双耳节拍 枕头_枕头2.2.1发布

双耳节拍 枕头

Pillow is the “friendly” PIL fork. PIL is the Python Imaging Library.

枕头是“友好的” PIL叉子。 PIL是Python Imaging Library。



An earlier version of this entry was published yesterday with the wrong date. Apologies for any annoyance or confusion.

该条目的早期版本昨天发布,日期错误。 对于任何烦恼或困惑,我们深表歉意。

The Pillow 2.2.1 source distribution is now available on PyPI, featuring over 30 documented bug fixes and enhancements since 2.1.0 was released 3 months ago.

自3个月前发布2.1.0版本以来,PyPI现已提供 Pillow 2.2.1源代码分发,其中包含30多个已记录的错误修复和增强功能。

变更日志 (Changelog)

  • Fix #254: Bug in image transformations resulting from uninitialized memory [nikmolnar]
  • Fix for encoding of b_whitespace, similar to closed issue #272 [mhogg]
  • Fix #273: Add numpy array interface support for 16 and 32 bit integer modes [cgohlke]
  • Partial fix for #290: Add preliminary support for TIFF tags. [wiredfool]
  • Fix #251 and #326: circumvent classification of pngtest_bad.png as malware [cgohlke]
  • Add typedef uint64_t for MSVC. [cgohlke]
  • Fix #329: setup.py: better support for C_INCLUDE_PATH, LD_RUN_PATH, etc. [nu774]
  • Fix #328: _imagingcms.c: include windef.h to fix build issue on MSVC [nu774]
  • Automatically discover homebrew include/ and lib/ paths on OSX [donspaulding]
  • Fix bytes which should be bytearray [manisandro]
  • Add respective paths for C_INCLUDE_PATH, LD_RUN_PATH (rpath) to build if specified as environment variables. [seanupton]
  • Fix #312 + gif optimize improvement [d-schmidt]
  • Be more tolerant of tag read failures [ericbuehl]
  • Fix #318: Catch truncated zTXt errors. [vytisb]
  • Fix IOError when saving progressive JPEGs. [e98cuenc]
  • Add RGBA support to ImageColor [yoavweiss]
  • Fix #304: test for str, not “utf-8”. [mjpieters]
  • Fix missing import os in _util.py. [mnowotka]
  • Added missing exif tags. [freyes]
  • Fail on all import errors, fixes #298. [macfreek, wiredfool]
  • Fixed Windows fallback (wasn’t using correct file in Windows fonts). [lmollea]
  • Moved ImageFile and ImageFileIO comments to docstrings. [freyes]
  • Restore compatibility with ISO C. [cgohlke]
  • Use correct format character for C int type. [cgohlke]
  • Allocate enough memory to hold pointers in encode.c. [cgohlke]
  • Fix #279, fillorder double shuffling bug when FillOrder ==2 and decoding using libtiff. [wiredfool]
  • Moved Image module comments to docstrings. [freyes]
  • Add 16-bit TIFF support, fixes #274. [wiredfool]
  • Ignore high ascii characters in string.whitespace, fixes #272. [wiredfool]
  • Added clean/build to tox to make it behave like travis. [freyes]
  • Adding support for metadata in webp images. [heynemann]
  • 修复#254 :未初始化内存导致的图像转换错误[nikmolnar]
  • 修复了b_whitespace的编码,类似于已解决的问题#272 [mhogg]
  • 修复#273 :添加对16位和32位整数模式的numpy数组接口的支持[cgohlke]
  • #290的部分修复:添加对TIFF标签的初步支持。 [傻瓜]
  • 修复#251#326 :规避pngtest_bad.png恶意软件的分类[cgohlke]
  • 为MSVC添加typedef uint64_t。 [cgohlke]
  • 修复#329 :setup.py:更好地支持C_INCLUDE_PATH,LD_RUN_PATH等。[nu774]
  • 修复#328 :_imagingcms.c:包括windef.h来解决MSVC上的生成问题[nu774]
  • 在OSX上自动发现自制的include /和lib /路径[donspaulding]
  • 修复应该为bytearray的字节[manisandro]
  • 如果将C_INCLUDE_PATH和LD_RUN_PATH(rpath)指定为环境变量,则添加要构建的路径。 [seanupton]
  • 修复#312 + gif优化改进[d-schmidt]
  • 更加容忍标签读取失败[ericbuehl]
  • 修复#318 :捕获截断的zTXt错误。 [vytisb]
  • 保存渐进式JPEG时修复IOError。 [e98cuenc]
  • 为ImageColor添加RGBA支持[yoavweiss]
  • 修复#304 :测试是否为str,而不是“ utf-8”。 [mjpieters]
  • 修复_util.py中缺少的导入操作系统。 [mnowotka]
  • 添加了缺少的exif标签。 [freyes]
  • 所有导入错误均失败,修复#298 。 [macfreek,wiredool]
  • 修复了Windows后备问题(未使用Windows字体中的正确文件)。 [lmollea]
  • 将ImageFile和ImageFileIO注释移至文档字符串。 [freyes]
  • 恢复与ISO C的兼容性。[cgohlke]
  • 为C int类型使用正确的格式字符。 [cgohlke]
  • 分配足够的内存以将指针保存在encode.c中。 [cgohlke]
  • 修复#279 ,在FillOrder == 2时使用fillt进行fillorder双重改组错误,并使用libtiff进行解码。 [傻瓜]
  • 将图像模块注释移至文档字符串。 [freyes]
  • 添加16位TIFF支持,修复了#274 。 [傻瓜]
  • 忽略string.whitespace中的高ascii字符,修复#272 。 [傻瓜]
  • 在tox中添加了clean / build,使其行为类似于travis。 [freyes]
  • 在webp图像中添加对元数据的支持。 [海因曼]

发行版 (Distributions)

In addition to the source distribution, there are also Python Eggs and Windows Installers available (for 32 and 64 bit) and for the first time ever: Python Wheels! (New built-package format supported by pip.)

除了源代码发行版之外 ,还有Python Eggs和Windows Installers(适用于32位和64位),这是有史以来第一次:Python Wheels! (pip支持新的内置包装格式。)

支持 (Support)

The Pillow Team has really settled in to the groove of making Pillow releases every three months, and I am very proud to be a part it! Special thanks to Eric Soroos and Christopher Gohlke for their invaluable help with Pillow 2.2.1.

枕头团队真的定居下来,每三个月发布一次枕头,我很荣幸能参与其中! 特别感谢Eric Soroos和Christopher Gohlke对Pillow 2.2.1的宝贵帮助。

If you use Pillow professionally, please consider supporting its development.


翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2013/10/pillow-2-2-1-released/

双耳节拍 枕头





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