在系统上了。 为什么不去兜风呢?”

I think it was Python 2.3 at that time. I liked Python because it felt natural, and I didn’t have to throw away all my C knowledge. It had some functional programming sprinkled in, and an impressive set of engineering and scientific libraries. To top it off, I could use the same language seamlessly across scripting, interactive data analysis, and writing code. And Python syntax, well, it can be so darned readable that personally, I think it’s hard not to like it. I was hooked.

我认为当时是Python 2.3。 我喜欢Python是因为它很自然,而且我不必抛弃所有C知识。 它散布了一些函数式编程,以及一组令人印象深刻的工程和科学库。 最重要的是,我可以在脚本编写,交互式数据分析和编写代码之间无缝使用相同的语言。 而且,Python语法的可读性很强,以至于个人而言,我认为很难不喜欢它。 我迷上了。

Ricky: Working in project management and using Python might not seem a natural fit for some people. How do you use Python to help you in the project management office, and what tools and libraries are the most helpful for you on a day-to-day basis?

Ricky:对某些人来说,从事项目管理和使用Python似乎并不自然。 您如何使用Python在项目管理办公室为您提供帮助,以及日常使用哪些工具和库对您最有用?

Brian: Yeah, at first glance Python may not seem like a natural fit. This is in large part due to the way project management is commonly taught—like cooking from a recipe book rather than learning and understanding the culinary arts.

Brian:是的,乍一看,Python似乎不是很自然的选择。 这在很大程度上是由于通常讲授项目管理的方式-例如从食谱书中烹饪,而不是学习和理解烹饪艺术。

And cookie-cutter project management tools are like the microwave ovens. Yeah, sure, use ‘em for the prepacked, boxed, canned stuff, but for every meal? Seriously? Python also starts making sense when you’re considering different flavors of project management:

切饼机的项目管理工具就像微波炉一样。 是的,可以,将它们用于预包装,盒装,罐头的食品,但是每餐都使用它们吗? 认真吗 当您考虑不同类型的项目管理时,Python也开始变得有意义:

  • Traditional project managers use template-driven approaches.
  • Agile practitioners use story-driven approaches.
  • Adaptive practitioners blend existing, new, emerging approaches and creativity to develop the best fit for each unique project or group of projects.
  • 传统的项目经理使用模板驱动的方法。
  • 敏捷从业者使用故事驱动的方法。
  • 适应性从业者融合了现有的,新的,新兴的方法和创造力,以开发出最适合每个独特项目或项目组的方案。

So while off-the-shelf project management tools and services are an excellent fit for traditional projects, and a good fit for some Agile projects, adaptive project management calls for a different breed. In other words, rather than force all projects to fit a tool, why not use Python to construct a toolbox filled with best-of-breed tools to solve different types of problems for different kinds of projects?

因此,尽管现成的项目管理工具和服务非常适合传统项目,并且非常适合某些敏捷项目,但是自适应项目管理需要不同的品种。 换句话说,不是强迫所有项目都适合某个工具,而是为什么不使用Python来构建一个装有同类最佳工具的工具箱,从而为不同类型的项目解决不同类型的问题?

It’s also worth considering that modern day Project Management Offices (PMO) don’t just manage projects: there’s ideation, portfolio management, road mapping, strategic planning, KPI monitoring, communications, governance, dashboards, stakeholder portals, working closely with DevOps, business analysts, architects, developers, UX designers, CX folks, subject matter experts, other technologists, and the list goes on and on.


Now imagine a vendor who knows nothing about your particular projects or PMO services with a big box of Legos gluing pieces into place and selling it to you. Yeah, it’s probably a nice contraption, or it wouldn’t be on the market for long.

现在,假设有一个对您的特定项目或PMO服务一无所知的供应商,里面装满了一大盒乐高积木,将它们粘贴到位并将其出售给您。 是的,这可能是一个不错的选择,或者不会在市场上长期存在。

But compare it to owning your own big box of Legos (Python and goodies), where you can add Legos to pre-built contraptions, use Legos to bridge multiple contraptions together, use them with existing Legos already lying around the organization, or build your own and mix and match any or all of the above.


