

In this article, we’ll discuss how to pimp up your developer profile in a few short steps.


Being an eloquent developer is not easy. We’re used to expressing feelings and emotions through a keyboard. We’re viewed as weird, and I can understand that. But, I don’t understand why some of our co-workers in the tech world think we’re lazy.

成为有才华的开发人员并不容易。 我们习惯于通过键盘表达感觉和情感。 我们被认为很奇怪,我可以理解。 但是,我不明白为什么我们在科技界的一些同事认为我们很懒。

Developers are lazy…


How many times have I heard this before. If I had a penny for every time someone exclaimed this with a smug look on their face, I’d have almost no money at all, because of inflation. But that’s beside the point.

我以前听过几次。 如果我每次都得一分钱,每当有人脸上洋洋得意的表情来赞美时,由于通货膨胀,我几乎没有钱。 但这不是重点。

What I’m saying is that for some reason we’re viewed as detached, introverted, lazy individuals. Our co-workers think we only care about the challenge of creating awesome software. Are they right?

我的意思是,出于某种原因,我们被视为独立,内向,懒惰的人。 我们的同事认为我们只关心创建出色软件的挑战。 对吗

I don’t think so. We’re not eager to spend time on something we don’t like. Have you ever met a developer who looked forward to writing a résumé, or even a cover letter? We all hate it.

我不这么认为。 我们不希望将时间花在我们不喜欢的事情上。 您是否遇到过一个期待撰写简历甚至求职信的开发人员? 我们都讨厌它。

Why should I waste my precious time writing stupid resumes when I can write awesome code!?


Even though I agree with this statement, the market, and recruiters, do not. They need a concrete physical representation of your skill set. A résumé is the old school way.

即使我同意这一说法,市场和招聘人员也不同意。 他们需要您的技能组合的具体物理表示。 简历是老派的方式。

这是我在2018年增补开发人员资料的方法。 (Here’s my method of spicing up your developer profile in 2018.)

1.为开源做贡献 (1. Contribute to Open Source)

The first step is to put yourself out there. Be bold! Be brave and explore new opportunities. Feel free to join a community where you can contribute pull requests. What’s a better start than freeCodeCamp?

第一步是把自己放在那里。 大胆! 勇于探索新机会。 随意加入一个社区,您可以在其中贡献请求请求。 有什么比freeCodeCamp更好的起点?

Remember, no contribution is too small. Everything you do is a contribution. You will receive a thank you, come again for your help. Documenting code, or writing translations are both important things you can pitch in on.

请记住,没有贡献太小。 您所做的一切都是一种贡献 。 您会收到感谢,再次为您提供帮助。 编写代码或编写翻译都是您可以投入的重要内容。

Not all open source contributions are masterpieces of engineering. Teamwork and a sense of unity breeds good software and healthy minds. Your first pull request may be a piece of documentation. Who knows, your tenth may be fixing a breaking bug in a famous module.

并非所有开源贡献都是工程学的杰作。 团队合作和团结精神孕育了良好的软件和健康的头脑。 您的第一个拉取请求可能是一份文档。 谁知道,您的十分之一可能正在修复一个著名模块中的一个严重错误。

What I want you to take out of this is to not be insecure. Use the power of GitHub to meet like-minded developers and create new projects you want to work on. Submitting pull requests to your own repository doesn’t mean it’s any less of a contribution to open source!

我希望你从中得到的是没有不安全感 。 使用GitHub的功能与志趣相投的开发人员会面,并创建您要处理的新项目。 将拉取请求提交到您自己的存储库并不意味着它对开源有所贡献!

2.展示您的开源贡献 (2. Showcase your Open Source contributions)

If you’re not going to toot your own horn, who will? Use the tools at your disposal to showcase your work. You need to show people what you have done. Make it visible to the public and in your face to the world. No one is going to dig through your profile for info, unless they’re the FBI. Make sure to keep the things you’re proud of where they’re easy to see.

如果您不想吹牛角,谁会呢? 使用您可以使用的工具来展示您的作品。 您需要向人们展示您的所作所为。 使它对公众可见,并且全世界都可以看到。 除非他们是FBI,否则没有人会挖掘您的个人资料以获取信息。 确保将您引以为豪的东西放在容易看到的地方

Start with GitHub — it’s a social network. Treat it as one! Stop wasting time on Facebook and Instagram (Mark, if you’re reading this, please don’t delete my profile). Add a proper profile image, so people can recognize you. Write a cool and funny description about yourself that shows who you are in real life.

