
5 years ago, Mattias Petter Johansson – better known as MPJ – was already a well-known developer.

5年前,Mattias Petter Johansson(众所周知的MPJ)已经是著名的开发人员。

He had made a name for himself by answering hundreds of coding questions on Quora. And he had gone from theater student to prolific developer, having built a product that was acquired by Blackberry.

他通过回答有关Quora的数百个编码问题而为自己取名。 并且他从戏剧学生变成了多产的开发人员,并开发了被黑莓(Blackberry)收购的产品。

So in the summer of 2015, MPJ was working at the height of his field as a front-end developer at Spotify in his native Sweden.


And that's when he decided – seemingly out of nowhere – to launch a programming YouTube channel.


I distinctly remember sitting in my parent's living room with some hot tea when his first video went live. And of course I clicked on it. Because how can you not click on a video called Fun Fun Function?

我清楚地记得当他的第一个视频上线时,坐在父母的客厅里喝些热茶。 当然,我单击了它。 因为您如何不能单击名为Fun Fun Function的视频?

"Hello!" MPJ shouted exuberantly in his first video. "In this video series, I will teach you how to do functional programming in JavaScript."

“你好!” MPJ 在他的第一个视频中大喊大叫。 “在这个视频系列中,我将教你如何用JavaScript进行函数式编程。”

Little did any of us know at the time that this "video series" would stretch on for 5 years, span more than 200 episodes, and ultimately become MPJ's full-time focus.


为开发人员社区提供大量的编码乐趣 (Gifting The Developer Community a Trove of Coding Fun)

In addition to functional programming, MPJ covered lots of other programming topics.


Throughout the show, there were two reliable fixtures: MPJ's high energy, and his ever-changing hair color.


Over the years, MPJ did cross-overs with some of the most exciting teachers in tech.


He also shared lots of insights around how to break into the field of software development, and how to continue to progress with your career.


所有美好的事物都必须结束 (All Good Things Must Come to an End)

So today, it was with mixed emotions that I watched his final video.


If you have 15 minutes, I encourage you to watch the video – even if you've never watched his channel before. Because this is a master class in how you responsibly and decisively bow out of a long-running project.

如果您有15分钟的时间,我鼓励您观看视频-即使您以前从未看过他的频道。 因为这是您如何负责任地,果断地退出长期运行的项目的大师班。

I probably learned more about MPJ and what kind of person he is from this video than I did from all his other zany, thoughtful videos combined.


不管你有多好,你仍然可以变得更好 (No matter how good you are, you can still get better)

MPJ is a passionate developer who loves coding and loves teaching. All of this shines through in his videos. But he is also someone who sees his life's work as largely unfinished.

MPJ是一个热情的开发人员,喜欢编码并且喜欢教学。 所有这些都在他的视频中闪耀。 但是他也是一个人,他认为自己一生的工作还没有完成。

He has the humility to realize the limits of his own abilities, and to continue exploring and expanding past them.


As he explains in his final video:


"When I started Fun Fun Function I was still at Spotify, and it was a little bit of an outlet for me to talk about musings while I was at Spotify building.

“当我开始玩Fun Fun功能时,我还留在Spotify,当我在Spotify大楼里谈论沉思时,这有点麻烦。

"When I started Fun Fun Function I was still at Spotify, and it was a little bit of an outlet for me to talk about musings while I was at Spotify building.

“当我开始玩Fun Fun Function时,我还留在Spotify,当我在Spotify大楼里谈论沉思时,这有点麻烦。

"When I started Fun Fun Function I was still at Spotify, and it was a little bit of an outlet for me to talk about musings while I was at Spotify building.And when I went full time [on Fun Fun Function], all I was doing was talking about creating – not actually creating. When I did create, it was tools that facilitated creation – Twitch overlays and stuff like that.

