
If you’ve done any work with python on Windows, you may be cringing right now at the thought of trying to do any type of python development work on the platform.  Have no fear though…there is hope for python developers on Windows, especially if you are only going to be using python for data analysis, machine learning, etc and not doing any major web development work (with flask, django, etc). In this post, I describe the steps necessary for installing python on Windows.

如果您在Windows上使用python做过任何工作,则可能会想到尝试在平台上进行任何类型的python开发工作。 不过,请不要担心……Windows上的python开发人员充满希望,尤其是如果您仅打算将python用于数据分析,机器学习等,并且不做任何主要的Web开发工作(使用flask,django等)时。 在这篇文章中,我描述了在Windows上安装python所需的步骤。

There’s really only one method for using / installing python on windows that is convenient and works for 99.9% of the people on Windows who are focused on scientific computing — downloading Enthought Canopy orAnaconda and installing it. For those of you getting started with data analytics, Canopy gets you started faster and makes it very easy to get modules like panda, numpy, scipy, etc installed and configured (in most cases, these are already installed when Canopy is installed).

实际上,只有一种便捷的方法可以在Windows上使用/安装python,并且适合99.9%专注于科学计算的Windows上的人使用-下载Enthought CanopyAnaconda并进行安装。 对于那些开始使用数据分析的人,Canopy可以帮助您更快地入门,并且可以很轻松地安装和配置panda,numpy,scipy等模块(大多数情况下,在安装Canopy时已经安装了这些模块)。

For those of you running on Mac or Linux, you can also install Canopy for your platforms. I personally don’t use Canopy on the Mac or Linux platform, but only because I prefer to manage things a bit differently on those platforms. There’s nothing wrong with using Canopy on Mac or Linux, I just prefer not to.

对于在Mac或Linux上运行的用户,您还可以为自己的平台安装Canopy。 我个人不在Mac或Linux平台上使用Canopy,只是因为我更喜欢在那些平台上进行一些不同的管理。 在Mac或Linux上使用Canopy并没有错,我只是不想这么做。

使用Canopy在Windows上安装Python (Installing Python on Windows using Canopy)

For the purposes of this post, we are going to install Canopy(accurate as of November 2016).


  • Step 1 – visit the Enthought Canopy website and click the “Get Canopy” button.
  • Step 2 – select the “download” option for Canopy Express – FREE. This lets you get the platform without paying any additional money. If you are going to be using Canopy for heavy duty scientific work, I’d recommend buying one of their subscriptions since you get more modules, etc to work with. If you are a student or work in academia, you can ask for an academic license for free.  Note – Direct link for downloading Canopy Express.
  • Click the “Download Canopy” button. A web form will pop up asking for information…you can ignore that. Your download has started. Note: Canopy is available in 64-bit and 32-bit versions. I recommend the 64-bit if you are on a modern computer / operating system.
  • 步骤1 –访问Enthought Canopy网站,然后单击“获取Canopy”按钮。
  • 第2步–选择Canopy Express的“下载”选项-免费。 这样一来,您无需支付任何额外费用即可获得该平台。 如果您打算使用Canopy进行重型科学工作,我建议您购买其中的一份,因为您可以使用更多的模块等。 如果您是学生或在学术界工作,则可以免费索取学术许可证。 注– 下载Canopy Express的直接链接
  • 点击“下载机盖”按钮。 将会弹出一个网络表格,要求您提供信息……您可以忽略该信息。 您的下载已开始。 注意:Canopy提供64位和32位版本。 如果您使用的是现代计算机/操作系统,则建议使用64位。


Installing python on Windows - Canopy Download

  • Once your download completes, run the executable to begin the installation process. A wizard will be displayed…hit “next” through the wizard and install the software. Once installation is complete, the final screen (see below) will have a ‘finish’ button and a ‘Launch Canopy when setup exits” checkbox. Leave the checkbox selected and click “finish” to complete the installation and launch Canopy.
  • 下载完成后,运行可执行文件以开始安装过程。 将会显示一个向导…通过向导单击“下一步”并安装软件。 安装完成后,最后的屏幕(如下所示)将具有“完成”按钮和“退出安装程序时的启动顶篷”复选框。 保持复选框处于选中状态,然后单击“完成”以完成安装并启动Canopy。

Installing python on Windows - Canopy Final Installation Screen

  • The first  time you run Canopy, you will be presented with an ‘environment’ window (see below).  You can leave this at the default or select another location to store your environment information. I suggest leaving it at default to begin with. Click “Continue” to begin using Canopy.
  • 首次运行Canopy时,将显示一个“环境”窗口(见下文)。 您可以将其保留为默认值,也可以选择其他位置来存储环境信息。 我建议先将其保留为默认值。 单击“继续”以开始使用Canopy。

Installing python on Windows - Canopy Environment Window

  • The first time you load Canopy, it will take some time to load the various modules into memory and setting up your Canopy environment. Each time after this first start, the platform should load up fairly quickly.
  • Once Canopy completes loading your environment for the first time, you’ll be asked if you want to make Canopy your default Python environment. Select “Yes” and click “Start using Canopy”.  If you select “no”, you will have to do a some manual configuration to begin using Canopy.
  • 首次加载Canopy时,将需要一些时间将各种模块加载到内存中并设置Canopy环境。 每次首次启动后,平台应加载得相当快。
  • 当Canopy首次完成环境加载后,系统会询问您是否要将Canopy设置为默认的Python环境。 选择“是”,然后单击“开始使用机盖”。 如果选择“否”,则必须进行一些手动配置才能开始使用Canopy。

Installing python on Windows - Canopy Default Python

  • When Canopy starts, you’ll see the window below.
  • 当Canopy启动时,您将看到下面的窗口。

Installing python on Windows - Canopy Start Page

  • You now have Canopy installed and ready to go.  To start programming, click the ‘Editor’ button and Canopy will load up an editor to you can begin work. Below is a screenshot of the editor window.
  • 现在,您已经安装了Canopy,可以开始使用了。 要开始编程,请单击“编辑器”按钮,Canopy将加载一个编辑器,您可以开始工作。 下面是编辑器窗口的屏幕截图。

Installing python on Windows - Editor Window

翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2016/11/installing-python-on-windows/





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