从GitHub开始-这是一个社交网络。 当作一个! 别再在Facebook和Instagram上浪费时间了(马克,如果您正在阅读,请不要删除我的个人资料)。 添加适当的个人资料图片,以便其他人可以认出您。 写一个关于自己的有趣而有趣的描述,以显示您在现实生活中的身份。

Feel free to tell the world what you’re working on. There’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed of! Make sure to pick a few repos you’re particularly proud of and pin them to your GitHub profile. I’d also urge you to star what you like and follow the developers who inspire you. They tend to follow back. We’re all regular people, you know.

随时告诉世界您正在做什么。 绝对没有什么可耻的! 确保选择一些您特别引以为豪的仓库,并将其固定到您的GitHub个人资料中。 我还敦促您给喜欢的人加注星标,并跟随激发您灵感的开发商。 他们倾向于跟进。 我们都是普通人,你知道。

You can also use tools which use the GitHub APIs to visualize your contributions. One of them is Sourcerer.io, and they have a GitHub sign-in option. Here’s a sample of how my profile looks on Sourcerer.

您还可以使用使用GitHub API的工具来可视化您的贡献 。 其中之一是Sourcerer.io ,并且它们具有GitHub登录选项。 这是我的个人资料在Sourcerer上的外观示例

This app gives you an awesome graph representation of your public repositories. You can add private as well, but it’s not mandatory. This one app can document all the code history you have written since the beginning of time! That’s just cool.

这个应用程序为您提供了公共存储库的出色图形表示。 您也可以添加私有,但这不是强制性的。 这个应用程序可以记录您自开始以来编写的所有代码历史记录! 太酷了。

Apart from Sourcerer there’s another tiny app you can use. But, it can only show a graph for your public repos. It’s called GitHub Profile Summary, and you can take a look at my profile below. Feel free to check out your own by clicking here!

除了Sourcerer之外,您还可以使用另一个小应用程序。 但是,它只能显示您的公共存储库的图形。 它称为GitHub Profile Summary ,您可以在下面查看我的个人资料。 点击这里随意检查自己的

3.教别人 (3. Teach others)

You may think this step is already covered with open source contribution, but trust me it’s not. You’re still contributing to the community, yet in a very different way.

您可能会认为开源贡献已经涵盖了这一步骤,但是请相信我没有。 您仍然以不同的方式为社区做出贡献。

Teaching others will solidify your own knowledge in a subject. More importantly, you’re educating the next generation of developers. Try making the community a better place to co-exist in. It will cause you to stand out in the eyes of a company ready to hire new talent.

教别人会巩固您在一个学科上的知识。 更重要的是,您正在教育下一代开发人员。 尝试使社区成为一个更好的共存场所。这将使您在准备雇用新人才的公司中脱颖而出。

Having credit behind you as a teacher will give you well-earned respect in the community. This shows the character of someone who does not shy away from a challenge, or a mentoring role within a company.

成为老师会给您带来荣誉,这会给您在社区中赢得的尊重。 这表明了一个不回避挑战或在公司内担任指导角色的人的性格。

Some of the best product managers and team leads are great mentors and teachers. They should be the leading force, leading the team down a path to success.

一些最好的产品经理和团队负责人是伟大的导师和老师。 他们应该是领导力量,带领团队走上成功之路。

Learning how to teach can be a big part of your progress as an individual and a developer.

作为一个人和一个开发人员, 学习如何 教学可能是您进步的很大一部分

4.在活动中交谈 (4. Talk at events)

We’ve reached my absolute favorite thing on the list!


Apart from being my favorite, it’s also the hardest. Stage fright is a normal thing. Everybody has it, and developers are no different. But, talking is a skill, and like coding, it can be mastered with practice.

除了是我的最爱,它也是最难的。 怯场是正常的事情。 每个人都拥有它,开发人员也不例外。 但是,交谈是一种技能,就像编码一样,可以通过练习来掌握。

Even though you might not have made any open source contributions, you can still make a positive impact in the community. Do a meetup talk explaining a cool topic. It can help out your fellow developers a lot!

即使您可能没有做出任何开源贡献,您仍然可以在社区中产生积极的影响。 做一次聚会演讲,解释一个很酷的话题。 它可以帮助您的其他开发人员很多!

