

I, like many programmers (I assume), struggle with focusing and staying on task. Every hour of every day it seems I am being bombarded with texts, emails, messages, tweets, and in-person interruptions. Not to mention all of the blog sites I like to check and the new videos from my favorite YouTubers.

我和许多程序员(我假设)一样,都在专注于并坚持执行任务上感到挣扎。 似乎每天每一小时,我都会被文本,电子邮件,消息,推文和面对面的打扰所包围。 更不用说我喜欢检查的所有博客网站和我最喜欢的YouTuber的新视频。

This has become a greater challenge as I consult, travel, and work remotely frequently. Here are some of the ways I have been able to maximize my output vs time efficiency and minimize interruptions.

当我经常进行咨询,旅行和远程工作时,这已成为一个更大的挑战。 这是我能够最大程度地提高输出效率与时间效率并最大程度减少中断的一些方法。

应用/网站拦截器 (App/Website Blockers)

Staying focused while working on the computer is never easy, but it has gotten ‘easier’ for me by using app and website blocker programs. Right now, I use a Mac for most of my work, and I also travel with one. Thus, some of the app specific information here is for Mac users. I also want to note here that desktop apps are better than browser plugins because they block across all browsers and desktop apps as well (plus if you are an app developer, you probably have enough plugins in your browser already). ?

在计算机上工作时集中精力从来都不是一件容易的事,但是通过使用应用程序和网站阻止程序,这对我来说变得“轻松”。 现在,我使用Mac进行大部分工作,并且也随身携带Mac。 因此,此处的某些特定于应用程序的信息适用于Mac用户。 我在这里还想指出,桌面应用程序比浏览器插件要好,因为它们也可以跨所有浏览器和桌面应用程序(此外,如果您是应用程序开发人员,则您的浏览器中可能已经有足够的插件)。 ?

So here are a few apps to help keep you focused:


  • Focus (Mac) - This is the app that I currently use which is Mac only and lets me block any website (on any browser) along with desktop applications. There are also options for me to write scripts inside the app to customize it. Another reason I love this app is that it’s one of the few out there that has a pretty good privacy policy.

    Focus (Mac)-这是我目前使用的应用程序,仅Mac,可以阻止任何网站(在任何浏览器上)以及桌面应用程序。 我还可以选择在应用程序内编写脚本以对其进行自定义。 我喜欢这个应用程式的另一个原因是,它是拥有良好隐私权政策的少数几个应用程序之一。

  • Cold Turkey (Windows) - I have not personally used this one, but it comes recommended and they seem to have a pretty good privacy policy - they use Matomo for analytics instead of Google, and they are very clear about how data is stored and used.

    Cold Turkey (Windows)-我个人没有使用过此工具,但建议使用它,并且它们似乎有很好的隐私权政策-他们使用Matomo而不是Google进行分析,并且非常清楚如何存储和使用数据。

  • Freedom (cross-platform) - Please do not use Freedom without reading their privacy policy! They admit in their ‘sharing > general use’ section that they sell personal information to advertisers for profit. And yet, so many people recommend and use this service. Yeah, no thanks.

    自由 (跨平台)-请在未阅读隐私政策的情况下使用自由! 他们在“共享>通用”部分中承认他们将个人信息出售给广告商以获取利润 。 但是,仍有很多人推荐并使用此服务。 是的,不用了

  • Browser Plugins - if you are using Chrome, there are lots of good options like Stay Focused which I used to use before switching to Firefox as my main browser. Firefox doesn’t seem to have anything comparable (Leech Block hasn’t worked for me, but some people like it) though I don’t really need this type of plugin while I’m using my desktop app. I do use exclusively browser-based plugins for Linux though, so I will try to find a better Firefox one again in the future.

    浏览器插件 -如果您使用的是Chrome浏览器,那么有很多不错的选择,例如“ 保持专注” ,在切换到Firefox作为主要浏览器之前,我曾经使用过。 Firefox似乎没有任何可比的功能( Leech Block不适用于我,但有些人喜欢它),尽管我在使用桌面应用程序时并不需要这种插件。 不过,我确实为Linux使用了专门基于浏览器的插件,因此将来我将尝试再次找到更好的Firefox。

I use these types of tools to create a schedule for myself and block out all news, social media, sports, and tech blog sites for most of the day. The Focus app (mentioned above) is nice because I can denote certain break times — sometimes I really do need to look at social to grab some info real quick so this gives me flexibility.

