Python社区对Corey Schafer的采访

For this week’s community interview, I am joined by Corey Schafer, of YouTube fame.

在本周的社区访谈中,我与YouTube名声大噪的Corey Schafer一同加入了会议。

Corey is a full-time content creator publishing regular Python tutorials on YouTube. In this interview, we talk to Corey about his YouTube channel and his advice for budding YouTubers and content creators, getting his first developer job, and his passion for woodworking.

Corey是一名全职内容创建者, 在YouTube上发布常规的Python教程 。 在这次采访中,我们与Corey谈了他的YouTube频道,以及他对新兴YouTubers和内容创作者的建议,获得了他的第一份开发工作,以及他对木工的热情。

Ricky: Welcome to Real Python! We might as well start at the beginning. How’d you get into programming, and when did you start using Python?

Ricky:欢迎使用Real Python! 我们不妨从头开始。 您是如何开始编程的?何时开始使用Python?

Corey Schafer

Corey: Thanks for having me. I actually got started programming a little later in life than most people you’ve probably interviewed. I used to be a little self-conscious about getting started later, but now I try to be upfront about it so that others aren’t as intimidated if they are just getting started at an “older” age.

科里:谢谢有我。 实际上,我开始的编程工作比您可能采访过的大多数人晚一些。 我过去对以后的开始有点自觉,但现在我尝试先行一步,这样其他人即使刚开始“高龄”也不会受到威胁。

I suppose I technically got started in college when I began my degree in Computer Science, but even at that time, I wasn’t taking it very seriously. I would do enough to pass tests, but I wasn’t absorbing any of the information. I definitely wasn’t doing any side projects or using coding in any real-world applications.

我想我在计算机科学专业获得学位时从技术上讲是从大学开始的,但是即使在那个时候,我也没有非常认真地对待它。 我会尽力通过测试,但是我没有吸收任何信息。 我绝对没有做任何附带项目或在任何实际应用程序中使用编码。

It wasn’t until my mid-20s that I randomly applied to an internship for NASA at Kennedy Space Center and started to take programming seriously. To my surprise, I was chosen for the internship. Imposter syndrome set in full-force on day 1. I was definitely out of my league.

直到20多岁时,我才随机申请肯尼迪航天中心的NASA实习,并开始认真对待编程工作。 令我惊讶的是,我被选为实习生。 冒名顶替综合症在第1天开始全力以赴。

But the longer I worked there, the more I realized that these people weren’t superhuman. These were people just like me, with the exception that they’ve spent much more time putting in the work to master their skill.

但是我在那里工作的时间越长,我越意识到这些人并不是超人类。 这些人和我一样,只是他们花了很多时间投入工作来掌握他们的技能。

I thought to myself, “If they can do it, there’s no reason I can’t.” So I left Cape Canaveral with a newfound motivation to really dive into programming and learn as much as I could. I really didn’t feel like I could call myself an actual programmer until my late 20s. I am in my early 30s now, so I feel like I haven’t even scratched the surface in terms of the skills I would like the master.

我对自己说:“如果他们能做到,那我就没有理由。” 因此,我离开卡纳维拉尔角(Cape Canaveral)有了新的动力,他会真正地投入到编程中,并尽可能地学习。 直到20多岁,我才真正觉得自己不能成为一名真正的程序员。 我现在才30多岁,所以我觉得自己甚至还没有达到我想要掌握的技能。

As far as learning Python, I didn’t start using it until about 4 years ago. I was a full-time front-end JavaScript developer at the West Virginia University GIS Technical Center doing some mapping work. We were using Python for some of the backend scripts, and I was assigned to maintain/update some of those. I found that I enjoyed that much more than the front-end JavaScript work and began using Python on a daily basis.

至于学习Python,直到大约4年前我才开始使用它。 我是西弗吉尼亚大学GIS技术中心的全职前端JavaScript开发人员,从事一些地图绘制工作。 我们在某些后端脚本中使用了Python,而我被分配来维护/更新其中的一些脚本。 我发现自己比前端JavaScript的工作更有趣,并且每天开始使用Python。

Ricky: You mentioned that you came to programming a little later in life (though still young). With that context in mind, what was your experience getting your first junior developer job, and do you have any advice for anyone looking for their first developer job later in life?