“当我开始玩Fun Fun Function 时,我还留 在Spotify ,当我 在Spotify大楼里谈论沉思时,我有点烦恼。 当我全职[玩Fun Fun功能]时,我我在做的是谈论创建-而不是实际创建。当我完成创建时,正是工具促进了创建-Twitch叠加和类似的东西。

"When I started Fun Fun Function I was still at Spotify, and it was a little bit of an outlet for me to talk about musings while I was at Spotify building.And when I went full time [on Fun Fun Function], all I was doing was talking about creating – not actually creating. When I did create, it was tools that facilitated creation – Twitch overlays and stuff like that.

“当我开始玩Fun Fun Function 时,我还留 在Spotify ,当我 在Spotify大楼里谈论沉思时,我有点烦恼。 当我全职[玩Fun Fun Function]时,我我在做的是谈论创建-而不是实际创建。当我完成创建时,正是工具促进了创建-Twitch叠加和类似的东西。

"When I started Fun Fun Function I was still at Spotify, and it was a little bit of an outlet for me to talk about musings while I was at Spotify building.And when I went full time [on Fun Fun Function], all I was doing was talking about creating – not actually creating. When I did create, it was tools that facilitated creation – Twitch overlays and stuff like that.Don't get me wrong, this was an amazing way to spend my time. I heard from thousands of people how I've helped them become better and more inspired developers by sharing my passion and knowledge with the world.

“当我开始玩Fun Fun Function 时,我还留 在Spotify ,当我 在Spotify大楼里谈论沉思时,我有点烦恼。 当我全职[玩Fun Fun Function]时,我我在做的是谈论创建–而不是实际创建。当我完成创建时,正是工具促进了创建– Twitch叠加层之类的东西。 不要误会我,这是一种很棒的消磨时间的方式。通过与世界分享我的热情和知识,成千上万的人如何帮助他们成为更好,更受启发的开发人员。

"When I started Fun Fun Function I was still at Spotify, and it was a little bit of an outlet for me to talk about musings while I was at Spotify building.And when I went full time [on Fun Fun Function], all I was doing was talking about creating – not actually creating. When I did create, it was tools that facilitated creation – Twitch overlays and stuff like that.Don't get me wrong, this was an amazing way to spend my time. I heard from thousands of people how I've helped them become better and more inspired developers by sharing my passion and knowledge with the world.

“当我开始玩Fun Fun Function 时,我还留 在Spotify ,当我 在Spotify大楼里谈论沉思时,我有点烦恼。 当我全职[玩Fun Fun Function]时,我我在做的是谈论创建-而不是实际创建。当我完成创建时,正是工具促进了创建-Twitch叠加层之类的东西。 不要误会我,这是一种花费时间的绝妙方式。通过与世界分享我的激情和知识,成千上万的人如何帮助他们成为更好,更受启发的开发人员。

"When I started Fun Fun Function I was still at Spotify, and it was a little bit of an outlet for me to talk about musings while I was at Spotify building.And when I went full time [on Fun Fun Function], all I was doing was talking about creating – not actually creating. When I did create, it was tools that facilitated creation – Twitch overlays and stuff like that.Don't get me wrong, this was an amazing way to spend my time. I heard from thousands of people how I've helped them become better and more inspired developers by sharing my passion and knowledge with the world. But I think that now, 5 years later, I'm out of things to share.

“当我开始玩Fun Fun Function 时,我还留 在Spotify ,当我 在Spotify大楼里谈论沉思时,我有点烦恼。 当我全职[玩Fun Fun功能]时,我我在做的是谈论创建–而不是实际创建。当我完成创建时,正是工具促进了创建– Twitch叠加层之类的东西。 不要误会我,这是一种花费时间的绝妙方式。通过与全世界分享我的热情和知识,成千上万的人如何帮助他们成为更好,更受启发的开发人员, 但我认为,五年后的现在,我失去了共享的东西。

"When I started Fun Fun Function I was still at Spotify, and it was a little bit of an outlet for me to talk about musings while I was at Spotify building.And when I went full time [on Fun Fun Function], all I was doing was talking about creating – not actually creating. When I did create, it was tools that facilitated creation – Twitch overlays and stuff like that.Don't get me wrong, this was an amazing way to spend my time. I heard from thousands of people how I've helped them become better and more inspired developers by sharing my passion and knowledge with the world. But I think that now, 5 years later, I'm out of things to share.