我使用这些类型的工具为自己创建时间表,并在一天的大部分时间里屏蔽所有新闻,社交媒体,体育和科技博客网站。 Focus应用程序(上面提到)非常好,因为我可以表示特定的休息时间-有时我确实需要真正关注社交才能快速获取一些信息,因此这给了我灵活性。

电话 (Phone)

I used to have so many social apps on my phone. I got rid of them years ago - Facebook, Twitter, and the whole lot. Now I have only educational apps, useful things like maps, and apps for phone calls/SMS/chat.

我手机上过去有很多社交应用。 几年前,我摆脱了它们-Facebook,Twitter和整个过程。 现在,我只有教育性应用程序,有用的东西(如地图)和用于电话/短信/聊天的应用程序。

Because chat and SMS messages are also distracting, I turned off notifications for them. I also turned off the ability to view them from my lock screen. This means I have to be very deliberate in unlocking my phone to look at messages.

由于聊天和SMS消息也使人分心,因此我关闭了它们的通知。 我还关闭了从锁定屏幕查看它们的功能。 这意味着我必须非常谨慎地解锁手机以查看消息。

I even took this a step further and moved all messaging and phone apps away from my home screen. I have them in folders where I have to swipe over to a new screen and then open the folder to find the app. This has salvaged so much time that I used to spend in mindlessly opening apps. I also blocked any apps/tools from being available on the lock screen. I can only enter my passcode or use the camera.

我什至更进一步,将所有消息和电话应用程序从主屏幕移开。 我将它们放在文件夹中,必须在其中滑动到新屏幕,然后打开文件夹以查找应用程序。 这节省了很多时间,以至于我过去常常花时间在无意识地打开应用程序上。 我还阻止了锁定屏幕上的所有应用程序/工具。 我只能输入密码或使用相机。

其他技巧 (Other Tips)

  • Timers - For especially difficult tasks or ones I just don’t want to do, I just start a timer. Once I’ve been doing it for at least 5 or 10 minutes, then usually I will keep doing it for an hour or more and just get it done. For some reason, timers change my mindset and get me to start things I would otherwise put off until later.

    计时器 -对于特别困难的任务或我不想做的任务,我只需启动一个计时器。 一旦执行了至少5或10分钟,通常我会继续执行一个小时或更长时间,然后将其完成。 出于某种原因,计时器改变了我的思维方式,让我着手开始否则会推迟的事情。

  • Schedule Planning - I schedule things monthly, weekly, and daily. If I know what I am doing and what I need to accomplish, I am much more mindful… I also schedule time for specifically checking social media.

    安排计划 -我每月,每周和每天安排事情。 如果我知道自己在做什么和需要完成什么,我会更加留心……我还将安排时间专门检查社交媒体。

  • Web Addresses - I don’t use autocomplete in my search bar. I find that if I have to type out the whole web address I am less likely to mindlessly visit social media pages.

    网址 -我在搜索栏中不使用自动填充功能。 我发现,如果必须输入整个网址,我不太可能无意识地访问社交媒体页面。

I found myself typing in two or three letters of a blog or social site and then it would just pop up. It was too easy. It is harder to use it as a distraction if you have to type out the full URL. Plus you give yourself enough time to consciously change your mind.

我发现自己在博客或社交网站中输入了两个或三个字母,然后它就会弹出。 太容易了。 如果您必须输入完整的URL,则很难将其用作干扰。 另外,您还给自己足够的时间来有意识地改变主意。

These first two are phenomenal books that have changed my life and made me way more focused and productive.


  • Getting Things Done - This book hands down changed my life. I was getting really frustrated with my level of productivity before I read this. I cannot recommend it enough. Just an aside: I use Nirvanahq to manage my projects and actions as recommended in the book.

    完成事情 -这本书的传承改变了我的生活。 在阅读本文之前,我对自己的生产率水平感到非常沮丧。 我不能推荐它。 顺便说一句 :我按照书中的建议使用Nirvanahq管理我的项目和操作。

  • Deep Work - Excellent book on the how and why of maintaining deep focus.

    深入工作 -关于如何以及为什么保持深入关注的极好的书。

  • 4 Hour Workweek - I also got some ideas about outsourcing and delegating tasks in this book. Using some of these methods has helped me spend more quality time working on important tasks.

    4周工作周 -本书还提供了一些有关外包和委派任务的想法。 使用其中一些方法有助于我将更多的时间花在处理重要任务上。

结论 (Conclusion)

I’m not perfect and my methods aren’t either. These are just the things that have helped me. If you have any other suggestions, let me know.

我并不完美,我的方法也不是。 这些只是帮助了我的事情。 如果您还有其他建议,请告诉我。

Thanks for reading my article and have a nice day :)


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/staying-focused-distraction-free-programming-943f10335c56/


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