瑞奇:您提到您是在生活的晚些时候开始编程的(尽管还很年轻)。 考虑到这种情况,您获得第一份初级开发人员工作的经历是什么,对于以后寻找第一份开发人员工作的人,您有什么建议吗?

Corey: I got my first development job in my mid-20s, after my internship in Cape Canaveral. That job was at a small research company in West Virginia (WV). The competition isn’t as fierce in WV as it is in places like San Francisco or Silicon Valley, so I was able to land a position without much prior experience.

科里:在卡纳维拉尔角实习后,我在20年代中期获得了第一份开发工作。 这项工作是在西弗吉尼亚州(WV)的一家小型研究公司中进行的。 WV中的竞争并不像在旧金山或硅谷那样激烈,所以我能够在没有太多经验的情况下找到职位。

I was extremely intimidated when I first started there. I never wanted anyone to see any code that I had written out of fear that it would expose me as not knowing nearly as much as anyone else. I later came to find out that this is a common fear within the community.

刚从那里开始时,我感到非常害怕。 我从不希望任何人看到我编写的任何代码,因为他们担心这会使我不了解任何其他人。 后来我发现这是社区内的普遍恐惧。

Actually working as a developer full-time taught me much more than anything I had learned in school or self-study. Knowing the fundamentals is definitely helpful, but there’s no replacement for actually writing real-world applications and having your code critiqued by people who have been doing this for years.

实际上,从事开发人员的全职工作比在学校或自学中学到的知识多得多。 了解基础知识绝对是有帮助的,但是没有什么可以替代实际编写现实世界中的应用程序并让已经这样做多年的人批评您的代码了。

It’s definitely uncomfortable for your mistakes to be on display for your coworkers to see, but once you get over that discomfort, you come out on the other side less likely to make the same mistakes in the future. Many of my viewers ask me, “How do you just know how to solve these problems?” Well, the truth is, many problems in programming are very similar.

将错误显示给同事看绝对是不舒服的,但是一旦克服了这种不舒服,您就会从另一面走出来,将来再犯同样的错误。 我的许多观众问我:“您怎么知道如何解决这些问题?” 好吧,事实是,编程中的许多问题都非常相似。

Once you solve problems incorrectly over the years and are shown better and better ways, you eventually learn to recognize certain patterns and use the most efficient methods from the start. This isn’t a skill that most people have naturally. It is developed over years of trial and error.

多年来,一旦您错误地解决了问题并被越来越好地显示,您最终将学会识别某些模式并从一开始就使用最有效的方法。 这不是大多数人自然具备的技能。 它是经过多年的反复试验而开发的。

Ricky: Most of our readers might recognize you from your very popular YouTube channel. I certainly heard of you through it. Not only is it on our Ultimate List of Python YouTube Channels, but I regularly watch your videos and even built one of my most recent Flask apps as a direct result of your Flask course. How have you found YouTube as a platform from a teaching point of view? Any surprising lessons learned?

瑞奇(Ricky):我们的大多数读者可能会从您非常受欢迎的YouTube频道中认出您。 我当然也听说过你。 它不仅在我们的Python YouTube频道终极列表中 ,而且我会定期观看您的视频,甚至直接从您的Flask课程中构建了我最新的Flask应用程序之一。 从教学的角度来看,您如何找到YouTube作为平台? 任何令人惊讶的教训?

Corey: Thanks. I was honored to have my channel featured in your article. YouTube is a terrific platform for learning, and I’m excited to see where online learning evolves in the future. Websites like YouTube have definitely lowered the barrier-to-entry for anyone who wants to create content.