And to answer the second part of the question, I currently use Python and RESTful APIs to interact with a variety of flexible SaaS tools, for example, ProductPlan, Smartsheet (with the dashboard extension), Airtable, and a commercial ticketing system, and enterprise visualization software. Python makes it easy to wire these tools together in creative ways and fill gaps in functionality to solve many different kinds of problems.

为了回答问题的第二部分,我目前使用Python和RESTful API与各种灵活的SaaS工具进行交互,例如ProductPlanSmartsheet (具有仪表板扩展名), Airtable和商业票务系统以及企业可视化软件。 Python使您可以轻松地以创造性的方式将这些工具连接在一起,并填补功能上的空白以解决许多不同类型的问题。

Ricky: How have those tools changed the way you work? And how do you see them changing going forward? Will Python continue to play a role in the future of project management offices?

瑞奇:那些工具如何改变了您的工作方式? 您如何看待它们不断变化? Python在未来的项目管理办公室中会继续发挥作用吗?

Brian: I think the most significant change is a sense of freedom, the ability to creatively solve problems, focus on what’s essential, and leverage modern solutions rather than being chained to tools, falling into tool ruts, or suffering from tool rot. As an added bonus, Python makes project management fun and refreshing.

布莱恩:我认为最重大的变化是自由意识,创造性地解决问题,专注于基本内容并利用现代解决方案的能力,而不是被束缚于工具,陷入工具车辙或遭受工具腐烂。 另外,Python使项目管理变得有趣而令人耳目一新。

I’m not sure that Python will become mainstream in project management, but I do think it can give project managers who learn it a unique advantage in the automation of tedious tasks, solving complex problems, adapting to the evolution of organizations, and providing valuable outside-the-box PMO services.


Ricky: Do you have any Python or tech related side projects you’re working on right now?


Brian: Yes, Road Maps to the Future is a project in partnership with a network of volunteers and in cooperation with agencies to help pilot it. With over 80,000 local governments in the United States alone, I believe there needs to be a better way to map out where we are, where we are going in the future, and the best ways to get there.

布莱恩:是的,《通往未来的路线图》是一个与志愿者网络合作并与机构合作进行试点的项目。 我相信仅在美国就有80,000多个地方政府,因此我认为需要一种更好的方法来规划我们的位置,未来的发展方向以及到达那里的最佳方法。

In Python, we have an amazing assortment of tools for doing fantastic things with data, and we’re getting better at collecting discrete data.


But there are opportunities in the exploration and non-linear collection of ideas, the identification of unseen problems, gaps in services, areas for improvement in the overall customer experience, the development of creative and viable alternative solutions to these problems, and then translating them into successful projects with demonstrable benefits.


The road maps to the future are not just compilations of random ideas with new ways to collect information, but cohesive collections of core elements, processes, and partnerships necessary to propel the ideas into action through the organization of projects.


To make it sustainable, it has to be discoverable, simple, quick and fun, so a lot of extra focus is being put into the UX side of the project. The current design uses Python, Vue.js, Azure Cosmos DB, Service Bus and Cognitive Services. It’s still in early development. Project information, details, and code will be released into the public domain next year.

为了使其可持续发展,它必须易于发现,简单,快速且有趣,因此在项目的UX方面投入了很多额外的精力。 当前设计使用Python,Vue.js,Azure Cosmos DB,服务总线和认知服务。 它仍处于早期开发中。 项目信息,详细信息和代码将于明年发布到公共领域。

Ricky: One of the reasons I was keen to interview you is because of your contribution to the Python community. You are one of two moderators in the Pythonista Café, a peer-to-peer learning community for Python enthusiasts. How has your journey been from being a member to a moderator, and how has it influenced your Python chops?

Ricky:我热切想采访您的原因之一是因为您对Python社区的贡献。 您是PythonistaCafé (Python爱好者的对等学习社区)的两个主持人之一。 从成为会员到主持人的旅程如何?它如何影响您的Python排骨?

Brian: It’s been great! Dan Bader has done such a fantastic job, along with you, Jennifer (co-moderator), the Real Python team, and especially all the amazing contributors from a wide range of backgrounds, geographical locations, and levels of experience who have made the Café into the lively forum it is today.