The world works in mysterious ways. If you focus on giving, it will start giving back to you. If you put effort into building a developer community in your hometown, you’ll see job offers flooding in.

世界以神秘的方式运转。 如果您专注于奉献,它将开始回馈您。 如果您努力在自己的家乡建立开发人员社区,就会看到大量的工作机会。

If you can’t find any events, create your own. The freeCodeCamp group in my hometown of Sarajevo was dormant before I jumped in as a local leader. Now, one year later, we’ve had 10 meetups with interesting speakers every time. The majority of them were our own campers.

如果找不到任何事件,请创建自己的事件。 在我担任当地领导人之前,我家乡萨拉热窝freeCodeCamp小组处于Hibernate状态。 一年后的现在,我们已经有10次聚会,每次都有有趣的演讲者。 他们中的大多数是我们自己的露营者。

Note: Just a shout out to the folks at freeCodeCamp Sarajevo. What a wonderful group of people you are. It has been a true pleasure hosting camp sites with all of you. If you folks reading are dropping by Sarajevo any time soon, feel free to hit us up on Facebook.

注意 :在freeCodeCamp萨拉热窝向人们大喊大叫。 你真是一群很棒的人。 与所有人一起举办露营地是我的荣幸。 如果您很快就会在萨拉热窝旁阅读,请随时在Facebook上我们联系

5.记录一切 (5. Document everything)

For everything above to make any sense, you need to be smart. This means documenting everything. Use smart social networks like LinkedIn and Twitter.

为了使以上所有内容有意义,您需要变得聪明。 这意味着要记录所有内容。 使用像LinkedIn和Twitter这样的智能社交网络。

Everything I mentioned above should be added to your LinkedIn profile. Every job and volunteering gig. Every event you spoke at, every lecture you may have taught. Everything goes on your LinkedIn profile.

我上面提到的所有内容都应添加到您的LinkedIn个人资料中。 每一份工作和义工演出。 您讲的每件事,您可能教过的每堂课。 一切都会在您的LinkedIn个人资料上进行。

Make sure to add all relevant links to your GitHub, Medium, blog, personal website, and even Sourcerer. LinkedIn will become your new central hub for all the things you do in your work life.

确保将所有相关链接添加到GitHub,Medium,博客,个人网站,甚至Sourcerer 。 LinkedIn将成为您工作中所有工作的新中心枢纽。

If that doesn’t feed your hunger to spice things up, you can always jump into the crazy world of Twitter. One cool way of building your developer profile is to use Twitter as a timeline for your progress. Use it to post your progress on a regular basis. Tell people about the things you’re working on. A great way to use Twitter is the #100DaysOfCode challenge. Read this article to get started.

如果那不能解决您的饥饿问题,您可以随时进入Twitter的疯狂世界。 建立开发人员资料的一种很酷的方法是使用Twitter作为进度的时间表。 使用它定期发布进度。 告诉别人您正在做的事情。 #100DaysOfCode挑战是使用Twitter的好方法。 阅读本文开始。

结语 (Wrapping up)

By following these simple steps, I’m sure you’ll soon see progress in both your mental health and work life.


It won’t be easy — change does not come over night. Keep working hard and follow the rough guidelines above. Rest assured that by this time next year, you’ll never need to rely solely on a traditional résumé ever again!

这并非易事-改变不会一夜之间发生。 继续努力,并遵循上面的粗略准则。 请放心,到明年这个时候,您将不再需要完全依赖传统的简历!

Final words of advice. You have to want to do everything I outlined above. You have to be honest with yourself. If you’re not 100% invested in the things you’re doing, there’s no point in doing them. Your insincerity will be visible by your peers. Before you start, ask yourself one simple question: What do I really want? Then, stick with it.

最后的建议。 你必须要做我上面列出的一切。 你必须对自己诚实 。 如果您没有100%投资正在做的事情,那么就没有意义。 您的不诚实将在您的同伴中可见。 在开始之前,请问自己一个简单的问题: 我真正想要什么? 然后,坚持下去。

Hope you guys and girls enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Do you think this guide will be of help to someone? Do not hesitate to share.

希望你们和我喜欢写这本书一样喜欢阅读。 您认为本指南对某人有帮助吗? 不要犹豫,分享。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-pimp-out-your-developer-profile-and-leave-your-old-resume-in-the-dust-3655b0c04c05/


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