科里:谢谢。 很荣幸在您的文章中加入我的频道 。 YouTube是一个很棒的学习平台,很高兴看到在线学习在未来发展。 YouTube之类的网站无疑降低了任何想要创建内容的人的进入门槛。

Many people think you need a nice recording studio or some financial backing before you get started, but that is no longer the case. As long as you have a computer and a cell phone then you basically have all of the tools you need to get started. I have upgraded my equipment over time, but I first started on YouTube by doing screen recordings on a cheap laptop using the built-in laptop microphone.

许多人认为,在开始之前,您需要一个不错的录音室或一些财务支持,但事实已不再如此。 只要您有一台计算机和一部手机,那么您基本上就具备了入门所需的所有工具。 我已经随着时间的推移对设备进行了升级,但是我首先在YouTube上开始使用内置的笔记本电脑麦克风在廉价笔记本电脑上进行屏幕录像。

For anyone who is thinking about starting a YouTube channel or creating content in general, I do have some lessons I’ve learned over time. I believe the most important lesson I’ve learned is that you should make content for yourself. I try not to create tutorials for topics for the sole purpose of them being popular or what will get the most views… I instead try to create the lessons that I wish I had when learning that topic.

对于那些正在考虑启动YouTube频道或创建一般内容的人,我的确会吸取一些教训。 我认为,我所学到的最重要的一课是,您应该自己制作内容。 我尽量不为主题创建教程,而仅是为了使其受欢迎或获得最多的观看机会……我而是尝试创建希望学习该主题时所学的课程。

Take notes while you learn certain subjects and keep track of what you found difficult to digest and why. If you get stuck on something, then most likely others are getting stuck on it as well. And once you find solutions to these problems, then you can look back and see if there is a way anyone could have explained it to you that would have helped you understand more easily. If there is, then be sure to pass that on to others.

在学习某些主题时记笔记,并跟踪发现难以理解的内容以及原因。 如果您卡在某些东西上,那么很可能其他人也会卡在上面。 找到这些问题的解决方案后,您可以回头看看是否有人可以向您解释它,从而可以帮助您更轻松地理解。 如果有的话,请确保将其传递给其他人。

I really believe that advice carries over into other fields. If you’re an educator, then make content that you personally would have found helpful. If you are a musician, then make music that you personally enjoy. If you’re a comedian, then tell jokes that you think are funny. If you do that, then most likely there are many people out there like yourself who will share your same mindset and love your content.

我真的相信建议会延续到其他领域。 如果您是一名教育工作者,那么制作您个人认为有帮助的内容。 如果您是音乐家,请制作自己喜欢的音乐。 如果您是喜剧演员,请讲笑话,您认为很有趣。 如果您这样做,那么很可能会有很多人像您一样分享您的相同心态并喜欢您的内容。

Ricky: What’s next for the YouTube channel going forward? Any plans to branch out into paid courses or other forms of teaching?

瑞奇: YouTube频道的下一步发展是什么? 有计划扩展到付费课程或其他形式的教学吗?

Corey: At the moment, I am sticking to YouTube courses. I feel very fortunate to have a platform that allows me to put my content out there for free and be funded by ad revenue. This allows people who can’t afford courses or who can’t pay for content at the moment to get access to all of my content.

Corey:目前,我坚持使用YouTube课程。 我感到非常幸运,有了一个平台,我可以免费将自己的内容放到那里,并由广告收入提供资金。 这样一来,那些负担不起课程费用或无法支付内容费用的人就可以访问我的所有内容。

Ideally, my content will always remain free as long as I have enough coming in to live on. It also wouldn’t be possible without generous supporters contributing through sites like Patreon and YouTube Channel Memberships. They support me financially on a monthly basis so that the content can remain free for those who can’t afford it. I would love to continue with this model into the future for as long as I can.

理想情况下,只要我有足够的生活经验,我的内容将始终保持免费。 没有大量支持者通过PatreonYouTube频道会员之类的网站做出贡献也是不可能的。 他们每月在财务上为我提供支持,以使那些无法负担的内容可以免费获得。 我很乐意将这种模型一直延续到将来。

As far as branching out into other forms of teaching, I have thought about creating an online learning platform of some kind. I have used a lot of tools in my personal life that have helped me learn topics quickly. Tools such as spaced-repetition-learning applications and daily coding challenges.