“当我开始玩Fun Fun Function 时,我还留 在Spotify ,当我 在Spotify大楼里谈论沉思时,我有点烦恼。 当我全职[玩Fun Fun功能]时,我我在做的是谈论创建–而不是实际创建。当我完成创建时,正是工具促进了创建– Twitch叠加层之类的东西。 不要误会我,这是一种很棒的消磨时间的方式。通过与全世界分享我的热情和知识,成千上万的人如何帮助他们成为更好,更受启发的开发人员, 但我认为,五年后的现在,我失去了分享的东西。

"When I started Fun Fun Function I was still at Spotify, and it was a little bit of an outlet for me to talk about musings while I was at Spotify building.And when I went full time [on Fun Fun Function], all I was doing was talking about creating – not actually creating. When I did create, it was tools that facilitated creation – Twitch overlays and stuff like that.Don't get me wrong, this was an amazing way to spend my time. I heard from thousands of people how I've helped them become better and more inspired developers by sharing my passion and knowledge with the world. But I think that now, 5 years later, I'm out of things to share.I've shared all of the stuff that I learned during my time working as a programmer. And I've also lost a little bit of the passion for the craft itself, like coding. And so I can't really contribute with much enthusiasm either at this point.

“当我开始玩Fun Fun Function 时,我还留 在Spotify ,当我 在Spotify大楼里谈论沉思时,我有点烦恼。 当我全职[玩Fun Fun Function]时,我我在做的是谈论创建-而不是实际创建。当我完成创建时,正是工具促进了创建-Twitch叠加层之类的东西。 不要误会我,这是一种花费时间的绝妙方式。成千上万的人我是如何帮助他们成为与世界分享我的热情和知识,更好,更激发了开发者。 但我认为,现在,5年过去了,我的东西分享出来, 我已经共享的所有的这些都是我在作为程序员工作时所学到的东西,而且我对编码本身也失去了一点热情,例如编码,所以在这一点上我都无法做出真正的热情。

"When I started Fun Fun Function I was still at Spotify, and it was a little bit of an outlet for me to talk about musings while I was at Spotify building.And when I went full time [on Fun Fun Function], all I was doing was talking about creating – not actually creating. When I did create, it was tools that facilitated creation – Twitch overlays and stuff like that.Don't get me wrong, this was an amazing way to spend my time. I heard from thousands of people how I've helped them become better and more inspired developers by sharing my passion and knowledge with the world. But I think that now, 5 years later, I'm out of things to share.I've shared all of the stuff that I learned during my time working as a programmer. And I've also lost a little bit of the passion for the craft itself, like coding. And so I can't really contribute with much enthusiasm either at this point.

“当我开始玩Fun Fun Function 时,我还留 在Spotify ,当我 在Spotify大楼里谈论沉思时,我有点烦恼。 当我全职[玩Fun Fun功能]时,我我在做的是谈论创建-而不是实际创建。当我完成创建时,正是工具促进了创建-Twitch叠加层之类的东西。 不要误会我,这是一种花费时间的绝妙方式。成千上万的人我是如何帮助他们成为与世界分享我的热情和知识,更好,更激发了开发者。 但我认为,现在,5年过去了,我的东西分享出来, 我已经共享的所有的这些都是我在从事编程工作期间学到的东西,而且我对编码本身也失去了一点热情,例如编码,所以我现在也不能真正地投入很多热情。

"When I started Fun Fun Function I was still at Spotify, and it was a little bit of an outlet for me to talk about musings while I was at Spotify building.And when I went full time [on Fun Fun Function], all I was doing was talking about creating – not actually creating. When I did create, it was tools that facilitated creation – Twitch overlays and stuff like that.Don't get me wrong, this was an amazing way to spend my time. I heard from thousands of people how I've helped them become better and more inspired developers by sharing my passion and knowledge with the world. But I think that now, 5 years later, I'm out of things to share.I've shared all of the stuff that I learned during my time working as a programmer. And I've also lost a little bit of the passion for the craft itself, like coding. And so I can't really contribute with much enthusiasm either at this point. So now it's time for me to go back to the place where you all are."