布莱恩:太好了! Dan Bader与您,Jennifer(共同主持人),Real Python团队,尤其是来自创造了Café的各种背景,地理位置和经验水平的所有杰出贡献者一起,做出了出色的工作进入今天热闹的论坛。

It really is truly community-driven from the ground up. It has a fun, productive, open-source vibe without fear of public shaming. It’s okay to make mistakes and learn. You can post stuff without having to worry about how the whole world will interpret it or misinterpret it.

从一开始,这确实是社区驱动的。 它具有有趣,富有成效的开放源代码氛围,无需担心公众羞辱。 可以犯错误并学习。 您可以发布内容,而不必担心整个世界将如何解释它或误解它。

I initially joined the Café for several reasons. It’s like a non-cliquey 24/7/365 Python meetup that you can drop in and out of at any time. As forum members have mentioned, it has a much better signal-to-noise ratio than the public forums, not to mention freedom from ads and social media algorithms that manipulate behaviors.

我最初加入Café的原因有很多。 就像非古怪的24/7/365 Python聚会,您可以随时进出。 正如论坛成员所提到的,它具有比公共论坛更好的信噪比,更不用说不受广告和操纵行为的社交媒体算法的影响。

It’s very welcoming and ultra-Python friendly. The passion for programming is seriously contagious, which leads to your question on how it has influenced my Python chops. The answer is that it has made Python even more fun, and I’m now even more committed and focused to continuous learning in Python and its ecosystem. It has also increased my excitement about the possibilities of what can be done with Python in the future.

非常欢迎并且非常Python友好。 对编程的热情极具感染力,这使您对它如何影响我的Python排骨产生了疑问。 答案是,它使Python变得更加有趣,而我现在更加致力于并致力于Python及其生态系统中的持续学习。 这也增加了我对将来可以使用Python进行处理的可能性的兴奋。

Ricky: Now for my last question. What other hobbies and interests do you have, aside from Python? Any you’d like to share and/or plug?

瑞奇:现在是我的最后一个问题。 除了Python,您还有其他爱好和兴趣吗? 您想分享和/或插入任何内容吗?

Brian: Outside of work and Python, I like to mix it up a lot. I currently work in the Panhandle and spend my off-time on the First Coast, so lately one of my favorite things to do is wandering around the south kayaking the many rivers and swamps; under certain conditions, it’s absolutely surreal. You can read and watch all you want about swamps, but there’s no substitute for the real thing.

Brian:在工作和Python之外,我喜欢将其混合使用。 我目前在Panhandle工作,在第一海岸休假,所以最近我最喜欢做的事情之一是在南部划独木舟,划着许多河流和沼泽。 在某些条件下,这绝对是超现实的。 您可以阅读和观看有关沼泽的所有内容,但是没有什么可以代替真实的东西。

Each year I also pick out one or two new subjects to research and study for fun. I am an amateur radio operator, I love music, and I’m an avid reader of books, particularly history, survival stories, and science fiction.

每年我还会选出一两个新的主题进行研究和娱乐。 我是一名业余无线电操作员,我喜欢音乐,并且是书籍,特别是历史,生存故事和科幻小说的狂热读者。

I’m also blessed to have an amazing wife and son. Outside of my projects, my wife keeps things lively with home projects, going to festivals and other events, helping animal rescues, along with exploring new areas and hiking with the dogs. Boredom is an alien concept—it definitely keeps life fun.

我也很幸运有一个很棒的妻子和儿子。 在我的项目之外,我的妻子通过家庭项目使事物保持活跃,参加节日和其他活动,帮助动物营救,探索新地区以及与狗一起远足。 无聊是一个陌生的概念,它绝对可以使生活充满乐趣。

Thank you, Brian, for joining me this week. If you’re looking for a friendly Python place to hang your metaphorical hat, you can find the Pythonista Café here. Just be sure to say hi to Brian when you get there.

谢谢Brian,这周加入了我。 如果您正在寻找一个友好的Python地方来挂上您的隐喻帽子,可以在这里找到PythonistaCafé咖啡厅 。 请务必在到达布莱恩时打招呼。

Do you know an unsung hero in the Python community? If they’d like me to interview them in the future, I can be reached in the comments below, or you can send me a message on Twitter.

您知道Python社区中一位无名英雄吗? 如果他们希望我将来会面,可以在下面的评论中与我联系 ,或者您可以在Twitter上给我发送消息







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