至于扩展到其他形式的教学,我已经考虑过创建某种在线学习平台。 我在个人生活中使用了很多工具,这些工具可以帮助我快速学习主题。 诸如间隔重复学习应用程序和每日编码挑战之类的工具。

I would love to tackle a project that brought these concepts to a learning platform in a way that would help students absorb material more quickly and fully. Any type of project like that will be something I wouldn’t work on for some time though. For now, I am focused on creating video content.

我很想解决一个将这些概念带入学习平台的项目,以帮助学生更快,更充分地吸收材料。 像这样的任何类型的项目都是我一段时间不会进行的工作。 目前,我专注于创建视频内容。

Ricky: You, sir, are a talented woodworker! Your stuff looks impressive. Is this a new hobby or a long-time passion of yours? How did you get started?

瑞奇:先生,您是一位有才华的木工! 您的东西看起来令人印象深刻。 这是您的新爱好还是长期的热情? 你是怎么开始的?

Corey: Oh, thank you for saying that. It is a hobby that I wish I had more time to explore. It is something I have been toying with for many years now. Personally, it is a fantastic way to clear my mind and drain any stress that’s built up.

科里:哦,谢谢你这么说。 我希望我有更多的时间去探索,这是一种爱好。 这是我多年来一直在玩的东西。 就个人而言,这是一种绝佳的方法,可以使我神清气爽,消除积蓄的压力。

Woodworking and programming can be similar in many ways. Sometimes I will start a woodworking project and have an idea of what I want the finished product to look like, but not a detailed understanding of where to begin. So you start by jotting down some outlines, then knock out the smaller components, and then after many hours of work you can combine all of that together into the result you were hoping for. There’s a lot of pride that comes with finishing those types of projects.

木工和编程在许多方面可以相似。 有时,我将开始一个木工项目,并对最终产品的外观有所了解,但对从何处开始却没有详细的了解。 因此,您首先记下一些轮廓,然后剔除较小的组件,然后经过许多小时的工作,您可以将所有这些组合在一起以得到您想要的结果。 完成这些类型的项目会带来很多自豪感。

Ricky: Now for my last question. What else do you get up to in your spare time? What other hobbies and interests do you have, aside from Python? Any you’d like to share and/or plug?

瑞奇:现在是我的最后一个问题。 业余时间您还能做什么? 除了Python,您还有其他爱好和兴趣吗? 您想分享和/或插入任何内容吗?

Corey: Since I spend my professional career at a computer, I like to spend my spare time outside as much as possible. This includes hiking, kayaking, camping, swimming, and trips to the dog park. Now that I am working from home and have a more flexible schedule, my girlfriend and I would love to start traveling more. I believe I might mark some international PyCons on my calendar and use those as an excuse to visit some places we have wanted to see for a very long time, with the added bonus of meeting more folks from the Python community.

Corey:由于我的职业生涯是在计算机上度过的,所以我喜欢将业余时间尽可能地花在外面。 这包括远足,皮划艇,露营,游泳和去狗公园旅行。 既然我现在在家工作,并且有一个更灵活的时间表,那么我和我的女朋友很想开始更多的旅行。 我相信我可能会在我的日历上标记一些国际PyCon,并以此为借口来参观我们很久以来一直希望去的一些地方,而且还可以与更多来自Python社区的人们见面。

Thank you, Corey, for joining me this week. You can find Corey’s YouTube channel here. You can get in touch with him via Twitter or his website. And if you’ve benefited from Corey’s videos, consider supporting his efforts with via Patreon.

谢谢科里(Corey)本周加入我的行列。 您可以在此处找到Corey的YouTube频道 。 您可以通过Twitter他的网站与他联系。 如果您从Corey的视频中受益,请考虑通过Patreon支持他的工作。

If there’s someone you’d like me to interview from the Python community, then reach out to me in the comments below, or send me a message on Twitter.







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