“当我开始玩Fun Fun Function 时,我还留 在Spotify ,当我 在Spotify大楼里谈论沉思时,我有点烦恼。 当我全职[玩Fun Fun功能]时,我我在做的是谈论创建-而不是实际创建。当我完成创建时,正是工具促进了创建-Twitch叠加层之类的东西。 不要误会我,这是一种花费时间的绝妙方式。成千上万的人我是如何帮助他们成为与世界分享我的热情和知识,更好,更激发了开发者。 但我认为,现在,5年过去了,我的东西分享出来, 我已经共享的所有的的东西,我在我的时间的工作,作为一个程序员学会了,而且我也失去了本身的Craft.io,激情一点点像编码。所以我真的不能有太多的热情要么在这一点上做出贡献。 因此,现在是时候让我回到你们所有人的地方了。”

更高的呼唤 (A Higher Calling)

Most importantly, MPJ wants to play a part in addressing an important challenge facing humanity – the challenge of mental health.


He explains:


"I want to go back to building products, putting things out into the world, and spend some time thinking about what it is that I care about. What is it that I should be creating?


"I want to go back to building products, putting things out into the world, and spend some time thinking about what it is that I care about. What is it that I should be creating?


I care about a lot of things. But one thing that sticks out lately is psychology and mental health.

我关心很多事情。 但是最近突出的一件事是心理学和心理健康。

I care about a lot of things. But one thing that sticks out lately is psychology and mental health.

我关心很多事情。 但是最近突出的一件事是心理学和心理健康。

I don't talk much about this on the channel, but when I was in my late teens, my mother committed suicide. It was after a very long battle with chronic depression and addiction to benzodiazepines.

我在频道上谈论的并不多,但是在我十几岁的时候,我的母亲自杀了。 这是在与慢性抑郁症和对苯二氮卓类成瘾的长期斗争之后。

I don't talk much about this on the channel, but when I was in my late teens, my mother committed suicide. It was after a very long battle with chronic depression and addiction to benzodiazepines.

我在频道上谈论的并不多,但是在我十几岁的时候,我的母亲自杀了。 这是在与慢性抑郁症和对苯二氮卓类成瘾的长期斗争之后。

During the last year or so I've been going to therapy myself, facing a lot of inner demons that have been there for many many years. And as I've done this I've realized what a big, interesting, important problem mental health is. I've grown the opinion that mental health is an area that way more people should be working on.

在过去的一年左右的时间里,我一直在自我治疗,面对许多已经存在多年的内心恶魔。 当我这样做时,我已经意识到心理健康是一个大的,有趣的,重要的问题。 我越来越认为心理健康是一个应该让更多人从事的领域。

During the last year or so I've been going to therapy myself, facing a lot of inner demons that have been there for many many years. And as I've done this I've realized what a big, interesting, important problem mental health is. I've grown the opinion that mental health is an area that way more people should be working on.

在过去的一年左右的时间里,我一直在自我治疗,面对许多已经存在多年的内心恶魔。 当我这样做时,我已经意识到心理健康是一个大的,有趣的,重要的问题。 我越来越认为心理健康是一个应该让更多人从事的领域。

We may not get any more Fun Fun Function videos, but it is heartening to know that people like MPJ are out there working hard on the big problems facing humanity.

我们可能再也没有获得Fun Fun Function视频了,但是令人振奋的是,知道像MPJ这样的人正在努力解决人类面临的重大问题。

And I will always be grateful for the many insights MPJ has left us with.


You can browse the full archive of his Fun Fun Function videos here.

您可以在此处浏览其Fun Fun Function视频的完整档案

And Mattias – if you're reading this – Godspeed on your future endeavors. Programmer YouTube won't be the same without you.

Mattias –如果您正在阅读本手册– Godspeed关于您未来的工作。 没有您,程序员YouTube不会一样。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/funfunfunction-mpj-developer-journey/





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